ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories) (99 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)
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              “Someone had to wipe out her memory of her childhood.” Gustav said.

              “Right.” Caleb responded. “Someone had to have made sure she stayed away from what could taint her.”

              “If that’s all correct, then this keeper must have been close to her ever since she was a child, up until she met us and the harvest moon started to rise.” Anton added.

              “Exactly. And here I was thinking you little wolves didn’t have enough brain cells to figure this out.”

              “What do we do now?” Hailey asked

              “Simple. We find your keeper.” Responded Gustav with a slight smile.


              They had left the voodoo hut that was disguised as a Dental Clinic immediately after they sensed a cold chill looming in the distance. It could just have been that typical east coast mist rolling in from the Atlantic, but both Caleb and Anton wouldn’t take the risk.

              The Khiones were a formidable foe, and a foe that had a reason to hate Anton and had every reason to try with all their might to capture Hailey, the pure sacrifice.

              It is important to point out how the Dominguez wolf pack and this Alaskan pack were related. In general, there was bad blood between them. The Dominguez’s feared them not because they were stronger or even more powerful, but simply because they had this deeply rooted hatred for the Dominguez family. They couldn’t really count on the Khiones to play a fair and honorable fight at any time.

              The story is of a love lost and a betrayal perceived. It was not or did not seem to be something that was quite significant to the Dominguez’s, but the Khiones took it all too badly. The grudge they had was so strong that they even chose to move the entire pack as far as they possible could from the Dominguez pack.

              They are definitely here.” Caleb looked to Anton who gave him an affirmative stare.

              They both looked to Hailey who was not at all shaken, or so it seemed, by all the events that had just happened in the cellar of the not so old looking, but definitely advanced in years, Gustav.

              “There’s progress, and this is what matters right now.” Anton said. “The mark may be fading, but it doesn’t matter. By the time it actually does, you will have ceased to become the pure sacrifice.”

              “Exactly Hails.  Our next move is simple enough. All we need to figure out is who your keeper is.” Caleb replied.

              Their car parked inconspicuously a block away from Caleb’s. They decided to go there instead of Anton’s or Hailey’s so as not to draw suspicion from anyone. They knew they could smell a wolf a mile away, but these clans weren’t just powerful, they too were rich. They could hire someone, a plain human, to keep an eye at Anton.

              No one knew Caleb Storm still existed, so it was a more or less safe bet.

              “Your keeper has got to be someone who you’ve always been with in all stages of your life but you have never noticed.” Anton said. “Gustav mentioned he could be cloaked or misted so as to hide his or her recurrence over time.”

              “That means it is no use asking me who it is because if he or she does exist, then I wasn’t supposed to notice him or her.” Hailey said pessimistically.

              “Exactly.” Caleb added as dumbfounded as Hailey. “How in the hell are we going to figure out who this keeper person is?”

              Gustav had no idea either. He had figured out this dilemma right there when they had peered into the mind of Hailey. There was no way they could filter out the faces of the people Hailey had been with all her life without getting caught up by the cloak or mist this keeper had kept over its own appearance. Anyway, what Gustav could see was what Hailey had seen. And for sure Hailey had seen different people the whole time she was just seeing the keeper right in front of her.

              The witch doctor asked them to leave and give him time to concoct a spell to figure out how to reveal the identity of this keeper.

              There they were in front of a blazing fire Hailey was kindling as they sat in silence, each drowning in their own thoughts. Gustav promised them he would call if he figured out something as to who they could identify as Hailey’s secret little keeper.

              The fire was cracking as Hailey heaved in a huge sigh of sadness and anxiety. Her bosom bouncing from every breath as the light of the flame caressed it ever so slightly, giving it a tinge of an other-worldly color.

              Hailey could feel Anton’s and Caleb’s eyes burrowing deep into her supple breast as if aching to see more.

