ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (35 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 4

“Where did you go last night? I made you breakfast and you were already gone.”

Kristy looked up from the paperwork strewn across her desk. “Yeah sorry about falling asleep like that. I don’t know what was wrong with me.”

“You had too many glasses of wine.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. What was it?”

“What was what?”


“Crepes and strawberries.”

“Mmm, I bet they were good.”

“Better than you have ever tried.”

Kristy smiled and went back to her paperwork. She was going to ignore his innuendo and keep herself from going crazy with the saucy scenes that played in her head. He was too handsome for his own good and while she had worried about him aggravating her, it turned out that instead he kept her in a state of arousal and she didn’t know how long the tension between them would last.

“Do you want some?”

She looked up, her green eyes meeting his. “What?”

“Some crepes.”

“You brought them in?”

“Yes. I thought you might be hungry.”

She thanked him as he went back to his office and brought them to her. They were wrapped and she had to admit they were good. She told him so after she took a bite and his eyes watched the small white fleck of cream cheese that teased him from her bottom lip. Ash moved to wipe it away, brushing his finger against the corner of her mouth. Kristy stopped with the touch and grabbed a tissue to make sure it was gone. “Thanks.”

Kristy found herself wondering why he was being so nice to her. What did he want from her, just the obvious?


Her phone rang after Ash left her office. She had sold a bracelet to get her phone turned back on and it was Scott calling her. She almost didn’t answer, but the way Ash made her feel, there was a lot of built up need and her body was driving her wild.

“Hey Scott.”

“Dam Kristy that is all you have to say to me is hey? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for over a month.”

“Sorry my phone was off. I figured you had found someone else by now.”

“You really think that I could just forget about everything we had?”

“Well it was good sex.”

“What are you doing tonight?”

“I don’t know. I work until five and don’t have much planned after that.”

“Well come over here. I got that new chick flick we were supposed to go see in theatres.”

“Sunny in the rain?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. Come by and we can chill and do those good things that I have been missing so much.”

She didn’t need long to decide. It wasn’t romantic, but he never was. Some men just weren’t and Kristy didn’t particularly need it. She liked a man that knew what he wanted and let it be known so there was no confusion. Kind of like Ash, but it couldn’t be Ash because of who he was and the fact that she worked for him. The very idea that she went from Scott to underneath Ash in her mind so quickly, made her pause. Why was she thinking about him so much?

Kristy took her lunch and got waxed instead of getting anything in her stomach. The crepes helped tide her over, but she was practically starving by the end of the day. Getting ready to leave, Ash popped up and invited her out for dinner.

“I have a date Ash. You didn’t need to go over anything, did you?”

He moved closer, close enough that her body started to respond to his closeness. Her chest tightened and her breathing became a little more rapid.

“I just wanted to go out. I thought you said last night that you didn’t have a boyfriend?”

“Well I used to.”

“Ah, the ex-boyfriend bootie call. You know they say to never go back.”

“Who says that?”


“Well choices are slim nowadays and a girl got to do, what a girl got to do.”

“I see.”

He didn’t like her answer and she could see it on her face. “I need you to stay after for a while then. The estimates for the new storage containments need to be updated from the information I faxed you early. I will be meeting with the project engineer in the morning with details.”

As disappointed as she was, Kristy did not like the job any less. He had told her before that she would have to stay over sometimes, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise. “Sure boss, no problem.”

“Good. I will see you in the morning. If you could just fax it to my house when you are finished please.”

She nodded her head and sighed inwardly to herself. Kristy needed some relief more than ever before and she didn’t want to call to cancel with Scott. She could already feel her hands on his smooth, bald head. The very idea made her try to think of something.

Kristy finally called him and told him that she had to work late. “Well let me come there babe.”

Biting her lip, she contemplated if that was even possible. Kristy knew it was against many of the rules that were put in the handbook. It may not have been explicit, but she was sure that it would be frowned upon. Her professional side should have said no and let it go at that. But she needed the throbbing in her quim to stop and though it was because of Ash, she had to get her needs filled where she could. “Yeah, just come by and I will meet you downstairs.”

They hung up after a few minutes and she was already hot for what she had in mind with Scott. Scott took a little longer than she hoped, but the kiss that he gave her reminded her that she missed more than just having someone to talk to. She felt need take over and he pushed her against the wall, right in the front lobby. Kristy got control of the situation and pushed him back off of her.

“Not here, there are too many cameras.”

