ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: DBL Coverage (Bad Boy Sports Romance)(Alpha Male Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Womens Fiction Romance)
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Chapter 6

Class was a bore and by the time I got out of there, all I wanted to do was go home and take a nap. I hadn’t slept well from the night before, but there were things that I had to do and they had to be done. So instead of sliding into my warm sheets at home, I went across campus to see if I could get an amount and hopefully a bit of an extension on tuition before I went back to see if I could find another student to tutor.

Kate was there when I got in. She had been my financial advisor for the last couple of years and there was nothing to say but she was great. She had helped me find a couple of scholarships that I hadn’t known about and I was hoping for some magic today.

“Hi Kate.”

“Hey Chloe, how’s it going?”

“Not so good, but I was hoping I could talk to you about getting an extension on the tuition. I know I am like a week late on it, but I was hoping that you could maybe cut me some slack and give me an amount of how much I owe if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all dear, take a seat and we will see what you got going on. I’ve been out the last couple of days, so I haven’t gotten any alerts that the college sends to me usually. I am sure we can work something out for you Chloe, just hold tight.”

I thanked her and waited for her to pull me up on the screen and tell me how bad the damage was going to be. I knew it was over three grand left after all the grants and scholarships, but I did not expect the printout that I got instead.

“This has to be wrong Kate. I know I owe more money because I only made a partial payment, remember?”

“Yes dear, but it looks like someone came in and paid this morning. It must have been real early because I wasn’t even in yet.”

My mind raced, trying to figure out who it was that would do it. My first thought was my mom, but I hadn’t even gone to her about tuition money yet. It was a last resort situation and I wasn’t sure how she would have known.

“Well do you know who paid it on my behalf?”

“That’s the strange part. It was paid in full in cash and there doesn’t look like there was a receipt or anything given. When Jane comes back from lunch, I will ask her what she knows about it.”

“Okay thanks Kate.”

“Are you sure you don’t know who paid it? It’s a lot of money.”

I nodded that I didn’t. I couldn’t figure out who would send me that kind of money or why. It was weird and I ended up not going to the Student Union. There was no point if I didn’t have to pay tuition. I had enough money for incidentals for the rest of the term. It looked like I didn’t have to do any more tutoring, but it begged the question why. Or more aptly, who?


It was driving me crazy not knowing who had sent the money to the school and to pay in cash just didn’t make sense. Who did I know that would pay it for me and then in cash, most people didn’t walk around with a bunch of cash in their pocket. I called mom to see if she had paid anything but she ended up getting suspicious so I told her it was nothing and went on.

There was one person that kept coming to mind, but I knew I had to be wrong and if I wasn’t wrong, it begged to wonder what the whole point of it was. I got my phone out and dialed the number that had called me a few days before.

“Hey Nick.”

“Chloe, good to hear from you.”

“Was it you?”


“Did you do it, I just need to know.”

“Do what?”

He was playing too dumb for it not to be him, so why would Nick pay off my tuition? It didn’t make sense, especially after I kicked him out of my house yesterday.

“Why did you do that Nick? You can’t buy sex from me. Believe it or not, there are some things that money can’t buy.”

“Whoa, whoa, what are you talking about? You said the only reason that you tutor was to pay your tuition, so I just thought I would help you out. I promise there were no strings attached.”

I didn’t believe him, there were always strings. It just didn’t make sense. “Well thank you I guess, but I need to know how much it was so I can pay you back.”

“Don’t worry about it really. It’s no big deal.”

It was though. It was a very big deal and I couldn’t believe that he didn’t see it that way. I knew he had money, but the way he was acting like it was nothing was crazy. It was almost four thousand dollars all together, as well as the five hundred he had given the cop to get me out of going to jail. Why was he being so nice to me? It seemed like a long way to go to help someone to get laid, but what other reason could it be?

“Look I didn’t do it so you would have sex with me, though I would love it, I don’t buy pussy when I can get it for free from half the girls on campus.”

I knew what he said was true, but it still just didn’t make any sense. “Well I don’t know why you did it then Nick. What do you expect to get from it?”

“Nothing okay. How about we start again? Would you like to go out for dinner tonight? I hear your schedule is open now and I would really like to take you out.”

I didn’t know why, but I agreed. Maybe it was because he was so damn hot and I had had a crush on him for a couple of years, but whatever the reason I agreed to meet with him. He told me he would pick me up in an hour and I hung up before I could change my mind.

Chapter 7

I was nervous, as I usually was around hot guys, but he was there on time and I had agreed to it already. I wore the slutty dress that Lianna had tried to get me to wear the night before and I had to say that it looked pretty damn good. Now that it was kind of a date, I didn’t feel so bad to be wearing it and I hoped he liked it. I really hoped that he would be as tongue-tied as I was.

When he showed up though and I opened the door, I was once again lost in his dark brown eyes. I caught myself smiling like an idiot and pulled it back down. “Hey Nick, so where are we going?”

