Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6) (22 page)

BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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Jason and I have been off lately, as in not on the same page. I almost don’t trust him, we really need to talk, and maybe we should consider taking a break.

“Jason, we need to talk,” I say while we’re having dinner tonight at a little Italian place near campus.

“What’s up, it sounds serious?”

“Are you tempted?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know by other girls?”

“Yeah sure, what guy isn’t?”

“Do you want to take a break for awhile?” I boldly throw it out there; I want to see what his reaction is. He just stares at me for the longest time, not saying a word.

“Is that what you want?” he asks cautiously.

“I don’t know,” I shrug and look down at my plate. All I know is that Grant has been occupying my thoughts more than I would like to admit. Jason reaches for my hand across the table.

“Clarissa, tell me, be honest.”

“Well, I don’t know what you did with Lauren, but I think it was something. If you want to be free to do as you like, I can take it,” I say in all honesty.

“Is there someone else, Clarissa?” Jason asks, staring deep into my eyes, as if he is trying to read them and I think he can see through me.

“Not someone in particular. I don’t know, I just feel tied down sometimes, you know what I mean?”

“I do.” is all he says, still holding my hand. Maybe this isn’t what he wants, I can’t tell.

“So maybe a break would be a good idea,” I venture further.

“I care about you and I want us to work,” Jason shows me his caring sensitive side, he always has, which endears me to him.

“I care about you too Jason, but maybe we should try a break for awhile. If we’re meant to be then we’ll get back together.” When did I start sounding so wise?

“Wow, so are you breaking up with me?”

“Jason, don’t make it sound so final. We will still be friends and see each other,” I say, trying to soften the blow. This is hard, but it had to be said, it had to be done. He doesn’t say anything else as we finish dinner. He’s getting off easy in my opinion. Hey, I have an inkling the guy probably cheated on me but I didn’t throw it in his face. I was extremely cool about it. We finish eating in silence and then Jason settles the bill.

“Let’s head out,” he says, barely looking at me. We drive back to my apartment in silence and he double parks out in front of my building. I turn and face him and he finally looks me in the eye. I see disappointment looking back at me.

“You’re sure this is what you want?” he questions solemnly.

“Jason, we’re still close friends and I will see you almost everyday in class,” I say soothingly, stroking his cheek. “Thanks for dinner, goodnight.” I lean over and give him a kiss and as I am pulling away, his hands reach up and pull me into another kiss. It’s not that I don’t still want to be with him, I do. It’s just that I want to be with someone else too. Our lips part and he starts to devour me. The kiss is heating me up and I break away.

“Jason please, don’t make this harder than it already is,” I say breathlessly.

“Damn it Clarissa, I still want you and only you,” he sighs out. I wish I could say the same and that he was the only one I wanted.

“Goodnight Jason,” I finally say and get out of the car.







Sunday has arrived and I wake up feeling anxious. Will I go to Grant today? I must be otherwise why did I work up the courage to break things off with Jason the other night? Subconsciously I know I did it so I could see Grant today as a free woman.

I slept in late today and wander into the kitchen this morning and Lexi and Deena are having breakfast in the dining room.

“Hey,” I say with a yawn.

“I’m surprised you’re home and not with Jason,” Deena says.

“We’re taking a break.”

“What?” Deena asks in surprise.

“Yeah, I told him this week.”


“I think we were both feeling tied down. I was wondering about him and that girl from your sorority, he might have cheated on me. But it’s not just that, I want to be a free agent for awhile,” I admit.

“How did he take it?”

“Not well, he didn’t really want a break. Although even he admitted, it wasn’t always easy resisting other girls.”

“Hmmm, so you do think he cheated on you?”

“I honestly have no idea, but that’s beside the point. Even I want my freedom right now.”

“Oh, I think I know why. Secret lover is back in the picture isn’t he?” Deena teases.

“Perhaps,” I say and I know I’m blushing.

“You go girl, do what you want.” Deena cheers me on.

“Oh I plan to,” I laugh. A text lights up on my phone.

Grant: Today at 3:00?

Clarissa: Yes.

I get in the shower and take my time primping my body for Grant. I want to smell heavenly and entice him like nobody’s business this afternoon. The anticipation of having Grant’s hands on me, his body on me and in me later today ricochets through my nerves like electricity. I’m overflowing with excitement; I can barely contain myself.

“Where are you off to Missy, or should I guess? That’s a pretty hot little number you’ve got on there, ” Deena winks at me as I’m getting my sexy on for my illegally hot Professor. I just put on a vibrant purple satin bra and panty set, and I must admit, I look pretty hot in it.

“Should I wear this dress, or this blouse and jeans?” I ask her holding each up.

“Are you guys going out for dinner someplace nice?” Deena asks innocently and it makes me feel wistful because we never can go out to dinner around here. No Deena, he never takes me out and we hole ourselves up in his condo all the time. I feel like some kind of pathetic mistress. But I need to look past that because it’s all worth it to be with Grant again.

