Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) (9 page)

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Authors: K.L. Shandwick

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #women's fiction

BOOK: Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1)
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Initially, I was thinking of just walking away, leaving everything, and just closing the door, but he didn’t deserve to be left any pleasant memories of me.

My dad sent his secretary to collect my stuff so that it would be long gone before I was. Pamela rang the doorbell and was visibly shocked when I opened the door. Knowing that I hadn’t done as well with the concealer as I thought I had when I saw her reaction to what I looked like, my hand immediately rose to hide the bruising. Obviously, the only person I’d been fooling was myself.

Taking my case, she asked me if she could do anything. Smiling at her genuine concern for me, I reassured her that I was fine and after that day, I would never have to endure anything at the hands of Kace again. Squeezing my hand, she kissed my cheek, hugging me tightly and left wishing me luck. I had a feeling I already had that.

Quickly cleaning the house, I made Kace’s favorite dinner and was determined to have the element of surprise about leaving, but for all my efforts he never arrived home to eat it. Eventually, he came home a little after midnight, and I pretended to be asleep. He didn’t wake me, just climbed into bed and fell into a deep sleep, snoring heavily. I thanked god for the mercy he’d shown me on my last night with him.

Cruel hands gripped my forearm and shoulder and woke me abruptly. I went from sound asleep to a heightened state of awareness. My heart was thudding in my chest and my nerves jangling in anticipation of what he might do next, and then he started shoving me out of the bed.

“Get me coffee, I don’t know why I still have you around. You’re a lazy, fat, ugly bitch.” Kace growled and pushed me harder. Catching my fall on the floor with my hand, I managed to right myself and stood up straight, turning to look at him. Kace’s face was contorted in a sneer, and if I’d had any last minute misplaced guilt about what I was going to do, it disappeared right at that moment.

Saying nothing, I walked purposely from the bedroom and padded into the kitchen to do exactly what he told me. I really couldn’t have faced it if he had hit me again on my last day. “God, woman will you look at your face, why do you make me so mad?” Kace was standing at the kitchen counter.

Panicked that he was paying attention to me again, I worried that if I answered him with something that didn’t meet with his approval, I might have been on the other end of a beating again. “I’m really sorry, Kace, it’s my fault. I am going to try harder to make you happy. Tell me what to do baby, and I’ll do it,” I cooed and lied through my teeth.

With less than an hour left in that miserable hell hole, I would have done anything I needed to do, to survive until he left for work and I could close the door on the whole sorry chapter of living with him.

Kace stared at me, his eyes narrowing suspiciously, and my heart almost stopped. “What are you being so agreeable about?” Fighting with my body not to tense up, I swallowed quietly and tried to paste on a passive, innocent face.

“It’s just that I’ve been thinking a lot since yesterday. And you’re right, Kace, I need to do better. You work so hard for us and I need to be more in tune with your needs.” Glancing at the clock, I was thankful that he was running tight on time and wouldn’t be hanging around this morning.

“Oh, god, is that the time? Do you want to get in the shower and I’ll organize your clothes and breakfast, honey?” Turning to glance at the clock he muttered to himself, before he headed to the bathroom without answering me.

Forty five minutes and I knew he’d be out of the door and I’d never have to set eyes on him again. Making his favorite pancakes and bacon, toast and coffee, I then carefully laid out his suit, shirt and tie on the bed for him.

When he came back to the kitchen fully dressed, I couldn’t help but think how handsome he was, and a flashback came to mind of the first time I saw him. Kace was a great looking guy, but that didn’t matter anymore, he was ugly on the inside.

All during breakfast he never spoke, then surprised me by telling me to make dinner for us, and that he was coming back to spend tonight at home with me.

Shrugging himself into his jacket, he was about to leave and suddenly he put his arm around my waist. Almost flinching, I fought my body’s reaction to his touch, and allowed myself to meld into him.

Unexpectedly, he crushed his mouth on mine in what was the first passionate kiss in about a year. I have to admit, I did kiss him back, but not for the reason he might have thought I was kissing Kace and my old life as I knew it goodbye.

