Read Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) Online

Authors: K.L. Shandwick

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #women's fiction

Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1)
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Maybe if Gibson had been just a guy, and Toby just a guy, I wouldn’t have felt the way I did, but these two rock stars were in the news almost daily about their conquests, so I did have some scope for feeling the way I did.

Walking across to the starboard side of the boat I balanced myself against the edge and began to pull off the wetsuit. My mood lifted with the warmth of the sun on my skin when I pulled the suit free of my body, my skin instantly drying with the searing sun.

Ruby came over and leaned against the edge of the boat, one foot up on the soft leather seating beside me. “Damn girl, I thought he was going to lay you out on the deck and have his way with you for a second there. The way you were looking at each other took me right back to Beltz Bar all those years ago.”

Ruby wasn’t the quietest of speakers and Gavin turned to look at the both of us. “Guess I don’t stand a chance after that huh, Chloe?” Again Gavin had made a reference to us being more than friends. When I made eye contact with him there was a look in his eyes that said he wasn’t joking either.

I really liked Gavin, he had been a good friend and I was kinda attracted to him, but I wasn’t interested in having him as a boyfriend. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for a relationship with anyone. Or so I thought until this stuff that’s been going on with Gibson.

Now, him I was extremely attracted to. Actually from what Gibson was saying, I was the magnet and he was the shiny metal. I was drawing him toward me and he was starting to stick. I was scared to think about him in those terms, because I would start to believe that something more than a one night stand could happen between us.

Magnets attract and repel, because they have lines of force that enter their south pole and exit the north. Opposite poles attract each other while similar ones repel. With that reasoning I could concede that Gibson and I were definitely opposites.

Ignoring Gavin’s comment Ruby covered the awkward moment for me by starting to chat with him and I turned to scan the horizon. Glancing at the beautiful scenery of the ocean and distant shoreline I realized my conflicting emotions.

Emotionally, I was fragile. Trust was going to be really difficult for me because of Kace but my feelings were telling me that Gibson deserved a chance, just like Johnny had said to me. Sliding a hand gently around my waist Gibson pulled me into warm smooth chest again and I turned my head to the side to see him standing half behind me.

“What just went down, Chloe? You’re confusing the fuck out of me. One minute you’re smiling and relaxed the next it’s like someone stuck a poker up your ass and you jump away from me like I’m on fire.”

Swallowing hard, I knew my behavior must be frustrating. The hot and cold feelings were something I desperately needed to work on. Girls that did that were given names like ‘prick tease’ and that wasn’t my idea of how I wanted to be known, especially to Gibson, his band and his friends.

“I’m sorry, Gibson. Delayed shock of what happened?” Despite his candid disclosures about how he felt towards me I found myself lying. We had one day, like Ruby said, and I wasn’t going to spend it talking about something as depressing and traumatizing to me as Kace.

Bending so that his mouth was near my ear, he whispered seductively, “You have to forgive me Chloe, I’m struggling to keep my hands to myself with you today. If I could have one wish it would be to be alone with you.” Gibson’s warm breath fanned across my ear and sent shivers down my spine.

When he confessed what he wanted my mind flitted back to the wish we had both shared from our phone call, when we’d been desperate for more than words. I felt my nipples pebble as my body reacted to his touch and the slow tantalizing seductive timbre in his voice and the memory of our mutual want.

Long fingers closed slightly, gripping a little firmer on my bare flesh exposed by my tankini swim suit. Turning me to face him, Gibson shuffled backwards with me until I was leaning on the back of one of the chairs and he glanced down the front of me. His eyes briefly fell to my breasts, my nipples clearly protruding under the thin unpadded material, then he glanced up to meet my eyes.

“Fuck, Chloe. You have no idea how much I want to hold those in the palms of my hands.” Right at that moment, if we had been alone I was sure I would have encouraged that. Instead I said nothing, and just stared back at him.

Conscious there was another six people on the boat, I looked past him to see who was looking at us but they were all turned in the opposite direction, watching the antics of the guys in the other boat.

