Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) (2 page)

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Authors: K.L. Shandwick

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #women's fiction

BOOK: Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1)
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Gibson was a babe magnet and I was plain Jane, and anyway, I was in love with Kace, so I accepted his invitation to spend the night at his place. He shared an apartment with Brody, my roommate Julie’s boyfriend. Kace and Brody had full scholarships so they could afford to live off campus.

Gunfire was blaring from the television when Kace opened the apartment door. Julie was covering her eyes and there was some evil looking gangster staggering around with his arm hanging off on the TV screen. Brody turned and when he saw us, pressed pause on the remote.

“Hey! We’ve been waiting for you, dude. Want to get some pizza?” Kace turned to look at me, and I wrinkled my nose up in disgust. It was after midnight and all I really wanted was a long soak in the tub and to cuddle up with my man.

Declining politely, Kace made our excuses and headed into his bedroom. Their apartment wasn’t huge, but they had the luxury of a bathtub; which was in Kace’s bathroom. Setting down my things on the green velour armchair, I went into the bathroom and turned the faucet on and began to fill the tub.

Wandering back to the bedroom, I crossed my arms over the front of my t-shirt, and taking it by the hem, pulled it over my head, discarding it on the chair with the rest of my things. Kace was sitting on the bed looking at my tablet, and setting up a playlist for us to listen to. “Rude” by Magic came on shuffle.

Glancing up, he smirked playfully and rose from the bed. Swaying over to me, he slipped his arm around my bare waist and pulled me against him, still swaying from side to side with me. Instantly I felt my tension drain away. Being in his arms was calming and the firm way he held me gave me a warm feeling.

Stopping briefly, he pulled his t-shirt off and pulled me back against his chest. Skin to skin, apart from my bra. My hands automatically glided around his waist and up his smooth muscular back to rest my hands on his shoulders.

Kace smiled down with affection at me and bent his head forward to brush his lips against mine. “I love you, Chloe,” he whispered softly and pressed his lips against my closed mouth. I was about to kiss him back, when he suddenly set me away from him. “Tub.” Patting my butt, he then led me into the bathroom.

Bending to turn off the faucet and check the temperature, Kace snuck up behind me and I jumped, but he pulled me upright and against him. Sliding his hands around to the front of me he began to unbutton my jeans.

Opening the zipper, his strong hand slid down and inside my panties, his fingers teasing my now hard nub. Stroking it back and forth, his feet kicked mine further apart and his fingers began to stroke from my entrance up to my clit.

“Let’s get you out of those jeans, honey. I want to see what I’m doing.” He murmured sexily in my ear and then began tugging my jeans down my legs and over my knees. Once he had helped pull me free of them, he picked them up and dropped them over by the vanity unit.

Kace’s eyes glanced appreciatively over me as I stood there in my black lace bra and panties, “Very pretty. I love that lingerie on you. Come over here.” He motioned for me to stand beside him and turned me to face the full length mirror that was stuck on the back of the bathroom door.

Still behind me he began to kiss my neck and fondle my breasts from behind at the same time. What he was doing felt really good and as tired as I was, he was turning me on. My head rolled back to rest on his shoulder and he kissed my temple as his hands began to slid down my abdomen, one disappearing into my wet panties again.

Learning about my body and how to please me was Kace’s aim and I was still a little hesitant when we made love, but he was patient and gentle, and I knew sex would get better as time went on. He had made me come with his mouth and his fingers, but I was yet to orgasm when he was inside me.

Unclipping my bra, Kace drew the straps down my arms and dropped it to the floor. Watching me in the mirror, he palmed my breasts. He was smiling at me and bent to kiss my neck again. Shivers ran down my spine and a soft moan of pleasure escaped from my throat.

Not sure when it happened but my mind drifted back to earlier in the evening, Gibson had been having sex with ‘Blondie,’ and I suddenly wondered how his hands would feel touching my breasts like Kace was doing. Thinking about that made me really excited and I began undulating my hips, matching the rhythm that Kace was setting against my clit.

Turning around to him, I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him to me in a fierce, hungry kiss. Before I knew what was happening Kace had pulled my panties down to my ankles and off one foot, and I had unbuttoned his jeans, my fingers wrapped around his erect dick still inside his boxer briefs.