              Caleb found his sword starting to harden not at the sight of Hailey’s exposed skin, because there was none just yet, but at the mere sight of her svelte neck that dipped into alabaster sheathed shoulders. Her neckline revealed her tight bra strap that Caleb knew encased the object of his current fantasies.

              Across the room was Anton who could barely contain his whimpering as he eyed Hailey shifting from one side to another as she sat down on the rug before the fireplace propped up by a few throw pillows

              Caleb couldn’t take it any longer. The beast within him was fighting to break free. Anton, who Hailey expected to be wilder and more untamed, was lingering in the background as Caleb too stood and slowly made his way to the now excited woman who was turning towards them biting her lower lip. This was the one woman they had always loved, to whom they would give their entire world. Her eyes communicated to them her deep desire, begging them to once again ravish her entire body.

              Caleb felt his manhood engorge with excitement as he gazed upon Hailey. The animalistic feeling of lust he had was showing obviously as he quickly slipped himself closer beside Hailey, who was now just barely clothed.

              She had left a single button to cover her ample breasts, which Caleb so eagerly bit off. Anton watched hungrily, still feeling too apprehensive to join. But Hailey’s outstretched arms were his cue. What Hailey openly wanted, she immediately got.

              Hailey could see Caleb’s groin tent up and tighten. She gently brushed her hand against it in an attempt to tease Caleb’s penis against the rough denim that encased it. It reacted immediately as if it were struck by lightning, and Hailey toyed with his hard cock even more, feeling pleased by his excitement.

              Anton reached to Hailey’s bra strap and expertly snapped it open.  He propped himself on one side of Hailey who was now sitting up, as both men ravished her curves from both sides. Feelings reminiscent of their first encounter rushed in, as Hailey’s nipples began swelling from the mere feel of Caleb’s rough hands. Caleb’s technique of encircling her hardened nipples with his tongue caused Hailey to let out a deep moan.

              Anton slowly tore away her pants and turned her pink lace underwear into shreds, revealing her engorged pussy. Hailey moaned more as Caleb’s tongue began to inch lower, following the curve of her waist to her nether lips, wet and waiting with anticipation.              

              It was almost like de ja vu to Hailey. Anton slowly reached out from behind Hailey and embraced her lithe body, caging her breasts in each hand from behind. Anton masterfully massaged her supple breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers, causing Hailey to ache for more.

              “More, Anton. Please… ahhhh…” Hailey was frantic with ecstasy.

              Anton then slowly nibbled on her nape but this time with much more force and much less restraint as he sucked on her sensitive skin on her neck around to the very base of it, leaving tender blotches of red. Hailey felt the familiar sensation of Anton ravishing her from behind and so she pulled the man's head deeper into the curve of her neck as if begging him to bite her and bite her hard.

              Anton and Caleb were completely naked now. Anton’s riveting body and soft Latin tan played by the firelight as a stark contrast to Caleb’s slender, but very muscular frame, which was pale like snow. They encircled the woman as Anton had finally switched places with the Storm boy, and went down on Hailey, stroking her slickened folds with his tongue and sucking on her clit. Caleb moved up towards her chest and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking passionately, while he massaged her other breast.

              “Ohhh…” Hailey moaned again, enjoying every moment.

              Hailey lowered her towards Anton’s long and hard dick and began to gently lick the tip. She then took the large cock deep into her mouth, exploring every inch of it with her tongue and lips. It sent shivers up and down Anton’s spine, as if it were the first time he had ever felt a woman’s mouth engulfing his massive member.

              “Ahhhh…yes Hailey.” Anton moaned loudly. Hailey continued working his shaft in and out of her mouth. She looked up to Anton’s face and slightly smiled with pleasure. Caleb brought his body close behind Hailey and started rubbing the tip of his cock between her wet folds, spreading her sweet nectar over her whole pussy. Hailey raised her ass higher in the air, signaling to Caleb that she wanted more. Caleb responded eagerly, sticking his cock into her dripping wet entrance and driving it deep inside.

