ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (69 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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              “Ok, pizza and beer it is. Thank you Mike for your kindness. I will preheat the oven and if you do not mind, go change out of my work clothes,” she said. He smiled and nodded.

              “Go right ahead, I can keep an eye on the pizza. I can cook take and bake as well as anyone. It is a favorite of mine,” he told her. She set the oven and went to get clothes, and then decided to take a shower.

              The water felt good. She kept it luke warm due to the summer heat that was not lifting. She brought her core temperature down and she felt better, and just let the water cascade over her breasts and stomach. She could still feel a little tension but the fear was going and that was the big problem for her. She hated being scared, or even being put in the position of being scared. She always felt she should be tougher. Rationally thought she had to admit to herself that she had been alone on a mountain road being chased by a mountain lion. Being scared had been the rational thing to do. She managed to convince herself of that by the time she finished her shower. She got out and got dressed. She put on a modest red tank top and blue jogging shorts. They were lounging cloths and she was comfortable that way. She had a brief moment of remembering she had a guest but decided the hell with it. He had seen her run screaming down a road, cling to him for safety on his motorcycle, and then puke her guts out in the driveway. She doubted there was anything she could do to look worse than that. A quick towel dry of her hair and she went out to the kitchen. Following the delicious odors of a combination Pizza. Everything on it.

              As she walked in, he cracked a beer open and handed it to her. It looked like he had just sliced the pizza and was serving it up on plates. Her stomach rumbled hungrily. Then his did.

              “Sorry Lily, do you mind if I..” he asked as he handed her a plate. She shook her head.

              “Help yourself man. Have a beer if you want, I have lots,” she told him before biting into the pizza.

              She closed her eyes enjoying the wonderful explosion of flavor. Sausage, onions, olives. It tasted better than she could have hoped. They both ate in silence for a while enjoying the pizza and dark beer to the fullest. By the time they were done she had hit that full stage of comfortably stuffed without feeling like she would explode. Perfect, she thought as she opened another beer. It was only after her hunger had been properly put away did she notice that he had got out of his riding leathers and was wearing a tank top and jeans. He really was a handsome man, she thought. She was also surprised at his height. He was easily six foot or better. She was used to him at the bar on a stool. Standing next to him she had to look up and being five eight herself that was different.

              “Mind if I go out to the porch for a cigarette?” He asked her.

              “Not at all, may I join you. I was planning on smoking a few this weekend and it sounds really good right now,” she admitted and reached into a nearby drawer and pulled one out.

              “Sure, let me go out and see if anything nasty is out there first, ok,” she nodded and followed him to the door.

              Mike went out and after a minute he gave her the ok. She went out and they leaned against the railing of her small porch, and drank beer and smoked. They talked about anything that wasn't the lion or her truck and she appreciated that immensely. They spent several hours out there enjoying the breeze and drinking. There was no sign of a mountain lion or anything else. She found herself swaying and realized, looking at the empties she had stacked along the railing, she had enough for the night.

              “I am gonna call it a night Mike, let me get you a blanket or something before I crash,” she told him. They went inside and she got him a blanket and tossed it onto her loveseat.

              “See you in the morning dude,” she told him.

              “Sleep well princess, you deserve it after the night you've had,” he returned. She smiled slightly and went to her room. She sat on her bed and let out a deep breath. She was feeling the beer and sort of enjoying it. She knew she would sleep good tonight! Then she thought of Mike and felt embarrassed. She realized how far he had gone to make her comfortable in her own home and made a decision she would not have done if she had been sober. She got up and slowly walked back down the hall. He looked up from being half reclined on the tiny loveseat.

              “Ok, I gotta deal for ya. You said hands off so I will trust you. You can have half of my bed. It is only fair,” he looked surprised.

              “Are you sure Lily? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I can make out ok here,” he said.

              “Na, that thing is too small for me, much less you. My bed is plenty big and you can have half. You know you want to, so help yourself,” she told him and turned and went back to her room. She had to stick out her hand for balance sake about halfway there. She lay on her usual side after turning on the fan. Two pillows were beneath her head and she crossed her hands behind her head too. She felt absolutely and completely comfortable. Her body was humming slightly form the beer. She was glad she had not drank enough to star the spins. This was perfect she thought. She opened her eyes as Mike sat on the other side and then lay back himself.

