ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (32 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 7

Carl’s hands touched her cheek softly and then moved to her hair. He had a fascination with it, the way the light caught it and the feel of the silky strands in his fingers. Forgetting why he was in front of her for a moment, he looked down at her, her lips trembling as she waited.

He moved to kiss her, dying to do it again since the last time they had been that close. Fiona’s lips were soft and yielding to him. Carl groaned and pressed against her. Her body was just as soft and yielding as her lips, melting against him as he pressed into her.

Pulling back, he whirled her around, pressing her front down to the desk. Her ass moved up, rubbing against his hardness. His hand held her down for some time, until her own movements pushed against his hardness in a slow, steady pace. His hands moved to either side of her hips and became more focused in his thrusting against her. He pulled away before he forgot himself again.

Hiking up her skirt, her bare ass came into view and he groaned. His hand went to her cheek, rubbing the shaking flesh with his palms. Her head came up as he pulled back and then slapped her cheek hard. Carl saw her hands grip the edge of the desk for a moment longer than she had to. “Dammit Carl, what are you doing?”

He answered her with another smack on her ass that made her cry out. It was just too sudden, the change in sensation and then he was gone, moving back to his seat like nothing had happened. “Just be on time Fiona. There are reports to go through on your desk over there. Let me know if you need anything.”

She stood there for a few seconds, staring back at him while she got up. Fiona pulled her skirt down and turned towards the desks that she had seen when she first came in. This was her first day at work and it was nothing that she had expected. How could she think it would have turned into that?

Her ass still burned slightly as she took her seat and Fiona knew that her cheeks must be blazing red. She stared at the numbers in front of her, all in perfect little rows, but she couldn’t really see them, the typing blurring together as her eyes closed for a moment. She kept asking herself, then and through the day, what the hell had she gotten herself into?


Fiona was always early, the boss’ incentive to keep her there on time had paid off and Fiona was sometimes there before he was, having to wait for him to unlock the place. She had only half days most of the time, still having to go to her afternoon classes, but it was never like the first time. Carl still had the dark lust in his eyes, but there was no speaking of it and his actions were always professional. She started to wonder why the sudden change and she found herself missing his touch, wishing he would touch her again, even if it was a firm slap on the ass.



His jaw set as he gritted his teeth. She still didn’t like to call him by his name and it was partly because it seemed to bother him. Maybe Fiona was doing it without realizing it, with the goal that he would touch her again.

“It’s Carl. Fiona. I keep looking for my father when you say that.”

“Sorry. What did you need Carl?”

“I need you to finish that report for the meeting Monday.”

She nodded. “Yeah I was just going to take it home for a bit and email it to you later this evening.”

“That doesn’t suit me. Finish it here and then leave it on my desk.”

“Yes Sir.”

He walked away a little stiff and she stifled her amusement from his discomfort. But her mirth was gone quickly as she sat back down. She had to call Debra and tell her that she wasn’t going to be able to make it to the party.

“You said you were going to be there. I want you to meet Eddy. You are really going to like him.”

“I’ve got to finish these reports and then I will be there as soon as I can. Promise.”

“Fine but remember, you promised.”

Fiona made the same promise again and got back to work when she hung up. It took her two more hours to get everything done and printed. She walked to his desk and set it down on there. He was long gone and it still irked her that he wouldn’t let her go and her bothered her even more that he didn’t seem like he wanted to add any other duties to her list of things to do. Fiona was getting bored with numbers.

She did something she knew she shouldn’t, but it just occurred to her before she left. It was completely out of spite, but it made her smile to think about what he would do when he found her extra part of the report. It was not like her, spending most of her days being square, but with Carl, it was different and she didn’t want it to stop. She had to remind him of what he really wanted.

Chapter 7

Carl was early to work morning. It was Saturday, but he was always there on the weekends. A business owner usually didn’t have the luxury of two whole days off a week. And to Carl, it just seemed to be a waste of time. There were very few things that he would rather do than make money, though he was reminded of one when he got to work.

