ROLL CALL ~ A Prison List (True Prison Story) (40 page)

BOOK: ROLL CALL ~ A Prison List (True Prison Story)
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I drove from Tom’s to Mr. Dudley’s new dealership trying to analyze which problems to focus on. I couldn’t face that Natasha was in jail with a cancer that had spread too far. It reminded me of losing my Mom. I felt the tears sliding down my face and bit down against the pain.

I found the B.M.W. dealership and looked across the street. There was a sign at the top of the building that said, IRON HORSE/CUSTOM CREATION HARLEY. I pulled into the parking lot and realized the front of the dealership was full of windows so customers could see Mr. Dudley’s custom Harleys being showcased on pedestals. I started to get out and Bob stopped me.

“B.J., don’t go in there. Your mind has too many problems on it. Take a break and get some rest before you do anything. Maybe you should give this problem with Mr. Dudley to someone else to research what’s happening.”

I thought about it and knew he was right. I wasn’t doing the homework on things anymore. I was just impulsively walking into things. Like my brain wasn’t telling my feet where to go. That unseen leash I’d dreamed about had to be the one pulling me. Those vines I dreamed were strangling me, were all around me. The chaos was in control of me.

Bob got on the phone and I listened to him talk to one of his Hell’s Angels associates. The guy he was talking to said he was in San Diego. Bob got off the phone telling the other end that he’d get right back to him.

“B.J. why don’t we have a couple of the real Hell’s Angels go into Mr. Dudley’s dealership and act like they want to buy the custom Harley that holds your investment.”

I liked the idea. Bob got back on the phone and we found out they would be in San Diego for three weeks attending some other business. On their way back they’d stop at the Harley dealership.



Argenta sat in front of his mirror flipping tarot cards and listening to the audio recording of Bob talking at his house in Colton. He thought about the research he’d done on all of the names of the Hell’s Angels and Devil’s Disciples he’d written down. He thought about how he’d hacked into their phone records and compiled a list of who’s who among their networks. He thought, now I just need B.J. to call me back! Why hasn’t he called? If he doesn’t call me back today, I’m going to have to call Ricky’s cousin Ernie and make him my spy.

Argenta flipped another tarot card, the goddess of fire. He smiled and thought about how he used to control so many women with heroin and how he was going to use women to lure either B.J. or Ernie into his control. He thought about his plan. I’ll allow one of them to use my black 1930’s era gangster ride with its Al Capone look. I can even lie and tell them that it was the car used for the Valentine day massacre in Chicago. It is a replica, they won’t know the difference. Then I’ll tell one of them about how I used to control the drug trade and have all of the beautiful women working for me as prostitutes. I’ll teach one of them how to go to a strip club and reel pole dancers into their fold. I’ll give them some of the speed El Diablo gave me and it will be simple. Every pole dancer who uses speed will be loyal to the provider of the best product like before! In return for my favors, I’ll require more information on this area’s speed trade so I can play chess with that information like I did in Tennessee!

The next morning Argenta followed his ritual and sat in front of the mirror to flip tarot cards. The first card was the Eagle… The second card was the Snake… The third card was Fire! Argenta looked at himself in the mirror and decided that B.J. was the Eagle and Ricky was the Snake and the fire represented the pit they both needed to get burned in! That means I am to use Ernie as my spy, and to hell with B.J.!


Ernie pulled up to Argenta’s gate and parked his truck. He pushed the button on the gate and looked at Argenta’s black 1930’s era G. ride. He studied the silver steeple grill and the long black hood that ended at the narrow windshield where the visors inside were folded down. Ernie pictured himself driving behind those visors sheltering him like a Mafioso.

Argenta watched Ernie pull up from his living room window and smiled. He patted the machine gun and the keys to the car on his lap and started laughing.