              “This is a hell of a bed Princess. I get why you fought for it when you kicked that idiot out,” he sighed softly and it almost sounded like a friendly growl.

              “Fought for it hell. It is the one big purchase I have made in the last five years. No way in hell he was getting it. I fumigated it as soon as he left,” she said and then giggled with her own joke. He chuckled.

              They became silent and it was not long after Lily had fallen asleep and into a dream. In this dream she was wearing what she was when she went to sleep. Mike was in cut off shorts and no shirt looking like a golden god on the shore of the nearby lake. He had a slightly hairy chest and muscles that were spectacular. They were walking hand in hand.

              “Why do you keep hitting on me Mike? I have told you why I am not dating,” she asked in her dream.

              “Because a man can dream Princess. I will keep trying until I am absolutely positive there will never be a chance. Maybe when you have had enough time, if I am still around, you might one day take me up on it. Like I said, a man can dream,” he finished and squeezed her hand. She returned it. He was so damn sexy, nice, rugged, tough, handsome, sweet, masculine as well as an asshole, a rowdy son of a bitch and possibly a criminal. She grilled. What is not to like. She told him that and he laughed.

              “Of course. My charms are so vast you could be listing them forever,” he joked. Then again, she thought, maybe he was not joking. The sunlight became brighter and as it did she slowly left the dream and found herself lying in her bed with the sunlight streaming through her window curtains. She glance over at the clock and it was after ten in the morning. Mike was not in bed.



Chapter Four

Groaning Lily got up. She had slept in the same position all night and her shoulders were sore. She grabbed her short robe and wrapped it around her out of habit, although she was dressed as she had been the night before. As she went to the bathroom she could smell the wonderful aroma of bacon cooking. She took care of business and went out into the kitchen. Mike was leaning against the counter drinking coffee. He smiled when he saw her.

              “Who says woman can't wake up beautiful? Good morning Princess,” he said. She wanted to remind him of his promise not to hit on her, but she liked that one so she let it slide. She was even willing to overlook him calling her princess.

              “You are a godsend man. Coffee and breakfast. I don't know how I am going to repay you,” she said heading for the coffee.

              “I know how, let me take a shower while you keep an eye on the bacon so it doesn't burn,” he requested.

              “You saved my life, feel free to a shower. I will watch the bacon. I might not even eat any before you get back,” she told him.

              “I'll hurry Princess,” he said and went down the hall.

              Lily drank her orange juice after her coffee and had breakfast ready by the time he was done. They ate companionably, and then she got dressed and they went to see her truck. He had promised to look at it before she automatically called a tow truck. Lily enjoyed the hell out of the motorcycle ride. It had been years and it made her long for a bike herself. Maybe someday, she told herself as they sped down the road. They got to her truck and it was as she left it. Mike popped the hood and bent over the engine. He made little growling disgusted sounds from time to time as he looked it over. Lily was goods at some do it yourself things, but engines were not one of them.

              “So what is it? Give me the bad news doc, I can take it,” she joked and he laughed and straitened up.

              “I hope so Princess. Some body messed with this. A part was loose and had half came off. That was the noise you heard and why it stalled out. I have a small tool kit in one of my saddle bags that will fix her up. There was a little damage to surrounding parts, but that is an easy fix. I can have you home in under an hour,” he said watching her closely. The last part sounded good, the first part however...”

              “What the hell do you mean somebody messed with it. Who the hell would mess with my truck?” She half shouted angrily. He shrugged.

              “Know anyone who you have pissed off lately. That is all I can think of. We can call the cops, but there is really no proof. It could have happened on its own, theoretically. Except I have been around engines my whole life and never has a starter on an older engine just drop like that. It is three bolts, and the problem is usually getting them loose. Not keeping them on. So I believe someone messed with it. The cops probably won't though,” Lily knew she should be scared at that point but she was just furious. She loved her little old truck.

