rogue shifter 06 - torn apart (8 page)

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Kennet smiled at me and then back at my son. "Yes, she is very strong and smart and brave and you're just like her, I see. Charles, you are the nephew of the Queen of Faerie. You have royal blood and will be a powerful fae warrior one day."

A carved wooden box appeared in Kennet's hands, making Charlie's eyes widen in surprise. Kennet passed it quickly to Charlie before either of us could stop him. "Happy Birthday, son." He touched my son's face and then disappeared. The party woke up, most of our guests not even realizing that anything had happened.

Garrett flashed beside me and hugged us both. "
I felt the change but could do nothing. Are you alright, my love?"

"Yes. I need to take Charlie..." He nodded, understanding immediately my need to speak to our son privately. I took our son's hand and dissolved into the lines, reappearing in the deserted kitchen where I knew he'd feel more comfortable. Garrett sent to me saying that I should let him know if we needed him and I promised that I would.

Charlie put the present down on the kitchen table then took a few steps backward. He'd been shaken by Kennet's appearance so I sat and lifted him into my lap, feeling the need to ease his mind.

My baby was trembling, so I hugged him, stoking his back to reassure and comfort him. I kept my voice soft, even though I was enraged by what Kennet had done. "What Kennet said was true. We will be seeing him twice a year." Charlie's eyes widened. "You'll never be alone when we're with him. I'll be there and so will Samson and Sinlae. You'll always be safe."

"Why did he come today?"

"Kennet just wants to get to know you."

"We have to?"

"I—I made a blood agreement with him when you were born."

He clung to me more tightly, looking down at the ground and not into my eyes. "Do you love him, too?" He sounded frightened and sad and it broke my heart. I lifted his chin and made him look at me, willing him to believe that I was telling the truth.

"Never. Kennet and I aren't even friends. I've never loved any males the way I love Daddy and you." His sudden smile was bright and full of joy, managing to dismiss his worry with the speed typical of a young child. We both relaxed in the chair as he looked at the ornately carved wooden box. "Kennet wants you to like him, so I'm sure whatever he's given you is something safe. Go ahead and open it."

It was a blade, very much like Liam's, carved with fancy fae runes. I told Charlie not to touch it and then sent to Liam to come and have a look. He showed up with his father, Garrett and Aislin.

I sent Charlie back to the party with Aislin and then turned toward Liam who'd been examining the gift closely. "It looks like it was made by the same Arcane weapons master as mine. It's enchanted."

"Why would he give Charlie a blade like this? Something so rare and powerful?"

Caelen answered without hesitation. "Protection. He fears for the boy's safety."

"He actually gives a shit?" I instantly covered my mouth. "Sorry."

Lord Caelen smiled at my embarrassed expression. "From what I witnessed tonight, I believe he does, although it could simply be his legacy he's interested in protecting." He looked closely at the dagger. "This weapon is rare and priceless."

Liam held up the blade for me to see. "It's dormant now, but when he comes into his powers the blade will awaken. Put it someplace safe and speak to no one about it."

"Would you take it and keep it for Charlie?" He nodded, looking at me curiously. I felt uneasy keeping something like that in the house. With all the pedestrian traffic, so many of them children, it would worry me.

I sent to Garrett,
"Isaiah comes tomorrow. It's better not to tempt him with such a powerful artifact."

His sapphire eyes met mine with the usual annoyed glint whenever Isaiah's name was mentioned. This time I frowned right back at him. We'd been arguing over Isaiah taking me to the DR for about five years now, and nothing had been resolved, at least in his mind. He hated it and insisted that he be allowed to re-negotiate the deal, probably offering himself up in some way. I hated it too, but I also knew that I had to accept it. I'd made a bargain and if I didn't live up to it, then I'd be gone a whole lot longer than the 360 total days I'd estimated I'd be spending at his house or cave or compound or whatever.

He'd promised me that he'd keep me safe when I was on his turf, and I believed him because I had no choice. Garrett wasn't as trusting.

Liam's mouth had flattened in annoyance.  "Perhaps you two will tell me and my father what's going on, because I get the feeling it's something we should know." It was impossible to hide things from Liam.