His eyes were hooded and she knew that he was as ready to go as she was. Upstairs, they have some lounges and couches. “I can take you against the wall if you like. Like that time I Belize…”

She shivered with the idea and made it to the elevator unmolested. His hands grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back against his hardness. Kristy’s hand shook as she tried to get the code put in so they could go to the top. She was not supposed to let anyone up of course, but her need was overriding all else. It was Ash’ fault after all on many counts that she felt that way, so she figured he wouldn’t mind and what he didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him.

“Stop, I keep forgetting the code.”

Kristy was trying to focus as his hands ran up the inside of her thigh, opening her legs up further for his perusal. Her mind was foggy and after the third try, she finally got it right. Sighing she stepped out of the panties that he was pulling down her long legs. “I’ve waited too long for a taste Kristy.”

He moved to his knees, doing what he did best. Pulling on of her legs till it was propped up on his shoulder. Kristy’s hands gripped his head as his hot breath moved towards her quim. She was squirming with need and he finally pushed his tongue between her puffy lips, making her cry out in pleasure.

The elevator moved slowly and she was almost to her first of many climaxes, when the bell dinged. She pushed back on his shoulders, but Scott was relentless. “Please stop. The door is going to open.”

“So what? You said the boss is gone for the day and no one else is here.”

She had said that, but it didn’t particularly mean that she was one hundred percent sure if there weren’t others roaming around. He moved back to her heat and her eyes closed with the pleasure. She was so close and if he would just move a little faster, she could feel the satisfaction that she needed. “Please more Scott.”

His finger moved to push inside of her, as his mouth teased and tempted her nub. The elevator had opened, but neither one was paying attention. Kristy was the one facing the door, but her eyes were shut hard as she neared the abyss. “Yes, I’m so close.”

“I hate to break this up, but Kristy, he is not allowed up here.”

Her eyes flew open and she jerked Scott away. She pushed him so hard that he sprawled back off his knees. He still didn’t realize what was going on, but he started to protest as she pulled her skirt down.

“Ash, I…”

“Get rid of him and come see me in my office.”

He was mad and she knew that she had obviously done something wrong. Scott was still on the ground and she told him to get up. “You got to go. I will call you later.”

“Sorry Kristy, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”

She shrugged. “The worst he can do is fire me over it.”

Chapter 5

Kristy felt like she was being set into the principal’s office. Though before she had never had to go with no panties on and the wet ones bundled up in her hand because she had nowhere else to put them. For a moment, she had thought to just leave. But she needed the job and even if he did fire her, she couldn’t let him think that she couldn’t face him.

Moving towards his office, he was seated behind his desk. She had never been in there before and there were several couches that she could have used. Pushing the thought from her mind, she struggled with the need that was still there. Even with everything going on, her nether regions throbbed.

“Look Ash… I am sorry.”

“Well my alarm said that there had been two errors in the elevator. We have cameras in there as well, so I saw why you were so distracted.”

She just stared at him. What was she supposed to say? “I can understand if you don’t want me working here anymore, I went against protocol.”

“I am not ready to fire you, but there will be consequences of your action. Are you willing to accept them?”

What seemed so simple felt loaded as she stared back at his blue eyes. She wanted to ask what that would entail, but the idea that she would still have a job, made her nod her head without asking any further questions.

He stood up and moved to the other side of the desk where she stood. His hand moved to her shoulders and he bent her down, her ass stuck high in the air. Kristy felt the cool breeze on her heated flesh, but she was shocked by the way he was handling her. Her hands braced her against the desk and his hand moved to stop her from getting up.

“What are you doing?”

“Punishing you.”

“You can’t do that!”

“You agreed, remember?”

She had agreed to consequences, but it was definitely not thought to be him bending her over his desk. She struggled a little more and then stopped as she felt her skirt being lifted up. There was a hiss behind her that made her quim fill with need and readiness for whatever he wanted. Her mind was not on the same page though.

“I didn’t agree to this!”

“Then you’re fired.”

Kristy felt his hands move away and she whimpered. Not from his words, but the lack of completeness she felt. She just needed to come and then she could think. “Please Ash.”

She had not moved away and was still bare to his eyes. Even Kristy wasn’t sure what she was asking for, but knew that whatever it was that she needed, he was there to give it to her.

“What do you want Kristy?”

“My punishment.”