              “You said you can fix it? Lets get her home first and I will decide what I want to do. I am too pissed off right now. Can I have a cigarette while you work,” she asked. He silently handed her one and went to work. He was as good as his word, and they were home in an hour. She realized that whatever Mike might be, he was as good as his word. She wondered if it was a biker’s thing. She asked him.

              “Depends on the gang. I mean yeah we may do a few things that the law would not like, and we don't mind a fight from time to time, but we never leave one of our own behind in any situation. We do not harass honest civilians at all. They don't have it coming. We appreciate anyone who works hard and does there best. I know it sounds strange to a lot of folks but it is the truth. Just so you know, my people love you too. You always treat’m good. You don't get bent if they are a little loud at the pool tables, or always play the heavy rock on the juke box. You have always been nice and not treated us like we are walking around with criminal on our foreheads. You are appreciated. So even if I did not have my own infatuation with your lovely self. My gang would lunch me if I did not help you however I could,” he finished. Lily was a little surprised and humbled. She did not know she had that kind of effect on her customers. He also had said they lover her “too.” Did that mean he was in loved her? She blushed a little and looked away into the woods.

              “So, do you think it would be a waste to call the cops?” She asked, hoping to change the subject.

              “Naw, at least call them and put in a report. Whether they believe it or not it will be on record for the future. It is always best to cover your bases,” he said. She agreed and did.

              She made her report about her truck and the mountain lion. The cops were hesitant about someone messing with her truck but had heard reports of increased lion activity so that was already being looked into by the rangers. After the cops left, giving Mike an odd look, they both went in and had lunch and then a beer on the porch. It turned out they were both thinking along the same lines.

              “I was wondering if you thought that maybe Luther messed with my truck,” she asked Mike. He sighed.

              “I am glad you brought that up. Yeah I do. You say your ex left town after you drop kicked him. If that is true who else could it be. You are the most favorite bartender for three counties so he is the only one stupid enough to do something like this to you. Most of the drinkers around here would have his head for it,” he commented.

              She blushed at his compliment. She was having a hard time hearing so many good things about herself and began to wonder if that was a problem. Why shouldn't she be complimented, she asked herself. She did work hard and tried to be good at her job. She internally vowed to take them as given.

              “I am sure that Shelly will think so too after she hears of it. Speaking of which I should call her before she hears it on her own. That woman has ears everywhere,” she told him.

              Mike laughed as she pulled out her phone. Shelly was upset and Luther was the first one to come to her mind too. She agreed with Mike about her trucks damage too.

              “I am glad Mike is looking after you dear. Whatever might be said of him he is stubborn and tough. You are safe and I will fear less for you. If the cops come by I will let them know what I think about it. For you, take a few days off kiddo. Get your breath back after all this shit and let me know when you are ready to come back to work,” she offered. Lily surprised herself by not fighting it.

              “Thanks Shelly, I think I may need it. Thanks for everything, I love you so much. You are always so kind to me and everyone there. I owe you,” Lily told her. Shelly pish poshed away the compliment, but Lily could tell she was pleased by it.

              They ended up eating an early dinner. Mike was going to look after her another night. He did not trust Luther to stay away. He was sitting at the coffee counter and Lily was in the kitchen when she was looking at him and realized something about herself, as well as him. She flipped a dish towel over her shoulder and leaned on the counter.

              “What can I get ya Mike? Your usual?” She asked, like she did at the bar. He grinned and played along.

              “Yeah give me one for those dark beers. They always taste better coming from you,” he told her. She got him one and one for herself.

              “Ya sold me Mike. Mind if I join you?' he gestured for her to feel free and she did.

              They both sipped their beers looking into each other’s eyes. His had such a gentle peace to them, yet behind that was a wildness she was sort of wishing she could see.

              “This feels a little weird without you hitting on me,” she commented. He laughed.

              “I promised not to you know. I would hate to break a promise to a beautiful lady. My flirting is still good right?” She nodded vigorously to that. He was great at flirting.

              “Why don't you try that other thing you do?” She asked. It surprised him and her. She knew, however, that she meant it. She was done letting her ex rule her choices.

              “So Princess, when are you going to let me take you away from all of this? I know some great spots to show you how romantic this biker can be,” he said.

