ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance) (79 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE : PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Alpha's heart(BBW Pregnancy Werebear Shifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Romance)
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Chapter 4


Sarah looked over at her husband, Colin McGrath.  She was proud of him; they had been married for about six months now.  The time had flown by for both of them. 

              “Hard to believe we’ve been married this long!”  He said to her smiling.

              “Do we have to go to see them today?  We’ve avoided them this long.”  Sarah asked Colin.

              “I know you don’t like your parents.  I promise we won’t see them often at all.  They won’t have us over but every once in while anyway.  It will most likely be when someone new is around them.  Someone they feel it is important to impress.”  Colin stated.  He had learned a lot about Sarah and her parents over these months.

She had told him about everything in her life, including the fact that her mother had beat her often.  Sarah hadn’t hid anything from him, once she trusted and loved him. 

              “Alright, but I’m only doing this for you, not them.”  Sarah finally agreed to go peacefully.

              “Thank you my love.”  He kissed her.  “Plus I’m sure once they hear you are pregnant they’ll want to avoid much communication.  After all, that would mean having a small child around them.  You’ve told me how they both were in that type of situation.”  Colin stated.

Sarah had to agree with him there.  “They definitely don’t want little kids around them.  I can’t tell you how many times I saw them as a small child.  I honestly thought the maid was my mother until I was like 7 years old.”  She said.

              “I know that’s why I figured we would break the news early, so we don’t have to stay long!”  Colin laughed.

              “Perfect!”  She laughed.

              “Come on we have to go the driver they are sending is almost due.”  Colin said.

Sarah got up reluctantly.  But then smiled at the thought of the news they would ruin her parent’s day with!

It all happened so quickly Sarah wasn’t sure what was going on, but the next thing she knew she had something covering her eyes.  She had seen Colin fall to the ground as someone had hit him with something from behind.

The coach had been somewhere in the woods, between their home and where her parents lived.  They had been stopped and attacked by a group of men.  She didn’t even know if Colin was alive or not.  She felt them pick her off the ground; she could feel the horse under her. 

There was a man on the saddle behind her.  He held her tightly.  She flinched as their skin touched. 

              “What are you doing?”  She cried to the person who was on the horse with her.

              “Shut up now.  Once we get the money you can go back home.”  The gruff male voice said.

All she could think was, wait until they find out he’s not the king’s son and we have no money.  Well not the money they were thinking, Colin and her had some, but not enough.  If he is even alive, she thought.

Sarah began to cry lightly, hoping that he was okay. 

Chapter 5


Colin came too slowly.  His head hurt badly.  “What happened?”  He tried to clear his head and remember.  Then his eyes shot open, he looked around for Sarah.  “Sarah, where are you?”  He called out.

He looked around; there was a dead guy on the side of the road.  It was the driver who had picked them up.  The wagon was gone, he didn’t know if it had been stolen, or the horses simply ran off with it.  Colin panicked looking all over for Sarah, calling out her name. 

He wasn’t sure how long he had been out for either.  He looked up in the sky; it must have been for a few hours now.  He rubbed the back of his neck once more.  There was a big lump forming where he had gotten hit in the head from behind. 

They had ambushed the coach as it had stopped for a minute.  The driver had claimed he needed to take a quick break.  Colin wasn’t sure if it had been a planned attack or not.  Something about it seemed so orchestrated. 

But where was Sarah.  He looked around for her frantically.  They had to take her, his mind screamed out.  But he wasn’t ready to admit it.  He knew that it was the case, before his heart finally accepted the answer that his mind had already known.

He hung his head; they most likely took her off to kill her after raping her.  Colin’s body shook with a deep rage.  Clearing his mind he began to think of those skills he had used so long ago. 

Those two men he had stopped from attacking the king he had tracked them around for months.  He had followed them, without them even being aware of it.  This time he would have to track these people quicker, but he knew the skills were still in his mind.

Colin knew that this time love would drive him to this.  He would save Sarah and his child if he had to lay down his life to do it. 

Clearing his mind he looked around again, looking for telltale hints.  He noticed first the tree branches that had been bent as a person rode through a narrow area of the forest.  It was a different position than most people would go, so it could be someone who was in a hurry to get away with something they shouldn’t have.  In this case that would be his wife Sarah and their unborn child.

He moved along the forest floor quickly and silently.  Colin had his claymore on his side; thankfully, they hadn’t searched the wagon and found his weapon.    He quickly picked up all the old tricks he remembered from doing this as a child.  Plus the fact that he had advanced that skill over the years. 

The king had often complemented him on his skills of tracking people.  He had become known as a great warrior among the men.  But mostly he had become known as the man who could silently sneak up on just about any enemy they had faced so far.

Colin knew in order to do this though, he would need to keep his mind focused and not get upset.  He kept thinking about Sarah and hoping her and the baby were okay.  He could feel his anger threatening to boil over every few minutes.

