Roll Me Away: A Smokey's Roadhouse Novel (10 page)

BOOK: Roll Me Away: A Smokey's Roadhouse Novel
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fter we left the meeting
, I’d told Snail we had to get some rest early, because we’d be riding all night. He bought it, but as soon as I’d seen him into his room, I went back down the walkway toward mine and past it. Snail was good people. I loved him like a brother – a brother-brother, not just a club brother. But what I’d told Dad was true. He was slow, not only to think, but physically. I could move better without him.

Night was the time to lift the bikes, but it was easier to spot them without being obvious about it in the daytime. Once I found a couple of marks, I’d be trying to keep track of them until it was dark and their owners safe in bed. It would mean I’d ride all night without much shut-eye, since I’d kept the trucker company yesterday and had a long night with the blonde last night. Nothing I hadn’t handled before, though.

When I’d found my choices, I made a note of the nearest campgrounds and motels, and then picked a couple of alternates in case I lost track of some of them. By mid-afternoon, the long hours were catching up with me, and I headed for the motel to get some sleep myself.

I’d started up the stairs when the door to the prospect’s room opened. I paused, confused. He shouldn’t be back for another couple of hours, at least. It wasn’t him who came out, though. To my shock, it was the Bug girl.

“What the
?” The curse flew out of my mouth before I had time to process it, and the girl froze like a frightened rabbit. Sparring with her whetted my appetite. I still wasn’t going to give her another chance to blindside me like the first time. When she got ballsy, I had to work to keep from letting her know how much I was enjoying it.

Finally, I gave in. She’d been warned. Another stunt like the other night would get her iced, and I was pretty sure she believed it. I led the way to my room and decided to have some fun. Since my first experience, with a girl who was probably my second cousin if I stopped to figure it out, I’d preferred blow jobs to sex. On the job, I didn’t get a say. But when I was on my own time, I called the shots, or it was a no-go.

While she serviced me, I thought about whether to fuck her before I turned her over to Snail, or let him have her first while I watched. She’d made no secret of the fact she loved the videos. Getting the whole experience ought to be a real thrill for her.

Without warning her other than my signature groan of release, I came. I’d had more expert partners, but she wasn’t bad. I lifted her to her feet and shoved a couple of fingers up her. Yeah, she was turned on. Now for Act Two.

“Get on the bed and spread ‘em. I’ll be right back.” Her eyes widened, but she obeyed, watching me do up my fly and buckle my belt. “Don’t fucking move.”

She nodded, and I left the room. Snail had been asleep probably about four hours by now, so I expected to be able to wake him. It just wouldn’t be easy or quick. I knocked on his door and called his name. After a few minutes, when he didn’t answer, I knocked louder. I had to repeat it a few times, finally pounding on the door, before he made an appearance. He was fully dressed, but his t-shirt was creased, like he’d been lying on it as he slept.

“What is it, Jake? Time to go?”

“Little treat for you. Remember that girl? Cricket or Grasshopper or something. Her brother called her Bug.”

“Oh yeah. From the bar.”

“That’s the one. She’s laying in my bed, naked and spread-eagled. Just gave me head. Want a crack at her?”

His eyes lit up. “Sure! When?”

“Now. She’s ready.”

“Thanks, Jake!”

“No problem. I’m watching. That okay with you?” He snorted. That question didn’t deserve an answer. I shouldn’t have even asked it.

We headed back down the walkway toward my room. “Why me first? Don’t you…?”

“I need a few. I’ll be ready when you’re done.”

“Oh, gotcha.”

We were at my door, so I opened it and went in first, glancing at the bed to see if she’d obeyed. She was still there, her legs spread. She looked over at me, and I saw the moment she noticed Snail. She folded up like a cheap umbrella, trying to cover herself with her hands. I barked at her with all the authority I could muster while suppressing a laugh. “Spread ‘em!”

“Fuck you, Jake! What’s he doing here?”

“You want to mess with bikers, babe, this is what you get. We share. Now, open up and let Snail get a load of those pretty little tits. I’ll be ready for you when he’s done.”

Instead of doing as I said, she scrambled out of the bed and stooped to collect her clothes. From being amused at her naive reaction, I got pissed in a heartbeat. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m leaving. I wanted sex with
, not your buddies. I got you off, so we’re even. Get out of my way.”

She’d thrown her clothes on while yelling at me, but her last sentence was directed at Snail, who’d stood there with his mouth hanging open the whole time. He didn’t move fast enough for her, so she tried to shove past him. He moved plenty fast when he put his big hand on the door and kept her from opening it.

“Really?” she spat. “Fucking get out of my way, or you’ll walk funny for a week,” she added.

A look of alarm spread over his face, and he moved before I could tell him not to. She threw open the door and disappeared through it in a flash.

Snail and I both came to our senses a few seconds too late. My excuse was being stunned at her reaction. I couldn’t fucking believe it. When my bro turned to me with a wounded expression, all I could do was tell him I was sorry. I never expected that out of the meek little thing.

