ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (67 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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Parker's gaze shot towards the door to discover Lysander standing there. The Lysander who'd settled down atop her jumped up with a start and tugged on his briefs and pants in a hurry. Instinctively, Parker twisted up to hide herself. The Lysander who stood in the doorway began to laugh.


"Ah shit, I knew I forgot something. Hi, Parker. I see that you found out our little secret. Looks like you ended up having a good time even though I forgot about you."


The Lysander in the doorway was undoubtedly the guy who'd fucked her in the small green room during intermission. But his look alike... Parker's eyes shot to him. Lysander had called him Nikias. He had Lysander's voice. What was happening?


"Anyway, hurry up because we're rolling out, Nik. Sheryl says you sounded good tonight, and that I looked good tonight. I'd call it another success."


Nikias, shimming to get into his jeans as he approached the door, shot Parker an apologetic look. He joined his twin in the doorway, each of them the spitting image of the other. Parker's widened eyes shot from one to the other, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. No one had ever reported that Lysander had a twin. And from how Lysander was talking, it sounded as though he was just the face to Nikias' talent. Attitude was everything in punk, and Nikias' soft mannerisms did not lend itself well to the genre.


"Goodnight, Parker," Nikias bade her. Lysander smirked, quirked a brow, and lifted an open palm to wave her goodbye. As they left he shoved an oversized hoodie over Nikias' head, hood up, to mask the similarities of their bodies and faces.


And just like that, the one man she thought she'd idolized lost his luster. Lysander was not the person she imagined he would be; the man she'd pined over all these years was named Nikias, and to the world, he was invisible.




"You're crazy," Erin laughed when Parker told her the news the next day. "I think someone slipped you some drugs and you hallucinated that whole thing. There's no way."


But it wasn't a fantasy, wasn't some drug induced delusion. Lysander was the face and attitude, and Nikias, his secret twin, was the talent. And she'd slept with them both.


And five weeks later, when Parker knew there was no way her period could be that late, it was their identical faces that haunted her as she read the results of her pregnancy test. Positive.


Sordid View ripped up the charts and found great success on tour as Parker's body swelled with Smythson child. Before she'd used to daydream about having Lysander's baby, but now Parker knew just how lonely it felt to be pregnant without someone there to support her — and Lysander was no longer the name that haunted her at night. Nikias and his gentle demeanor was who she revisited on her lonely nights, and the fire he'd lit in her soul burned for him, and only for him.


It had been a long seven months since that night at the concert, and Parker had finished her school year and had withdrawn from the next to care for the child she was about to bring into the world. When the ringer buzzed, letting her know someone waited outside her apartment door, she thought nothing of it. With a sore back and a hanging belly, she waddled to the door and pressed down upon the microphone button.


"Yes, hello? Who is it?"


There was a pause. Parker presumed it was as whoever was at the door fumbled to figure out how to talk back, but a sharp rap at her window proved otherwise. Startled, Parker jumped and turned to face the window.


Bobbing outside her window, fanning his tremendous black wings, was one of the Smythson twins. Her heart rose into her throat and for a moment, she forgot how to breath. He was bare chested, and she saw no tattoos. It was Nikias.


Quicker than she'd moved in months, Parker ran for the window and wrenched it open. In a surprising feat of contortion and dexterity, Nikias squeezed himself through to fall upon her living room floor.


"The tour is over," he panted, the exertion from flying taking its toll. "Parker, I can't get you off of my mind. And... And it's good that I came back. Look at you."


Taking only a moment to compose himself, Nikias rose from the floor. The next moment he had his hand upon her distended belly, connecting with the child inside.


"It's dragon," he whispered to her.


"She's dragon," Parker murmured back.


"She," Nikias beamed with pride. With care he drew Parker into his arms, holding her close. "I'm going to take care of you. Both of you. I want you to come with me. We're not going back on tour for a while now, not until the next album is dropped. We'll raise her together."


The voice she'd always loved, a man she found crushingly handsome, and the kindhearted father their daughter needed. Parker beamed back, fighting the tears of joy that threatened to fall.


There was no way she could say anything but yes. The fantasy she'd had for so long had been nowhere as sweet as the reality she found herself living. Nikias had lit her fire, and as long as she stayed by him, Parker knew that she would always burn bright.









Grizzly Bear Biker

Chapter One

Lily Walker poured two beers, and took the cash for them with a smile and nod for the tip she received. She closed the drawer, and looked toward the next customer at the bar. She sighed inwardly. It was Luther Daniels, a hard ass Biker.

              “Watcha’ need Luther?” She asked pleasantly.

              “You darlin, I need you,” he told her bluntly. As usual there was no warmth in his eyes. Just a hard cold focus of his desires. He was a good looking man, but put off a vibe that was more than a little creepy.

              “I'm not on the menu Luther, so will it be a beer or a shot?” She asked. He grabbed her by the wrist quickly. Lily tensed.

              “It is on my menu. I could make you howl,” he told her with a leer. Over his shoulder she could see the bouncer watching the situation closely.

              “Come on Luther, time to ride brother!” A fellow biker called to him. Luther glanced over his shoulder as his friends were headed out. 

              “Be right there,” he called to them. He then looked back at Lily.

              “You'll come around Lily, you have to,” he finished coldly before letting go of her just as the bouncer was approaching. Luther left with a sneer at the bouncer, and followed his gang out the door.

              “You alright Lily?” Jake asked. He was a big man with a heavy beard and jovial expression until someone pissed him off. Luther had just pissed him off.

              “Yeah, you know Luther. He is a jerk. Thanks for looking out,” she told him honestly. Luther did creep her out, so Jake and the other bouncers at the Outpost Bar and Grill were always keeping an eye on him. It was appreciated by Lily. Two more customers, tourists, approached the bar, and she got back into the groove of her job.