Staring at his back from the window as he walked along the sidewalk, initially I felt numb. Then something inside me still managed to prick my conscience and there was a fleeting thought of feeling sad for him.

However, Kace was a head turner, and I saw a couple of girls glance back with awe at his handsome appearance and perfect body, immaculately wrapped in a suit and I thought he’d be fine.

Flashbacks again ran through my mind of that beautiful face twisted in anger, his strong hands grabbing and shaking me in the terrifying way he did, made any feelings of guilt melt away.

Appropriate feelings began to surface within me. Hate and shame being the main ones, as I watched him get smaller the further away he got from home. I hated him for him, for the way he’d treated me.

Feelings of self-loathing and shame were fighting for the upper hand in my brain, for staying after that first slap and allowing the abuse to escalate. I’d been in a long term relationship with a partner who subjected me to domestic violence.

Watching his figure get smaller through the window, I was thinking that it was the last time I would ever see him. Seven years, and all the firsts we’d ever done together and what we had meant to each other was dead. Our life together was going to be closed off when he took those final steps and turned the corner at the end of the street.

When he finally disappeared out of sight, I exhaled heavily and realized I’d been holding my breath. My forehead leaned heavily on the window pane, my breath misting the glass and the feeling of anxiousness suddenly dissipated.

Turning to face into the room, my body sagged and my knees gave way as I sank to the floor. There were no tears for the life I was leaving behind. All I felt was a deep rooted anxiety, a need to escape, and if I was going to do it, the right moment had just arrived and I had finally found the courage to do it.

There wasn’t really much I wanted to take of my old life with me, but I wasn’t leaving it for him to pour over like some shrine, and possibly gain more attention for himself in all of this, One picture that was special to the both of us was the one of our friend, who I rarely saw anymore, Ruby.

Ruby had moved to New York to work as a Speech and Drama tutor at the famous AMDA: American Music and Dramatic Academy there. Studying acting and taking classes since she was a child, her hobby had helped her excel in her college life.

Head and shoulders above her peers, she was snapped up straight out of college to teach in New York City. I was glad that she had no idea what Kace had become, because I knew she’d have shouted it to all and sundry and I would have had repercussions from that from Kace.

Apart from personal pictures, sneaking a couple pictures off the wall in the hallway and replacing them with others was my biggest challenge. The pieces were of digital artwork I did after leaving college and were central to my portfolio. I needed them to help me market myself when I got back into the job market but I knew that if Kace suspected I was plotting he’d have found out because I’m a bad liar.

Kace had noticed. They were the only things he couldn’t miss. Commenting as soon as he’d walked through the door the night before I left about their absence, I’d played them off, by telling him that there wasn’t much use in having them displayed any more, since I wasn’t doing that work and it didn’t fit in with our future of me staying at home.

I had replaced them with a few paintings he’d bought when we visited a street display of local artists at Vero Beach one day. Kace smiled and told me that he was glad I had seen sense about trying to work when I should be home taking care of him.

Calling for a cab to take me to the bus station, and from the bus station I took a bus to the mall. From there I took, yet another cab to the airport. I knew Kace was smart and would check the buses and the local cab companies, and I was determined to cover my tracks so that he’d never find me again.

In the cab, the driver asked me if I minded the radio being on and shaking my head, I almost burst into tears when “Mr. Know It All” by Kelly Clarkson came on. That little sign gave me the boost I needed, to know I was doing the right thing.

When the cab pulled up in the red zone in Orlando International Airport, I paid the driver and stepped onto the drop zone sidewalk. He handed me my small red suitcase with a smile.

It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining, and for the first time in a long time, I felt excited and hopeful about my future. I just hoped that after a year out, I hadn’t left it too long to be competitive in my choice of career.

Walking through the main concourse at Orlando International Airport I went to meet my parents who drove separately because I was so paranoid that Kace would find out and follow them. He was so controlling and hyper-vigilant stalking my every movement from home that I somehow felt he knew about everything and was just waiting to pounce.

My eyes scanned over the plastic booths, tables before settling on my mom’s stunning red, curly hair. She was in her early fifties, but was still elegant and beautiful. She could easily have passed for her late thirties.

