ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (185 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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“Do you want me to test you again?”

She shook her head. “I’ll talk to my… I’ll talk to my most recent partner about it. I am going to have a lot to say to him.”

The doctor smiled and wrote something down. Then she lifted up the pregnancy test to look at the results. “You definitely need to tell him that he’s going to be a father.”


How does one find someone when one doesn’t have their phone number, email address, or anything? Summer suddenly realized that she barely knew the young man that she had fallen for. They’d had a great night, a hot night of passion, and had started to form a sweet life together and she never asked him for a way to contact him. It had satisfied her to know that he’d be waiting for her at home and, if he did leave for a while, he’d come back like a loyal pet, ready to be fed and sheltered again.

God, I’m so stupid.

Then, suddenly, she remembered one piece of info that she did have. His motorcycle club. “What was it called again?” she asked aloud, with no one around to answer her or even offer up a suggestion.

It was something about stars. The Celestial something… The Celestial Sentinels!

A quick Google search led her to their website. She chuckled. It was wild to her that a group of guys with motorcycles had a website. They took donations and had membership fees and everything. “Wow,” she said under her breath, shaking her head.

She spotted Eric in one of the group shots. He was smiling at the camera, his cherubic face so familiar and handsome. He was a great deal younger than several of the others, but that just made him stand out more. Vice President Eric Daniels.

The only phone number listed on the page was for the club as a whole. It looked to be a membership information number. Summer plugged it into her cell phone and pressed ‘call.’

After fifteen minutes of listening to a garbled Eagles song that served as hold music, someone finally came on the line. “Celestial Sentinels,” a gruff, older male voice said.

“Hi,” Summer said, suddenly feeling nervous and doubting that this would even work. “I was wondering if you’d be able to help me. I know a member of your motorcycle club and I need to get into contact with him. Do you know how I could reach Eric Daniels?”

The man suddenly became more friendly-sounding. “Oh, Eric? He’s just started in some new band, last I heard. The Pink Hearts.” He rattled off an email address and Summer quickly wrote it down.

She wrote an email, hoping that this would be the right course of action.


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]


Hello, this is strange but I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m trying to get in touch with Eric Daniels. I was told he’s in your band. This is Summer.


She couldn’t believe she had let him get away. Especially now that she was pregnant. And now it might be too late to get him back.

There was no response to her email.

The next day, she went to work. It was another concert night. It was also the last time she’d have to see the Easter decorations that she’d slowly but surely gotten sick of. A music venue slash bookstore was no place for the cheesy decorations that looked more like something a person would see in Hallmark.

This time, she had to start out as a waitress, working the floor as the open mic night bands set up. Joy. She was just giving a table their welcome and specials spiel when she looked up and saw the name on the drum kit.

The Pink Hearts.

Her jaw dropped nearly to the floor. A shiver went through her.

“Miss?” one of her diners asked, looking at her like she’d perhaps gone psycho.

She shook her head, trying her best to remain calm. “And, finally, my favorite, the lamb burger. I’ll give you guys a few moments to look over your menus. Can I start you off with any drinks?”

When she brought her table back their drinks, she took her time, hoping that by lingering she’d be able to see this open mic band take the stage. How long had Eric been in a band? Had he quickly cobbled it together in the weeks that followed their breakup?

Suddenly, the name made sense. The red shirt she had worn, with the small, pink heart on the chest.

Summer brought a hand up to her chest, over her heart. Her cold and jaded feelings about the restaurant, Valentine’s Day and everything melted away from her. She could forgive him for his law-breaking. She
forgiven him.

He came onto the stage, carrying a sparkly red guitar. He messed with the mic and Summer caught his eye. The left corner of his mouth rose up a little and he smirked at her. “Hey,” he said into the microphone. His voice reverberated through the mostly empty restaurant.

Not caring anymore about her table or appearances, Summer carefully climbed up onto the front of the stage and stood in front of him for a moment. They looked at each other. His sandy hair had grown shaggier, but otherwise he appeared pretty much the same. She didn’t imagine that she struck him as looking different either. She brought a hand to her lower belly for a moment, then leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

Eric readily hugged her back. A whiff of pine-like cologne filled her nostrils. He felt strong and sturdy against her, as he had all the times she’d ridden his bike and clung to him for safety. Even now, she was clinging to him for safety. But there was something else, too.

“I’m sorry,” she said into his neck. “I’m so sorry. I’m so stupid. You… I’ve missed you.”

He pulled away enough to look into her eyes. He was still smiling.

Getting up onto her tiptoes, she kissed away his smile.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispered into his ear.

His big, brown eyes got even bigger. “But I thought you couldn’t…”

Summer shrugged, smiling at him. “Apparently, there is no never.”

Grinning a large grin that matched his large eyes, he hugged her gently. “That’s incredible,” he said. “
incredible. Baby…” He suddenly looked over and noticed that the crowd down below was still waiting. “I’ve got to sing now, baby, but stay right here. The first one’s for you.”

Leaning forward towards the microphone, Eric spoke in a sexy growl she instantly wanted to hear more of. “It’s a privilege to sing for you here tonight on this stage. This is the place where I met Summer. And this is a song that I learned and wanted to play for Summer. And now… Here she is and here it is.”

She walked away so she was still on stage, but more to the side so she could watch him play and be near him. She was mystified. He’d mentioned wanting to be a roadie and now, here he was, a fledgling rock star before her eyes.


Love is the opening door
Love is what we came here for
No-one can offer you more
You know what I mean
Have your eyes really seen?


He played a four-song set, joined on the stage for his last song by two other guys: a bassist and a drummer. They were close to his age and Summer wondered if he had met them in his club. The small band played sweet covers of classic rock love songs.

When their set was done, he came off stage to meet her again and greeted her with a kiss.

