ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (27 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 4

I didn’t recognize the number that called when my phone rang a few minutes later. I was almost back to my house and I just answered it. “Hello?”


“Yeah, who is this?”

“This is Nick, you just called?”

“Yeah I was just at the Student Union and they said you were on the roster for a tutor?”

“Yes. Are you a tutor?”

“Sometimes. Is it just Business Math or are there other subjects that you need help with?”

“Just math. I’m getting good grades in everything else but coach says if I don’t get that class passing, I am not going to be able to play this year.”

“Well that is not a problem. I am really good at math. What time do you want to meet and we can get started whenever you are ready.”

“How about tonight?”

“I was hoping for day time.”

“Why, do you have plans?”


“Oh, what are you doing tonight then?”

I wasn’t going to tell him that me and Lianna were going to stay in and watch old reruns of Twilight Zone and eat far too much pizza. It didn’t even sound sexy in my head, but it would be a great time.

“Having a girl’s night in with a friend. How about tomorrow night?”

“No good, got plans.”

“And you can’t do days?”

“Not with practice almost every day.”

“Why do you have to practice so much? I mean, you skate, hit a little round thing and hit people.”

He laughed, God I loved the way it sounded. “It’s a bit more than that and it’s a puck.”

“What?” I couldn’t have heard what I just heard.

“The little round black thing is a puck.”

Oh, totally misheard that. Probably because all I could think about associated with him was sex. He was too hot not to think of anything else.

“Okay, so how about you tell me when you are available and I will meet you somewhere to get some work done.”

“How about your place, tonight?”

I sighed to myself. What could I say? I needed to pay him back and make money for tuition.

“Fine, but you are ruining my plans.”

“Aww come on. I helped you, now you can help me.”

I told him to come by about eight and gave him the address. When I got back in, Lianna didn’t seem to mind the change up. As much as she liked old shows, she liked men a lot more and well it was Johnson.

“So do you want me to make myself scarce?”

“Yes, I don’t need you and Johnson screaming and hollering in the next room while we are studying. You are kind of distracting Le.”

“Alright, I will get out of your hair, but with one condition.”

I groaned inwardly. This chick, it was always let’s make a deal with her. “What is it?”

“You let me do you hair and makeup and pick out your clothes.”

I looked at her through slit eyes. “I am not fucking Barbie you know.”

“Yeah well, that’s my condition. If not, me and Johnson can give you some sound effects to get you in the mood.”

“Okay Lianna. But not too much okay. I don’t want him thinking I’m a whore.”

“I should take that offensively, but I won’t.”

“You know what I mean.”


She did my hair and makeup, way differently than I would have, but it was cute. The dress she had me put on was a bit much, but I figured I would just change when she left and Lianna would never know the difference. When she finally left it was only five minutes till and I immediately went into my closet and just threw on some shorts and a T shirt. It was tutoring after all, not a date. Even though my friend meant well, I didn’t want him to see me like that and get the wrong idea. Besides the fact that having my butt hanging out of my clothes wasn’t really my style.

I hear the knock as I was taking down the up-do and I groaned inwardly at how poofy my hair was. Wetting my hands and running my fingers through it seemed to tame it enough and I went to the door. “Hey Nick, come on in.”

“Wow Chloe, you look different.”

I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, besides the makeup that I hadn’t had time to take off. I hated the stuff, though I would admit that it did look good sometimes. “Come on in Nick.”

He looked good, like always and I tried to ignore the way his pants fit on his thick thighs. His ass looked great in the jeans and I thought then that this was going to be a long night. Hopefully he wasn’t too dense with numbers and we could get through it relatively easily.

Nick took his jacket off and I had to stop myself from looking, his large muscles flexing as he moved. Fuck he looked good, but it was only business I tried to remind myself.

“So did you bring the textbook?”

He pulled it out of his bag and I had to laugh a little inside because it looked like it hadn’t been opened once.

“Well I can see why this is your second go-round. It doesn’t look like you have opened your book once.”

“I did a couple of times. I just hate math.”

“Well good thing you are cute I guess.”

He gave me a sharp look and I tried not to laugh. “You think I’m cute?”

“Occasionally, but not tonight. Tonight we have to get you studying so you don’t have to take this class again and you can go on to beat people on the ice like you were supposed to.”

“At least this won’t be boring.”

I ignored the last comment, although I guess I should have taken it as a compliment, though it was hard. I motioned him to the table, but he chose the couch instead. There really wasn’t a choice it appeared, Nick being Nick and I sat down next to him. I tried to keep my distance, but the man was just big and the couch sank down around him, pushing us to the middle together. I opted for the chair arm instead and he then had a view up my shorts.

I was bugging out a bit, just like I had for Jimmy, so I tried to play it off, getting up and asking if he wanted something to drink. “I’ll have a beer if you have one, or a shot of whatever.”