              At this time of the year her customers were mostly tourists going to Yellowstone National Park. As annoying as they could be, they were better than the pain in the ass regular locals. Not that all locals were a pain in the ass, just enough of them were to make her job less comfortable. In the next hour she poured fourteen more beers and eight mixed drinks, doing pretty well in tips too. The night was going good, and she was looking forward to last call. It had been a long week, and she still had two more days to go before she was off for the weekend. She got a beer and a shot for Mike Jameson at the end of the bar.

              “You know honey, if you would go out with me you wouldn't have to worry about that idiot Luther,” he told her with a warm smile. She actually liked Mike, she just had no interest in dating anyone at that time. Mike was a biker as well as smoking hot. His muscular chest was tightly wrapped in a black tank top and leather vest. He was certainly easy on the eyes. Especially with his wavy brown hair.

              “Come on Mike, you know how my last relationship ended. All I am interested in these days is saving for college and getting out of this tourist trap,” she told him. She had told him before, but he still tried.

              “Well darling it will be a shame and a loss for us when you do leave. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me,” he said.

              “Yeah, on that bar stool, Wednesday and Thursday nights,” she said laughing. He raised his beer in a salute and turned to watch the television. She went back to work chuckling. At least he was cool about it, she thought to herself. Unlike that weird Luther. As she served drinks and chatted up customers she decided if she had to pick between the two suitors she would go with Mike. He was much nicer, and did not exude the whole dark nature as badly as Luther did. Her last boyfriend had ended up that way and she was barely over him.

              Her shift ended, and Lily was able to head home. She went out to her little brown pickup, started it up and pulled out of the parking lot. The truck shifted easily into high gear, and she got to her house in short order. She parked next to her little trailer and grabbed her purse before locking it up. As she headed for her front door she heard the bushes rustle and turned quickly. She was not usually a nervous person, but something in the night had begun to make her jumpy. She thought she heard a faint growl, or whine, coming from the rustling flora and quickly went into her house, looking over her shoulder the whole way. She saw nothing and heard nothing more, and that somehow made it worse. As soon as the door was shut behind her she locked it, and leaned back with a sigh. I am home she thought shakily. By the time she had ate and showered, she was feeling better and almost forgot about the animal in her yard.

              She put on her red night gown, and looked in the mirror for a moment fluffing out her strawberry blonde hair. It was shoulder length, and it was an awkward length for a ponytail so she just left it wild most of the time. Her face was heart shaped and tan, and she had sexy full lips. Her body was what some called fat, although she preferred voluptuous. She had double d breasts with wide hips, and an ass that drew attention away from her muffin top and little pot belly that bulged when she wore a belt. Her nightgown was just about snug and showed her curves, and she shifted in front of the mirror.  She was also a tall young woman, five foot eight, so to some her height and size was intimidating. She blew herself a kiss and went back out to the living room.

              She stood looking around for a moment, and then turned on the television. The place looked empty since she kicked her boyfriend out for cheating on her. He had taken all of his furniture, and she did not have much. She consoled herself, knowing she would be moving as soon as she had saved up, so she would not need all the extra crap anyway. Lily grabbed a beer and a shot, going to the little love seat she used for a couch. She drank the shot of bourbon and sipped her beer with a shudder, then a sigh. Her tension seemed to release and she was able to relax. This was the best time of her work week, alone and relaxed with no one to complain or harass her.

              She thought of Mike at the bar and grimaced. Not from dislike, but from frustration at her decision to date no one until she had reached her goals. She had recently been finding herself a little sexually frustrated. Lily had never been a one night stand sort of girl, so getting laid was more difficult for her. She shook her head looking for reruns of something on the television. She found some old Law and Order and settled in, sipping her beer and allowing herself to get lost in the show. After an hour or so she was yawning and ready for her bed. At least her ex had not taken that, she thought, she had spent a lot on the queen sized monstrosity, and she loved how comfortable it was. Her bedroom was in the back of her trailer, and was always warmer than the rest of the place so she turned on the fan, pointed it at the bed, then lay down. She did not bother getting under the covers. She just stretched out, loving the feel of her nightgown over her belly and thighs. The fan blowing against her face was also a comforting thing, and she was soon asleep. Her dreams caused her to unknowingly smile and squirm a little.

              Her dream was of Mike and Luther frowning at each other, beginning to fight over her. It was a weird dream because they were dressed like mountain men in furs and coonskin hats, while she was dressed in a skimpy white belly shirt and mini skirt. Very provocative and not at all her usual dress. Of course, as it is in dreams, nothing seemed strange until afterwards. So in her dream she was becoming turned on and cheering as their fighting became violent, growling like animals. When she woke up around noon the next day she was confused. Most especially because, she could not remember who she was cheering on to win in the dream.

              Lily made herself coffee and for the hell of it fixed a big breakfast of sausages and pancakes. Usually she would have granola or oatmeal for breakfast, but she felt the need for a treat. She put peanut butter and syrup over the pancakes and it was like little bites of heaven. She had another cup of strong coffee after breakfast and started getting ready for work. She put on a white t-shirt and jeans with low healed cowboy boots. She looked herself over in the mirror as she always did before work. She liked to make sure she was presentable enough to keep the tips coming in. She was fortunate that the locals, and even the tourists did not mind a chunkier woman. She chuckled at her profile and then front view. If it wasn't for her large breasts she would be pear shaped. She decided on a black vest over the t-shirt. It was short enough to leave a little of her white covered muffin top showing underneath and that worked for her. She grabbed her bandana and her purse before leaving the house.

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