rogue shifter 06 - torn apart (24 page)

BOOK: rogue shifter 06 - torn apart
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"Trophy date. I hate to break it to you, but marriage is not in the cards for us, Salina. Try not to get upset. Your mascara will run." He walked closer and took my hand. "You do dance, don't you?"


"Fine. We'll practice." Music filled the room, sounding smooth and sexy. I liked it. He pulled me closer to his body, then started moving gracefully. Why was I not surprised that this demon could dance? I noticed that he'd shot me up at least three inches taller than my usual 5'9", making me six feet tall without shoes. Add in the heels on my boots I was much closer to his 6'6".

"You like tall females?"

"Height is status-related."

"But can't you all just be any old height you want?"

"Those of lower status would not dare change their height to be above those of a higher status demon. It's all part of the game."

"Like a pissing contest. Only up instead of out."

"Exactly," he laughed. "I've heard they're serving some very exotic dishes."

I looked down at my chest, realizing with shock that I couldn't see my feet. "I feel like the main course."

"Many there will covet you. I'll so enjoy that."

"That's why you made me so, um—not like myself? So womanly? This is what's considered attractive in the DR?"

He looked me up and down. "Pretty much everywhere, I think. There are even some seelie who would drool over you." He saw my irritation. "Jacqueline, you're the perfect build for a cheetah, but I'm sure you've noticed that many female wolves are somewhat curvier."

I thought about Aaron's mate, Cathy and Katrina, Gabe's mom. "Well, maybe. So my back story's the same?"

"You've moved up in status from personal assistant to new lover."

"Uh huh. And where am I from again?" I needed the refresher.

"You are the widow of Wren Fraunkle. I disposed of him recently because he insulted me in public. At least that's what the gossip mill believes. Afterward, I obtained all of his property including his wife, a wolf from Chicago. I actually did defeat Wren, so this works out perfectly. The closer you stick to the truth the easier it is to propagate the lie."

He spun me around slowly taking a good long look. "Attending a public affair with an unattractive female lowers one's credibility. I do have a reputation to protect." I scowled and he raised his hands in submission. "It wouldn't be safe for you to attend as yourself."

"Couldn't you have come up with a better name, at least?"

"The name is real, Salina Hernandez Fraunkle. I tortured Wren for a week to get information and when he died I took his wife and all of his possessions. She was not up to my standards, so I sent her back to her pack. I believe she's already dating again."

"You really tortured and murdered him because he insulted you?"

He huffed out an angry breath. "I told you that was the gossip. It's true Wren owed me money. but after researching his operation I discovered that he ran a slave ring. Some of his victims were children. Would you like the details?" he snarled at me.

I took a step back when I noticed his eyes glow orange with anger. "Oh, well, good. I'm glad he's dead."

"I shut down the entire ring." We'd been dancing several inches apart, nothing too personal going on. However, to annoy me, he spun me around to throw me off balance and then moved his body even closer, an evil glint in his eye.

"Uh, Isaiah. I don't think this is a good idea." He'd pressed his hand firmly against my lower back and held me there even though I tried to move away by pushing on his shoulders.

"We're going into enemy territory to get important information. I don't often attend these affairs so they will be suspicious of my motives. We must make them believe that we're lovers and not spies and that I'm there to flaunt you." He brushed a lock of hair off my face. "I'm going to kiss you now."

He wasn't asking for permission. Before I could say another word, he tilted his head and kissed me, and it wasn't one of those sweet little pecks either. It was a capital K Kiss, with sensuous lips and tongue and even teeth. At first I was in shock, but as soon as my brain started to work, I pushed him away. He moved, even though he could have held me there without much effort. I backed away as he smiled, licking his lips and tasting my lipstick.

I took a step closer and slapped him hard across the face, but he only grinned more widely as he rubbed his cheek. "Both of our lives could be at risk if we don't convince Mother's minions that we're an item. A kiss is a harmless distraction, but if done correctly, it can convince the strongest magic user of our sincerity."

"You won't be doing that again." I rubbed my hand, which was stinging from the well-deserved slap.