The gate opened and Ernie let his fingers slide against the flaring hood toward the front door and noticed the G. ride had suicide doors and a running board underneath them. He pictured himself sitting in the driver’s seat with the door open and his feet on the floor board with a machine gun in his hands facing an enemy. He thought, what an impression that would leave!

Ernie stopped daydreaming and saw Argenta’s front door open.

“Stay right there Ernie!”

Ernie watched Argenta’s wheel chair come toward him and noticed the machine gun in his lap.

Argenta tossed the keys to Ernie and said, “Open the door and sit down in the driver’s seat.”

Ernie sat in the driver’s seat and turned to face Argenta with his feet on the running board like he imagined and accepted the machine gun from Argenta.

Argenta watched Ernie hold the machine gun in both hands and thought, that’s right, you’re almost there..

“Ernie. Put the machine pistol under the front seat and come inside with me.”

Ernie followed Argenta inside to his computer. He noticed a glass tray with a pile of purple speed on the table next to the computer.

Argenta watched Ernie look at the pile of speed and urged, “Go ahead and get high. Then I want to show you some whores on the internet.

Argenta pulled up Mr. G.’s strip club web site.

“Look at these beautiful whores Ernie. Look at how vibrant this one looks. I’ll bet you that she uses speed.”

Ernie looked at the girl being featured as Mr. G.’s star, by the stage name of Piper. He stared at the white girl with the brown hair and brown eyes. She looked about 6’1 in 6 inch stripper heels stretching her long legs in different poses holding the stripper pole. Argenta flipped to another of Mr. G.’s featured strippers and found a sexy Latina who went by Vivid doing her thing on the stripper pole, then another one who went by Vixen.

Wired up on the speed he just snorted, Ernie stared at the intoxicating, almost nude dancers. He thought, I want them so bad, but I’ve never had any luck with them before. How can I get one?

“Argenta, I’m not good looking enough to get with girls like that.”

Argenta slammed his fist against the table like El Diablo had done to get Ernie’s attention. “Ernie! I wasn’t even as good looking as you are when I was your age. Let me tell you something I learned that allowed me to get all of my whores and power. I realized that everyone in the drug culture is running from something, even these strippers. They are chasing excitement to avoid whatever it is they’re running from. All you have to do is give them some excitement, and then you’re a god. Here is what you’re going to do. You’re going to drive my Al Capone car to Mr. G.’s every night. You’re going to offer Piper, Vivid and Vixen some of this speed. They will fawn over you because it is the best speed on the planet. You play it cool for a few days until they notice the gangster car you’re pulling up in. Then you start letting them know that you’re working for the new mafia in this town. You tell them that you’re helping this new mafia take over and reorganize things. Tell them that all of the speed cooks are going to work for you. Add some danger to it and tell them that those that don’t are going to be removed…”

Ernie thought, that sounds like what L’il man is doing and I know all of the cooks he’s hit up with his offer. Excited, he told Argenta, “I know all of the cooks!”

Argenta laughed to himself, look how easy he is to manipulate! So much for B.J. and Bob, it’s too late for them. It’s time to extract information.

Ernie watched Argenta pull out a list of names and addresses.

“Ernie. I need you to assist me. Tell me all the names of these cooks…”



Ernie pulled the black Al Capone G. ride into Mr. G.’s parking lot and circled it. He noticed a separate parking lot in the back that said it was for employees only. Ernie thought, that looks like where all the strippers park. I wish I could park back there so they could see me getting out of this car. Then he remembered that Argenta had said, “Just park as close as you can to the entrance and wait inside the car. At 4’oclock the strippers will start arriving for their shift and see you.”

Ernie looked at his watch. 3:45. He parked in the front and waited.

He watched an expedition pull up. Piper, Vivid and Vixen got out!

Piper walked to the entrance first with a pair of black stretch pants and her stripper heels in her hand. Vivid and Vixen walked behind Piper in their stripper heels and sheer dresses that showed their G strings underneath.

Ernie opened his door and held the machine pistol in his hand.

