ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (25 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 6

There was a change in Longhairn Industries, almost immediately. Thomas knew that she was behind the changes, but he had not talked to Tilly since. He didn’t know what to say to her and though she was constantly at the back of his mind, the changes took time to go into effect. He poured himself into his work and pushed forward as if it would all be okay somehow. Thomas wanted to ask about her, find out if she was still single, but he held himself from that type of nonsense. It was a whole other world he found himself in and there were many that were giving him flack for the changes, the stockholders in general were not happy with a smaller profit to cut up.

Not only was he claiming the real chemicals that were going across the country, but all haphazard protocol was taken. He also announced that he would no longer be working with any chemical that contained dioxins. Thomas hired one of the best sustainability management that he could find. Yes, there were big changes going on at Longhairn Industries. It was all across the news and everyone wanted to know what had made him make the change. There was even a rumor that he had lost his mind to spend as much money on safety as he was doing.

“There was a woman that reminded me what I do, affects everyone and we at Longhairn Industries want to help people and make this world a better place. Maybe one day she will give me another chance.”

He hoped that it didn’t sound too much like a sales pitch. He hoped that one day she would see that he was making changes and they were because of her. Thomas still held out for another chance, long since giving up on being satisfied with anyone else. The one time he had made love to a woman since Tilly, had been a mess of such a large scale, he doubted he would ever try it again. Something inside of him, kept reassuring him that it would work out and he would the second chance that he craved so much.


Tilly had seen the changes as the company was in the news for almost six months straight. She made it through the winter without seeing him and sometimes she wished that he would come back. Maybe she wouldn’t be so mean to him or maybe he had long since forgotten about her. Tilly was the type to feel like everything happened for a reason and although she had thought of her meeting with Thomas as one of a sexual nature, maybe they had met so that he would somehow change. The ramifications were far reaching now as he made such huge changes to the way the massive company did business. It had turned out the way it was supposed to, she kept telling herself.

There were other thoughts that were harder to come to grips with. The fact that she wanted it to be more was the main one. Her body had never felt so alive when she was with him and a life without that surge of feeling was something that depressed her in a way. It was to be shown true light and to never see it again. Like Thomas, she had given up her search. Even food had lost some of it flavor, school didn’t seem quite so important.

The bookstore was something she didn’t worry about at all anymore. They had online orders coming through constantly and she still wondered if some of them were going to Thomas. Every time she saw one come in or go out for Peru, she thought of the man that so long ago, just dropped into her life. Now that he was gone, or more aptly she pushed him away, all Tilly could think about were their few moments in the back of a car and a couple stolen kisses.

Her prospect and views didn’t change as time moved one. She was quickly ending the last part of her college education and starting to plan her trip to Peru. Long ago, it had been South America in general, but after Thomas, she focused more on the small country inside of the great continent. It was as if the world was calling her to that place and she wanted nothing more than to go.

Tilly graduated with honors and though she was not sure what her future would hold, she had looked forward to nothing else but the trip afterwards. There was no warm glow after she graduated. She felt nothing with the paper in hand. As she walked out of the small assembly hall, all she could think about was Peru.

Her flight was the next day and like everything, she was there waiting patiently twenty minutes before they were supposed to board. It was then that she realized how fate liked to work. People met and crossed past again, only at the right moment and time. It was then when she saw Thomas from across the airport that her heart raced with some small hope that she had held onto.

He saw her or almost like he knew she would be there. She tried to wipe the smile from her face as he walked up. “Fancy meeting you here Tilly.”

“Mmmhmm Mr. Longhairn. Are you flying commercial now?”

Thomas drank in her sight and tried to answer her, but was unable. “I’ve missed you.”

“So much that you are willing to fly with the masses?”

He looked down. “Well I was hoping you would want to fly with me, but I will if you want.”

The tension was gone between them. Words were not necessary because it had all been laid out before. She bit her lip, trying to decide if that is what she should do. It was almost like she had half-expected it. She had expected him to pop back in her life at some point, the idea in the back of her head as she turned down offer after offer. Tilly had been waiting for him.