He moved toward me. "I will." I continued to back away until he had me up against the far wall. "When you're in the DR you work for me. You will not in any way be betraying Garrett. If he is so insecure as to think that a kiss without an emotional connection is threatening, then your relationship is not as strong as you might think. Simply imagine yourself as playing a role. You're a spy for the good guys."

"You could've warned me." I spat.

"I did."

"I didn't think you meant it."

"Obviously you were wrong." He laughed.

I sucked in another breath."So, you want me to pretend that I love you?"

"Oh no. You'll pretend that we're lovers. That we're physically attracted to each other and making good use of our free time. You understand the difference?"

Wrapping my arms around my body, I walked to the window and looked out at the oddly shaded sky and sea."I've never had that kind of relationship. There's only been Garrett. We fell in love quickly."

"It's all about satisfying the body's needs and not the soul's. What you have with Garrett is what most beings strive for. Most of us settle for the other. It will involve no more than a few kisses and caresses." I didn't turn around or answer him.  His voice grew louder. "Will you play your part tonight, or shall we renegotiate our bargain?"

"I can't..."

"Did my kiss turn you on?"

"No, of course not!" I twirled to face him, horrified that he'd ask me that.

"Me either. I prefer older, more experienced females who don't-talk-back." He leaned very close. "At the party you will be on your best behavior, little wolf. Keep in mind, the information we gain will be vital to Charlie's future safety."

Well, he had me there. Mr. Master Manipulator knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted from me. I lifted my chin, sullenly determined to do whatever was necessary. "I'm in." We nodded in the usual demon way to indicate we'd reached an understanding.

Hey, I guess I could play the sexy spy as well as the next girl. Anyway, he was right. The kiss had just been a kiss. Garrett's kisses made me weak in the knees and wanting to kiss him again and again. Other than shock, Isaiah's kiss had no affect on my body at all. Most importantly, he wasn't in my mind trying to
me to want him, the way Kennet had. I shuddered, recalling the times Kennet had raped my mind and then my body.

Seeming to read my thoughts, he lifted my chin so I'd look into his dark eyes. I was surprised to find some sadness there. "I'm not Kennet. We make it look good at the party so they aren't suspicious. Then we get as much intel as possible and we leave. Simple."

Waving a hand, he was suddenly dressed in a black tunic and pants that molded to his body beautifully, both made of expensive fabrics. His long chestnut hair fell loosely down his back except for warrior braids on the sides which were decorated with colored crystals. His feet were clad in high leather boots like mine, making me wonder if we were riding into battle instead of attending a party. Along with the jewel encrusted dagger in a sheath at his trim waist, he wore an air of intense excitement. Quite the hottie.

Closing my eyes, I gave myself a brief moment to visualize myself at home cuddling with Garrett, finding strength in his smile. When I opened them again, Isaiah was holding out his arm like a Victorian gentleman about to lead me to the ball. I rested my hand on his elbow and we dissolved into the lines.



As soon as we walked through the archway and into the foyer of the chateau, a goblin appeared, taking our capes and motioning us toward an interior double door that seemed to be made of gold. The doors swung open of their own accord and we found ourselves on a sort of stage, with the guests who'd already arrived spread out on a large dance floor below us. Several groups looked up in surprise, many of them whispering Isaiah's name. Before long, a crowd had formed.

I gave them a quick glance and then turned back to glare at my escort, whispering, "You didn't get the memo? They're all wearing burgundy or red. We're the only ones in black."

"You look spectacular. I never follow the fashion trends. I create my own." He pulled me closer and began to readjust the neck of my tunic, opening the top two buttons and pulling the collar down so a hint of the red silk lining showed, just enough to make it look like we were giving a nod to the color choice made by everyone else. This also gave them a gander at my cleavage which Isaiah seemed to enjoy.

I whispered in his ear. "Eyes on my face."

"I'm just admiring my masterpiece."