Dad’s hair was a shock of blonde, like mine. They were a truly stunning couple when they were younger, but even with age, they still managed to stand out in any room, especially when they were together.

Rising out of his seat, my dad strode across and hugged me tightly. “Geez, your face is still bruised, bastard. I wish you’d let me tell him I know what he’s been doing.”

Panicked by that, I cut my father off. “Please dad, let me go. It’s the best way for me to deal with this.” Nodding, yes, I could see the conflict in his eyes. It was hard for him not to follow his instinct to protect his little girl.

Looking desperately sad, her bottom lip quivering my mom stood and hugged me tightly. “We’re going to miss you, honey.” She had tears in her red, rimmed, eyes, and tissues in her hand. Smiling affectionately at her, I fought back my own tears as I took her tissue, and carefully wiped two small smudges of mascara under her left eye.

“Mom, I’ll probably see you more now, than I have for the past two years, I was never allowed to see you guys without Kace with me. Although I can’t come to see you, there is nothing stopping you from coming to New York to shop whenever you want.” I winked at her.

I could see the penny drop that she had never realized that he’d kept me from seeing them. I suppose it was easy because we didn’t have family events as such. “He really stopped you?” she whispered. I nodded and both my mom and dad’s eyes closed simultaneously as they digested this.

“Okay, Kace O’Neill is a mute subject from this day forward. You have no idea where I am.” If the police get a missing person’s report, I’ll contact them and tell them I don’t want to be found. That way you guys are completely clear of Kace and any stunts he might think of to trick you into telling him where I am.

Waiting to board the plane, I was a nervous wreck, checking the Duty Free shop entrance where everyone who was coming to the gate had to walk through after passing the security station. In my mind I was thinking of all of things Kace may do to get at me. Only when I got on the plane did I think I’d be able to sit back and relax.




Herded onto the United Airlines flight to Newark Airport, I found and settled into my seat. I didn’t relax because my eyes were trained on the cabin door watching for Kace, still not really believing what I was doing.

Reality struck when I saw the cabin crew put their thumbs up, and the captain announce the cabin doors were closed and we were preparing for takeoff. Sinking further into my seat, I closed my eyes as the last few passengers loaded luggage in the overhead compartments.

Aware that someone had sat down next to me, I didn’t bother opening my eyes, all I needed to know was it wasn’t Kace. I had been living at my wit’s end for the past few days and I was exhausted.

Passing out before takeoff because my body had been running on adrenaline for the past few days, I never even felt us taxi or climb to the required altitude. When I woke, the first thing I was aware of was a dull droning noise, which I realized was the airplane’s air conditioning and the engine. The second thing was that there appeared to be something heavy on my shoulder.

Weird thing was, that it had become the norm for me to be hypersensitive to touch and hyper aware, yet I had slept soundly and felt no fear at being touched by the stranger leaning against me.

Opening my eyes, I turned my head, to see the handsome face of a really good looking guy who had apparently fallen asleep on me. I’d never seen him before and I should have been freaked out after what I had been through with Kace, but I knew that not all men were like him and it was important for me to resist that feeling and not judge everyone by the actions of one person.

I was envious of the stranger who was obviously so secure and relaxed that he could fall into that deep of a sleep. It was hard, but leaving him sleeping on my shoulder was therapeutic and kind of comforting.

A member of the cabin crew came by, doing her rounds with drinks. Her name was Sue, according to the name badge on her smart blue uniform. Giggling at my sleeping man when she passed me the Coke I’d asked for, she asked if she should leave something for my partner.

Turning my head to look down at the sleeping head on my shoulder, I told her she could probably have told me more about him from looking at the seating log, than I knew of him.

Eyes widened in shock as she registered that we weren’t together. Whispering in a husky tone, she offered to wake him. As she was doing this, he grunted and began to wake up. As he tilted his head upward his face was inches from mine, then it was funny when I saw his reaction as he realized his head was resting on some random woman next to him. Although, looking at him I probably wasn’t the first random woman he’d woken up to. He really was that good looking with his dark muzzy hair and hint of beard, huge sexy brown eyes, kind of Julio Iglesias to look at.

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