ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) (65 page)

Read ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories) Online

Authors: Lyra Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Holidays, #Military, #New Adult & College, #Contemporary Fiction, #Single Authors

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Valentine Biker (MC Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Valentine Romance Short Stories)
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              “Now don’t be rude, Arran. This woman saved my life and freed me, which is plenty more than I can say for you lot, eh?”

              Arran squirmed out of Conall’s grip and bounced back a few feet, still grinning. Catriona hardly knew how to read the situation. Thus far, she hadn’t even been acknowledged directly - only about spoken as if she were simply an accessory Conall had brought home. Meanwhile the two men by the entrance clearly held doubts about her presence. She cleared her throat and spoke up.

              “My name is Lady Catriona,” - Catriona stopped short. She had let the
slip once again. And judging by the sharp looks on all three of the new mens’ faces, she could tell it didn’t sit as well with them as it did Conall. But she soldiered on. “I have come with Conall by invitation, in exchange for freeing him from Lord Hector’s encampment.”

              “Aye,” Conall joined in, “I owe her my life.”

              The brown haired man snorted derisively. Conall was about to call him out, when Catriona cut in instead.

              “Excuse me,” she said firmly, locking eyes with the surly man. “It is no simple task sneaking through an entire camp, into a prisoner’s tent, and then out again without raising a single alarm - and I won’t have it snorted it at.”

              The older man cracked a smile. “Well said, my Lady.”

              He stepped down from his post and approached Catriona at last. Holding out his hand, Catriona allowed him to take hers, and he touched his lips to it briefly.

              “My name is Eamon, and this unpleasant gentleman is Lenox.”

              Lenox diverted his gaze self-consciously, but also lowered his guarded stance. After that moment, it seemed the tension had been broken and Catriona was welcomed into their dwelling. Arran took the horse and let it away while Conall and Eamon showed her inside. The following days were certainly an adjustment - from Lord’s wife, to hide-away rebel. While Catriona was glad to be free of the grip of her husband, she was still unaccustomed to sleeping on the ground, without luxuries or niceties. But there were other aspects of her new life that outweighed some of the less appealing changes. For the first time in many years, Catriona was in the company of women again, friendly and warm, without the mask of court hiding their true natures or intentions. To pay her keep, Catriona had volunteered to help the other women in Conall’s clan. Without hesitation, they had welcomed her into their fold - cheeks bright, smiles broad. They treated her like a new sister-in-law.

              Despite this warmth, however, there was still a sort of apprehension that seemed to follow Catriona about the caves. While the women were kind, there were many moments when a conversation would be suddenly cut short and nervous glances would be cast about the room - as if they had just narrowly avoided letting something slip. The men were just as secretive, if not more so. Their reception was often mixed - while some treated her kindly, like Eamon and Arran, there were many others like Lenox who would look at her askance with suspicious eyes. There finally came a night when Catriona could no longer put up with it and she went to confront Conall is his chambers.

              While she had not visited them before, Catriona knew that Conall resided alone in his own den in a particular part of the caves. She wound her way through the tunnels - they lead even further into the mountains than she could have imagined - and marched into Conall’s rooms. Her timing, unfortunately, was misjudged as she walked in to discover Conall undressing. The two of them stopped short, Catriona in the doorway and Conall standing frozen in the middle of his chambers, hands just about to remove the kilt tied around his waist. Unable to stop herself, Catriona stared openly at his body - it was marked with many scars, faded white lines that etched themselves across his chest and arms. But his figure seemed unmarred by them, blood still beating hot beneath the surface.

              Conall cleared his throat. “Is there something I can do for you, my Lady?”

              Catriona flushed deeply and shook her head. “Forgive me, I didn’t realize - I wanted to talk to you about something.”

              Conall secured his kilt, and hastily grabbed a shirt to pull over his head. Catriona looked with regret as his muscles were quickly obscured by the fabric. “Yes?” He asked.