Everything was in order, the alarms on and the lights out, but when he got to the top floor and closer to his desk, he saw something red on top of it. He couldn’t figure out what it was until he got closer and then he just stopped several feet before he got there. It was her panties, set on top of her report. He didn’t have to guess who’s they were, he knew. But why she had done it remained a mystery to him. There was no note to help him out, but it was hers as he felt the thin fabric. Who else would have the nerve but Fiona?

He wanted to call her, to go to her, but Carl had work to do. It was a strange feeling though, to want someone so much. It had been a long time since he had looked forward so much to Monday morning. Fiona dominated his thoughts through the weekend and he had to stop himself several times from calling her, making her come in and give him what he wanted.

Sunday night Carl was restless and since nothing else gave him any pleasure, he went about tracking her down. Her roommate said that she was still at work and he didn’t realize what she meant. “You know, the library.”

Carl didn’t know she was still working there and he wondered why. Did she have one foot in and one foot out, not sure how it would work out between them? The thought bothered him and he decided not to go find her. He didn’t want to push too far too fast, afraid then that she would just quit and go somewhere else. Carl didn’t like the idea that he would actually lose her and even thinking that bothered him in a way.

He went home instead, sulking about what was going on. Carl was not used to feeling out of control of pretty much anything, especially not some young, smart-mouthed girl. She was testing him and it was unfamiliar territory for him.


Monday morning came and Fiona was surprised that she hadn’t heard from Carl all weekend. She started to worry that someone else had found her surprise or he was going to find them minutes before she got in. She dressed carefully, making sure to put on all the proper things and keep her dress conservative. Fiona also went back to her tight bun, feeling more put together in her usually clothes. She had made some changes to her wardrobe for Carl, but she was back to her bookish ways a week later.

She was early as usual and the doors were already unlocked. Fiona thought she would be nervous, but she wasn’t. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, it was hard not to see Carl sitting at his desk looking back at her.  “Good morning Fiona. I see you have made it a point to be on time since, I appreciate that.”

“No problem, I really am not usually a tardy person.” She also usually wasn’t a wanton woman that left her panties for other men, especially her boss, but there she was doing it.

“The reports looked good, thank you for taking the time to finish them for me. The deal went through because of your figures.”

Fiona nodded, waiting for him to mention more. What about the panties? Did he get them or did one of the janitors? She just didn’t know and the anticipation was killing her.

“Did you need something Fiona?”

She shook her head. “No Carl, I do not.”

Her face was red as she walked to her desk. The weather outside was drizzling and it seemed about right, matching her mood. She had expected so much more, but nothing was not what she had expected at all. Fiona was starting to think that he was just fucking with her.

She waited for something to change or for him to finally address the issues, but Carl left out around eleven and she had classes that afternoon, so she didn’t see him again. For the next few days, he didn’t come in at all when she was in and Fiona didn’t know what to say about it. She had expected something more, but instead there was nothing. No reaction whatsoever.

Friday rolled around again and she was surprised that the doors were locked. It was five minutes till and usually someone was in by then. Waiting outside in front of the building, it was almost ten minutes later when another key holder came in and Fiona got in behind him. She took the elevator, thinking it was going to be just another day at work. She didn’t have classes, so she was there all day. Not only did she have a report to do, but Debra had set her up with one of her friends so she was ready to tackle the day and leave at a decent time.

She was not expecting to see Carl there when she got in, especially since the door had been locked. She started when she seen him and then moved towards her desk without even a good morning.

“Fiona, can you come here?”

“Sure.” Fiona walked back to his desk and stopped, waiting for some extra work she was sure he was going to heap on her.

“You are late Fiona.”

“Yes, but the doors were locked…” She stopped giving an excuse and just nodded her head instead to finish the sentence. The way he looked at her, it seemed that he had done it on purpose, giving himself a reason.

“You know there has to be consequences. Did you remember your panties today?”

Fiona said she did. “Good then give them to me. I will add them to my growing collection.”

She turned a little pink, but her heat raced. That is what she wanted, to feel him against her again. Fiona did as he commanded, his voice taking on a rough edge the longer he spoke. It made her wonder if he had been thinking about it as much as she had.