Everything seemed like a blur after that. Our hands all over each other; me, frantically tugging at his clothing, Kace stripped naked, and my leg bent at the knee over his arm as he supported my weight.

Kace pushed himself inside me and I was shocked at both the urgency and the rough way he took me. Most of all, I was stunned at how turned on I was and I’m ashamed to say I wasn’t thinking about him at all, I was imaging Gibson Barclay.

Flashbacks to many encounters I’d witnessed of him with various girls flashed like some kind of slideshow and when the final image of his thick length plunging in and out of the blonde girl earlier in the evening flashed through my mind, I was done.

Coming hard, my legs buckled and primal noises I never knew I was capable of tore from my throat. Kace pulled himself out of me and came over my butt, groaning loudly, “Ohh.” Afterwards, he sagged against me, pulling me tightly to him and I felt the discomfort of his hot, sticky come between us. I closed my eyes feeling ashamed that I’d had an orgasm with Kace while thinking of another man.

Kace seemed delighted with himself thinking it was his skill that had set me on fire and I was embarrassed when he commented that he had finally learned how to “push my buttons.”

Once in the tub with him I lay resting between Kace’s legs. Dropping my head back against his chest, I closed my eyes. Glad that my back was to his front and thankful that I didn’t have to face him for a while.

Reflecting on what had just happened I couldn’t deny what thoughts of Gibson did to me, but wondered how I could find Gibson Barclay remotely appealing with his whorish behavior towards women.




Reluctantly, I began to prepare to go to work, and dreading the thought of facing Gibson after the night before. M3rCy were playing again that night. Hoping that with my short shift, I’d have done my work and left by the time they arrived. I wasn’t on glass duty that night, just cleaning and replenishing the bar for the evening shift.

Placing my tablet on the side, I set the music on shuffle and began to clear the counter top to clean and polish. Startled by a suddenness of a blinding flash of lightning, followed by a loud clap of thunder, I made my way to the window to look out.

Staring out at heavy downpour, I was distracted from the mundane task I was doing. Relentless patterns tapped out on the window panes like beats of a rhythm, for a song I was yet to write. Life wasn’t easy away from home, but I had learned to deal with most things since moving here.

Sweeping floors and washing beer stained, wine colored vinyl seating wasn’t exactly what I thought college life was going to be about, but needs must and I was definitely in need. Learning the value of money was one of the compromises I’d made to come to college in California from Florida.

Staring out, I was pulled out of my reverie by a commotion in the hallway leading from the bar to the car park out back. Before I could compute what the noise was, Gibson Barclay and his rowdy band had invaded the bar.

Dripping wet, his hair plastered flat to his head, Gibson was the vision of male perfection. His wet t-shirt was clinging to every fabulous sculptured contour of his ripped torso. Satiny tanned skin was shining with a glow only cool rain seemed to give it. Thick lines of his tattoos were clearly visible through the thin, white, cotton material, which had gone transparent and clung to his honed muscular frame.

“Any towels for a drowning man over here?” Drawing my gaze reluctantly up to meet his, my legs buckled and my heart raced at the shock of even interacting with him, and that he had even noticed I was in the same room as him. Girls like me were invisible to guys like Gibson in normal circumstances.

Smiling sexily at me with his perfectly formed mouth and luscious lips as water droplets ran down his face and neck, he raised an eye brow in question to me, waiting for me to respond to his request.

There was a glint in his eye that said he may have very well begun to flirt with me. Silence hung in the air, whilst I tried to assimilate what he had asked me, because the effect he was having on me was incredibly distracting.

Glancing up at his face, I thought my imagination must have been playing tricks on me, but I had a weird feeling there was this…thing, that happened between us. And, for a few seconds it seemed like we had shared a moment when our eyes connected, because his smile then stretched into his trademark roguish grin. Then I felt it was definitely my fantasy messing with my mind.

Honestly? It could have been a fantasy interjecting in my real life interaction with him, but whatever it was, I was riveted to the spot. Hungry eyes feasted unreservedly on the sight before me, taking in every inch of the sexy man-whore that was Gibson Barclay.