              “When were you thinking? I was just given a few days off,” she told him and smiled, what she hoped was a sexy smile. His eyes widened.

              “You’re kidding? You’re not kidding!” He jumped up and she moved around the counter and took his hands.

              “You have been so cool about all of this it is amazing. As drunk as I was last night you could have took advantage and I would have let you. You have been kind and supportive. It occurred to me if I am ever going to want to date again I have the perfect man to try it with in front of me. If I waited much longer you may not be here. Honestly any pain from my ex faded long ago. I was just holding onto my pledge because I got comfortable with it. I am not so much anymore, so what do you say?” She asked hopefully, with her head held high. He smiled with more joy then she had ever seen. Lily reached up and put her arms around his neck. He crouched, and then with a hand under each butt cheek, picked her up. Lily squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed. He spun her around, and they laughed together. For the first time in a long while, Lily felt free.

              “I do not know if this is too soon but I was wondering,” he began.

              “If we could try out my bed?” She returned eyes wide and innocent.

              He did not answer as he began walking back to the bedroom. Holding on to his rock hard body was causing a flutter inside her that was reverberating through her body. She felt a rising desire and wanted him to see to it with her.

              He lay her on the bed and standing over her he began taking off his shirt. She sighed happily and began unbuttoning her own blouse. She had on a spandex half shirt underneath. Once it was open she un-zipped her shorts to help him along. She wanted to do her part.

              “Damn woman, you get me so hot I don't know where to go first. You always have you know,” he told her. There was a deep growl to his voice that was animalistic, and yet very arousing to her. He bent over her and caressing her stomach he kissed her breasts through her top. Then he helped her out of her top and her breasts were free.

              “Ah yes Mike, there, oh baby, yes oh ah!” She gasped as his fingers teased her clitoris and licked her breasts. He pressed his lips over her nipple and teased her wet opening causing an orgasm that shook her and had her ready for more.

              “You, like that Princess, huh, you like that? Oh baby I got more for ya,” he panted harshly.

              “Bring it Mike, show me my Prince, show me, ah yeas, oh...oh...oh!” She cried out as his fingers explored deeply into her waiting place of pleasure. It started another orgasm yet it was only the warm up. She wanted something else. His hands were everywhere as were hers. She could feel his shaft of pleasure swelling bigger in her hand, growing to proportions she would not have dreamed of yet immediately craved from him.

              “Oh, baby, that is it. That is what I want, give it to me man, oh yes you know where to put that!” She asked before her need for him was so strong she could only gasp. He lifted himself above her, and she had no fear, only desire. He plunged into her opening and reached her deepest place. The place her lust was waiting, and he touched it with each hip movement. Over and over. Her body built with higher and higher lust until when he came she shook with a matching orgasm that did not want to end. When it finally did she was gasping for breath, and it took her a few minutes to get her breath back. He too was out of breath. Finally he slid off of her and lying next to her whispered in her ear.

              “There are no words Lily for how that felt. You matched my desire for you in ways I could not dream. We are going to have a good time together, I can tell,” he said kissing her neck. It tickled and she giggled. She agreed. They were a match for each other. After a minute she heard engines approaching the house. Many engines. Startled she pushed herself up. So did Mike.

              “Well their timing could have been better,” he said. He rolled out of bed reaching for his pants.

              “Who is it Mike, Luther’s gang?” She asked with a tinge of fear. He laughed.

              “No Princess. Mine. You have body guards now. I called earlier,” he told her putting on his shirt and going down the hall. Lily was stunned and got up to dress quickly. Apparently she had guests.

Chapter Five

It was several months into fall, and Lily was as happy as she had ever been, despite the danger she knew they were in still in. She would still see Luther around, in the distance watching her. It was always when there was no one close enough to catch up to him. She was aware of the risk, but was not worried about it. She and Mike were ready if he tried anything and the Montana Thunder Bears, Mikes Biker pals, were backing them up. She had a drink of her shake and sighed, stroking her extended belly. She was four months pregnant now and this girl was going to be a big baby if she was so big already. She drank down the rest of her protein shake, and waddled over to the couch. Mike had accepted her invitation to move in and they had real furniture now. She lowered herself carefully to the couch and smiled, stroking her belly again. Nothing was what she would have ever expected. It was better.

