Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories) (39 page)

BOOK: Romance: In Love With A Beast (Paranormal BBW Panther Shifter Romance) (Shapeshifter Mystery Alpha Werebear Romance Short Stories)
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This was real. What had I gotten myself mixed up in? I knew nothing about. What was more terrifying was that he owned me. I would do anything he asked. I just needed to be near him. It was all so complicated.

I drank espresso coffee to wake myself up and keep me alert. I didn’t bother with food. I had no appetite to begin with. What weighed heavy on my heart was that Damiano was a prince, which meant we could never really be together and I was completely in love with him. I was addicted to him. I thought about him the whole day.

That night I went to sleep thinking about him. He was occupying my thoughts and I fell asleep thinking about all the questions I had.

A few hours later I was awaken by a shutter of my bed. I opened my eyes to find Damiano on top of me.

“Damiano? Is that really you? Am I dreaming?”

“You’re not dreaming. I climbed into your window.”

His mouth covered mine and his kiss was long and deep. My whole body shuddered in relief that he was here. I longed for him for so long that his presence appeased my anxiety and gave me sweet release. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up from the bed to be as close to him as I possibly could. With one hand he tore the blankets off and exposed my naked body to the cold air. My nipples were hard and they brushed against his chest making me tingle with delight. He placed his mouth on my neck and a rush of panic shot through me. I didn’t know how I felt about it. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me on purpose. His lips were soft against my neck and he kissed and licked me. He moved down to my chest and I was relieved. His mouth traced down my chest and over the mounds of my breasts. He moaned when he took my taught nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. I arched up in response. I wrapped my arms around him and hung on to him. I never wanted him to leave me.

I exhaled a sigh of comfort. I loved being this close to him. It made me feel strong and happy. He brushed my hair out of my face.

“My sweet Emerald. I’ve missed your face.”

“You can’t imagine how I’ve longed for you Damiano. It was almost unbearable. It’s been a chaotic mess in my head.”

He tried to quiet me down.

His brow furrowed and a look of sadness came over his blue eyes. “It happened I made love to you like the man that I am. I have never been with a woman like you. I let go. I really let go. We can never really be together, I have to marry a princess. We should not do it anymore.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. The thought of never having sex with him again was the most depressing thought I could think of. I became anxious and filled with anxiety.

Damiano decided he could not be intimate with me again. I was devastated.

Two days went by and Damiano stayed away from me. Nothing else had changed in me other than I felt depressed to not have his love. It was absolute torture for me. I went on outings with my aunt and uncle as usual, but felt very bored by all of it.

A week went by and everything was fine, until it wasn’t. One morning I woke up feeling awful. I was drained of energy and felt like I had the flu. I pulled the drapes and stayed in bed all day. Then I had morning sickness. That night Damiano came to me. He took one look at me and fright filled his eyes.

“Damiano? What? What is it? You’re starting to scare me. Say something.”

Damiano put his arms around me and held me tightly. Then he looked at me with sadness in his eyes and said, “I think I know why you have been feeling the way you do. You said you were sick this morning?”

“Yes, I was sick. My stomach felt uneasy. I’ve been suddenly tired.”

“My dear Emerald. I think you might be carrying my child.”

My eyes grew wide with fear and my heart raced so loud I could hear it. “A child?”

I turned to him with fear in my eyes and collapsed into his arms. I couldn’t believe it. Could it be true? How did I not know?

“Listen to me. You’re going to be fine. You’re just going to be a little weak is all. We will figure this out together. I just need to think.” He approached my window ready to climb out.

“No! Don’t leave. Please don’t leave.” I was panicking. The thought of never seeing him again made my stomach turn. I couldn’t be with out him in my life.

He pushed me against the wall. His hands wrapped around my wrists. He pinned my arms against the wall up over my head and pushed his body onto mine. I let out a moan. The adrenaline from fear raging through my body was turning into lust. Damiano licked my neck and my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel his hard cock against my body as he rubbed up and down against me. If I was danger of having a ruined reputation from a unwed pregnancy, I wanted to make the most of every second I had left and enjoy this sensual experience. Damiano pulled off my clothes in a flash. I didn’t know what was happening. We were in danger and here he was ready to make love to me. I stood there naked. My arms were still above my head against the wall as he pinned me there. I arched my back and my breasts heaved up and down protruding from my body. I didn’t know what affect the news of my pregnancy had on his senses. I really didn’t know, but I was completely hypnotized. All these thoughts went briefly through my mind and I was shocked at how calm I felt over losing my social life and reputation in the name of lust.