He didn’t tell me, said it was a surprise. I went with it, I mean, he had just paid for my tuition, in full that day, so I kind of felt obligated. Beyond that, I really just wanted to know why he did it in the first place. I knew he was filthy rich, but it still didn’t make sense why he would do it to begin with. We barely spoke to each other for three and a half years and in the last few days he had bailed me out in a cop car, as well as paid off my tuition. It just didn’t make sense and I was all about figuring out inconsistencies.

“So where are we going Nick?”

“I made us some dinner at home and I was thinking that we could go back to my place.”

There it was. He did want me for sex or something like that or why would I be invited to his home. “I thought we had already gone over that? I am not really looking for sex Nick.”

“Neither am I, though once again always here if you change your mind.”

“Then why?”

“Can’t we just enjoy a meal before we get into all of this?”

“Fine but you are acting really weird.”

“Do you really not remember me from before?”

I looked at him a little stunned, “From before?”

“Yeah before college, do you remember me?”

We got in his car and started driving towards his house. I wasn’t sure where it was, but I figured it was close. “Remember you from when?”

“High school Chloe.”

“No, we didn’t go to the same high school Nick, I would have remembered that.”

“We didn’t, but we were in private school together before that and we danced at your senior prom.”

I searched my memories, but I didn’t remember prom very well and certainly not him in it. Our last prom had been a masked party, the girls setting up wanted a theme and it ended up being the masquerade. “Wait, so you went to Arnold?”

“Yes, we were in that class together for a whole year, you were my science partner.”

“Why don’t I remember it as you?”

“I’ve always known it was you, but I guess I am easier to forget. I didn’t look like this back then. I was thinner, quiet, a little geeky. You were my first kiss Chloe back in seventh grade and then that dance at prom, you kissed me again and then left with Mark.”

I remember leaving with Mark and dancing with a few people. I kissed one that was dressed as Romeo, but that couldn’t have been Nick. But how else would he have known? It made no sense at all and I tried to see him in my head in middle school.

“I feel bad because I should remember. You were Romeo at prom?”

He nodded and pulled up to a small 2 story house on the edge of town. “This is where you live?”

“Yea, one of the places my family owns in town and I’ve always liked this one best. I was Romeo and you were a butterfly.”

I was, but it was still strange that I didn’t remember him from school. “Why don’t I remember you in Arnold?”

“Well I used to go by George when I was younger and then I started going by Nick when I got to high school. I hated the name George. It just seemed like a name for an old guy.”

George? A flash went through my head of my first kiss outside the school and under the bleachers after a ball game. I had been in love with him, or as much love as you can be in when you are thirteen. But then quickly after that, George left school and I never seen him again.

He opened the door and helped me out of the low-lying sports car. He yanked me a little too much and I fell into him, stopped by his chest. “Do you remember me now?”

I nodded but still wasn’t able to speak. He had a small note in his hand and I knew what it was. When your younger things were easier, you like someone you write a note and make them check one of the other. “Yeah I remember you now. Why didn’t you tell me that’s who you were?”

I followed him up to the house and he opened the door for me.

“Well at first I couldn’t believe you didn’t remember me. The first time I saw you again was at the Kappa Zi party and you looked right past me like you have never seen me before. Kind of rough when I had thought about you all this time.”

“So why tell me now?”

“Because I would like to start where we left off.”

I followed him into the kitchen where there were pans on the stove, smelling good. I wasn’t really hungry though. My mind was whirling with everything that he had told me. It still didn’t explain why he hasn’t said anything for several years in college.

“So why not tell me then. We’ve had classes together.”

“And at the time you were with Jimmy and then the tape came out and you stopped dating jocks or anyone from what I’ve gathered.”

“Yeah it kind of kills it when everyone thinks you are a freak.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, but definitely into other things. So was it your idea or his?”

“I think you know the answer to that Nick. You saw the video I take it?”

He nodded his head and I bit my lip. Oh he had seen it alright. The dark eyes got darker and he came towards me as I backed away. I couldn’t believe the change of events. He had a look in his eyes that made me melt, the dominance exuding from him.

“So is that why I am here? So you can tie me up like Jimmy?”

“No of course not. Jimmy didn’t know what he was doing.”

“And you do?”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him closely. My heart skipped as I looked up at him. He was so big and masculine that I wanted to melt against him. “Do you have a safe word?”

I shook my head. I never used a safe word, but it had been a long time since someone looked at me the way he did, commanding. “I think you should have one for tonight.”

“For dinner?”

His lips came down on mine and I closed my eyes, the feel of him made me mewl against him. He felt so good and when he pulled away my eyes were still closed. “Come with me, I want to show you something.”

I would have gone even if I knew I shouldn’t. I knew I was setting myself up for something that I shouldn’t do, but I couldn’t stop myself. It was what I needed, to be taken, used for someone else’s pleasure. To think of it being Nick made me wet.

I followed him into the hall and then into one of the back bedrooms. The room was dominated by a large bed in the middle, ties on each corner of the bed. My heart jumped into my throat, he was serious. I backed up and ran into him. No wonder I was nervous around him with the vibe he was throwing off. “So dinner or dessert first Chloe?”

Turning around I looked up at him and asked for dessert first. I always did have a sweet tooth.

“Then strip Chloe.”