I finish getting ready and decide on the dress, I can get out of it faster I think wickedly. My hand reaches for Grant’s favorite fragrance on my dresser and I dab some onto my pulse points.

“I’m off, don’t wait up for me,” I tease Deena.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Deena giggles.

“That doesn’t leave much now does it?” I quip.

Driving over to Grant’s now and I’m filled with nervous anticipation and a touch of apprehension. Oh how I’ve fantasized about this day over the past few months as I watched him teach class. Focusing on his hands, imagining them on me, stroking me and driving me mad with lust and desire.

I reach his front door and knock softly. My heart is thumping loudly against my chest, and I think I must be holding my breath because as soon as Grant opens the door, I let out a long sigh of relief.

As I walk past the threshold and he closes the door, he wraps his arms around me and I feel like I’m home. We just hold each other for the longest time, as if time stands still for us.

“I missed you,” he whispers into my hair, breathing me in.

“I missed you too.”

“Did you?” My confident man questions, sounding so vulnerable.

“Yes, I did,” I say, pulling away so I can look him in the eye and reassure him that yes, I did miss him.

“Come with me, we need to make up for lost time,” he says huskily taking me by the hand and leading me to his den of seduction.




“Grant, I need your hands on me now,” I say breathlessly.

“Like this?” he asks seductively, in his deep barely audible voice that caresses my senses, as he gently skims his fingertips across my breasts before he gently squeezes them. His touch sets my skin alight. My legs wrap around him instinctively, as we do our mating dance. I need him inside me, he knows how to drive me mad with desire, leaves me begging for more, so much more.

“Please, I need you filling me,” I beg and buck my hips up to meet his arousal. In one swift movement Grant covers me with his sinful body and is sliding all the way in. “Yes. Yes. Yes.” I gasp like a women possessed. I swivel my hips into him, meeting him thrust for thrust. He is stoking the fire burning in me.

“I’ve missed you, missed this,” Grant growls into my ear, I feel his hot breath along my neck before he glides his tongue along my neck and his lips nibble lightly. Our moans fill his bedroom. I let myself get lost in our passion for each other. No more words are said, only are bodies are communicating, what we feel comes out in sighs, pants and moans.

“Grant,” I whimper like I do when I’m getting close. My nails dig into his back as I cling on for dear life as I feel waves of pure bliss sweep through my body.

“Let it go,” he says as he too is succumbing to a wave of ecstasy so strong and violent we both stop breathing. I feel his warmth fill me and I welcome it all. This feels so right, being back in Grant’s arms. He releases, pulsing into me and we both start to breathe again, desperate to fill our lungs with air, with life again.

“That was amazing,” I murmur, our hooded eyes peering at each other. I am so overcome with emotion at our reunion, I love you is on the tip of my tongue, threatening to roll out, but I manage to bite it back.



I think a crack is developing in Clarissa’s relationship with Jason and I’m going to wedge myself in there. Go in for the kill at the slightest sign of weakness in the foundation. She seems to be swaying to my advances. There’s a good chance she will come to me this weekend. I can feel it.

Of course, I was so sure she was going to come to me last weekend and she didn’t. I know she was about to get in her car and drive over here, but then he showed up at her doorstep.

If we weren’t such a secret I could have done the same, show up at her door, but my hands were tied. I realize the secrecy of our relationship killed it for Clarissa. She’s a smart girl, she knew deep down she’s too good to just be someone’s dirty little secret. I agree with her, she deserved better, I want to be able to give her better.

Sunday afternoon has finally arrived and to my great relief she’s come to me. Within ten seconds flat we’re naked in my bed and communicating with our bodies, no words are spoken. She starts by trailing kisses down my chest, then spreads kisses along my abs, down to my rigid shaft that’s begging for her lips. She takes me in lovingly, so deep and my muscles tense trying to hold back.

“Lay back,” I murmur, to stop her before I release. She does as I ask, shifting her sensuous curves back onto my bed and looks up at me with lust filled eyes.

I thrust into her for as long as I could last. She bucks hard against me as sexy moans escape her soft parted lips.

“Oh my God…” she pants out seductively. I gaze down at her true hourglass figure. Her narrow waistline, curved hips and the most exquisite natural breasts I have ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. She has no idea how sexy she is, she’s a natural at being alluring.

I don’t know if she is still with the frat boy, but I’m not asking any questions. As long as she comes to me and for me, I have to learn to not care if she’s with someone else.




Monday in class, I see him sitting next to her, leaning in close and I do care, as hard as I try not to. I don’t want anyone else touching her and there he goes touching her, putting his arm around her as they leave class. It infuriates me, but I realize there is not a single thing I can do about it.

I hope my Clarissa is no longer sleeping with him during the week. It wouldn’t be like her to do something like that, but I’m afraid to ask her. I should be happy and just take what I can get from her, not be the possessive lover. She is a young, beautiful college coed in the prime of her life, why shouldn’t she be able to enjoy variety like her blonde roommate. Even though it kills me, I need to let her do this her way if I even want a piece of her. Acting possessive will just drive her away, I know that much.