“Yea, sorry there is tea or juice, no liquor.”

He looked at me like I had just said something about eating brains. “What do you mean, you don’t drink?”

“No, it makes me feel bad the next day. You know it’s a poison right?”

“Many things are. Tea is fine.”

I went to the small fridge and got out the tea pitcher, pouring him a glass over ice. Bringing it back to him, I still wasn’t sure where to sit and keep my wits about me around the man. Sitting on the coffee table seemed the best option and he seemed to not notice my discomfort.

“So you don’t drink, you don’t party, what do you do?”

“I go to class and tutor jocks to pay for it. It’s kind of the point of school, isn’t it?”

He shook his head and I was done with the small talk. Being around men like that made me feel like a foreigner or something. So I opened up his text book and we went over some of the more simple formulas that he would have to know. The funny thing was they were all in the back of the book. I showed him where they were and he looked amazed.

“Well I’ll be.”

“Yeah, there the whole time if you would have looked. Math is pretty simple. It is the only subject that has one answer. I mean, it isn’t like say Lit class where you can answer fifty different ways and they are all right, with math there is only one. That’s what I like about it so much, simplicity. With Business Math, all you need to worry about is plugging in the numbers for the formula. That’s it.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“It is, here I printed out some practice papers for you. Why don’t you do them and I am going to jump in the shower? We will go over them when I get out.”

“Wait, you are giving me homework?”

“Yes, you can do it. Formulas are in the back and I really need a shower, so yeah.”

I walked out of the living room and honestly I just needed to get away from him. Turning the shower on, I sat on the sink playing a game on my phone. I know, kind of crazy, but he was impossible to be around and not think about in a sexual way. I had to keep reminding myself of Jimmy and how well that turned out.

There was a knock on the door. “Yeah?”

He opened it and I just looked at him. “What are you doing in here?”

“Playing a game. Are you already done?”

“Yeah, come and check it for me.”

I turned the shower off and hoped that my face wasn’t as red as my hair. He had totally busted me and I flipped my phone off. Looking at the paper, he had them all right. “See, this isn’t so bad.”

“Why didn’t the teachers tell me about this last semester?”

“Well they probably did. You know the see appendix such and such, yeah that’s your formulas. You did good, do you want to keep going with the next one?”

“Are you going to go hide in the bathroom again?”

“Well I can’t now, so I guess not.”

“Why were you in there?”

“You make me nervous.”

He grinned and I hated it. Nick knew why I was avoiding him, but he wanted me to tell him why. How could I explain that he made me want to do things that weren’t a part of the tutoring I had agreed to. It had been far too long.

“I like that I make you nervous.”

Of course he did. He moved forward and I sat back a little to give us a bit of a gap between us. It was hard to see him as anything else but the “enforcer.’ It was his name on the team and it just seemed to fit. Nick moved closer suddenly and pulled me to him, his lips meeting mine. My body responded, kissing him back before my mind could tell me to stop. I finally realized what was happening, or my brain caught up and I pushed back. “We can’t Nick. I am just tutoring you.”

“Okay, I just thought we would get it out of the way so we could get back to work.”

It sounded like a good plan, just poorly executed. Moving towards him I kissed him back, this time more passionately. I wanted him to feel what I was feeling and when I pulled away, the hardness in his pants was all I needed to attest to it. “There, that’s better. Now on to the next page. This is the ratios that we need to find. Most of these are for getting loans and stuff for businesses. Same scenario as before.”

Flipping the book in his hands to a few pages in for the formulas he would need. “Just use these formulas and plug in your numbers. This one is a two-step process, so you won’t find the third number until you do this formula first.”

I looked up and he was staring at me. “What?”

He shook his head like there was nothing wrong, so I started to get up and walk into the kitchen for a drink. His hand stopped me and he pulled me down onto his lap. “You can’t kiss me like that and then go back to work.”

“I thought we were getting it out of the way. The first kiss didn’t do it for me, that’s all.”

“Will you give me another chance?”

“No it’s fine really Nick. It’s out of my system now.”

I could tell he didn’t believe me, hell I didn’t even believe me. “If that’s true than stop running away.”

I sighed and sat back down. He was too close for comfort, but there was nothing I could do. I didn’t want him thinking that he had that kind of control over me. I think he was too used to control as it was. I waited while he did the next practice sheet and again, he didn’t miss one. I was starting to think that he really didn’t need any help. I told him so and he just shrugged. “I guess you are just a good teacher.”

“Yeah that’s what it is. Really why did you sign up for a tutor Nick?”

He didn’t answer me, just looked at me in that way. I licked my lips nervously because he was staring at them. It was getting strange and when he moved in for another kiss, I wondered even more what he was doing there.