Stretching up on my tiptoes, I took the initiative again; not asking for permission this time, and kissed him slowly, my lips light on his. Gibson’s hand skimmed my ribs from my waist and his other wrapped around my shoulders. He murmured seductively to me, but his lips never left mine, and his voice was thick with lust. “Chloe, please trust me. We have one day, please…let’s just do this. Let me in.”




Gibson pressed his body against me and I felt myself melt into his chest. Gently and tentatively his mouth pressed against mine; handling me with care, moving at a speed that was so slow it was increasing my need for more than what was happening.

His unhurried cultivation of the kiss between us made me so needy that when he suddenly pierced my mouth with his hot tongue and claimed it almost forcefully, the shock of it only heightened my desperation for him.

When he broke the kiss, he let out a shuddery breath, his mouth trailing down my neck and into the crease of it beside my collar bone. Trailing his tongue flat up my neck again towards my ear, he whispered sexily, “Good girl, Chloe. Relax. Feel how I feel for you. I got you.”

Between his sexy whispering making me tremble, his low raspy voice, his touch and the way he demanded my attention with his kiss, he pushed my limits of what I felt safe doing, increasing his overall effect on me.

Breathless, our chests heaving with the effort of controlling ourselves, we both drew back from each other at the same time and Gibson grinned roguishly at me and murmured in a low gravelly voice, “Fuck, Chloe. You’re killing me… slowly, but you’re doing it nevertheless.”

Smirking wickedly at me, he leaned in and pressed his lips to my forehead brushing a few strands of hair from my shoulder at the same time before bending his head and peppering my neck and shoulder with little kisses again.

Stepping back, Gibson’s hand trailed from the back of my head down my arm until he grasped my hand in his. “Pity we have to be appropriate around these assholes Chloe, because I have the feeling if we’d been alone right now that kiss would have gone much further.”

Something about the sexy way he said it had me nodding my head slowly, then I felt my face flush and I had to break eye contact with him because my pussy was pulsating with a need I hadn’t felt before and there was an ever increasing damp patch forming between my legs.

Gibson turned on his heel and clapped his hands together. “Right that’s enough of this kind of exercise for a while. Sand bar time.” Toby fired up the engine and we powered at speed around a couple of small islands until we came to an expanse of soft white sand with crystal clear waters.

Killing the engine, we coasted closer to the sandbar then he threw the small anchor in as everyone began to get off. Gibson jumped into the water and turned with his hands up to face me. Smiling warmly he gestured for me to jump into them. “I almost lost you once today. I’m taking no chances this time.”

Smirking at him, I was delighted that he wanted to keep me safe. Nervous, I was wondering how I should jump down into his arms without hurting either of us. I figured I might as well just launch myself and trust him to get a hold of me. Something I reflected on afterwards, because if that had been Kace I know there would have been a lot of debate about me doing that.

The cool water was just above his thighs and as he caught me I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, while his hands moved quickly from under my arms to under my butt cheeks to haul me up his body and get a firm hold.

During this, his thumb went between my legs and his head snapped back, his eyes connecting with mine. Worry changed his appearance and his brow furrowed. I could tell it was an accident but I figured he might think I thought he’d done it on purpose.

“Sorry.” Strange seeing how awkward he looked when that happened because the Gibson who had been at Beltz Bar would have been delighted that he’d copped a feel of me. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t ignore when he slowly changed one hand up my back again and pulled me even closer before sliding me down his front.

Sliding past his hips, there was no mistaking how Gibson was feeling about holding me close to him. Fortunately it was easier for me to hide what I had been feeling. The sensation when his thumb skimmed my seam between my legs was incredible.

Just one swift movement with that thumb but it just about set me alight. Immediately after that I felt the way he handled my butt and there were a couple of little squeezes that he passed off as general positioning, but he didn’t fool me.

Once he had placed me on my feet in the water, his hand snaked around my waist so that he was holding me firmly against him. Glancing up at him, his eyes were already on mine and a slow smile tugged at the edge of his lips. “Not a very dignified exit from the boat there, Chloe. You and boats definitely have issues, you do know that right?”

Gibson kissed the top of my head and said, “Luckily for you I like you so I’ll just have to go on being your hero for the rest of the day since we’ve got to go back on the boat again later.” Smirking with a glint in his eye, he took my hand and led me out of the water and on to the soft sand.

