rogue shifter 06 - torn apart (6 page)

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I'd been suspicious at first, but Liam had sworn to me that no fae had manipulated the weather. Even though I'd sensed a teasing note in his disclaimer, I wasn't about to ask for a rainstorm instead.

One of my biggest worries had to do with Lord Caelen fitting in, since being a Fae Elder of Cascade he should be addressed and treated as a visiting dignitary. Fae festivities were playful, but not usually loud. I was keeping my fingers crossed that he didn't find the festivities too noisy. I'd also assigned Ethan and the vamps to keep Kyle and his mouth away from Caelen's table.

We'd also put down a small dance floor and hired a D.J., all Ethan's idea—but it had been a good one since just about every supernatural I knew liked to dance. We had about thirty people coming, not counting the five kids. There were also instruments available if anyone decided they wanted to entertain the group. Many of our friends were talented musicians who didn't often find the time to play.

We'd asked Charlie if he wanted a 'Character' or a 'Clown' and he'd laughed and said we already had those people coming. I didn't ask him to elaborate, but could guess who he meant. We did get him one of those blow-up bouncy castle things, which was set up behind the villa so he wouldn't be able to see it until the party started. I couldn't wait to see his face.

In a different world, we wouldn't have had a blowout party for a kid's fifth birthday, but this would be the first one he'd be able to enjoy as a healthy little boy, and Garrett and I wanted it to be special.

I jumped in the shower after I'd listened at Charlie's door and heard Garrett helping our son with a chord while Jay beat on the drum. The little bear was practically shouting, "One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four..."
in marching band time.
I knew the boys were serious about learning their song because earlier in the day
they hadn't appeared for lunch. I'd sent in a few sandwiches, some fruit and juice, not forgetting Farrell who was extremely patient when it came to dealing with the kids. In fact all three fae guards were extraordinary. Liam had chosen well, picking from quite a few who'd volunteered for the dubious "honor".

When I reemerged, dressed in the outfit Garrett had chosen for me, I knocked on their door.

Charlie answered, only opening the door a crack. "Mommy, we're surprising you, so if you come in it won't work." He looked me over and opened the door a little wider. "You look pretty. Daddy's helping us."

Garrett got up, pulling me inside to hug me in front of the boys. "You look lovely, Mrs. Cuvier. May I have the first dance tonight?" The dress was casual and comfortable, fitted on top and swirly on the bottom, made of a lovely fabric and style that fit my slim body to perfection.

"Thank you, Monsieur Cuvier. Yes you may, that is if you can catch me." I leaned against him, taking in a deep lungful of his scent. Dancing wasn't really my thing and I tended to avoid it whenever possible.

"Why do they call each other Mr. and Mrs.?" Jay asked, looking confused.

"That's 'cause they're lifemates." Charlie explained. "And they like to sniff each other 'cause they're cheetahs, like me."

"Leopards and bears like to sniff too." Jay added.

"I think I have to leave before I start laughing. They both look so serious."

"I'll get them focused on the music while you sneak out."

"Good plan."

"Let's allow Mom to leave so we can get back to the song. She has more to do for the party."

"Okay. Bye, Mom!"

"Bye, Aunt Jackie." I waved and shut the door behind me, then walked into the kitchen where Sasha was arguing with Liam.

"You didn't buy beer? You can't have a party without beer."

"The fae drink wine as do Garrett and Jackie. The menu doesn't really call for beer..."

"Yeah but a lot of the shifters and werewolves drink beer. And Heinrich too."

I walked into the room and moved between them. "I'll call Ethan and he'll pick up the beer."

"Rick made a run to the liquor store last night, so we have everything else. I just assumed Liam was getting beer."

"Liam's been cooking non-stop." I turned in his direction. "In fact I think you should take off and relax for a couple of hours. I can handle heating the appetizers. Come back when you're ready."

"I'll return in an hour." He gave me a nod and Sasha a
, then beamed out.

"Why can't you two get along?" I asked, giving Sash a playful shove for good measure. He took it in stride, leaning back against the kitchen counter, smiling.

