ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)
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Chapter Four

You’re looking a lot better these days, something good happen?” George asked me when I was on my way out to lunch. George was an older guy, somewhere in his fifties, and he was the man that everyone went to for their problems.


“Yeah, I’m starting to fix some wrongs that I made.” Normally I would’ve gone to George about my problem with Julia because he was a better judge of relationships than Jacob was, but since it had to do with a co-worker, I didn’t want to bring it up.


“That’s good to hear” he said patting me on the back and walking out of the door. Just when I was about to exit, I remembered that I had to copy some paperwork and give it to a senior attorney. I wanted to do it now because by the time I got back I would have probably forgotten to do it. I turned around and that’s when I saw Elizabeth approaching me.


“Wait!” she called after me when I started walking in the opposite direction. She was really starting to piss me off and make me regret that I still work here.


“What?” I asked coldly. I really didn’t want to hear anything that she had to say after the little stunt that she pulled last night. When she was an arm’s length away from me, she put this sad expression on her face.


“I wanted to apologize for last night,” she bit her lip. “I wasn’t in my right mind then and I know that I said some pretty mean things.”

“Apology accepted, now please leave me alone.” I walked around her and she called after me.


“She really is a pretty girl,” I chose to ignore her which made me believe that she’d finally catch a hint and walk away. I wasn’t lucky in that regards however. “But I think you need someone
in your life” I sighed. What was the point of her apologizing to me when she was still practically saying the same thing that she was saying last night? The only difference is she wasn’t a complete bitch about it.


“Look,” I turned around and faced her once my copies were complete. “I will say this one last time; it was just sex and nothing more. I’m trying to set things right in my life, but you are trying to make things difficult. I do not want you, I will never want you.”


“You’re lying!” she shouted showing her true colors. “You can tell yourself millions of times that you’ve only made love to me because you were drunk, but we both know the truth.” I looked away from her then and she reached her hand towards my face and forced me to look back at her. “You wanted me even before we had sex; you’re just too much of a coward to admit it.” I was glad that we were the only ones left on the floor because this conversation would definitely get us written up.


“Are you done?” I asked and her scowl deepened. When she didn’t say anything I pushed her hand away and walked towards the door.


“You need to stop lying to yourself” I heard her say before I walked out of the door.


“I’m starting to think that she is crazy.” I said as I made it to the lobby, I pulled my phone out and called Julia. She answered on the second ring.


“I was just thinking about you.” She said and I could hear the smile in her voice. I found myself smiling as well.


“Really? I hope it was good thoughts.” She giggled and I sat down in the lobby. I brought my lunch today; I just didn’t want to stay in the office a second longer.


“Always,” the last few days have been good for Julia and I. We constantly spoken on the phone and I took her out a few times. Things couldn’t have gone better if I prayed on it. “My mom is leaving for the night to go on a little trip with her friends. I was wondering if you’d want to come over and spend some time together.” I felt like we were in high school again and I was sneaking into her house when her mother was sleeping.


“Sure, I can bring some movies over. Any movies you want to see?” I know Julia was more into romantic dramas, which I hated, but I’d be willing to watch one with her if it’ll make her happy.

“Sure, there are not many movies out that I want to see so bring what you want.” I knew Julia well enough to know that was a trap.


She surely wanted to watch something that she was interested in and not vice versa. I definitely wasn’t going to fail this test. I might bring something cheesy like “The Notebook”. I personally didn’t understand why woman swoon over the movie, it was depressing as hell.


“I know just the movie to bring,” she laughed.


“I hope so.” We talked for a few more minutes before she had to go. I was kind of sad because I wanted to speak with her for the duration of my lunch period, but I understand that she has a life too. I ate my sandwich in silence as I watched the people walk in and out of the lobby. I saw business men and women and I wondered was this something I wanted to do with the rest of my life.


“What are your aspirations? What are your dreams?” Julia’s familiar voice vibrated in my mind. I was only twenty-five years old and even though I was a grown man, I still haven’t found myself yet. When I finally do find myself, I’ll be more confident of my future. I also knew that I’d be a better man for Julia. I dumped my trash in the garbage and made my way back upstairs. I still hadn’t forgotten the conversation with Elizabeth because some of what she said hit home, but I wasn’t going to let it ruin the rest of my day. 


“So you think she’s going to give you some?” I sighed irritably, why did Jacob always think about sex?


“I don’t know man and it doesn’t matter.”


“Bullshit!” he yelled into the receiver. “If she sleeps with you you’re pretty much as good as gold.” Jacob did make a point. Julia wasn’t the type of person who would sleep with anyone, but I didn’t like the way he just said that.