“Do you live in New York now?” she asked him, her voice thick with emotion. She had a feeling that if she didn’t speak up now, she might lose him forever and never get another chance. New York City was not so far away from Philly, but she didn’t want him to be far away at all. It had been confusing and messy for her at first, but she knew now that she and Eric belonged with each other. There had been way too many signs along the way for her to be wrong in that.

“I don’t really live anywhere,” Eric replied, giving her a sweet and sexy smile. “I live in a van mostly.”

“You live
with me
,” she said. “Please come home, Eric. I don’t care if you rob the national treasury.”

He laughed. “I don’t rob places anymore. I gave that up after that one time. Now I mostly just rob people by making them pay to hear my bad playing.”

She leaned in and pressed her forehead against his. “Come home and be with me… and our baby, eventually,” she pleaded. “I overreacted because I was scared.”

Eric shook his head slightly. “You overreacted because you didn’t want to be hurt again,” he said. “I don’t blame you for that. I don’t want to hurt you…”

“You won’t,” she said, kissing him and keeping her face close to his. “You won’t if you stay,” she whispered.

He gazed into her eyes. He clearly worried about her feelings. “You want me to stay with you again?”

Summer nodded. “It’s where you belong.”

He kissed her lips, gently gliding his tongue along hers. Unless she was mistaken, she felt a rush in her tummy as though their miracle baby was responding to the kiss, too.

“Come on then,” he whispered. Taking her hand, and with his guitar slung over his back, Eric led Summer outside to his waiting motorcycle.

After he got the helmets out, she surprised him by climbing onto the large bike all by herself. She looked at him, biting her lip expectantly, and patted the seat in front of her.

“Let’s go home.”





Histoires de bonus

L'obscurité Duc

Le grand hall twinkled par la lumière d'une centaine de bougies en tant que l'orchestre a démarré pour la série finale de la soirée. La bille du comté annuel a connu un immense succès, encore une fois, et le point culminant de l'agenda social a été presque à sa fin. Abigail Carmichael accrochés à l'ombre qui bougeaient contre les parois arrière de la grande salle de bal dans une tentative de secouer ses nombreux prétendants, vieillissement, chauve et bedonnant de riches propriétaires terriens, exactement le genre d'homme qu'elle ne voulait pas se marier. Non pas qu'elle voulait se marier avec un homme, sans parler de l'un des  voisins lubrique de son père; elle détestait la pensée d'être toute  propriété de l'homme. Abigail n'était pas considéré comme une beauté naturelle, mais il y avait quelque chose de sauvage et magnifique dans sa manière d'hommes semblaient attirés par; voulait apprivoiser. Sa mère était morte donnant naissance à l'Abigail's soeur Janine, et les deux filles avaient été soulevés par leur père et d'une obligeance de même engendré par le nom d'Anna. Bien qu'il a fait de son mieux, les deux filles avaient été laissée essentiellement à leurs propres appareils, et partagé une liberté que les autres filles de leur classe et de statut n'étaient pas autorisées. À partir d'un jeune âge Abigaïl avait y circulaient librement dans la grande chambre mais surtout dans les acres et hectares de landes à bruyère qui l'entourait. Elle avait grandi avec un amour pour le plein air; le caractère sauvage de la terre façonner sa propre nature. Elle ne serait pas en cage ; non pas par n'importe quel homme
en particulier un homme qu'elle ne pouvait pas respecter ou l'amour.

Lorsque la météo avait conservé son intérieur elle avait remis à la lecture; grands romans où elle a imaginé elle-même l'héroïne; aventure et la liberté à la fin de chaque page. Lorsque les livres où terminée, elle esquisse d'abord des scènes de The Great Outdoors; certains de mémoire, d'autres de son imagination. 

Une tape sur l'épaule rapporté de sa pensée. Turning Round elle face Henry Driffield
 face rouge gentleman farmer qui avait tenté d'attraper son oeil toute la soirée. Elle avait fait l'erreur d'offrande à la danse avec lui à un certain moment au cours de la nuit, en espérant qu'elle parviendrait à lui faire perdre. Maintenant ici il était; lèvres humide avec les yeux brillants, prêt à s'emparer de son prix.

La chambre était chaude comme Henry valsé elle autour de la parole, la musique et la salle de spinning autour d'elle. Fermer ses yeux elle imaginé qu'elle était une simple fille de la campagne, la turlutte avec une jeune main lors d'une ferme locale, libre de Barn Dance devoir et obligations et pas un souci au monde.

Comme la danse enfin terminée, elle espéraient échapper Retour à dans un coin sombre mais Henry avait d'autres idées et maintenus serrés attente de sa main gantée tandis que l'escortent à l'extérieur sur le balcon. Protestant contre la fatigue elle a tenté de l'arrêter, mais il y avait quelque chose d'urgent à ses yeux et qu'il n'arrêterait pas jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'élevait tout seuls dans la fraîcheur nocturne.

"Mlle Carmichael, il a été un plaisir de danser avec vous ce soir. Je me demande peut-être si je peux me permettre d'appeler sur vous demain. Il y a une question que j'aimerais beaucoup discuter avec votre père ? "

Abigail pourraient sentir son coeur commencent à thump fortement dans sa poitrine. En dépit de l air frais elle estimait claustrophobe; coincé comme un animal pris au piège. Elle connaissait les intentions de Henry; ils étaient clairement indiqués dans ses joues et glinting soufflé les yeux. Sa femme était morte quelques années auparavant et il était de notoriété publique qu'il cherchait un nouveau, jeune femme. Elle parle rapidement, son visage rincé; feignant l'innocence de son intention.

" Mon père sera absent pour affaires pendant quelques jours, mais je suis sûr que son gestionnaire de successions seront sur place pour discuter de toute entreprise en son absence"

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