“I guess we’re both out of luck, buddy,” I told him. “Let’s go get some bikes and forget the bitch.”


and devastated about what Jake had done, I rushed into Zach’s room and collapsed in tears. My dad was right. These people were scum. I was lucky not to have been gang-raped. Every time I thought I was done crying, a new thought occurred. The memory of Snail seeing me naked like that sent me into a half-hour of sobbing.

The way Jake had used me took an hour or more to cry out. I’d completely lost track of the clock by the time I could stop and stay stopped. When I looked at the time, I panicked.

It was well after six. Zach would be here any minute, and I needed to get out of there. I went to the mirror to see what damage I’d done to my face with my hysterics. It was bad. Even if I could face my parents after running out on them like I had, I couldn’t do it looking like this.

There was nothing I could do but shower and change clothes. I’d wear something completely un-sexy. If any biker noticed me at all, I’d collapse. I just knew it. So the only choice was to be unnoticeable. I started the shower running and then stripped, secure in the knowledge that I had the key, and Zach would have to knock to get into his own room.

I stood under the hot water for a long time, washing away not only the evidence of my crying jag, but also the dirty feeling that settled on me the moment Jake told me to have sex with Snail.

It would take a long time to forget that, but at least I could think about it again without dissolving in tears. When the water started to cool, I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed every inch of my skin. Wrapping one towel around my hair and another around my body, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off, and left the inner room of the bath with nothing on but the turbaned towel on my head.

In the outer area, where the vanity, sink and large mirror were part of the main room, I unwound the towel, bent over and began to rub the towel over my hair to dry it. I was beginning to feel better, cleaner, when I stood and flipped my hair to the back, looking in the mirror again for the first time since emerging from the shower. Behind my reflection, a man stood near the door, meeting my eyes in the mirror. I shrieked.

I whirled around to face him, clutching the towel that had been on my head until then against my chest. Only then did I recognize Zach, who was making quelling motions with his hands, pushing them down to quiet me.

“H-how did you g-get in?” I asked, my voice shaking with nerves.

“Key,” he answered, holding it up.

“But… Oh, never mind. What are you doing staring at me like that? You’re a pig.” I ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door.


I didn’t answer. The next time he said it, I could tell he was right outside the door.

“Cricket, chill. I was just startled. I wasn’t watching very long, honest. Come out, and let’s talk about it.”

Not on your life buster.

“Come on. I’m not going to jump you. I’m sorry I startled you. But to be fair, you startled me, too. Come out.”

“Give me some clothes and get out,” I answered.

“Hey. This is my room!”

“I don’t care. Not coming out until you leave.”

“Okay, you win.”

A few minutes later, he knocked on the bathroom door. “I’ve put some clothes for you on the counter. Hope it’s okay. I’m leaving. You have ten minutes to get dressed, then I’m coming back in. We need to talk.”

I heard the outer door slam, no doubt his way of signaling me the coast was clear. It still took all I had to open the door a crack. After this afternoon’s encounter with Jake, I had no trust left. I hid my body behind the door while I peeked out, then crept out, scanning the room for Zach or one of the others. When I assured myself that no one was there, I came all the way out, snatched my clothes from where Zach left them, and dressed as fast as I could.

When I was done, I surveyed myself in the mirror. I had on long jeans, a lime-green knit shirt with a collar and sleeves, and socks. That seemed to be plenty of cover, though it would probably be hot even in the waning twilight. I was putting on the shoes when Zach came back in without knocking. I glared at him.

“What? I told you I was coming back in ten minutes. And you’re dressed. What’s with the pig-eye?”

I hadn’t really thought this through. Was I prepared to humble myself and go back to my parents? If so, I should get as far away from Zach as possible, right now. But to be fair, he’d warned me. He knew what Jake would do, sooner or later. It was just my bad luck it had been sooner.

Or was it bad luck? Zach had also warned me I’d be stuck somewhere remote if I went with any of them and decided I didn’t want to be there. Maybe he was more trustworthy than Jake. Should I tell him what happened?


Startled, I jumped a little. His handsome face bore a look of concern. Impulsively, I decided to tell him.

“Sorry. I was thinking.”

“I thought I smelled something burning in here.” He smirked at me, and for the first time since the incident, I had to smile.

“Ha-ha. If I tell you something, is there a biker code that says you have to report it to the club, or to the person I’m going to tell you about?”

His expression darkened, with his brows pulling together in a frown. “What happened?”

“First tell me if I’m going to be in danger.”


“No you won’t tell me, or no, I won’t be in danger?”

“Just fucking tell me what you’re talking about. I’m not going to rat on you, if that’s what you’re worried about. Did Jake do something?”

With cheeks flaming, I told him everything, beginning with Jake catching me coming out of the room. From time to time, he muttered comments or cussed. Beginning with ‘oh, great’ when I started, he got more and more pissed.

“I’m gonna kill that fucker,” he said, when I finally stopped.

“Wait, no. Zach, you can’t. I
for it.”

