Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) (28 page)

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Authors: K.L. Shandwick

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #women's fiction

BOOK: Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1)
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Gibson reached out and brushed some hair from my forehead that was hanging down from the headset I was wearing, just as I had that thought.

“Have you always looked perfect, Chloe? Was there an ugly duckling stage or were you just this amazing looking as a child? Has anyone ever told you how even and beautiful your features are? You are an incredibly beautiful woman. If I had to choose someone that I wanted to represent what a woman should look like, I’d choose you.”

Smirking, I thought,
damn he’s smooth
. Bending forward I puckered my lips and kissed the end of his nose. Gibson rewarded me with that crazily sexy roguish smile of his.

“Thank you for that sweet line you gave me, but I’m a little long in the tooth to fall for that one.” Gibson’s smile dissolved and he frowned with a confused expression on his face. Sitting back on his heels, his hands rested on the armrest of my chair and he shook his head.

“What makes you think it’s a line, Chloe? You think I would embarrass myself by saying something like that to a groupie?” Sitting to the side on one hip he began to get up, looking hurt.

“I get it Chloe, you think I’m out to get into your panties and that isn’t going to happen no matter how hard I try. Well, I have news for you honey, I’ve never had to beg before and I’m certainly not about to. So you can rest assured, your message has been received loud and clear.”

Leaving me staring at his back, Gibson walked over to the other side of the plane, his cell appearing out of his right jeans pocket and he was calling someone. Strapping himself into the furthest seat of the plane, he was as far away from me as he could get.

Continuing to listen to music, I tried to pretend that our newest spat hadn’t bothered me, but it had. A lot. More than I expected it to. I was hurt and confused by the new feelings because they were about him, and how he had rejected me and left me sitting captive in a plane while he shunned me in the same space.

It was such a short flight, but it suddenly dragged with every minute that ticked by, adding to the agony of being there with him. Glancing over, Gibson was sitting with one foot up perched against one of the tiny windows on the side of the plane, chatting and smiling, chuckling and I was in headphone misery with Tom O’Dell singing “Another Love.”

Three bell sounds on the airplane intercom broke into the music and Marvin appeared to do his final checks. Signaling to me, he asked that I remove the headset and stow it for landing. Gibson didn’t return to the seat opposite me and when I looked across he was sitting upright, buckled in with his eyes closed.

Feeling confused and hurt at the mess the whole experience between us had become, I just wanted to go home. Trying to spend another day in his company with this constant conflict was something I neither welcomed, nor wanted.

Thousands of women would have loved to be in my shoes and have Gibson play the attentive suitor but as far as I was concerned, he probably only wanted me because I had said no.

Thinking that made me worry and I was so tired of games and men with manipulative ways, that I had no heart left in me for that kind of torture.

Closing my eyes was the best way of trying to shut everything and everyone out. Last night should have been one of the highlights of my life, having dinner with a rock star. It wasn’t. Examining all the facts, the one I came up with as the least favorite thing that happened, was that I had kissed Gibson Barclay and he had kissed me back—twice.

Why was it my least favorite part? Because I had enjoyed it? Because I had felt things I had no business feeling with him? Because he manipulated me? Because he was contrary to what I knew about him? Because he was charming? Because I felt what I did to him? Because I felt what he did to me? I guess it was because of all of those reasons.

Hearing movement around me, I opened my eyes and they immediately sought out where Gibson was sitting. Except he wasn’t any more. The plane door was open and he had left the plane.

Giving me a sympathetic smile, Marvin turned and reached up to get my purse from the overhead locker. I wondered if Gibson was just going to leave me there to fend for myself. An overwhelming feeling of panic and hurt hit me. I wasn’t sure what to do next.

Marvin caught my elbow and told me that Gibson was waiting in the SUV on the tarmac for me. Embarrassed that I was going to have to face him after he’d obviously dismissed me, yet had felt he felt he owed me a ride to my hotel, had made me feel like I should walk past the car and find my own way back.

Again, I couldn’t do that because I was in a strange place and the money issue was still burning with me for not being fully equipped to deal with emergencies. We can’t all be Gibson Barclay with someone packing a backpack for us.