And when Sasha smiled, or even when he didn't, it was hard to take your eyes off of him. A 6'2" blonde, blue-eyed Adonis with the body and skills of an incredible martial artist, he was definitely more than just eye candy. Sash was Garrett's second in the nest and deserved that position, having risked his life many times to protect us.

Garrett's first encounters with Sasha had not been happy ones, since Sash was Eleanor's primary enforcer and therefore in charge of torturing many of her innocent victims. He and Heinrich had been compelled to torture Garrett several times as well, but my mate understood that they'd abhorred the job and despised the female who'd forced them to behave like monsters. So when Garrett took down Eleanor in a duel, he gave them a choice. They could join his nest and live by
rules, a rigid set that protected innocent lives, or they could die. They both chose life, and under Garrett's leadership, they've found a certain degree of happiness.

Sash shrugged. "Liam's great to have along on a job, but he's too uptight with Charlie."

"He's a Dad himself now, so it's normal for him to be protective of Charlie, too."

"He told me the other night that I shouldn't take the kid up to my studio. I asked him why and he said because the paint fumes might affect Charlie's health. I told him that I wouldn't open the paint tubes and he told me there were still residual fumes. I told him I'd open the windows and he still said no. Then I told him to fuck off. I don't think he liked that very much."

"Why don't you set up a couple of easels outside on the patio. Or start him off sketching with charcoal. That way he gets to draw and we keep the peace with Liam."

"Your son's already asked about drawing and painting. I think he'd like to learn." We took a look toward Charlie's room when we heard Aislin knock. Farrell must have finished his shift and gone home to Faerie.

Charlie opened the door and squealed. "Lady Aislin, look what Jay and me can do! Daddy's helping." She nodded in our direction with a smile and then went inside. Charlie peeked at me then closed the door again.

"Are the sisters coming tonight?" Sash was referring to the fae warriors, Kaera, and her younger sister, Brina. Vampires were attracted to the fae, because their blood was considered not only powerful, but unbelievably delicious. Plus fae females were not uptight at all about sex, making them ideal companions for a couple of promiscuous vampires, especially two that had proven themselves to be capable warriors. The sisters were particular in that way.

"They sent gifts so I assume, no. Lord Caelen will be here so try to keep you clothes on during the party."

Sasha broke out in laughter. "Jacqueline, a risqué joke? Really? I'm proud of you."

"It was regarding proper decorum."

"Can I take my shirt off when I'm dancing?" His voice was a little husky, making my cheeks warm. He always got such a kick out of watching me blush.

"Depends on what you call dancing." His smile and sparkling eyes told me everything I needed to know and a lot I'd rather not. "If Lord Caelen is still here, please leave it on. After midnight, do whatever. The kids'll be asleep by then." Sash and Rick had invited a couple of female shifters to the party—and vamps will be vamps.

All the children were having a sleep-over in the large family room in our basement, guarded by Aislin and her cousin Noriene. We'd set up folding cots and had movies stacked up for them to choose from, hoping that they'd fall asleep around ten or eleven. Their parents were also invited to sleep over in one of our guest bedrooms, but I had a sneaky feeling that most of them would head home for a quiet night alone together.

"I will remain clothed, Mistress," he teased, including a low bow for emphasis. I rolled my eyes in response, drawing an impish grin from the handsome Slav. We'd argued good-naturedly for years about him calling me mistress, but it seemed that I had too much on my plate these days to continue the fight—at least for now.

"Have you heard from Flynn?" I asked. Flynn was a lion shifter who'd tried to kill himself when he found out he wasn't human. We'd kept him with us for two years, putting him up in the vamp villa and helping him adjust by getting him to a social worker and easing him into the shifter lifestyle as gently as possible. Then, much to our surprise, he'd applied and been accepted to a pre-med program at Stanford University, hoping to one day give back to his community in a much-needed way. I knew another lion shifter at the local hospital who was an accomplished surgeon, and also several nurses and dentists, so maybe it was something in a lion's DNA that pointed them toward that particular career path.

"Flynn's doing great. Rick visited him last week and said the guy has a hot leopard girlfriend who's also pre-med and that he's sailing through his exams without a problem. Seems like our boy's going to be just fine."