“You may have asked for sex with Jake. You didn’t ask him to bring Snail in on the deal, or to treat you like a whore.” Was he angry at me, or Jake? I couldn’t tell, but he sounded pissed at someone.

“Just drop it, please,” I begged. I couldn’t stand the thought of him going up against Jake, who was clearly more likely to fight dirty. “I only told you to explain why I was so freaked out when I saw you standing there.” I don’t think I’d ever been as ashamed in my life as I was confessing to Zach that I ignored his warning.



couldn’t decide
whether I was more pissed at Jake for what he’d done to this poor girl, or at her for ignoring my warnings. But I had no claim on her. It wasn’t her fault, and probably not even in her radar, that I felt protective of her. She’d been dumped on me when Jake screwed up the first time, and it was like I’d stumbled across a stray dog. I’d have taken a dog home. Cricket wasn’t a dog, of course, but she deserved the same consideration.

Problem with that was I didn’t have a home, other than the very club she didn’t want to get involved with now. As a prospect, I couldn’t offer her protection. She’d be no better off with me than she would with Jake. Unable to help her, all I could do was offer emotional support. That backfired.

“What are your plans?” I meant it kindly.

She started crying again, and apologizing for it
, saying she thought she’d been all cried out. Naturally, I said the wrong thing – again.

“Won’t your parents be happy to see you back?”

She buried her face in her hands. A muffled ‘I don’t know’, and she was crying even harder.

“Hey. Come on, Cricket, take your hands away.” I gently pried her hands from her face, so I could cradle it in my rough ones. “They love you. They’ll forgive anything you’ve done.”

“I don’t know,” she said again. “The thing is, I’m the oldest. You know. You met my brother and sister. I’m supposed to set a good example for them. What I did, and how I did it, was a terrible blow to my parents’ view of me. I’m not sure they can forgive me yet. Besides that, my reasons for it are still there. I can’t live my life to please them. There are things I need that they can’t or won’t approve of, and I won’t martyr myself to please them. I don’t think I
go back to them right now.”

I could relate to that. My mother didn’t approve of my choices, either. I loved her, but I still chose my own path. I had to respect Cricket for doing the same thing. It left her with a terrible dilemma now.

“Do you have any money at all?”

“Some. Why?”

“Just trying to figure out how you’re going to get back to your hometown. You can’t stay here. There’s nothing here when the rally’s over.”

“I know. I’ve probably got enough to get to some big city on the bus. But without a job, I don’t have enough to do anything once I’m there. I just don’t know what to do.”

She was in a pickle. I had some money, but even if I could’ve given her all of it, it wasn’t enough to help.

“Do you have any relatives or friends that would help?”

“My dad’s brother, but I don’t have enough money to get to Florida, and he might not take me in anyway. He and Dad are pretty tight. Friends? No, not really. My high-school friends scattered to the four winds, and I’ve lost track of where they landed. Didn’t really make that kind of connection in college.”

“What did you study?”

“Health Care Administration.”

“So, like, government work, with Medicaid or something?”

“No, no. I mean, yeah, I could maybe get on with something like that. But it’s more about running hospitals. The whole business office end. Policies, procedures. Finance.”

I stared blankly at her. What I knew about that shit could fit in a shot glass. No, something smaller. “Does that pay pretty well?”

She shrugged. “Like anything else, you have to work your way up the ladder. But yeah. The head of a hospital could make six or seven figures, depending on where and how big the hospital is.”

I whistled. No one I knew could even conceive of making that much money. At the same time, something in the back of my mind deflated. Here I’d been waiting for Jake to dump her, and thinking maybe there’d be a chance for me. Ignoring the fact that she was way out of my league. Way out of Jake’s league. And she’d been talking about being someone’s old lady? What the fuck was wrong with her? Never one to think before speaking, I blurted the question out just like that.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You were willing to settle for being someone’s old lady, getting cheated on, lied to, maybe having to put up with your old man fucking other women in front of a camera for a living, and you could make a million a year? I don’t get it.”

It may have been too blunt for her. Her chin came up. “You’re in no position to judge me.”

She was right. I lifted my hands out to my sides, and then dropped them. “Sorry. You’re right. Your choice. But hey, I just had an idea. Can you do this anywhere?”

“Sure. Anywhere there’s a hospital. Why?”

“We have hospitals in Wyoming. And I happen to know someone who has a spare room. What if you came to Rawlins with me? No strings. I’d get my mom to put you up until you’re on your feet.”

“Seriously?” Hope sparked in her eyes. She couldn’t know I did have an ulterior motive. I wanted her to be grateful enough to me to give me a chance, even if it was like a beggar hoping a supermodel would notice him. She was that far out of my league. But even if she didn’t, I felt responsible enough for her, it would be great to provide her with a safety net.

“Seriously. My mom would love you.”

“Zach, I don’t know what to say. I haven’t treated you well.”

“You’ve been fine,” I said, mentally crossing my fingers for telling the white lie. It still smarted when I remembered her implied insult as she rejected me for another chance with Jake. But she was here now, and acting like she considered me a friend. It could lead to something.

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