I heard the zip of his pants and in seconds he picked me up wrapping my legs around him and he was inside me. He pumped in and out of me hard and fast. It was more like he was satiated a thirst than if he was doing it out of pleasure. His hands were on my tiny waist and he controlled the movement of my entire body as he bobbed me up and down on top of him. My breasts bounced up and down with every movement as he pounded me onto him.

Damiano put his lips on my neck slightly parted and licked a little. I was frightened and turned on all in the same sensual terrifying moment. In seconds I was climaxing. It was a climax controlled by the mental stimulation of fright and adrenaline with some of the erotic stimulation mixed in. I yelled out and grabbed onto his neck burying my fingertips into his skin. I felt the wetness run out of me and onto him and down my thigh. Damiano tilted his head back and a look of him bracing himself came over his face. Then with a loud grunt he released himself. He still moved in and out slower and slower absorbing every last sensitive feeling and tingling. His body leaned against mine and still held me in the air pinned between his body and the wall. He rested his head on my shoulder and I let all of my weight relax onto him. We stayed like this for a while enjoying the after glow of our explosive orgasms until reality hit us again.

Damiano picked me up by my waist and pulled himself out of me. Then he set me gently on the floor.

“Get dressed. We need to leave here immediately,” he was cold in his response. “Pack some clothes for traveling by sea.”






“Sea?” I asked.

“Yes,” he went into action and threw my clothes at me that were on the floor. Then he started packing for me. I went after him.

“Wait, slow down. I don’t understand what is happening. Where are you taking me?”

“There’s no time. We must go now.”

“No, I’m not moving until you tell me. I can’t just leave here. I have my aunt and uncle here.”

“We will run away together where we can live together and raise our child. If I stay here, my father the king will come look for me. He will send you away and take me back home to rule. I know him.”

I had to make a fast decision. I could stay here and raise this bastard child on my own in the ridicule of society. Or I could go live with my prince in some far off land where he would pretend not to be a prince.

“I will go.” I grabbed my stuff. Then we snuck out of the townhouse and we were off to his place. When I walked in I almost forgot what a stark contrast his place was to mine. His place was like from another time period and it was very dark.

“Lock the door behind me. I’m just going out to grab a few things, and I will be back in a few minutes, but I don’t want to take any chances. Don’t open this door unless you hear my voice. If you hear any other noises do not open it.”

“Yes, I understand.”

His words had me on edge. He walked out and I locked the large bolt on the door. I sat on the bed and fidgeted the whole time I wanted to get comfortable and take my clothes off but I left everything on, even my boots. I knew I needed to be ready for anything and any time.

An hour later Damiano was at the door, “Emerald it’s me Damiano. You can open the lock.”

I opened the door and he came in. I hugged him tightly. He closed the door and locked it behind us.

“What were you doing?”

“Locking up and getting all our travel in order. I don’t want to take any chances.”

“Now will you tell me what’s going on?”

Damiano sat on the bed and looked exhausted.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you but I was struggling with whether I should or if it would make a difference.”

“Okay, I’m listening,” I sat on the edge of the bed and listened as he told me a very long story. It was a princess that he is betrothed too and is suppose to marry upon his return. I listened and cried. His father is so strict that he does not allow his sons to marry ladies of the court, they must be princesses, which made my case hopeless. His father had a man here in Assisi that looked after the prince and news of him fleeing would be out in a few hours. So we had to go now.

Damiano sat next to me on the bed and was silent for a few seconds. I tried to take it all in. Then he said, “That’s it. That’s all of it Emerald.”

“I see. I’m in shock. I had no idea.”

He grabbed my hand in his and continued, “There’s only one way I know of to protect you, but we have to go now. I want to be with you. I want to go down that path. A romantic path with you to explore it and see what could be, but he won’t allow it. I don’t want any harm to come to you; I know what he’s capable of. That’s why I need to get you out of here and could keep an eye on you. I’m very sorry that you have to endure this. I hope that one day you will forgive me.”