Reaching for the handle to open the SUV door, it slid back automatically and I stepped inside. Gibson was sitting up front with the driver, leaving me sitting alone in the back. Talk about feeling ostracized! Tears welled in my eyes— lack of sleep my emotionally fragile state and feeling rejected, it all suddenly seemed to engulf me.

I began bawling in the back like a two year old. Sounds I didn’t even recognize were coming from my throat and were clearly audible. Seeing the top half of Gibson’s body twist as he turned to look at me was mortifying but I just couldn’t stop myself.

“Oh, jeez, Chloe. Don’t cry.” Gibson’s voice sounded so sympathetic which made me cry even more. The SUV stopped by the side of the road and Gibson got out and climbed in the back beside me. Once again, he scooped me up and cradled me in his arms, speaking so low and gently to me, that I had no option but to stop crying just so as I could hear what he was saying.

Wiping my tears with his thumbs was becoming almost a full time occupation for him. I was making more than he was clearing up. Eventually, Gibson shrugged out of his jacket and put his hand behind his head, tugging his t-shirt off over it. He then used the hem end of it to wipe my tears away.

Kissing my temple and cradling my head against his chest and Gibson whispered, his lips moving against my temple. “I wish you would tell me what’s going on in there.” Briefly, I lifted my head and stared at him, then put my head back to his warm bare chest again and was soothed by his regular, strong, slow, heartbeat and his hand smoothing down my hair again. “It’s okay, Chloe, I got you, darlin’.”




Embarrassing how I just gave in to my feelings in the back of the car on the way to my hotel, pouring out a years’ worth of pent- up, sadness, anger and hurt. Gibson initially told Johnny to take us to the Hilton where he was staying, but I insisted on being taken to my own space because I needed to be alone.

Johnny took me to my door, leaving Gibson in the back of the car because he didn’t want Gibson to attract attention to himself. That would have meant having to deal with the usual flock of people that gathered whenever he showed up anywhere. And it would have drawn attention to me as well, as a prize winner of his competition. That meant potential, discovery of my whereabouts by Kace.

As I turned to get out of the back door Gibson grabbed my wrist and pulled me back slightly. Turning to face him, I noticed how tired he was, but his stubble and disheveled look gave him an even hotter appearance, and he just oozed sex appeal.

A fresh wave of grief washed over me. He had really tried to be a good host. It was all the shit that Kace had put me through that stopped me from just being myself and having fun with him. I felt really sorry about that.

Working a swallow Gibson gave me a half smile but it was a sad one. “Please Chloe… sleep, meet me later, we’ll talk, okay?” His hand reached out and stroked my hair tenderly, before he placed it against my cheek. I immediately felt comforted by his small gesture.

Staring at him for moment, his concerned eyes looked back at mine and I felt guilty that I’d been so hard on him. I smiled softly before I responded. Nodding slowly I owed him that much, so I agreed to him to speak to him, so I agreed to meet with him later that morning.

Gibson’s smile widened, reaching his eyes at that. “Great, I’ll call you later, Chloe.” Lifting my hand to his mouth he kissed it tenderly, and I smiled back and turned to leave the car.

Johnny surprised me when he put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug as we walked into the hotel and where I would have normally flinched at this action had Kace done that, Johnny’s embrace made me feel protected.

“Gib is a great guy, Chloe. He’s not all about music, gigs and getting laid. Not many people know Gibson the man. People don’t get to see how special he is. Sensitive, compassionate and generous to a fault, he does stuff that no one ever sees. They won’t publicize it in case it damages his image. I’d die protecting him not only because it’s my job, but because I love him like a brother. Anyone fucks with him, they fuck with me.”

Arriving at my black shiny hotel room door Johnny took my door key card from my hand and swiped it swiftly down the entry pad. The door latch clicked and I pushed the door open. Managing a weak smile, I turned to say thank you to him for seeing me back safely.

Placing his hand on my shoulder, Johnny squeezed it slightly which gave him my full attention. Addressing me with a serious look on his face, he let out deep sigh.