I had to admit to myself that as a teenager, when I had been swooning over my favorite pop star, I had dreamed of just such a scenario; meeting him and that he fell in love with me.

Fact is stranger than fiction in this case, not that I was as naïve as to think that Gibson was in love with me. Facing facts; if I could fantasize about meeting a pop star, who’s to say that Gibson wasn’t living out that particular fantasy in reverse, by meeting a fan and getting me to fall in love with him. Not that I was…in lust, definitely, I’d admit to that.

The others had all set about bringing equipment out of the boat and setting it up. I was amazed at what they had brought. Two huge cool boxes full of beer, ready mixed cocktails and wine. Steaks, burgers, buns, salad and even the dressing. Chips and dips, and a sound system that ran on solar power. When I saw exactly how much they had brought I figured we were going to be here for quite a while.

Gibson must have had a thing for pop up sun shelters because there were eight of them and two massive multi-colored beach parasols that somehow screwed into the sand. Fold out beach chairs and a few beach mats completed the whole deal.

Jill sat beside me, smiling warmly and flicked sand off her legs. “Hey, Chloe, we’ve not had a chance to talk today. Gibson’s been kind of monopolizing you.” Naturally suspicious because of the look from Toby earlier, I waited to see what she wanted to say.

“Glad you took the prize and went to see Gibson, he looks happy honey. I’ve heard him talking to Toby about you. Who would have thought you two would cross paths again like that.” She smiled slowly at me I figured that Jill was just a girl like me, who found herself in a situation where she was in strange circumstances because of the guy she happened to be with.

“Well it’s only one day, Jill. We fly back tomorrow night. I’m just going to have fun today, I like him, I mean, who doesn’t? But I’m not going to fool myself that there is more to this. Gibson is only excited because he sees me as a challenge. Once he had me he’d move on.”

Shaking her head, Jill said, “Not so sure, Chloe. I’ve known Gibson for three years. I’ve never seen him go after a girl before. So this is a new one on me.” I smiled nervously and little butterflies fluttered in my stomach at what she had said.

Looking over at where Toby and Gibson were, I saw them in deep conversation until Gibson pulled out a plastic airtight bag took his cell out, and started talking to someone. Jill followed my gaze and cocked her chin up in their direction when I looked back at her.

“Those guys are incredible together but dangerous at the same time. Both magnets for women and dripping with pure unadulterated sex appeal. I always get nervous when they are together because I never know what they are going to do next.”

Intrigued by the word dangerous, I was about to quiz her when Gibson and Ruby both came over and sat down beside us. Ruby leaned in and spoke softly to Gibson, “So…which girl is Mick’s?” Gibson was taking the top off a bottle of beer, and stopped mid action to glance over at the group of girls from the other boat.

“None of those are Mick’s.” I could see Ruby do the math, then said, “Who’s that one on the end with the barely there bikini?” Gibson’s jaw twitched and his eyes got darker like he was annoyed with Ruby. “Tori. Not a girlfriend, a band member.”

Looking over at the girls, I realized she was the keyboard player that was with the band but I thought that she had been a sessional musician, because she played some songs at the gig but not all. And I hadn’t known they had a new band member.

Tori seemed to sense we were talking about her and looked directly at us. Jill turned to Gibson and asked, “So…when did that happen.”

Gibson shook his head, “She’s on trial we don’t know if we’re keeping her yet.” Gibson rose up off the blanket quickly and reached over for my hand.

“Come, I want to show you something.” Ruby made a high pitched ‘ohhh’ noise and attracted the attention of the others, teasing me because someone like Gibson wanted to, “Show me something.”

Starting to blush, I glanced nervously at Gibson again who pulled me into his chest and told Ruby to, “Go fuck yourself.”

Ruby wasn’t fazed by Gibson’s brush off and looked at Mick. Hmm I might just have to do that if there isn’t anyone man enough to do it for me around here,” she retorted with a salacious smile playing on her lips.

BOOK: Romance: Gibson's Legacy ( New Adult Contemporary Erotic Romance) (Last Score Book 1)
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