“I forgive you Damiano.”

When he talked to me like that, so honest and genuine, I melted. I wanted him, all of him, period.

He leaned over and kissed me. Now with this one woman he was betrothed too everything was shattered. We kissed passionately and slowly. Earlier by my bedroom door we had sex in a lustful and aggressive way turned on by the danger of the situation. Now we looked at each other like it was the last time we could be together. The way he looked at me was like a silent promise to himself to not let that happen again. Damiano stood me up and stripped my clothes off my body in such a rapid haste I went from clothed to naked in a flash. Then he stripped his clothes off the same way. He kissed me and we fell back on the bed together.

He climbed on top of me and rubbed his body against mine. I spread open my legs and arms and received him in my envelope of a warm embrace. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I wanted to absorb him in everyway possible. I reached down and put his big cock in my hand and stroked it. Damiano moaned. Then he moved his hips and put the tip of his rock hard shaft inside me, and slowly pushed it in. I cried out. It was so thick and long. I wrapped my hands around his back and held on tightly. The sheer force of his body moving on mine moved me far up and down the bed. He was a strong creature and my tiny body was like the wind under him going with his every movement.

He explored my soft skin with his tongue running it down my shoulder and arm as though he were tasting it. The thought sent chills up my back and goose bumps appeared all over my body. Damiano sat me on top of him straddling him. He put his strong hands on my waist and moved me slowly on top of him. His hands roamed from my waist to my nipples and he pinched them lightly. Then he moved them back down to my hips controlling me with his hands and his eyes. I was hypnotized. He arched up his back slamming himself inside me as he rose like a wild buck stallion. He was so long the went deeper inside me in this crashing of bodies motion. I was so wet he slid in and out so fast and easily.

“I like to look at you Emerald, my Emerald” he said.

I moaned at the lust in his voice when he spoke to me. I was on the brink and my whole body pulsated. I exploded suddenly into orgasm. It was an uncontrollable thing that I was unaware was happening until it just was.

Damiano rolled over on top of me. Now my back was flat against the bed. He got between my thighs and positioned himself, grabbed his cock and inserted the tip inside me. He locked eyes with me. Those unnatural blue eyes that pierced me. Then he pushed deep in me and started pounding me fast. Damiano was going hard and fast. Damiano unleashed an animal sound from deep within his throat as he climaxed. I was excited and scared by the noise and what I seeing and feeling inside me as his warm juices flowed in me. Then he collapsed on the bed breathing a raspy heavy breath. I laid there staring at the ceiling in denial and pleasure wrapped in one.

The next thing I knew Damiano was shaking me awake. I didn’t remember falling asleep. Time and sleep and dark were a weird state of mind when I was with him.

“I need to get you out of here while I deal with this. There’s only one place you will be safe.” Damiano was already dressed and in action mode. I was still groggy and tired.


“You’ll see.”

I didn’t have any choices here. I trusted Damiano.

In less than half an hour we were in his carriage driving wildly through the Italian countryside at sundown. I was exhausted from emotion and felt beyond drained. We drove for hours and hours and rarely stopped. We were headed east but that was all I knew. We passed mountains and grasslands.

The thought of sleeping and giving my mind a vacation by having sweet dreams felt like the right thing to do at the moment. I began to nod off and then jerked my head awake.

“It’s okay Emerald. You can sleep. I don’t need sleep. I will keep you safe. Sleep.”

His words were soothing to me and I believe him. I felt safe with him. I must have been very tired because I soon fell into a deep slumber in the carriage even though his driver raced over the rough roads. I opened my eyes every now and again after a few hours would pass to see where we were. I felt like we were going in circles because the scenery scarcely changed. I was sweetly sleeping and then I thought I heard my name “Emerald” being whispered. I thought it was in my dream. I was dreaming that Damiano and I were in bed savoring each other’s bodies. Then I felt a hand on me. I opened my eyes and Damiano was gently waking me up. I almost forgot what was happening for a second and thought I was in a bed. Then I saw that I was still in the carriage seat.

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