The names of the couple in front of us were being announced loudly by a shorter demon wearing a fire engine red surcoat. Then it was our turn to step forward.
"We begin, Salina."
Just like that, he'd opened a mental link between us, breaking through my shields without even asking. "
Lovers, remember?"
He'd noticed my anger. "
You have my permission to scold me later

I rolled my eyes.
"Like I need your permission
." I heard a soft growl, so I smiled at my annoying boss, playing along as best I could and trying not to push my luck past the point of no return.

The brightly-clad demon nodded deeply toward Isaiah and ignored me completely. Isaiah spoke to him in Rux, mentioning my fake name and then handing him a gold coin. The announcer turned to the crowd. "Isaiah, second spawn of the Archedemon, the Bassilissa Naberia, and his guest, Salina Hernandez."

"Thank you, Jolefex." He pulled another gold coin out of his pocket and placed it in the speaker's outstretched hand.

As we walked down the steps to make room for the four demons behind us, I whispered, "Why did you pay him?"

"If I didn't pay him a fair amount, which is normally one gold piece, he might mess up our names on purpose and I would lose face. It wouldn't be good for my reputation. I gave him two, so he'd spread the word among the servants that a royal who pays well is attending the gathering. We'll get better service all around."

A servant was walking by with what looked like wine. I reached for a glass, but Isaiah pulled my hand back, clutching it tightly and turning my body toward his. "No matter how much gold I pay, there are only a few servants that I trust and he isn't one of them." He glanced around the room and signaled to another goblin. Isaiah handed him two gold pieces and asked for wine for both of us.

"Are you afraid they'll spill it on you?" I joked.

He lifted my long red hair away from my left ear and leaned it to whisper. "No. But I'd rather they don't poison us. Now smile as if I'm telling you something you really like."

I smiled, running my hand down his arm and trying to look flirty. I glanced past him at two males who were arguing about something, definitely not in the party mood.
I laughed out loud, drawing the attention of some of the other guests, then sent, "
What is this place

"I told you. It's a celebration. A typical party where demons try to maneuver themselves into better positions on the political or social hierarchy using any means possible, even poison. For instance, tonight I've arrived with the most beautiful woman in the room. That ups my status."

"Glad I can help." I grumbled, noticing that many of the other females in the room were frowning at me. "
But you're a royal. Doesn't that mean your status is always high up?"

"As far as magical power and wealth, yes. But there are so many other level markers. For instance, whoever currently has the archdemon's favor, is high on the pyramid."

Not me, that's for sure."
I scowled.

He laughed, then spoke out loud. "I hope those boots are comfortable because I intend to dance with you all night." He gave my cheek a kiss. "I don't often get the chance to have fun."

I reverted to mindspeak again. "
I thought touching me gave you the creeps."

"Not when you're using demon magic."

"Am I?"

"It's natural for you now. Like breathing."

"Isaiah." A male walked over, holding two goblets. He spoke a few short sentences in Rux.

"I prefer to converse in English this evening, Kobe. I'm entertaining my newest acquisition and she only speaks English. Salina, this is Kobe." The stranger touched behind his ear and nodded. Being a wolf, it wouldn't have been proper for me to nod back in the demon way.

I smiled vacantly, trying to look harmless. "Hello."

"Isaiah, haven't you offered this lovely female a drink? You are a very poor escort." The male was tall, like Isaiah, and quite good looking, with dark blue eyes and blonde hair. His gaze was intense as he offered me the goblet. "Punch, Salina?"

"I looked down at the steaming orange liquid, and then shyly back at the handsome demon. "No, thank you, sir. I'll only drink what my lord provides for me."

Just as Kobe opened his mouth to protest, the bribed servant returned with our wine. Isaiah took the goblets off the tray and handed me mine, sending.
"Deliciously submissive, little wolf
." I blew him a teasing kiss. To Kobe it looked flirty, but Isaiah knew I was flipping him off.

To Kobe he said, "I ordered a special vintage." He rattled something off in Rux and Kobe's eyebrows shot up. "I'd never allow her to drink that generic blend." He pointed to the ugly brew.

BOOK: rogue shifter 06 - torn apart
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