“I suppose you could get me there sooner. I wouldn’t have to get frisk by a stranger that way.”

The familiar spark went to his eyes and she handed him her bag. “Really?”

“Well you are here aren’t you?”

Thomas was not sure what that meant. It had been an off chance. Well more than that really. He had waited for her graduation and then he found out she had indeed gotten tickets like she said she would. He had chosen to see it as a sign. A one last try kind of thing. The fact that she was not yelling was a great sign that she would go with him so easily he couldn’t believe.

“Just like that?”

“She stopped. Do you not want me to go?”

“I do, I just, this hadn’t even worked out so good in my head.”

“Don’t overthink it, just come on. You are obviously here for this reason, so let’s go.”

“You always did see through me Tilly.”

“Yes, well you are quite transparent.”

They headed towards the other side of the airport, the doorways leading out to the smaller, private planes ready to go on the runway. His of course was the biggest, silver and sleek like it would go far faster than the counterparts on the strip with him.

He was close behind there as they boarded. It was smaller than the plane she was supposed to be on, but so much more luxurious. Instead of seats that even her short frame barely sat, there were couches and lounges. Thomas handed her a glass of wine and she took a drink to calm her nerves. She wished it had the bite of the tequila that she needed. The calm on the outside belied the strong current underneath. He was actually there and they were going off together. After all that time, it seemed so unreal to her in that moment.

She sat down next to him on the couch and took another drink. She really needed something stiffer than what was in her glass. He seemed to read her mind. “I don’t have any tequila, but I do have some vodka.”

She giggled. “Is it that obvious?”

He nodded that it was and got up to get herself something else to drink. While she was sure the wine was good, she didn’t care for it, no matter how much the bottle cost. Her palate was a lot less refined, but as she looked around the surroundings, she thought that certain things she could get used to. What was supposed to happen next? Tilly wasn’t sure and he was back before she had much time to put into wondering about it.

“You look good Tilly. I have wanted to see you for a long time.”

“I waited.”

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?”

“Just shut up and let me kiss you. I want to see if it is as good as I remember it being.”

He bent down and captured her lips. It was so soft that it was almost not even there. She moaned as her mouth pushed against him harder. After all of that time, it was not the time for gentle. Tilly wanted to remember why she had waited and the feelings crashed back, her body ablaze with the one single kiss. She didn’t understand why she was so drawn to him or why it felt like heaven when they touched, all she knew was that it did. And that she never wanted to be without that feeling again.

When he pulled away, she pulled him down again. They had not even left the runway and she was almost gagging with need for him. It had been a long wait and she didn’t want to wait another second. Her tongue pushed into his mouth and his hard body slid in behind her on the couch. His hands took her new kiss as an invitation to touch her as before.

There was no more restraint in his movement, his hands roughly pulling on Tilly’s buttoned shirt, the small buttons flying off with a ripping sound. She gasped as his hand jerked her bra down, the large mounds falling forward into his large palm. He felt like a furnace behind her, his hips pressing against her in such a way to make her breathing come faster.

Their lips moved away and Thomas moved to her neck, his other hand pushing through the top of her skirt. She thought he was going to touch her then, but instead he started to pull the skirt up, baring all of her. He wanted it off and couldn’t figure out the way. More ripping sounds as he just pulled it from the slit upwards. All that was left attached was the waistband that was not going to do as he pleased.

He was moving fast and when she felt his hands go behind her and between their bodies, she sat up a little to look down at herself. One hand snaked around to play with a hard nipple, while the other unleashed his thickness that lay nestled in between the thick thighs. He grabbed up her leg and pulled it up, holding it with one arm, while his other hand positioned himself at her weeping core. He didn’t need to touch her to know she was wet for the taking.