Jake and I are technically still together, but I must admit, I have a roving eye. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy, now that I have gotten to know him in every sense of the word. He was the perfect guy to lose my virginity to. He was gentle, kind and caring. Now that I’ve had a taste of what being in a real intimate relationship is like, I’m ready to spread my wings so to speak.

I just don’t know how to go about breaking the news to Jake.

“Hi Kara,” Lexi says, walking into our room after school today.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I ask.

“Good, how about with you? Why do you seem a little down?” Lexi inquires, sitting down cross-legged on her bed, all ears.

“I don’t know, I’m not sure I want to continue down this path with Jake any more.”

“Really, why?”

“He’s a great guy and I do enjoy being with him. But I guess you could say I’m getting a little restless, wondering what else is out there. Feeling like I want to spread my wings now.”

“Wow, I thought you guys were pretty into each other and kind of serious. I mean you’ve been sleeping with him every other night of the week.”

“I know, I know. To be honest with you, there’s this cute guy in my Philosophy class and we’ve studied together a few times. He has been hinting at going out together, testing the waters, so to speak and I want to be able to say yes if he does indeed work up the courage to ask me out,” I confide in Lexi.

“Well, you should be able to go out with him if you want to. College is the time to do whatever you want. But you need to break it off with Jake first,” Lexi tells me, encouraging me to do the right thing.

“You’re right. I just don’t know how I’m going to tell Jake. He has been so sweet and devoted to me. He can handle it, right?”

“I hope so, but I have this feeling underneath that tough, bad boy exterior lies a sensitive guy. Am I right?” Lexi is wise and has read Jake to a tee.

“You’re right, and that’s why I need to let him down gently. I’m not sure how he will react, but I need to do it soon, maybe this weekend.”




“Hey Kara, come give me some,” Jake says, calling me over to the sofa the minute I walk into his apartment.

“Hi Jake,” I reply, plopping down next to him on the sofa. He pulls me in for a tight embrace and lays a passionate kiss on my lips which tells me he wants to take it straight to the bedroom right now.

“Let’s get some dinner, I’m hungry,” I say, breaking away from the kiss as he trails kisses down sensitive skin of my neck then he nibbles on my ear lobes.

“Let’s have some sexy time first,” he coaxes.

“No, let’s eat first.”

“Alright, what are you in the mood for?”

“Italian, let’s go to Lucia’s Trattoria over at The Grove.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jake says in agreement and we ride his motorcycle over to the Grove tonight. I plan on breaking it to him tonight. I hope he doesn’t put up a fight or try and convince me to stay in this relationship.

It’s crowded tonight and we had to wait half an hour for a table. Once we get seated and have ordered, I decide, here goes nothing. I take a deep calming breath.

“Jake, I don’t know how to say this, so I am just going to come out with it. I think we should take a break,” I sigh out softly.

“”What?” Jake asks, like he didn’t hear me.

“I think we should take a break,” is the best way I can say it.

“Why? I thought things were good between us, I’m crazy about you, Kara. I thought you felt the same way,” he says pleadingly.

“I do enjoy being with you Jake. You’ve been so gentle, kind and caring. I’m sorry, but I just want to be on my own for awhile and focus on school,” I can’t bring myself to say that I want to see other people. Then he’ll want to know who and I don’t want to go there.

“That’s bullshit. Who is it?” he demands, his whole demeanor has changed on me.

“No one in particular. Don’t jump to conclusions.”

“I know I’m right, there must be someone else you want to go out with,” he accuses. He can probably see it in my face, I’m a terrible liar.

“Jake, it’s not like that. There is no one else,” I try to say convincingly.

“Then why are you breaking up with me?” he asks as he softens towards me again. What do I say now? I have never had to break up with someone. This is the first real relationship I’ve ever been in and I am learning as I go along.

“Jake, please try and understand. I just want to be on my own for awhile and spread my wings.”

“And your legs,” Jake says cuttingly.

“The nerve of you,” I say back, hurt by his coarse words. I look away and glance around the restaurant. Jake is not making this easy for me. I had a feeling he wouldn’t let this end quietly, he’s bad boy Jake after all, but now he is just being a jerk. I’m tempted to call a cab. “You take that back or else I’m leaving.”

“Alright, I’m sorry Kara. You just took me by total surprise. I wasn’t expecting you to break up with me. Things are going so good between us,” he says to me in his sweet Jake voice.

“Let’s just try a break for awhile, ok? But I still want to be friends and hang out together sometimes, deal?” I mean it, I do still want to be friends. Jake will always have a special place in my heart, he was my first. Jake doesn’t answer me for the longest time. It seems to be taking him awhile to process what I’m saying. I suppose I blind-sided him, I’m not good at this.


BOOK: Romance: Close Encounters Boxed Set Books 1 thru 6 ( New Adult and College Series Books 1 thru 6)
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