ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (58 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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Except that the basic facts of life didn’t make any allowance for what he did next. He bent down, his hand still covering hers, and brushed the tear away with his lips. She gasped, a jolt going through her, and held herself very still, mind whirling. The strange lassitude caused by his eyes was in his touch as well; when he nuzzled his way down the side of her cheek, her knees weakened and she had to lean on the counter. She couldn’t have pulled away if she had wanted to. She lifted her head slightly, not knowing if he was going to kiss her, but when he stroked her hair back it seemed to tug her head back gently as well. She closed her eyes, her head rolling to the side, into his supporting palm. Every inch of her skin was tingling now. When she felt his cool lips on the side of her neck, she whimpered, and slipped a hand up through his hair in encouragement.


She felt a sting. His grip on her tightened and a low growl escaped him. She could feel his mouth move against her skin. His teeth were in her flesh. His tongue lashed against her greedily. He took her in his arms...and started to suck.


The low moan she heard was her own; the panting, rising into little whimpers as he drew on her, hers as well. His soft, purring growls rose to mix with the sound, almost blatantly sexual. He had to hold her up now; she couldn’t keep her legs under her and her whole body trembled. Every tiny pull seemed to spark pleasure nerves throughout her body; the warm, relaxed desire she had felt as he drew near now turned into a drugged trance mixed with near-orgasmic surges.


Time slowed delightfully as she trembled under him. He lay over her now, half-pinning her against the counter, face buried in her neck while she held him. Now the tears that came to her eyes had a touch of relief to them, as she realized how long it had been since she spent any time in a man’s arms. “Don’t stop,” she whispered in his ear. “Please, don’t stop.” She had missed this so much. Her hands and feet tingled; her consciousness was starting to fade. She didn't care, as long as he never let her go.


The door banged open. He released her and whirled to face the interloper, his growl rising to a feral snarl. Suddenly bereft of his cool weight over her and the delights of his mouth, Lucinda let out a soft cry of pain and disappointment. Yohan, however, was more vocal. “How dare you interrupt!” he raged.


“Yohan,” Claudia’s voice came even and authoritative from the doorway. “Calm yourself now,
or you will kill her


He gasped, seeming to come to his senses, and turned to Lucinda, who still lay there, tears in her eyes at the interruption. “Ah, no, you are right, I...I almost--”


“Now, see, this is what happens when you go too long without a lover, dear.” Footsteps. A second pair of hands, just as cool, pushed her head to the side and probed a stinging patch over her pulse. “You lose practice in self-control.” A thoughtful pause, while she still lay there, barely hanging onto consciousness.


“Well, you’ve shot her full of your venom. I imagine she’s going to have some delightfully dirty dreams. And she’s perhaps a pint and a half low. But no harm done besides that. Good thing she’s in such robust health. She’ll be sleeping it off tomorrow, but that’s it.”


“God, I could have killed her!” Yohan’s voice shook with horror and self-recrimination.


“Could have, didn’t, it’s handled, let’s focus on what’s actually happening. Do you like her?”


“Very much.” Yohan pulled himself together, but still sounded breathless. “But why do you ask?”


“No reason.” Mischief tinged Claudia's voice for a moment. “Now, I’ll go get the car. Get ready to bring her out once I get it to the side entrance. And no more nibbling on her while I’m away!”


The door slammed, and she heard high heels click away briskly. She drifted, feeling drugged and exhausted, unable to move as Yohan gently lifted her into his arms and settled her onto his lap. She lost consciousness as he held her, her last sensation that of his fingers moving in her curls, and a soft, cool kiss laid on her forehead.

3: The Assignment


She gasped awake in her own bed, and sat up--weakly, a wave of dizziness hitting her that forced her to lie back down for a moment. Sunlight puddled on the floor from the window, looking obscenely bright. What time was it? She fumbled for her smart phone on her bedside table and nearly knocked it to the floor.


The silk slip that she had worn under the costume yesterday still clung to her body. The costume was gone, but the matching clutch purse sat on her desk, with the prize money from last night’s contest sticking out of it. The gown, mask and shoes were missing as well. She vaguely remembered Claudia helping her into her room, and blushed.
Did I get drunk?


It was the easiest explanation she had for what had happened. She had won the contest, talked briefly to Maestro Yohan, acknowledged her immediate and ridiculous crush on him, and then…?


She shivered, remembering his body pinning hers against the makeup counter. His lips on her skin. That wonderful, amazing
sensation that had left her trembling and begging for more. But she couldn’t tell if that was something that had actually happened, or if it was one of the spectacularly dirty dreams she had had last night. All involving Yohan. His body pinning her down, his mouth on her skin, those ecstatic growls. The experience was so bizarre that even lonely and crushing on him, chalking it all off to dreams seemed like the safest bet.