His eyes widened, but she didn’t get a chance to see his reaction. Her head was down and she was practically shaking in need. Her thighs opened wider and if the air conditioner would kick on again, she wouldn’t need anything to push her over the edge. Teetering on the precipice, there was no way that she could control herself. Kristy just wanted to feel him touching her and when he finally did, she jumped.

It was his fingers on her shoulder and then running down her back. It made her arch and present herself more fully. She wanted nothing more but for him to slam inside of her until she was begging for a moment of rest.

That was not what was on the table though. Instead he moved down her ass, rubbing it gently before his hand was gone and she mewled back at him. His hand came down on her cheek hard and she jumped suddenly. It was not what she had expected. She had expected him to take her, but not a spanking. Kristy cried out with a curse. “Ow fuck.”

His hand stayed where he left it and Ash could feel the heat coming from her reddened flesh. It was clear to him what she really wanted, her insides gleamed with need, but it was not to be. She had to be broken first. Ash had to move his body away slightly as he slapped the other cheek. Kristy made another loud indignant sound, but she made no move to leave. She waited for the slight rub afterwards, so close to the desired target.

Ash was afraid that his voice would be out and he just watched her ass jiggle with each smack. He didn’t wait for her to count or anything else, Ash just moved lower as she arched her back to move her core to his target. She did it quick enough one time that she felt his fingers smack down onto her center. “Fuck yes, Ash.”

He was not trying to give her release, but the wetness on his fingers made him move lower on their own. Repeating the slip over and over again, his digits were soaked as she moaned and was pulled closer to her own need.

It had gone further than Ash had ever dreamed it would. He had been upset to see her in such a state with someone else, especially since he had finally thought he had won. It had been months he had offered his job and when she agreed, he had thought it would be smooth sailing from there. He hadn’t anticipated the other man in the building, but he had gone too far. He knew in the back of his head that he had, but he couldn’t stop. Not when she was begging for him not to.

“Please Ash faster. I am so close, Ash.”

He moved his fingers down to her core, no longer pretending to have punishment on his mind. He touched her where she was enflamed and Kristy’s whole body tightened with what was to come. She moaned louder, her hips moving back, seeking out his touch.

Then he was gone and she whimpered, looking back as he pulled out a fat cock that was hard and ready to go. Kristy’s head moved back and she closed her eyes as she felt him rub against her. The thick head pushed in between her wet lips, opening her up for his gaze. She waited for the penetration she just knew was to come. She had to feel him inside of her, her pussy walls clenching air in anticipation.

“Please Ash, fuck me now!” The voice was shaky and in dire need.

Ash ignored her though, instead he started to jerk off, his thickness wedged between her cheeks. She could feel the shaky vibrations against her and she moved back to hurry along what she needed more. “Please Ash, I need you inside of me.”

Her words sent him over the edge and he shot a load of hot seed onto her bared ass. Kristy made a frustrating noise, realizing that she wasn’t going to get what she wanted. He smacked her ass softly as he moved away, stuffing his semi-hard cock in his pants.

Kristy could not believe what had happened and she waited as he had left her, waiting for him to finish her, change his mind, something more. But it never came and she was forced to sit back up, her skirt absorbing most of what he had left to cool on her ass.

“I still need you to do the work we talked about, before you can go home.”

“But I am all sticky. Your cum is all over my ass and clothes.”

“Who’s fault is that?”


“You know your choices.”

He walked away, leaving her staring behind him in disbelief. The worst part of it all though, was the fact that she still felt like she was going to explode. When it was clear he was not coming back, she stood up and walked towards the other side of the desk to sit down. Her legs were wobbly and she felt like she was going to topple over at any time.

As soon as she did, her legs opened and the breeze was back as the air conditioner cooled her. Moving her fingers between her legs, she could feel how sensitive she was and she moaned as she rubbed her digits over her slippery flesh. Something she had never tried before occurred to her and instead of rubbing, she started to smack on her quim as Ash had done. Her green eyes closed and she was quickly lost in a powerful orgasm that had been on her mind for an hour. “Yes, fuck!”

Her essence spilled out onto his chair and a little sprayed onto his carpet, but she purposefully did not clean it up, it seemed only right after the state he had left her in. The skirt was glued to her backside with his seed and though he had told her to go to work, Kristy needed to get home and lay down, her body a mess of nerves and need.


Ash was shocked by what he seen on his phone. He had not expected her to play with herself in his office and in his chair no less. The camera picked it all up and he knew that he would be watching that video over and over again. The way she looked as she came, he was a little disappointed that he had not been the one to give it to her. Did Kristy think of him as she played with herself?

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