Her heart skipped a little with the idea of it. Fiona pulled her skirt up enough to grab the black strings, pulling it down as she bent over. “I guess I need to buy more.”

“I’ve already done that for you. Put these on.”

They felt heavier, but she wasn’t sure what was different about them. When she felt the hard piece of metal against her clit, she gasped a little.

“Do you like them?”

She nodded her head, waiting for more but then she was dismissed after he tossed her panties in one of the bottom drawers. The underwear was a bit uncomfortable and it felt strange to have them on. Not only because he had given them to her, but because of the way they fit and pressed against her in a very delicious way. What was he playing at?

Chapter 8

Fiona ignored Carl who was talking on the phone and then moved to the conference room for a meeting. She was trying to focus on her work to get out of there on time, though it was hard not to think about Carl when he was so close to her. Just a few feet away, but it might as well have been a mile for all the good it was doing to her. Leaning over to grab something out of her purse, the panties came to life suddenly, the round metal plate vibrating against her quim.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes tight. It all made sense then and Fiona was almost to the point of coming when it stopped just as suddenly as it started. Her breathing took time to get back to normal, her mind shattered, waiting for it to buzz again. Carl was also out of the office and she didn’t see him again until right before lunch as she was going to the elevator.

“Going home for lunch?” He didn’t want her going home and taking care of herself before he could get what he wanted from her.

“No, I was just going to go pick something up.”

“Why don’t you join me?”


Fiona followed him downstairs to his car and got in after he opened the door. She had almost forgotten about the jacked up panties until they turned on all of a sudden while he was walking around the car. He opened the door and got in before he turned them off again with a small control in his hands. Carl got hard watching her face in pleasure, wanting to push the button again and finish her off right then.

She finally got her breathing under control, but still didn’t have the nerve to look at him. “Do you like them?”

Fiona wiggled in her seat, trying to get the damn metal circle away from her clit that was burning and sensitive. She had been close to an end that had been weeks in the making. Biting her lip, she looked out the window next to her. They came on again, but not long enough to give her release, just long enough to push her teetering body closer to the edge and then nothing.


“Please turn them back on. Just for a few seconds. That’s all I need.”

He nodded and put the controller back in his pocket. They were working like he wanted, pushing her closer till she would not be so hard to convince. “Where do you want to eat at? China Garden is pretty good.”

Fiona didn’t care. All she wanted to do was come. She couldn’t think about anything else. “I don’t care Carl.”

He liked that she was getting frustrated. Carl had been busy the last week and hadn’t gotten to see her much. It was good for him to get away from her and the feelings he felt for her. Now to see her like that, gagging for him, it was just too perfect for words. He wished he could have seen her the first time he turned it on.

“You sound testy.”

She made another aggravated sound and he turned it on just before they parked at the restaurant. He watched her face to not let her go too far, stopping right before she would have reached bliss. “Fuck.”

“Such language.”


“I can’t believe you eat here.”


“Because you’re rich.”

“So what, I am supposed to eat caviar all day?”

It did seem preposterous. “No I guess not, just you seem too normal to be who you are.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

“You should.”

There was a silence that stretched between them. Fiona had noticed that he took the controller with him, but then they started talking and she forgot about it. It was easy to do until the damn thing came to life and wreaked havoc on her thinking.

“So how do you like it?”

“I would like it better if you would turn it on long enough to let me finish. It’s only fair.”

Carl sat back and chuckled a little. “I was talking about the job, but good to know.”

“Oh, well it has it’s perks. And it’s frustrations.”

“I always want to make sure my employees are happy where they are. I don’t want them running off when a better offer comes around.”

“Is this what you do with all of them because I would like to hear about how Linda in accounting reacted to your methods?”

The mental image of the uppidity middle-aged woman with pleasure panties on made him laugh a little louder. It had been too long since he had laughed like that, so completely surprised by her answer. His hand slipped into his pocket and he turned it on for a moment, just enough to remind her of the feeling and make her face contort a little.

“It was pretty much like that.”

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