But God, it had been so lovely to feel a man’s arms around her again. It had been years--so many that the last one had been not a man at all, but a boy, and she barely into her mid teens. After that she had been too shy, and now, she was perpetually too busy. But even though she had little experience in such things, Lucinda remembered now how much she missed being touched.


Damn it. I swore I wouldn’t let myself get a crush on him.


She stretched, muscles a little stiff, and sat up again, carefully this time. Someone had left a glass of water on her bedside table, and she drank it down greedily. Feeling a little steadier, she grabbed her phone and checked the time.


It was almost noon.


“Oh my God.” Panicked, she checked her schedule calendar, and felt her heart sink. She had missed half her shift at the cafe. She hated the job--the manager was a creep and she came home with pinch marks on her ass and thighs half the time--but she needed it, even with the prize money. Yet she had also been warned that if she missed a shift without calling, she was out….


Tears filled her eyes. It was always something. Win a contest, lose a job. Have sexy dreams about a rich musician, wake up alone. Some days she felt she had no luck at all.


Her phone rang and she checked it: Claudia. She answered immediately, trying to get the anguish out of her voice. “Hello?”


“Hello, dear! This is Claudia. I must say, you made quite an impression yesterday evening. I had more than one person ask when you would be back.” She chuckled. “Including Yohan. So tell me, how did you sleep?”


She sniffled in spite of herself. “Um.”


“What’s wrong, dear?”


“I--I…” she shouldn’t whine to her landlord and employer. She struggled to at least control her tone. “I’m sorry, I just...I missed a shift at one of my jobs, the cafe, and they’re going to fire me.”


“Oh! Oh bother, that is unfortunate. Tch.” She paused to yawn enormously, and Lucinda wondered when she herself had woken up. “Well, I can’t meet with you currently, as I’m occupied until after dark. But I was going to ask if you wanted to expand your work duties anyway, so perhaps this will work out nicely.”


She sucked air, her tears drying. “Really? What sort of...expansion?”


“Well, you’ve done a lovely job at the Continental, but an associate of mine needs his penthouse seen to twice a week, and he’s so intensely private that it’s taken me forever to find someone he might say yes to. That’s you, dear. If you could find it in your heart and schedule to take him on, I assure you that the compensation is far better than you will get...waitressing.” her tone twisted with disgust on the last word.


“I don’t understand. Who is the client, and why would he agree to let me work for him when he had refused others?”


Claudia chuckled sleepily. “Oh, it’s Yohan. He’s almost like a son to me, you see, and I’ve done my best to look after his welfare. But he’s intensely private, and dislikes intrusions.”


Her heart was suddenly pounding in her ears, and her cheeks flushed. “Then w-why would he accept me working in his home?”


Claudia was very quiet for a few seconds, and then snorted. “Ah, young people. Let’s just say that he’ll want you there for the same reason he wished to meet you last night. You sing while you work, my dear. He wants to hear you again.”


When Claudia hung up after making arrangements, Lucinda set her phone down and stared at it. Remembering her strange mix of feelings at Yohan’s approach. And the images and sensations, which must have been from dreams: his arms around her. The feel of his teeth--


Now she really couldn’t think straight. She grabbed her robe and a set of clothes for the day and went down the hall to shower. As she toweled off her curls, she noticed something odd in the mirror. Brows knitting, she leaned forward--and saw a pair of tiny bruises where she had dreamed of Yohan kissing her. She brushed her fingertips over the spot, and found it sore and sensitive in a way that made her breath catch.


She started at Yohan’s penthouse two days later, promptly at sundown. The red-haired doorman let her up with a little smile; he was pale and bright-eyed and reminded her of Yohan and Claudia in a way she couldn’t quite place. The penthouse required a key to access its floor, and he turned it for her, then bowed and stepped back out of the elevator as the doors closed. Dressed in a simple black uniform for cleaning, Lucinda didn’t understand his solicitude, or the knowing smile on his lips.


The door opened onto a broad entryway of polished wood, with a parquet floor and glass-fronted bookcases lining the walls. A fire crackled on the hearth directly across from the elevator, and two hallways extended from either side of the entryway, stretching out the length of the building and lined with four doors apiece. She noticed a note sitting on the elaborately-scrolled mantel above the fireplace, and went to retrieve it, presuming it to be her instructions.


In a neat hand, almost too delicate to be masculine, the Maestro had made a short list of the night’s expectations. There was wood to polish, floors to sweep; at least one bed to change and make; laundry to send down the chute. She was instructed not to touch his music, his books or his instruments. Oddly, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom were not among her duties. Perhaps he had someone else to do that.