That was what Jimmy had told me to do first, although I had to push him towards it and honestly I wasn’t as turned on as I was at that moment. When Nick asked it wasn’t a question as more of a command. One that I was so inclined to listen to. He moved to shut the door and I noticed the sound proofing on the inside. My heart pounded in my chest as my hands trembled towards the bottom of my dress.

Pulling it up over my head, I looked back at him as he watched me. It was hard to just stand there when he was so close, his body taking over all the space in the room. I was left with bra and panties and he waited for me to take those off as well. His face had changed in some way, making me wish that I had come more prepared.

“The rest Chloe or we will have dinner first.”

I whimpered a little, not quite ready to get naked in front of him. “You have to promise me something Nick.”

“Name it.”

“No video, no records. I learned my lesson from last time.”

“Agreed. I wouldn’t want anyone to see you anyways, I don’t like to share.”

I nodded, totaling agreeing, but it didn’t help how much my body was shaking. It had been a long time since I had played games like these and to do it with Nick was almost overwhelming in itself. I pulled my bra off and kept my hands over my breasts until I threw the material at him. He caught it and waited for the rest.

Pulling off my panties, I did the same, letting him catch them before he brought them to his nose to smell. They were soaked and it made a shiver ran through me, insides dampening. “Now I want you to come here and undress me.”

He still held my panties in his hand and he seemed huge when I walked back up to him. I started with his shirt, my breasts rubbing up against his hardness as I pulled his shirt off. He had to bend down a little for me to get it over his head, but the end result was his wide chest uncovered in front of me. My hands ran down his hard ridges and then played at his pant opening. His muscles rippled underneath my fingers as his body tightened up to the touch. Fuck he was sexy.

When I got back down his chest from my hands slow ride down, I touched the button softly, running my finger around the waist, feeling the curly dark hair underneath my fingertips. He made another sound as I moved closer to his desire and his stomach moved in to give me more room.

My hand pushed down his pants and I felt the hardness underneath. “You are supposed to be taking them off, remember?”

I blushed a little. My hands were a bit too eager and I moved back out and unbuttoned his jeans. I unzipped him and went to my knees as I pulled down the clothing. His long cock sprang out and was inches from my face. Looking up at him, I waited for his instructions, my mouth itching to taste him. I didn’t move though, waiting for his command.

“Get on the bed Chloe.”

I whimpered in the back of my throat. What I wanted was him in my throat, his taste on my tongue, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen. I almost begged for him to let me taste it, but I knew better.  I knew that I had to wait, be patient so I got up and moved to the bed. “How would you like me Nick?”

“On your hands and knees, facing me.”

I shivered with the idea and moved in place like he asked. The air from the overhead fan blew on my heated core, tempting me. I moaned in my throat, loving the anticipation as he still hadn’t moved towards me. The waiting was the worst and I begged him silently with my eyes till he moved forward and finally moved within reach. Grabbing his fat cock, he pushed it into my face, rubbing against my cheek and lightly slapping my lips with it.

“Open up.”

I did as he said, trying to take in his length when he told me to stop. “Stick your tongue out.”

He started to smack my tongue with his thick cockhead and I whimpered, wanting to feel him in my throat. Then he was pushing in through my lips, surging down till the back of my throat stopped him from going any further. I moaned with him in my mouth, the sound vibrating off of his length and making him make his own sound of pleasure.

“Fuck that feels good Chloe, now deeper.”

I tried to take as much of him as I could in, but it was impossible to take him all. He was just too big and my mouth was too small. His hand moved to play with my ass, fingers sliding passed both holes before finding the wetness waiting for him. When he pushed a digit inside of my tightness and pulled me forward, I choked on his length. It was too big, but he was unrelenting from both sides. The movements in my pussy made my insides hug his finger and the cock in my mouth buried down into my throat. I was trying to breathe through my nose, but I couldn’t as he moved faster and I felt myself nearing an orgasm so soon. It may have been because it had been too long, but it was the way he handled me that made it that much sweeter.

“Take it all.”

I relaxed my throat and he was able to push more in. I was suffocating from his thickness, while his finger was met with another, pushing deep as I bobbed on his cock. He moved away to let my cry be heard in the air around us. I closed my eyes to the pleasure, needing more as he pumped his fingers deep. I was soaked and wanted to feel his hard cock inside of me.

“Please Nick. I need to feel you inside of me.”

“Patience my dear. I am not done playing yet.”

I whimpered, unable to stop the sound from coming out of my throat. Another finger moved to the hole above and I mewled as he pushed deep into my ass. With both holes filled, I couldn’t help but cry out, his cock refilling my mouth to silence me. He moved my body from the grip on my ass, pushing me into him as his hips thrusts against face. I could feel my mascara running as my eyes watered.

Starting to taste his seed oozing out, I sucked harder, trying to push him over the same edge I was teetering on. But he pulled out before I could taste him fully and I moaned as he continued to pump inside of me. I put my head down on the footboard, squeezing his fingers as they worked my holes. I was close, so close and then he just stopped, leaving me on the cusp with no release. I whimpered, looking up at him, silently begging for him to finish me off, but instead he moved away and moved in behind me. Jerking me up towards the restraints, I felt them go around my ankles one by one.

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