ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories) (73 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BIKER ROMANCE: Werewolf Rider (MC Shifter Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance Short Stories)
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"He is doing that well? Wow, good for him. It isn't just me you know. I mean I am good and all but music helps focus and drive. It is going to be a part of my Master’s thesis. I am so happy to hear he is doing well in all his classes. I would love to come for dinner. Do you think you could keep your mom from gushing too much?" She asked hopefully. He laughed.

"No one could do that. You are in for a needed praising as far as I am concerned. You have done us all a load of good. Whether you know it or not beautiful, you are amazing," he said and she could hear the sincerity. She was a little embarrassed and changed the subject.

"How is your mom doing? Is her job still going alright? I know she was worried," she asked. He chuckled.

"Better than alright. She is going full time and management. She has been there for fifteen years and when they needed someone to step up they chose her, as they had to, as far as I am concerned," he said with a snort.

"Full time, wow! That is exciting news! Do you think she would mind if I brought a bottle of champagne over to celebrate. After working that hard to get there she deserves a little pampering herself," I told him. He laughed softly.

"She would be over the moon about it. Our whole family is energized and doing better. I know you don't want credit so let me say you came at an interesting time in the Jones family," he said with another laugh. Jacqueline hugged him tightly. Wondering if now that his mom is doing better at work he was going to quit his day job. She was afraid to ask. She always stayed out of his business, not wanting to know. Everything else was going so well she couldn't conceive of that not happening too. Life was amazing she told herself as they got up and got dressed. They had fallen asleep one night and almost got caught there in the morning, so they were more careful now.

The dinner celebration went great. They had popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate Mrs. Jones new promotion and she had brought a bottle of sparkling cider for Charles. It looked like champagne anyway. He seemed to appreciate it. After dinner Jomial stood.

"Com'on Chuckers, we get to haul the garbage," he told his little brother.

"Ah man, do I have to," he asked plaintively.

"What was that?" His mother asked.

"Nothing Ma," he answered quickly and he got up to help Jomial. They went out the back door arguing good naturedly.

"Did Jomial tell you about Charles grades?" She asked.

"He did. I was going to say something, but I wasn't sure if it would embarrass Charles. Boys are boys," she told her. Mrs. Jones laughed.

"It would, but maybe slip it in just before you go. A little embarrassment over something like that is good for him. So I noticed you and Jomial are getting along great," she said out of nowhere. I felt a slight blush and she actually giggled.

"I would be an idiot if I did not notice how you two looked at each other. I can only say I am happy he is with someone I can respect and love. You know you have done wonders for this family darling," Jacqueline felt another blush and took a gulp of champagne.

"Really Mrs. Jones I..."

"You can call me Martha dear. How long have you been coming here now? Three months or so, jeez girl you make me feel old," she said. That made Jacqueline smile. No way would that woman ever be old, she thought.

"Ok Martha, thank you," then she told her about her Masters thesis and how she believed music had a power all its own. The woman nodded.

"You might be right about that. But you are always going to get some credit from me my girl. How is your school going?" She asked. Jacqueline found herself having a lovely conversation with Martha about her school and Marcy. It did not occur to her the two guys were still outside until they came back about a half hour after they went out. She had been set up she thought with a smile. She found she did not care. Martha was a wonderful woman and worth the time. Speaking of time...

"I hate to say it, but it is time for me to skedaddle. Class come early tomorrow," she announced. They said their goodbyes and Jomial walked her to her car, as usual.

"So you and Ma got a chance to talk?" He asked casually.

"Yes, thanks to you taking your brother out. Not that I am complaining mind you. She was a little out of left field mentioning us though," he laughed.

"She hit me with it at breakfast the other day, imagine how that felt. Half-awake without my first cup of coffee. At least you had a drink," he said. Jacqueline laughed.

"The good thing about her knowing about us is this," he said leaning forward to kiss her. She returned it smiling against his lips. As they broke apart she saw his eyes go across the street and his handsome face hardened.

"What is it?" She asked turning. She watched a little white sports car take off down the road.

"We are being watched. I am going to have to do something about that. They know better than to try anything at my house," she could hear the anger in his voice. Although it was not in his eyes when he looked at her.

"Don't worry. I was going to surprise you, but I think I am getting out of the game," he said. Jacqueline was surprised but her smile was huge and he smiled too.

"I got into it because we could not pay our bills and I was the eldest. Then I got caught up in it. You helped me find my way out. It seems like there may be a few unfinished details I have to take care of though, if I am being watched. Anyway, were we going to go try that other song this weekend or what?" He asked cheerfully.

"I hoped so. It has a great rhythm to it and I love what you have lyrically so far. Saturday night my man," she said grinning. He smiled.

"I like hearing you say that, my woman," he said, bending for another kiss. She was happy to oblige.

For the song they were practicing she was using a guitar. Jacqueline loved it only slightly less than the piano. They finished it up and smiled. They both knew it was perfect. Jacqueline was wearing a loose blue blouse over a tank top and black leggings. They stood and embraced. Looking into each other’s eyes with happiness for what they had created together. As he bent forward to kiss her they were interrupted.

"Ain't this cute Bobby. Jomial and his uptown girl. It makes us all look bad," They turned and there were two black men in hoodies and jeans facing them. Two more men walked in behind them and stood with their backs to the door. Jamila stared at them a moment and then turned to Jacqueline.

"Stand back by the piano Jacky, for a minute ok?' He said. His eyes were hard yet there lurked a caring gleam in them and she backed over behind the piano. She felt a known of fear in her gut and she began trembling. Jomial turned and walked toward the two men closest. Ignoring the two by the door.