Ernie polished the machine pistol with a rag and watched the three strippers stop and stare at him. He watched Vivid say, “What’s up gangster? Nice ride. Are you coming inside? Do you want me to dance for you?”

Ernie felt himself nodding his head and calmed himself down and tucked the machine gun under his seat. “I’ll be inside in a few minutes. I’ve got to make an important phone call first.”


Walking in the strip club Piper laughed, “Who was that fronting himself off like he’s a gangster?”

Vixen said, “I know who that is. That’s Ricky’s cousin Ernie. I wonder if he recognized me… Probably not. He’s always been so shy and dopey around girls. I think he’s a virgin. His money will be easy to vacuum out of his wallet. I’ll tell you something else, he’s not a gangster. His cousin Ricky, on the other hand, is pretty gangster. I wonder if that’s where he got the antique car.”

Vivid said, “The real gangster around here is my homeboy L’il man.”

Vixen said, “It’s too bad that he won’t last long. All the real gangsters go back to prison.”


Ernie walked into the club and remembered how Argenta had told him to find a table in the back against a wall. He found one and watched the strippers start their shift by taking turns on the stage. He watched Piper’s routine and thought, I’ll do anything to be with you.

Piper finished her warm up dance routine and picked up the rest of the cash on the stage. She looked up and saw Ernie in the back and walked over.

“Do you want a dance? It’s twenty five dollars.”

Ernie thought about what Argenta had said. “I want to pay you in the best speed on the planet. It’s way better than anything else around. I get it for free.”

“Okay honey. Why don’t you give me a little money and put a little of that speed away in one of the bills so I can see if it really is the best.”

Ernie did as he was told and Piper came back ten minutes later.

“You were right. That is the best speed I’ve ever done. Now I’m going to show you my appreciation.”

Ernie watched Piper gyrate her sexy body higher and higher up his body until she was standing on the chair he was on and holding a bar above her head for the strippers to use for balance. Ernie watched her lift her leg above his shoulder and bring the inside of her thigh toward his face. She humped the air closer and closer. Ernie stared at Piper’s shaved crotch underneath her G string as it came closer and closer to his mouth. He reached his hands behind her ass to pull her to him.

Piper slapped his hand and said, “You can’t touch me. You see that bouncer over there. He’ll throw you out. I can touch you but you can’t touch me, okay?”

Ernie looked over and saw the muscle bound bouncer staring at him. “Okay.”

Piper erotically climbed tantalizingly close to Ernie, within an inch of contact and whispered, “Do you like me honey?”

Ernie responded, “I love you.”

Piper wiggled intoxicatingly close to Ernie’s face and whispered, “Do you see something you like?”

Ernie responded, “I see something I love.”

Piper finished her five minute routine and said, “That’s it honey. I have to go back to work.”

Vivid came over next.

Ernie noticed that she danced a little less exotically but he didn’t mind. He stared at her shaved pussy underneath the sheer G string humping inches from his face.

“You’re making me wet baby. Do you want to taste me?”

Ernie responded, “Oh my god yes.”


Ernie drove away from the strip club and went right to a liquor store. He looked at the magazine rack and found three magazines. He drove straight to his house and dove into the nude magazines and entered a fantasy world where he thought about what he could say to Piper, Vivid and Vixen the following night. Ernie thought and thought. What can I say to get one of them to come home with me? Ernie looked at his watch and realized it was already 3 in the afternoon. Without even showering he dressed in the same clothes and ran to the G. ride to head to Mr.G.’s


“Do you have some more of that speed for me Ernie?”

Ernie watched Piper climbing all over him and mumbled, “Yeah… I’ve got a never ending supply for you. I’m working for the new mafia in this town. We’re going to get rid of all of the dope cooks who don’t go with our program…”

The same thing happened with Vivid and Vixen. Ernie went home by himself and went straight to his room to his magazines.


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