“Gib really likes you, Chloe. You are all I’ve heard about for weeks, and the only girl I’ve ever heard him talk about in the six years I’ve worked with him. Give him the chance to show you who he is. That’s all I’m asking for— a fair chance to see him for himself, not the ‘rock star’ version of Gibson. He fucks up every now and again, but it isn’t intentional. He has a good heart, honey, and he’s hard to stay mad at. So get to know him better before you write him off, okay?”

Wondering what it was that Gibson did that no one saw, I stored the question at the back of my mind to ask later because I was so drained at that point, I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep.

Nodding at him, I said nothing in response, just stepped inside and I kind of expected to see Johnny still standing there as I closed the door but he was already heading back to take care of Gibson.

I was sweaty, with grains of sand stuck in my hair and between my toes, a tear stained face and a headache from all the crying and the wine had made me a real mess. I knew I wouldn’t even find the energy to have a shower. It felt like I was grief stricken. Anything and everything at that point was too much of an effort. I was completely washed out.

Waking with a start. I had been having a bad dream that Kace had somehow found me on the beach in Carmel and was dragging me through the sand by my hair. Sitting up suddenly, my heart was pounding in my chest and I had a really uneasy feeling from my dream which I still couldn’t shake by the time I had run myself a bath.

Checking out the luxury toilet pack that Charlotte had brought to replace the usual pack that was in a hotel of that standard, I opened and smelled the small attractive bottle of pearly orange bubble bath.

“Oriental Mandarin,” it stated on the bottle. The smell of the liquid was immediately uplifting so I wondered if I could order a bucket of the stuff, to help me drown out all the negative feelings that were constantly plaguing me and preventing me from moving forward with my life.

Beginning to strip out of my underwear that I’d slept in, I was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Chloe, are you in there?” Ruby was on her way in and I knew that would mean there was an interrogation coming with every question imaginable. Grabbing the bathroom robe made from waffle-like material from behind the bathroom door, I pulled it on and padded barefooted to let her into the room.

Ruby looked fresh faced and bright eyed, and her smile was too bright for whatever time of day it was. “Where have you been? I was worried about you. I tried to call but your cell voicemail kept kicking in. Damn girl, look at you, heavy night, huh?” Throwing me a knowing smirk, she elbowed my rib. “Details honey, right now.” When I didn’t reply, she became more forceful. “Come on, Chloe, dish the dirt and don’t leave anything out!”

Wandering back into the bathroom without answering her, I placed the robe on the commode and slipped into the bath, lying back with my eyes closed.

“Damn… that good, huh? I can see you’re worn smooth. What did I tell you about fun sex? It’s insane right?” Snapping open my eyes, I stared darkly at Ruby for assuming I looked like I did because of a night of debauchery with Gibson. I rolled my head from side to side never losing contact with the back of the bath.

“Wrong Ruby. You are way off. I never slept with him.”

Snickering, Ruby’s voice sounded glib. “I betcha didn’t.” Ruby waggled her eyebrows at me and sat down on the commode, crossed her legs and waited for me to disclose more to her. My immediate feelings about that were she was going to be disappointed in me because I hadn’t just allowed myself to be as free as most girls would have been with their love when faced with Gibson.

Exhausted from earlier, I really hadn’t wanted to rake over the coals and stir feelings that would make me feel guilty or inadequate or hurt from what had gone down between Gibson and me. So I gave her a big enough picture of what went down but the ‘Cliff Notes’ version of events.

By the time I finished I had fat tears running down my face again and Ruby’s face had softened. Sliding off the commode she knelt beside the bath and hugged me tightly. “Chloe, you have got to try to push what happened with Kace behind you. I know it’s easier said than done, but what he did to you was a one-off.

“One day, Chloe. You have one day here, to have a once- in- a- lifetime experience, and this is it! Today. Not next month when you feel you can cope, not next year when you are stronger. Today. Please, Chloe. I’m begging you, take it. Do insane things, have the time of your life. Live today like it’s your last day on earth.”

Ruby’s lecture was interrupted by my cell ringing on the nightstand. Ruby went to answer it as I pushed myself to stand and stepped out of the bath. I was reaching for the towels hanging on the towel hanger as Ruby walked back into the bathroom and I turned my head and pulled the towel against my front. “Yup she’s right here, standing buck-naked, dripping wet, slippery and covered in bubbles, Gibson.”

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