Her hand went to his chest, pushing back. She wanted to see his length and wiggled against him as he pushed forward slowly. Their lips met as he sunk inch after inch inside of her. He was almost in when she dragged her mouth away from his, a low groan piercing the small aircraft. It was more than her tight insides could handle. It had just been so long since she had been with anyone, paired with the large girth of Thomas and her eyes closed with an overwhelmingly pleasurable stretching feeling. He stopped fully seated inside of her. “I thought I would never see you again Tilly. God you are made for me.”

He pulled out slowly, his hand holding her leg high and open so they could watch him move in and out ever so slowly. Each push in enveloped her senses and she was soon whimpering against him. The hand that was rubbing and twisting on her nipples, moved to her core and played against her engorged clit. The touch was electrifying and she cried out, begging to come. “Please Thomas. Faster.”

His thickness, as well as his fingers moved faster against her wetness. She squeezed him and as the first wave of pleasure ran over her, he moved to cover her groans with his own lips. His shaft felt her wetness swirling around his girth and he had to grit his teeth so that it would not end too soon. She was more than he had imagined and when she started to protest his rubbing, he rolled her over onto her stomach, his cock still pressed deep inside of her. Pushing her face down into the cushion, her ass rose to take each hard slam from behind.

Any shred of his control was gone and he pummeled her from behind until he felt her come again, even though her face was buried so he couldn’t hear the sweet sound of his name on her lips. Instead he felt the suffocation of her folds as they collapsed around his length with aftershocks and the beginnings of another mind-shattering blissful release. Hs fingers played where he entered her, moving slightly higher to press on her tight rosebud. Her head came up and she squealed as she was then coming again.

“Thomas, please come with me. I want to feel your heat inside of me now!”

He couldn’t have held back if he had wanted to. The tiny slice of heaven that he found himself in was becoming painfully tight and then he too was overtaken with pleasure. Her head moved back down to the bed as he filled her deep, his hot seed pushing against her womb.

When he was finally able to pull out of her heat, his growl was low and he pulled her up against him. She moved away, facing him from the other side of the couch.

“Wow Tom. That was, wow. It may have been worth all the wait.”


She giggled and started to get up. “I suppose I could repay you in some way…” Her eyes took in his sticky cock that was still hard and throbbing in front of her.

“You have made me a better man Tilly and for that I can never repay you.”

“Well if you insist. I can think of a way Thomas.”

Lying back on the arm of the couch, she spread her thighs open wide and her eyes pulled him in to do her bidding. With a smile on his rugged face, he looked his age, finally carefree as he enjoyed the offering that had been on his mind since he had met her.


Power Play


A Bad Boy Hockey Sports Romance






By: Carly White



Power Play


Chapter 1


“I don’t know what the problem is Chloe. You are almost there, you just have to find a few more dumb jocks on your roster and you will be home free.”

I wanted to believe her, but it seemed like I was never going to make enough for tuition. After the college we went to raised their rates again, the last year had been the hardest. I just had one more term to go and I would be home free, but that one term was going to cost a lot and I had only a week to come up with the rest of it.

Thinking about getting a real job wouldn’t work because they don’t pay enough. I make more tutoring the dumb jocks as Lianna put it, but I was already tutoring most of them. Football season was over and the amount of students that played, didn’t care much about their grades now. They were just concerned when it meant that they couldn’t play ball. Without that in their heads, there was nothing for them to work for. It was back to parties and staying out all night. This was a big problem to my business and the money for tuition that I needed.

“I don’t know about home free, but if I could just find one or two more that could pay, I can at least make tuition.”

“Why don’t you just ask your parents for the money?”

“Because they are teaching me a lesson or something, you know hard work and all of that.”

“Seems kind of hypocritical since he got all of his money inherited.”

“I know but it is how it is. At least mom helps out sometimes, but she can’t do much because dad watches the bank account like a hawk.”

She shook her head like she didn’t get it. Hell I didn’t even understand it, but it was the way it was and if I had learned anything, it was just to go with the flow of things, to just make it work.