I asked Sash to come back with Rick at 5:30 to get the trays of appetizers and carry them to the buffet tables, then I finished straightening the kitchen, ensuring that Liam wouldn't scold me for leaving a mess.

I knocked once more on Charlie's bedroom door. He opened it a crack. "People will start arriving in an hour. Daddy will give you a bath,"

"I'm just gonna get dirty again outside." He pouted.

Garrett, who'd been sitting cross-legged with his guitar stretched across his lap, laughed, saying, "Listen to mom. She's the boss when it comes to birthday parties." Indicating that Charlie should put his new guitar back in the case, Garrett's body flowed like mercury as he rose to a standing position, placing his own instrument on the bed. He picked Charlie up, swinging him to his shoulders with ease. "Allez viens, mon petit guepard, Jay can watch TV."

"Doesn't he need a bath too?" Charlie inspected Jay, making the kid look down at himself uncomfortably.

"That's up to Kyle and Peter. Anyway, it's your birthday. You have to look neat until everyone gets here, then you can run around all you want."

"Tell Daddy about what happened with Jay's wrist."

"Oh, okay." As they passed, Garrett leaned down and kissed my cheek, making our son giggle. I guided Jay to the TV in the corner of the kitchen where he settled down to watch a Pixar film with a small bag of pretzels and a juice box. Kyle had gone home to pick up Peter.

I motioned for Aislin to sit. "Would you like coffee?"

"I would prefer herbal tea, if that is available." I nodded and put up the tea kettle, deciding to join her.

"I have news, Jacqueline." Sinlae was instantly by my side, having been mentally alerted by Aislin that she should come into the house for the conference. Sometimes those instant responses were spooky. "Lord Kennet's sister reported to the Elders that her brother has permission from the queen to see his son, now that Charlie is well."

I didn't say anything, which made Aislin look at Sinlae and then back at me. "I see that this is not news to you." She watched both of us, waiting for one of us to confirm or deny her statement. She leaned closer. "I suggest that you tell Lord Caelen whatever has been discussed between you and Lord Kennet. We cannot protect Charlie if we do not know the truth."

I took a moment to pour the tea, then sat again. "Please believe me when I say that I am not able to speak to anyone regarding what you've told me."

She arched an eyebrow and glanced at the demi-fey. "Sinlae..."

"I also cannot speak." She crossed her arms and lifted her chin as her wings beat furiously to hold her in the air.

"And Garrett?" I nodded. "And...?" I shook my head.

She frowned after taking a sip of her tea. "The queen is indeed powerful, but..."

"I'm sorry." I interrupted.

We sipped our tea in silence. "You have said nothing to place Charlie in danger. I will inform Lord Caelen privately of all that you have
told me." Aislin's smile was ironic.



Two hours in, the party was going great, although Sammy and Jay had bumped heads while bouncing on the blow-up castle. Jay only had a bruise and was already jumping again while Sammy was crying on Aaron's lap with an ice bag against his forehead.

Aaron smiled at me over the boy's head. "You'll be okay, Sam. Your head just isn't as hard as Jay's."

"He jumps too high, Dad." He sniffed, obviously starting to feel better.

"He's got long legs, he can't help it. You'll have long legs too one day."

Charlie had come running over as soon as he'd heard. "I can make it feel better faster than ice bags."

Lord Caelen will want to see this."
I sent to Garrett and Liam as Aaron looked at me curiously.

After Charlie did his thing, surrounded by a group of curious fae, he and Sammy went running off to kick the soccer ball around, because Sammy felt that "soccer's much cooler than bouncing". He was joined by Grady, who'd announced thirty minutes earlier that he was going to be a professional soccer player.

"Isn't Charlie awfully young to be coming into powers?" Aaron asked after the kids had gone.

Caelen answered. "Liam was able to heal others at an early age. Perhaps healer powers simply appear when needed."

The music started up again so I slouched down in my chair. I'd already enjoyed a few dances with Garrett and felt that I'd fulfilled my quota. Unfortunately, Ethan, an amazing dancer and my closest friend on the team, used his cougar senses to sniff me out and pull me onto the dance floor. My moves, such as they were, had improved over the years, but I still felt awkward compared to most of the supes who'd grown up dancing.

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