Becoming conscious I was dressed in my tatty, white tank-top and how plain and dowdy I was in comparison, I shifted awkwardly in front of him. Open mouthed and practically drooling, I drew my arm across my chest to hide my horrible worn down appearance.

There had been several occasions when I had been subjected to his less than discreet womanizing and lewd behavior, but even after everything I’d seen and knew about his reputation, I still fantasized about him. I’d never felt a pull toward any other guy like I had with him.

Just being in the same room as him made me a quivering, nervous mess, and I hated that a guy like him could have that weird sexual effect on me. Being in a long term relationship with Kace didn’t seem to be a consideration, especially when I tried to imagine the kind of kinky stuff Gibson might get up to in the bedroom…or anywhere else for that matter.

The conversation I had with Ruby the night before was playing over in my mind. Once, when my girlfriends and I were having a slumber party, I admitted that I would have considered throwing over my relationship with Kace, my high school sweetheart and steady boyfriend, for one night with a guy like Gibson if he’d asked me.

Maybe I’d said that because I knew there was more chance of hell freezing over, than any possibility of that happening. No matter what I knew about him, and the red flags that were everywhere in relation to him, I’d become sexually aroused, while being touched by Kace, but with Gibson on my mind.

“Did you hear me, darlin’?” Horrified at my own lack of composure and that I’d drifted off into my fantasy and I realized I’d been objectifying him while he was watching me. Catching the briefest glimpse of a wicked grin again, I dropped my gaze once more to the floor, nodded and headed off to the closet in the office, where spare towels were kept.

I was mortified at the way he could make me feel so unsophisticated, yet he was only a year older than me. I was dreading the thought of returning with the towels because that meant facing him again.

Luckily, Matt the owner of Beltz Bar, liked to shower during the long hours he kept, so there was always a good supply. Reaching up on tip toe, I began to pull five from the top shelf, and I was about to turn, when firm hands landed on either side of my hips and finger tips applied the slightest pressure into my flesh. “Whoa! Careful. Let me take those from you.”

Gibson must have crept up on me, which heightened the effect of his touch on me. Sharp pangs of electrical currents jolted deep in my core and my mouth went dry. Working a swallow, I turned my head. I regretted it as soon as I realized his lips were only a couple of inches from mine and damn he smelled incredible. Clean fresh laundry, mingled with a unique body smell in his wet clothing, and fresh rain. Jeez the guy was so hot I could have scorched myself.

Releasing his grip, Gibson reached out and when he did, his hand brushed over my fingertips, sending tingles down my spine, as he secured the pile of towels in his grasp. Blushing, I passed them forward and quickly made space between us, by taking myself over to the open doorway.

Touching me like that was a liberty, but everything Gibson did was one big liberty and he seemed to get away with it because of how he looked and his charismatic ways. Plenty of times, I’d seen him pull a ‘lucky girl’ from the audience and kiss her roughly, during his band’s performance. He definitely wasn’t playing to the crowd either. Sometimes Mick, his lead guitarist, had to pull him away from them to keep the gig on track.

Turning away to hide the fact that he’d unnerved me so much, I headed to the staff room to collect my jacket. Staying there in the bar a moment longer would just have got even more awkward for me. Besides, the storm had passed and my shift was short so I didn’t want to hang around longer than necessary.

Kace was waiting in the parking lot and was already opening the door of his truck for me. I climbed up into the cab, feeling guilty for having those unwelcome feelings about someone like Gibson, when I was lucky to have a fabulous boyfriend like Kace.

Smiling warmly, I leaned over and kissed Kace and tried to put as much passion into it as I could, partly because I loved him and partly to rid myself of the feelings that I’d just had when Gibson had touched me.

Entering the floor where my dorm room was, I heard music and smiled when I saw Julie dancing with her back to me. She was in her underwear and lost in the moment to “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga. Oblivious that I had walked in on her, she was twerking and trying to body pop, which made me shriek with laughter. Spinning around, she hid her body, then realizing it was me she lunged at me swiping my arm. “Jesus, you gave me the fright of my life.”

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