"Tomorrow. Tonight I want to enjoy the rest of Charlie's party." I must have looked fairly pathetic, because he didn't ask about it again that night.



The After-Birthday Sleepover and Breakfast had been a huge success, just like the rest of the events connected with my still-sleepy son's party. Liam had taken orders from the kids and made whatever they wanted: Jay, pancakes and bacon, Charlie, waffles and bacon, Grady, waffles and ham, Sammy, scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon and Linn, who'd surprised everyone by asking to stay overnight had requested fruit salad, yogurt and muffins. The boys turned their noses up at the idea of eating fruit, but then decided that they liked the muffin idea, so Liam made a variety that was consumed by all present, including myself and Farrell, who'd arrived to relieve Aislin and Noriene.

Aedus and Philly had stayed in the large bedroom upstairs, coming down just as the children were finishing up. I offered them food, so they sat with Liam and me, indulging in a variety of leftover breakfast items. Aedus laughed at the apron Liam wore that was decorated with the words,
Cook with Magic.
It had been a Christmas gift from me several years ago, a small gesture to indicate how happy I was that I didn't have to do the cooking.

Liam looked around the room at the happy kids clearing their plates off of the table and putting them in the sink. "At least I still have a useful skill. Fae warriors are not much in demand in Crescent City these days." The kids finished up and went out to play, followed by one of Sinlae's demi-fey males and Farrell.

Aedus replied, frowning, "I noticed that you, Kellie and Grady didn't eat at our table. Did Father order you to return home again?"

"I managed to avoid him most of the evening." He nodded at Philladre smiling. "Thank you for your quick maneuver near the blow-up castle, by the way."

She shook her head. "Please. He knows exactly where you are every minute of every day. It's not just you he wishes to speak with. He's very fond of Kellaine and Grady. We all are."

Liam made a face. "My mother has requested that we spend several nights at home with her when we come for Linn's naming day ceremony."

Aedus scowled at his brother. "You'll grant our father and my mother a day."

Liam narrowed his eyes at Aedus, annoyed with the tone of his voice."Yes, of course. I miss Lady Silvus."

Philladre tried to patch the rift between the two brothers. "They miss you, Liam. And it's not just you anymore. Lady Jorrenn and Lord Alanae also miss their daughter. You show them great disrespect by not allowing them to get to know Grady or spend any length of time with Kellaine."

"Kellie can go to them whenever she pleases. I'm sure they get reports from Farrell." Farrell was Kellie's brother.

"We'll be there for the party too." I added, hoping that would make Liam feel a little better about the visit.

Liam was grateful for my interruption. "Grady and Charlie have become good friends, despite the difference in their ages. Charlie has a charismatic nature."

Aedus smiled at me. "He's growing into a strong young fae. Our Linn seems to have set her sights on him."

"He's five!" I looked at the three fae and they all shrugged. "I hope Linn doesn't take after her great-grandfather, Finn...whatever his name was." I'd been told he'd been quite a philanderer, fathering seven full-blood fae children by five different females. The queen and Caelen were the eldest and only children of Queen Aine.

"His name is Finvarra. He still lives with Queen Aine,—somewhere outside of our own time. He's Charlie's grandfather as well as Linn's great-grandfather." Aedus turned back to Liam. "Father will not stop until you are home with us."

"Grady is mostly human. He should be raised here." At 1500, Liam seemed to be embracing the stubborn side of his nature.

"Kellaine needs to spend more time in Faerie. A day every two weeks isn't enough. You must see it." Aedus' tone had turned serious. "It's one thing for you and Grady, but Kellaine is full-blood fae. And why haven't you two ...?"

Philly placed her hand on Aedus' and gave him a pointed look. He shrugged and smiled at his brother. "I do not mean to sound like Father. But after seeing her last night, I'm concerned for her health."

Liam glanced at me so I nodded. "She looks pale and didn't seem to have her usual spark."

Liam relaxed back into his chair and sighed. "It's true she's not always well, but she won't go to Faerie without Grady and me." We all remained quiet. "I've been selfish. I shouldn't allow my disagreement with father to put her health at risk."