              She had fallen in love with him in record time. He already had been in love with her, he said and she believed him. The gang liked her and welcomed her with open arms as well. Several of them had moved trailers near hers so that they now had a community of friends surrounding them. Luther was stupid, but not so stupid to try anything here. Shelly was letting her work part time because the doctor had thought it would be best, considering the baby's growth. Everything with her baby girl was healthy though, and they had nothing to worry about as long as they took care of business. Lily rocked herself forward with her legs spread a little to accommodate her big tummy. She reached out and picked up her sandwich and began eating.

              She brushed her hair back as she swallowed a bite and looked at her reflection. She still thought she looked good, she had that pregnancy glow. Her boobs had swollen as they were supposed to when pregnant. She had gained quite a bit. According to the doctor with the size of her baby, it was necessary. She promised Mike she would lose the extra weight. He of course said not to worry about it. She did though. He was so great to her she had to do her best to be as great back. So she planned on getting back to the weight she had been when they met. Now she always wore oversized clothes that seemed to stretch and fit her the best. Then large sweat pants for her home life. For work she had a set of maternity clothes to look more presentable. Mike said he found her sexier at home. He proved it to her as often as safely done with the baby.

              He was ecstatic about the little girl on the way which had been a surprise to her, and a greater joy. He was everything her previous boyfriend had not been and more. They were going to get married in a private ceremony after the little girl came into their lives. Lily couldn't wait. Now though they had to find a name and they were stuck on several. Shelly was a possibility. Angel was another they both liked. Then again Tina, for Turbo Tina the biker chick who lived down the road was a good tribute as well. She sighed and picked up the other half of her sandwich. She heard a sharp click, click.

              “Well, well, look at the fat pig, stuffing herself. It makes me glad I never got with you. I still owe you, and that monster you live with though,” Lily turned as best she could as soon as the voice started and froze at the sight of Luther Daniels. She had picked up a few things from Mike. She growled softly and pushed herself to her feet. Luther was pointing a gun at her midsection. The only thing that came to mind was the thought, no way he lives. Mike had took away her fear.

              The front door flew open, and in came Turbo Tina and Crazy Red, her biker chick neighbors. They both had guns but as soon as he heard them Luther had leaped, and put his arm around her throat and gun at her waist. Lily was scared for the baby, but her anger for Luther was even greater still. Tina and Red froze.

              “You’re dead Luther. As of this moment you are a walking dead man,” Red told him with a little giggle. Lily did think that woman was crazy.

              “Mike is going to rip you to pieces boy. Or you are going to get shot cleanly.  Promise it won't hurt near as much as what he is going to do to you,” Tina told him reasonably. Luther laughed.

              “Mike does not scare me. Do you know what I am? I know what Mike is, and he is no match for me,” he said with a humming like growl.

              “Then why have you been on the run from him Luther,” Lily asked him. He was half holding her up so she was bent backwards. If she could get her feet under her she might be able to do something.

              “I haven't been running you fat pig! I have been bidding my time,” he said silkily.

              “Oh, so you were waiting for Mike to be out of town, is that what you were biding for. You stupid asshole, what makes you think he is out of town,” Luther started laughing until Mike walked in behind the women.

              “You really are an idiot Luther. You are going to let Lily go, then you and I will fight it out. Winner take all boy,” Lily was startled Mike said that, but knew it would be a bluff. Lily wiggled a little, sliding her feet until they were planted more secure. Because he was holding her so low against his body her longer legs were bent and positioned perfectly. He eyes briefly met Mikes, and knew he knew she was going to try something.

              “So Luther why don't you just...” Lily's left hand swung down and knocked the gun out of his hand, and she shoved against the ground with her feet, levering her whole body into Luther’s. It shoved him back and he lost his grip on her. She rolled to the right away from him and soon had Red and Tina standing over her with guns. There was a blur of movement and Mike landed on Luther before Crazy Red could fire her sawed off shotgun.

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