              “More please.” Hailey demanded as the two men obliged. Caleb thrust deeper as Anton tweaked with her nipples. She continued to suck on his cock at the same rhythm that Caleb was plunging his cock into her.

              With every thrust of Caleb, Hailey sucked Anton even more vigorously.

              Anton was about to come, so he and Caleb lifted her onto the couch as Caleb propped himself against her spread legs. Caleb’s stiff penis was pulsing from all the wait and anticipation. He slowly inserted his head into Hailey.

              “Ahhh… more… harder please…” Hailey screamed some more.

              Taken by surprised yet by the piercing force inflicted into her by Caleb’s dick, she readily reached out for Anton’s massive cock. She began to slowly stroke it, making him shiver in delight. He propped himself closer to Hailey as she pulled his balls, licking the gap between them and slowly tracing the shaft of his penis from base to tip. It was huge, but Hailey braved the entire sword and eagerly engulfed the whole cock deep into her throat again while Caleb was thrusting himself deeper and deeper into her pussy. Just like when they had that moment when Anton and Caleb marked her, Hailey was eagerly sucking off Anton while Caleb fucked her hard.

              Anton was feeling like this was almost the exact same scene of the marking, and he looked towards Caleb and they made eye contact. They both leaned closer to each other as Anton reached out to kiss him in the lips. The contact was more precise now – more needing as they gave Hailey a show of how much or how far they were willing to go just to satisfy her obviously insatiable lust. Hailey deep throated Anton’s entire cock making him squeal in delight, breaking his lip lock with Caleb.

              “Ohhhh….” Hailey yelled as she released Anton’s cock, which was already on the very verge of exploding all over his two lovers. Caleb pushed even deeper into Hailey as Anton’s cock was jacked by Hailey.

              “Ahhhhh…” Anton moaned as squirt after squirt of his juices showered Hailey’s bare breasts and even Caleb’s hot and sweaty body. At the sight of Anton coming, Caleb climaxed as well, pumping his entire load into Hailey’s dripping love hole. Hailey shrieked as she orgasmed multiple times, arching her back, trying to savor every second of pleasure.

              There was only gasping and sighing that followed, as well as utter silence before the phone rang.


              “H.. hello?” Caleb answered his old cellular phone.

              “Are you alright?” A deep voice from the other end of the line inquired quite curiously as to why Caleb sounded as if he had just run a marathon.

              “Gustav?” Caleb asked.

              “Oui! Tres bien mon enfant!” The Haitian replied.

              “Did you figure it out? How we can do reveal the identity of the keeper?” He asked.

              “Ask him if he figured it out.” Anton stood up still naked with his penis still dripping, and propped himself right behind Caleb who was also unclothed. Anton’s still hard cock grazed Caleb’s butt which sent both to heavy blushing. They both simultaneously retracted at the contact.

              “Umm… Yes…” Caleb said awkwardly.

              Gustav could hear the awkwardness. “I have no idea what just happened there, but you three must meet up with me immediately. I do not want to tell you over the phone because the Khiones just paid me a visit and I think they’re watching me.” Caleb put the phone on loud speaker so everyone could hear the man.

              “Listen.” Gustav began. “I figured it out once you three left, but I couldn’t tell you since the Khiones showed up only a few minutes later. I told the Khiones that you knew about the sacrifice so as not to make it seem that I was on your side. I told them you came here to help them find out about the sacrifice, to locate it, but I told them I couldn’t. Listen, I need you to meet me at the last true oak in Central Park right now. Goodbye.”

              The three weren’t even able to put two cents into the conversation before the line went dead. They stared at each other waiting for someone to decide what to do.

BOOK: ROMANCE: CLEAN ROMANCE: Summer Splash! (Sweet Inspirational Contemporary Romance) (New Adult Clean Fantasy Short Stories)
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