“If it happens, it happens. I’ll talk to you later, I’m pulling up now.”


“Alright keep me posted,” and with that said, we hung up the phone.


When I looked at my watch, I was fifteen minutes early. I was never one to arrive early or even on time to something, but these days I am different. It was almost like I was becoming more responsible, more mature. The house was completely dark and the blinds were closed, I found this odd considering that Julia knew I was coming. Or maybe she forgot? I shook my head because there was no way in hell that she would have forgotten. She had the memory of a grown elephant. 


I walked onto the porch being extra careful so I would not trip and knocked. The seconds that it took her to open the door might as well have been hours, but when she finally did it was worth the wait. She was wearing a sexy black lace dress with silver heels. It almost looked like lingerie and she definitely wasn’t wearing a bra. I could feel my cock swelling. I didn’t know what woman wore heels when they were lounging in the house, but she pulled it off and I wanted her.


“Wow,” I said gawking at her and she smiled as she pulled me into the house and shut the door. “You look sexy as hell” she took me into an embrace and I could smell the sweet perfume she was wearing.


“Thank you,” she said and led me through the house. It had been a while since I’ve been in Julia’s mother Monica’s house, but it looked the same as I remembered.


“This house brings back memories.” I said as Julia pulled me into the kitchen. I could see she had cooked spaghetti and meat balls, my favorite, and had two glasses filled with wine. Julia was definitely giving me another chance and the thought of that made me grin.

“Yes it does,” she chirped and I sat down in the chair.


“Dinner smells fantastic, thanks for cooking this for me.” I placed the bag that held a few DVDs in it on the table as Julia brought a plate over full of food. She sat the food in front of me and went back to get her portion. I watched the sway of her hips and her ass as she moved. I could feel myself hardening again; she was definitely pushing all of my hot buttons.


“I wanted to return the favor. You’ve been really sweet.” She sat down at the table and picked up her wine glass and held it near me. Following suit we clicked our glasses together and we tore into the food.


There wasn’t a single second that went by that we weren’t talking and laughing. The food was excellent and the conversation was even better. When we had finished dinner, I stood up and cleared our plates, something I rarely did. I proceeded to wash the dishes and she came up behind me touching me on the shoulder.


“You don’t have to do that. You’re my guest.” I looked over my shoulder at her and smiled.


“I’m doing this because I want to. You put a lot of work in preparing the food for me; I can wash these dishes for you.” Though washing the dishes was such a simple task that anyone with could do, apparently that hit a home run with Julia and she pulled me down to her and kissed me.

Chapter Five

I was taking by surprise when she ran her slender hands up my shirt and touched my chest. My hands were still soapy from the dishes, but I wrapped one of my arms around her waist and buried my hand through her short hair. I lifted her up so that I wasn’t breaking my back and took those familiar steps into the living room. The room smelled of cinnamon, one of my favorite smells, and for some odd reason it made me want her more.


“I’ve missed you so much” I said as I placed her on her back on the sofa. Unbuttoning my shirt, she stared into my hazel eyes and smiled so innocently that I craved to kiss her again.


“I’ve missed you too; it’s been so hard for me.” I kissed her then unable to contain my excitement any longer. I brought my hands to the hem of her dress and pulled it up. She wasn’t wearing any underwear to my surprise and her small breasts were now exposed as well. I kissed her breasts making sure to stop and suckle on each of her nipples. She shivered and moaned as her hands made their way to my belt buckle.


“I love you” I said once she exposed my aching length and held it in her hands. She pumped me gently and then increased the speed of her hands when my breath became erratic. After a while I stopped her not wanting to climax in her hand. I lifted her leg up and placed it over my shoulder as I took myself into my hand and angled it towards her.


“Be gentle,” she said. I nodded knowingly, it’s been a while since we’d had sex and I know that it might be a little tight. I entered her slowly and she struggled to keep her breath steady. She was definitely tight and it took a lot of effort on my part to just not ram myself into her. I wanted to bring her pleasure not pain, so I restrained myself.


“Are you okay?” I asked once I was fully in. She hesitated for a moment, apparently getting used to my length, then she nodded her head. 


“Move,” She didn’t have to tell me twice and I started moving slowly in and out of her as I began overwhelming her with pleasure.


“Ah” I groaned as I pushed deeper into her. We were both breathing hard and she was biting and sucking on my earlobe. “You’re so hot and wet.” I said in between my moans. I brought her other leg over my shoulder and began pounding hard into her.