Philladre said, "Come for a month and stay with us. The three of you can visit with her family and our family and she can revive herself. Your father cannot object to your spending time in

"I'll discuss it with her tonight. Thank you."

Aedus turned to me and said softly, "Jacqueline, Father told me about Kennet." He held his gaze on mine as he waited for an explanation. Aedus was third in line to the throne of Faerie, so when Aedus focused his attention on you, it was hard not to respond.

"What about Kennet?" Liam asked, looking at me curiously. "Something else happened besides him showing up with the odd gift?"

"I'm not allowed to tell you."

Aedus replied. "Father read everything from Kennet's mind and then gave me a brief synopsis." I bit my lip and scowled, feeling trapped. "Please, Jackie."

"I was forced to make a blood agreement with him when Charlie was born." Not wanting to go through the details again, I turned to Aedus. "Could you explain, please?"

After hearing the information, Liam leaned forward. "Jacqueline, this arrangement with Kennet is dangerous."

I wondered what their reaction would be when Isaiah showed up later today. "Trust me. It's going to get worse." I put my plate in the sink. "Please excuse me, I need to shower. Feel free to stay as long as you like."

I beat a hasty retreat. A chicken shit move, I know, but there was absolutely nothing I was allowed to say regarding my agreement with Isaiah, and I really didn't have the energy to argue with Liam about Kennet. Garrett was resting, Charlie was with Farrell and I needed some time to myself.

Walking into the bathroom, I headed toward the shower, then stopped when I passed the enormous tub that could probably fit four with no problem. Hmmm. Maybe my mood would improve if I pampered myself just a little and soaked in a tub of warm water scented with soothing bath oils. My mouth was already curving up at the corners, even though I hadn't yet opened the tap. Yep, this was just what I needed.

Several minutes later I stretched out under the fragrant bubbles and allowed my mind to imagine vacations with Garrett in Paris or London or even better, some exotic island with swaying palm trees and a secluded cottage on the beach. He'd probably like that, only he'd still have to rest for most of the daylight hours. I suppose even soaking up the sun would get boring without someone to keep me company. Nope, Paris or London would be better. I could go to museums or shops and then when he got up, I could show him what I'd purchased. Maybe even model it for him. Paris is known for its fancy lingerie...

I giggled and dunked myself under the cloud of bubbles, then reemerged and wiped my face off with a washcloth to clear away the soap.

"Well, I didn't expect to find you here, little demon." I squealed in shock. Isaiah actually had the nerve to laugh.

"Isaiah, get out now or I'll have Liam gut you."

"As if he could." He smirked at me. "What are you upset about? You are covered up with bubbles like some foamy dessert and I've told you many times..."

"I know, I know, but I'd still like my privacy if you don't mind. Go somewhere else until I can get out of here."

"And where do you suggest I go? Into the bedroom where Garrett rests? Or the kitchen with Liam and Aedus? Maybe you would like me to introduce myself to Charlie without you present? Farrell is with him and I don't think he is particularly fond of me."

"How about going back to the DR?"

"Sorry, not possible. At least not for three days." To my horror he sat on the edge of the bathtub and ran his fingers through the bubbles. "This is a large bath. Perhaps I can join you?"

"Hand me a towel and turn around," I growled.

He winked and did what I asked, thoroughly enjoying my discomfort. "I thought shifters were comfortable with nudity."

"When we shift. This is...this is different and you know it." I wrapped the large towel around my body. "Please stay here while I get dressed."

"Of course."

I dissolved, dressed and returned in record time. Unfortunately it wasn't fast enough. He was in the tub, his clothes on the floor, humming a strange tune while he played with the bubbles.

"Isaiah! What is wrong with you?"

"You told me to stay in this room and all these delightful bubbles were calling my name."

"Why are you causing trouble for me?"

"Because I can. Why do you look shocked? I believe I described the nature of demons quite succinctly when we first met."

"Get out of the bathtub now," I snapped. He'd told me that demons loved to cause mischief, since strong emotions fed their magic. Here was a perfect example, all at my expense. Payback had begun.

"As you wish..." He stood, and I turned around quickly, my face heating up in a blush. As he laughed at me, I threw a towel over my head in his direction, hoping it didn't land in the tub.

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