"I was going to deal with everything tomorrow, you two just proved how stupid you are by coming here," he told them. Stopping within a foot of them. He was big and strong and he looked equal to the two thugs facing him.

"We couldn't wait Jomial. Word is spreading that you are going soft. You need to know and coming here was a good way to do it. If you want we can go by your moms," that was as far as he got.

The mention of Jomial's moms had Jomials fist shooting forward faster than Jacqueline could follow knocking the man speaking off his feet. The other one lunged forward but Jamila sidestepped and watched the fist go by, grabbing his arm and turning and twisting. That man, Bobby presumably, cried out as a loud snap was heard. He dropped to his knees. The first man, the speaker had got up and was pulling something out of his pants. Jomial however had not stopped moving and grabbed his wrist, continuing to turn and wretched his hand back. He also cried out and a gun dropped to the floor. He too dropped to his knees cradling his now broken wrist. Bobby reached for the gun until Jomial brought his boot down in his hand with a crunch causing another cry of pain. Then Jomial kicked the gun across the floor. He crouched down in front of the two injured men. The two guys by the door had not moved.

"You two are really dumb, ya know that. Now what do you think I should do with you, hmm. You know what you have coming and I doubt anyone would miss you," he told them. Jacqueline felt a coldness increase the knot in her belly.

"You threatened my Mama, my home and by being here my girlfriend, think about it," he told them.

"Help us you fools!" The man with the broken wrist cried to the men by the door. Jomial laughed.

"They are not fools. They are smart, and loyal. Something neither of you are. I am not sure what you thought you would get out of taking our business out of the neighborhood, but whatever it was you are not going to get it," he said softly. He looked over to the men by the doors.

"So Mikel, Louie, I am thinking these guys need to leave town," he told them.

"Gotcha Jomial, they can disappear," the biggest of the two said. Jomial shook his head.

"No, not disappear, leave town. I do not want them dead. It would screw all kinds of things up. Especially my relationship with this beautiful lady. No, I want them to really leave town. For good," he said. He then turned his head back to the men on the floor who had begun to get some hope.

"I know you won't be coming back because by tomorrow night everyone who matters will know what you tried to do here. You are going to have to run far to stay safe. Coming back is not an option boys. Got me?" He asked and his voice lowered to a dangerous tone Jacqueline had never heard before and did not want to hear again. She understood why he was saying these things, but the whole situation scared her.

"Help them out to their car gentlemen. Make sure they do not interrupt anyone still working in this fine establishment, got me," he asked. The two men left the door and came over, helped the two injured men up, and helped them out without a word.

"I will catch up to you later," Jomial called out before they shut the door. He sighed turning to Jacqueline.

"I am sorry that happened Jacky. You never should have seen anything like that. I really did not expect them to try anything until tomorrow at the earliest. Mikel and Louie were warned to keep an eye on them. Shit they could have called me," he said disgustedly and then stepped over to her and she welcomed his embrace. She was just glad it was over and she felt her heart rate slow back down. He murmured comfort into her ear for a time and they kissed.

"Let me see you home baby before I go deal with this left over shit. Then we will be able to live in peace. What do you think," he asked with a slight smile.

"Yes please," she answered.



Chapter Seven- Living in Passion



Jacqueline went home after class feeling like she could dance. It was the end of the term and she had aced everything. Not only that, she had received her advisors approval for her thesis paper proposal she had submitted. It was a tough committee who looked those things over, but Cindy had argued for her, she knew. So it was a go. She was signed up for another term of teaching the kiddies at the Junior High School and Charles was still game for home tutoring. Everything in her life was a go.

She had just ate dinner with Marcy. Marcy had finally stopped teasing her about being in love and was now asking if he had a friend. Considering Jomial's old running buddies, she thought, that would be a bad idea. You never know though, she told herself, he was fantastic for her. She checked the place over making sure it looked good and then went into the bathroom to change. It was going to be a great night.

She had spent a day the week after the incident with Jomials old gang with his mother. They cooked a dinner and talked about life and even better, a future. She was all for Jacqueline making the relationship with Jomial permanent and it turned out so was Jomial. It had taken her less than 2 seconds to mentally agree with Martha. When Jomial had asked her to marry him she had taken less than a second to begin answering yes. 

Jomial had decided to go to school and had passed his entrance exams. He said he had never paid close attention in school, but he did great on the exams so she was pretty sure he had been listening. He was not sure what he was going to go for yet. He was sure he would figure it out though and so was she. Jacqueline knew her man.

Their music was coming along beautifully. They had managed to write and rehearse a full album worth of material and she had got permission from the faculty to use one of the studios to record it. They both were ecstatic over it. It was an eclectic mix of different genres of music. But that was how they were, and that was what they wanted to do. There was no better way to approach art, she knew.

Jacqueline dressed in a silk nighty she had bought the day before. It was a soft dark green that went well with her complexion and eyes. It was mid thighs and snug around the waist. Her cleavage was shown to great advantage and she was positive Jomial was going to like it. She knew she was beautiful and this time she did not need Marcy's help to pick it out, or tell her how she looked. She then put on a matching longer robe and went out into the kitchen and poured a glass of wine. He would be her soon, she thought taking a sip.

When he walked in she was standing at the counter with a smile holding a glass for him. His eyes widened and then he smiled coming forward.

"You are always full of surprised. Thank you baby, I could use this," he took a sip after thanking her.

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