“Ahh!” she called out in pleasure releasing my earlobe and throwing her head back. I looked at her face, which was contorted with pleasure. “So good” she moaned when I quickened my pace. The feeling of Julia’s hot sex around my cock was amazing and it reminded me how much I missed her body as well. The way she rolled her hips and called out my name was so hot that I couldn’t believe I let another woman fuck me.


“I’m going to come soon,” I said bending my head down to kiss her lips. Our tongues fought for dominance but I eventually won.

“Me too.” She said once I released her mouth. She couldn’t take it anymore and she came scratching at my back. “Michael!” she called out my name. Hearing her voice in ecstasy brought me over the edge as well and I came long and hard inside of her.


“Fuck” I said biting into one of the couch cushions to stop my groans. 


We made love a few more times after that, completely forgetting about the purpose of me coming over tonight, but I knew she planned this. She wouldn’t have looked the way that she did if she wasn’t planning on having sex. I cursed under my breath when I realized Jacob was right, but I was secretly happy at the same time. 


The next morning before we had to go to work, we stopped by Starbucks. I opened the car door for Julia and we walked hand in hand with each other. When we were about to approach the door a woman bumped into Julia knocking down her purse.


“I’m sorry about that” I recognized her voice and once she stood up with Julia’s purse I understood why. I must have been the most unlucky man in the world because staring at us was Elizabeth. Is she stalking me? She looked at us in alarm and her eyes landed on our intertwined hands. I noticed a shift in the air around us and I started to feel a sense of dread.


“It’s okay” Julia said reaching for her purse. Elizabeth’s eyes met mine and I looked away uncomfortable. After a while of us standing there awkwardly, Elizabeth decided to break the silence.

“Enjoy the rest of your day.” She said walking passed us. Her shoulder bumped into mine and she paused. “See you at work, Michael” Even though what she said was something so simple, I knew that it would cause problems.


“I thought you said you didn’t know her?” Julia said as she turned around and faced me. Damn it! I hated how observant she was. “She was the woman who walked away from our table the other night.”


“I don’t remember” I said lamely. That was the first thing that came to my mind. Julia looked at me like I was stupid and her face suddenly appeared very angry.


“That’s her isn’t it? The woman you fucked?” I was shocked when Julia cursed, she hardly ever curses unless she is super pissed. I knew that if I continued to lie to her, I’d be digging a deeper grave.

“Yeah, I only said I didn’t know her because I didn’t want you to overthink things.”


“So lying was your solution?!” A couple of people slowed down to eavesdrop as they walked by. I looked around and grabbed her arm.


“People are watching us, let’s go inside and ta…” she snatched her hand away from me before I finished my statement.


“Go fuck yourself!” she yelled and walked in the other direction. I went to catch up with her, but a bus pulled up and a boat load of people practically ran off of it.


“Damn it! Watch out!” I screamed at the crowd that suddenly surrounded me. I tried to push my way through them, but the crowd was too thick. By the time I was able to break away from them, Julia was gone.


When I got to work I made my way straight to Elizabeth’s cubicle. Numerous people greeted me, but I walked right passed them without a second glance. When George took one look at my face, he moved aside letting me walk passed him without any question. Elizabeth was at her desk typing something on her laptop.


“Can I speak to you for a minute?” I said though my clenched teeth seething at her.


“Can it wait till later? I’m really trying to get this sent before nine.” I didn’t give a damn what she needed to do. I grabbed her arm and practically yanked her up from her seat.


“Now” She took one look at my face and nodded her head. A few of the early birds watched us in interest as we took the elevator up to the roof. Nathan glanced at me and I shook my head like I was saying “not now”. The roof was designated for smokers and thankfully nobody was up there this morning.


“What the hell are you doing?” I said once I closed the door behind us.


“I was doing my work before you manhandled me up here.”


“You know damn well that is not what I’m talking about!” I couldn’t hold back my feelings anymore. If I wasn’t a man, I would’ve slapped the hell out of her. “Why couldn’t you just give Julia her purse and leave? Why did you have to say that extra shit?”


“You’re mad at me for telling the truth? We are co-workers.” I glared at her and she stopped talking.


“Julia saw you at our table the other night and I told her that I didn’t know you. Saying “I’ll see you at work” fucked up everything!” This woman was literally trying to sabotage everything that I worked hard to get back. I’ll be damned if I let her succeed.


“A cheater and a liar, you’re the total package” she said sarcastically.


“And you’re nothing but a jealous bitch.” I said with venom in my voice. “Keep harassing me and I will report you. If you don’t have shit to say to me about work then keep it moving because I’m fucking done with you.” Elizabeth turned to me shocked and just when she was about to say something, I got back into the elevator and left her looking stupid on the roof.

BOOK: ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)
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