“Well there is nothing we can do tonight. There might be a couple of guys on the rowing team or maybe hockey, it’s about that time of the season.”

I grimaced. If there was anything worse than dumb football guys, it was the aggressive hockey players. I wondered if they got into the sport to start fights because every time I had been dragged to a game, it ended up in a brawl on the ice, the red so much brighter against all the white surrounded them. It was brutal and I didn’t even want to think about having to deal with any of them. Dad was probably easier to deal with than a guy like Nick Zandowski.

Nick was handsome, I will give him that, but he was a jerk like the rest of the hockey team. He was the star for the school in hockey and like my family he came from money as well. I heard he was pretty smart though, so I doubted that he needed a tutor. There were a few other guys that had the money to pay my rate, so I decided that maybe I would go down to the Student Union tomorrow and see if anyone was looking or had signed up for a tutor.

“You’re right. I will go down there tomorrow and see if there is anyone looking.”

“Never know Chloe, you may get another hot guy like Jimmy.”

“Yeah and you see how that turned out didn’t you?”

“Jimmy was a douche. Everyone knew that.”

“Yeah, but he was really good at some things.”

“I bet he was.”

Lianna was talking about the little affair we had had at the end of the season. It was nice while it lasted, the man was very good at pleasuring, but he was a dick that liked to share it so I had to get away from all of that. We hadn’t even really dated, just a few nights of passion and that had been the year before. I hadn’t dated much since then. Jimmy had started a couple of rumours about me, made a tape that he distributed around campus after I stopped seeing him, so now if someone asked me out, I wasn’t sure why.

“Okay enough about Jimmy. What are we doing tonight?”

She shrugged. “There is always a party going on or we can go watch that new movie we have wanted to see.”

That was not really a choice. I was not into the parties, even though Lianna was. There were just too many people there and by the time we usually got to one of the parties on campus, everyone was pretty much slaughtered and it wasn’t much fun. It wasn’t fun for me to watch the drunks play and since I didn’t drink, it didn’t make sense to go.


“How did I know that would be what you picked?”

“Because you know me so well. Besides, Nicholas Cage was looking hot in that movie trailer.”

She sighed and picked out a skirt from the closet. “He is so old Chloe. I swear I wonder about your taste in men.”

“What about Johnson?”

She made a face that made me laugh.

“You mean, he who must not be named?”

I giggled, I couldn’t help it. My best friend had an on again, off again relationship since I had met her the first year of school. He was hot and they were perfect together, but they fought like cats and dogs. I never was sure if they were on or off, so by her face, they were off again.

“He doesn’t count.”

“Ah, I see. Well you bring up Jimmy and I will bring up Johnson.”

“Okay, fair enough. Do you want to see if Denise wants to come?”

“Nice subject change. Sure, give her a call, but I think she was going out on a date tonight.”

“That’s what we should be doing, it’s Friday night.”

“We’re going out. The movies counts.”

She didn’t look so sure, but she started to change anyways. “You know the bathroom is right there.”

“Stop being a prude. It’s just tits Chloe. Besides, yours are way bigger.”

I don’t know why she thought that nudity was normal. I was more modest, leaving my body for those that I loved to see. She liked to dress half naked most of the time, so I guess she figured that everyone had seen it all before. When I went to get an outfit, she gave me that look, but like hers, she just kept it to herself. We had some things in common, like a love for old movies and we were both on the board for the school newspaper, but that was about where is stopped. Beyond that, every bit of us was different.

I went to the bathroom to change, ignoring her comment. Fixing my hair, I brushed out the red curls, braiding it down my shoulder to the side. It was the only way to keep it under wraps, too messy to do much else with. While Lianna wore a red hot dress that showed off her legs, I was wearing a sweater and some jeans. Like I said, complete opposites.

“So you had to go to the back of the closet for that one didn’t you?”

“What, I think it’s cute.”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.”

“Shut up. Are you ready?”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

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