              She did her best to put such thoughts out of her mind and focus on the point at hand. “There’s something you haven’t been telling me. Something everyone seems afraid to speak of in my presence.”

              Conall smiled, but something about it seemed forced. “They’re just nervous having a noblewoman among us - it’s not something everyone here can easily accept.”

              “That’s not it, I can tell you’re keeping something from me.” And it was strange, because Catriona knew for certain that was true. Conall was holding something back. She could tell this not because of everyone else’s behavior, but because of his. From the moment they had met, she knew his body language, was able to read him like an old friend. And right now, as he tried to smile, Catriona saw the shoulders slightly raised, the tension in his legs as he seemed to be holding ground - and knew exactly what that meant.

              Conall caved at last, and exhaled a guilty laugh. “I suppose we can’t hide it forever, eh? Not with you living under our own roof.”

              Catriona’s breath quickened. “What do you mean?”

              Conall hesitated, he seemed to be searching for the right words. “Here,” he gestured, “why don’t we sit down.”

              He led Catriona to his bed, a blanket of furs atop rocks, wood - Catriona wasn’t sure. They sat and Catriona couldn’t help but feel her heart beat faster as Conall took her hand in his. She hadn’t been alone with a man apart from Hector in so long…and then she began to grow anxious. Unsure of what signs to look for, the cues she would need to protect herself. But as she looked up at Conall, Catriona realized - she wouldn’t have to, of course she wouldn’t. Conall had sworn to protect her, and aside from that, she could see in every inch of his body that he meant her no harm. Conall seemed to notice her falter, and squeezed her hand in concern.

              “Are you all right?” He asked, his eyebrows creasing ever so slightly. Catriona smiled at the endearing expression.

              “I’m fine, I…I’ve spent so long with Hector, I didn’t think I would be safe with a man again.” She tried to brush it off, but the relief was thick in Catriona’s voice.

              Conall moved closer - which might have frightened Catriona were she with anyone else, but with Conall it only felt reassuring.

              “My Lady, you’re always safe with me.”

              Catriona looked Conall in the eyes. They shone like gold in the low torch light. “Please,” she said, “call me Catriona.”

              Conall’s expression of concern softened into one of his own relief. “Catriona,” he said softly. He lifted a hand, absently, to brush a few strands of hair from Catriona’s face; before he could draw it away again, Catriona took his hand and placed it on her cheek. Closing her eyes, she pressed her skin into the warm palm, feeling the creases of his fingers and his lifelines. Conall did not retreat, allowing Catriona to hold him there. She opened her eyes again, to see Conall’s golden eyes gazing back at her. The room was comforting and safe, and for the first time in many years, Catriona pulled someone towards her for a kiss.

              Her purpose in Conall’s chambers was entirely forgotten, his imminent confession fluttered from her mind without a second thought. All she could think about was his lips on hers, his hot breath as they moved closer to one another. Too long had she gone without love, without someone who would enter her bed for her alone, for her pleasure. Conall carefully leaned Catriona back and they laid upon the furs. For just a moment, Conall pulled back.

              “Are you sure?” He asked.

              “Yes,” Catriona replied fervently and pulled him back towards her, “yes, please.”

              Conall laughed, grinning as he left a trail of kisses down Catriona’s neck and shoulders. She gripped his hair, feeling the weight of him on top of her; she longed for this, her body growing hot as Conall continued to her collar bones and the small dip between them. Catriona could feel his body reacting in kind, and quickly they began to remove the layers that stood in their way, Conall barely letting his mouth leave her skin in the process. Catriona giggled, enjoying herself for the first time in too long. As the two of them embraced, Catriona ran her hands down Conall’s back, his sides, taking in his touch, breathing in his scent. She was about to reach between his legs, to help him along - but Conall gently stopped her hand.

              “Wait,” he breathed into her ear.