He himself did not seem to be anywhere around. In a way that was better; at least she could work instead of spending her whole time simply being...aware...of his presence. Somewhere nearby, but excruciatingly apart from her.


His home was, for the most part, completely neat, needing little in the way of actual tending save to prevent dust from settling on its surfaces. He was a fan of polished wood, in floors, pillars, panels and furniture; various shades surrounded her at all times. She didn’t see much of the Gilded Age in his personal rooms, making her think that that was probably a preference of Claudia’s. She set to work, immersing herself in the quiet contemplation of repetitive work. The smell of oil soap clung to her nostrils as she fed and polished all that wood. She grew bored eventually, and started to hum...then quietly sing, just keeping herself company.


The sound of a pair of hard shoes hitting the floor at the far end of the right hallway caught her attention, and she looked up from her scrubbing to see a familiar tall figure standing in front of the far window at the end of the hall. It stood open behind him. He closed it, and then turned back absently to head for one of the near doors, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He seemed completely distracted, and didn’t see her. She unfroze the moment he stepped out of sight, and went back to work. Quietly, for a while...but then humming, and finally singing again, softly. The acoustics of the place were wonderful.


She heard a door open down that same hallway, but couldn’t interrupt in polishing the glass bookcase fronts or they would streak, so she didn’t turn around. Instead she kept at her quiet aria and her quiet work. After a moment, the door shut again.


The same acoustics that gave her voice greater strength, however, also carried voices from elsewhere, and she quickly became aware of a one-sided conversation going on behind one of that hallway’s doors. She kept singing, pretending to be oblivious, but she could hear Yohan’s beautiful, lightly-accented voice raised in shock as he spoke into a phone.


“I understand that I needed someone trustworthy, but why is
here? ...No, I understand that, but you saw what almost happened last night. It isn’t safe.


“...What? You can’t expect me to agree to that!”


A long pause. “...No. Of course I want her ‘around’. It’s a relief to see her lively again, and...yes,  you are right about her voice. But the risk, Claudia….”


Lucinda shivered and felt her heart leap in a way that she couldn’t afford it to. She had misheard him, that was it. He couldn’t want
here, not a mere aspirant to a musical career who was cleaning his damned apartments for a living.


Yohan’s voice raised in consternation. “Sire, you are driving me to distraction with your interference. How could you do this? You know that I cannot afford--no, no, that is not it. Of course I miss my Constanze. But she is gone, three centuries gone. I know this. I merely...what? No!” She could hear him pacing.


She had to have misheard that.
Three centuries gone?
No one was widowed for three centuries; no one
for three centuries. Her heart pounded, and she had to force herself to keep singing.


Yohan sighed, his voice calmer. “Well yes, perhaps I do have a ‘type’. But it is terribly presumptuous of you to wave this girl in front of my face in the expectation that I...what? Yes, of course, Imelda is obsessed, she’ll be furious. But why…? Ah. I see. Do you truly believe that I keep myself apart from women because of Imelda’s jealousy? She and I were never lovers in the first place, no matter what she wanted to happen. I never even wanted her as progeny. She’s a damned accident!”


This conversation was getting weirder and weirder. She broke into some Gilbert and Sullivan to try and distract herself from eavesdropping. Except...wait. Imelda Castellanos was the name the blonde singer last night had been announced by. That snobby bitch. Apparently, she wanted Yohan, but Yohan wanted nothing to do with her. Somehow that made Lucinda smile a little--nastily. That woman had rubbed her the wrong way from the first moment, and the idea that Yohan wanted
around but not his own “progeny”--whatever that was--made her feel good.


Yohan sounded both pained and a little amused. “Claudia. My sire. Why don’t you just out and tell me why you sent this girl here to me? You’re not as good at keeping secrets as you think, and I can tell you’re up to something.”


Lucinda almost missed a note wondering herself.


“Well, that’s lovely, and certainly a virgin’s blood is always a delight, Oh, don’t be ridiculous, it’s been three centuries since I’ve touched a woman. I’d




“You actually expected me to--I can’t believe you’re meddling like this. I should go out there and dismiss her at once. For her own good!”


Her voice faltered and died, and her eyes stung. She couldn’t help it.
No, wait, please, don’t send me away….


Another long pause. “That is true. No, yes, and she has been, and it’s lovely. But...oh Claudia, now you’re being completely silly. It can’t happen. Because...because these things never work out. No, I’m not being dramatic.” Pace, pace, pace. Finally he burst out, “Between your machinations and Imelda’s fit-throwing, I’m getting rather sick of my kin!”


The conversation ended, and she bent back to her work, her heart hammering.
What is going on? Half the things he said made no sense at all.

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