“I knew that you would be my tutor, so I signed up. It’s not easy to get close to you Chloe, so I knew that this would be a good way to do it.”

“Do what?”

“Seduce you.”

Chapter 5

“Wait, what are you talking about?”

I had a feeling I knew what it was about. The same thing that I was afraid of happening again I would assume. It wasn’t the first time someone had heard what happened with me and Jimmy and tried to replicate it. I guess it was partially my fault for doing some of those things with Jimmy, but I wasn’t going to let Nick make a fool of me as well.

“You know what I am talking about Chloe.”

“Yeah I think I do. You need to leave Nick. Let me know how much I owe you for bailing me out and I will get it to you tomorrow. You don’t need a tutor for math.”

He looked confused, but I was done entertaining his plans. Nick didn’t get up until I was already at the door holding it open for him. “What did I say wrong?”

“Nothing Nick, I just don’t have time for that. The only reason I tutor is to pay for tuition. And that is for tutoring, nothing else.”

“What did you think I meant?”

“It doesn’t matter, just please leave.”

He finally got up and when he tried to say something I just shut the door. I felt like an idiot for thinking that it had been fate trying to put us together. It was just rumours of sexual conquests that made him rope me into tutoring him, nothing more. I had gone a bit too far with Jimmy and he had recorded some of our encounters, so even though he was one of two that I slept with while I was in college, I looked like a slut that screwed all the jocks. Not to mention the fact that we had tried out some new things that I had found interesting.

I angrily pushed back the tears from my eyes, mad that I was upset more than I was mad at Nick. I was stupid to think that a guy like that was ever supposed to be for me. It just wasn’t in the cards for me. I went to bed that night and dreamed of Nick. That may have been the worst part of all.


I was awoken early in the morning with the smell of coffee. I didn’t drink alcohol, but coffee was an essential. Lianna was coming in with a cup. “Hey sexy, look at you. Did you have a good night?”

I shook my head. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Pouty face and then she jumped on the bed with me after she set the cup down. “Come on, it couldn’t have been that bad. You were looking hot, he’s always hot, it’s a match made in heaven.”

“For one it was supposed to be just for tutoring and for two, well he only wanted me to tutor him because of Jimmy.”

“You are never going to live that down are you?”

Taking the coffee, I took a drink and sat back with my eyes closed. “Well apparently not while I am in college. I mean, he knew everything about it and he only signed up because he knew that I tutored most of the jocks.”

“So he’s officially a scumbag and a dumb jock?”

“Not dumb, but yeah scumbag sums it up.”

“I’m sorry Chlo, I know that you really liked him once upon a time.”

“And we will not speak of it again.”


“So how did it go with you and Johnson?”

“It went great. We went out for dinner and then ended up at his place. He kicked his roommate out and we did it on every surface in that little place.”

Her joy was irritating, so I got up and went into the living room. It was then that I saw his jacket still on the couch. Picking it up, I sighed. It meant I would have to see him again. “Hey don’t you have Nick for one of your classes today?”

“Yes, do you want me to punch him for you? I totally will, especially after the other night at the party.”

I assured her it was nothing like that. “Just bring him his jacket that he left, if you don’t mind. I don’t think I can see him again, not right now.”

“What happened that was so bad that you can’t even see him?”

I sighed, not sure how to explain it, but she was the closest one that would get it. “You remember how I felt about him, right? Well when I got his name from the Student Union, I thought that it was fate or something. I don’t know. I am usually not that sappy, but for some reason I was feeling that way. Then I find out that it is all a ruse and he starts to kiss me…”

“You guys kissed?”

“Yeah, it was pretty nice, but you are missing the point.”

“What’s the point again?”

“He was only here because he thinks I am going to do to him, what I did for Jimmy.”

“Do you want me to punch Jimmy in the face then?”

I had to give it to her. She could always make me laugh. “No Lianna, we are not punching anyone in the face, geez. I thought you were supposed to be nicer when you and Johnson were on?”

“Yes, well I don’t like seeing you upset so it makes me want to.”

“As much as I love you for that, no. I am just going to avoid him and hope for the best. Besides, I was kind of mean to him last night.”

“Just let me know.”

“I will.”

“So what are you doing today after class?”

I shrugged, really not thinking that far ahead. “I don’t know, I guess I need to go back down to the Student Union so I can find a real client and then I need to go hit up financial aid and see if they will give me an extension. If I can’t figure it out soon, I will have to go ask my parents for money.”

“How much are you short?”

“A couple grand I think, but I will figure it out. What are you up to today?”

She gave me that look and I knew that it was Johnson that she was planning to do today. “Just remember to give that jacket back to Nick please? I will owe you big time.”

“Enough that you will stay gone tonight so we can have a date night?”

“Alright chica, thanks for the coffee but I think I am going to go.”

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