              He then began to travel down her body, his mouth brushing her breasts, her stomach, the sensitive skin of her thighs. Catriona’s breath caught in her throat as Conall at last placed his mouth between her legs, caressing her with his tongue, warming her with his breath. Catriona closed her eyes and let herself be washed away by the experience, almost melting into the furs as Conall slowly brought her to climax. Catriona gasped, she moaned, without realizing it - gripping the bed. She had forgotten it could be like this; she had forgotten that sweet feeling that grew within her, gradually peaking with each motion. She felt Conall run a hand up her torso, resting it on one of her breasts. She placed her hand on his, following the movement of his fingers, tracing her shape, teasing her nipple. Catriona’s back arched, her lips parted, she greedily leaned into Conall as he stroked her. Her spirit could leave her body at this point and Catriona wouldn’t have noticed or cared - finally, she was having a moment of pleasure for herself, not a distant, cold attempt to achieve a child, but simply a night to be with another person as greatly as they wished to be with her. Her mind went blank as she climaxed, her body flooded with the sensation - it had been
too long
. She could feel Conall’s grip tighten as she gave into it, and he worked more eagerly to keep it going. At long last she fell limp against the bed, breathing heavily, dizzy from the experience. Conall allowed her a moment’s rest, not saying anything - perhaps catching his own breath as they paused.

              But Catriona would not let him wait for long. She opened her eyes and reached for him, pulled him up towards her again and they fell to kissing once more. This time Conall entered her, still tingling, and she held on to him tightly. She pulled her face away, unable to focus on their lips any longer - she buried her face in Conall’s shoulder as their hips rocked together, his thrusts going deep. Conall’s breath was hot in her ear, small moans of his own escaping his mouth as his pleasure grew. Vaguely Catriona wondered if he had been with any other women recently, but she was hardly going to let that thought distract her from the moment. They breathed together, moved together - all this time Catriona felt that somehow she and Conall had been a part of each other’s lives long before they met, and now in this moment she couldn’t feel more sure of it. Conall groaned helplessly as he came, making Catriona shiver with pleasure as he sank into her. The two of them laid in each other’s arms for some time after that, sometimes giving the other lazy kisses, or tracing their fingers along the other’s body. They didn’t speak, there was no need. Both Catriona and Conall wanted to simply take in the moment for what it was, to absorb it undiluted. Eventually sleep came to them both and they drifted into the night.

              Morning crept into the caves, waking Catriona more by instinct than by light. Still content from the night before, Catriona rolled over to stretch her arm across Conall’s body. But as she did so, she discovered that he was nowhere to be seen. She sat up quickly, pulling the furs to her chest. Conall’s room was empty, quiet. Perhaps he had something to attend to early in the day - but a sense of unease couldn’t help but tug at Catriona’s heart. Perhaps the night before had been nothing but a brief tryst after all. Disoriented, Catriona gathered her things and dressed hastily.

              Throughout the morning, she subtly searched the caves for Conall - asking his whereabouts as casually as she could. But by the sly grins on many of the women’s faces, she feared her state of disarray was only too obvious. After some time, a young woman by the name of Molly told Catriona where she might be able to find Conall. She had spotted him slipping away with Eamon and Lenox earlier that day, likely to visit one of their usual haunts. Catriona was pointed toward a mountain stream that curved its way into a small pond, hidden in a nearby valley. Catriona considered confronting Conall at once, but as she realized Eamon - and Lenox - would be there to witness her embarrassment, she decided to hang back before the men noticed her. She crept up carefully and obscured herself behind an outcrop of rocks. From her position, she could just make out their conversation. Conall seemed harried, pacing while Eamon stood back cooly, and Lenox gestured in irritation.

              “Thank god you let her body distract you, Conall,” Lenox exclaimed. “That woman shouldn’t be here to begin with, and you were just going to hand away our secret?”

              “How do you expect it to remain hidden forever? Catriona has every right to know if she’s going to be staying here -,” Conall began heatedly.

Is she
?” Lenox interjected, making it clear he desired otherwise.

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