But that would lead to mistakes, and if he messed up too much, Sarah and the baby might die.  Whoever had taken her would have to kill him in order to stop him.  However, he didn’t want them hurt in the process.  He loved Sarah so much, and his unborn child.  He was looking forward to being a father so much.

He didn’t know how far they might be by now.  As long as Sarah was safe he would be good.  After about three miles he saw smoke coming up through an opening in the forest.  It wasn’t far away; it could be a cabin where they have Sarah.  He would approach carefully and quietly. 

Colin moved up to some covering and spotted a small cabin in the distance.  There was one horse tied up near a small barn near the cabin.  It was very big, so there wouldn’t be a ton of people in the cabin.  He looked for an area to sneak nearer it to see if he could look into one of the windows.

As he studied the layout he saw a perfect spot to get a glimpse inside the cabin.  He moved up and looked inside.  He saw a man sitting with his back to him, and there across the room was Sarah.  She looked okay, upset and scared, but nonetheless okay.

He took a deep sigh of relief.  He couldn’t see any blood on her, so that was a good sign.  Colin made sure that she didn’t see him outside the window though.  Her look of surprise would surely let the guy inside know he was there. 

Colin tried to think of the best way to move in and then it came to him.  I’ll just go knock on the door, once he comes and answers, I’ll get him. 

He moved in, hoping this would work.  Since Sarah looked untouched he had come to the conclusion that someone thought he was related to the king.  They were going to hold her and ask for money.  Well this one guy, but Colin had a feeling that it wasn’t just this man involved in this plan. 

Perhaps even the driver was part of the original plan, but they just saved some money and earned a bit more.  There had to be more than one?  He wasn’t sure why that thought had come to him, but it was just a nagging in the bag of his head for now.

So if he walked up and knocked on the door, perhaps this guy inside would think it was their partner.  Colin got to the front of the cabin.  Obviously there were no hideouts in the forest, or Colin would have been shot with an arrow already. 

This was a small operation of that he was sure. 

He put his fist up to the door and knocked. 

              “I’m coming.”  He heard the man state inside.

As the door opened Colin was ready, the man didn’t know what hit him.  Colin wanted to make sure he didn’t kill the man, to find out if there were more people involved.  Because he planned to track each and every one down and make them pay for this.

Colin knocked him out and tied him up.  Quickly he untied Sarah and asked her.  “Did he hurt you at all?” 

              “No but he said something about money first before releasing me.”  Sarah told him.

              “Did he mention who might be behind it?”  Colin asked. 

Sarah shook her head no.  “Its fine I’ll find out when he wakes up.”  Colin said looking over at the man.

He smacked the man in the face.  “Wake up, come on you have a few questions to answer.”  He said as he hit the man.

The man shook his head.  “Stop already.  What do you want?”  The man asked.

              “You said once you get money you’ll return her, who is your partner?”  Colin asked his face filled with anger.

              “I didn’t say that.”  The man tried to deny.

Sarah looked at Colin.  “I know what I heard.” 

Colin hit the man hard again.  A drop of blood appeared on his bottom lip.  “Who is your partner?”  Colin asked again.  “If you don’t tell me I’m going to kill you.”

              “You’ll kill me anyway.”  The man said.

              “I might, or I might let you go.  Even send you on the way with a little bit of money.  It is better than nothing, right?”  Colin told the man.

He saw the man think of the offer.  “How much money are we talking?” 

              “How much were you going to ask for her?”  Colin asked him.

              “They said to ask 200 silver for her.”  The man said.

              “That’s it?”  Colin queried.

              “I know I thought it was low too.”  The man said.

              “How many partners do you have?”  Colin asked.

              “It was just the couple, her parents; they were the ones who set this up.”  The man said.

              “I’ll give you 100 pounds and I’m going to leave you tied up here.”  Colin said.  “After we take care of her parents, I’ll come back.  If you are still here, I’ll let you go on your way.  If you are gone, make sure we never see you again.  Do you understand me?”  Colin said.

He was furious.  Her own parents had set her up to be kidnapped to make money?  Colin didn’t know what was worse, him growing up with parents he didn’t remember.  Or her growing up with parents who had her kidnapped to make money, how must that feel?

Colin looked over at her.  He saw the shock on her face. 

              “I’m sorry.  I don’t know what to say.”  Colin muttered to her.

Sarah shook her head.  “Don’t make excuses for them.  I’ve known for years they were no good.  But this goes beyond everything I could have imagined possible from them.”  She admitted.

He was planning out the best way to go about his plan.  Colin didn’t know if she would be up to seeing her parents.  Maybe he should take her home first, and then face them by himself.

              “You are not going to see them alone now.”  Sarah said interrupting his thoughts.

              “Alright, but please just be careful of the baby.”  Colin said, kissing his hand and touching her belly. “You’ll ride in front of me.” 

They got on the horse and Colin started the way to see her parents.  The whole time his anger built up, he just wanted to kill them.  However, there was part of him that was forming another plan much better than the original one of just slaying them.

              “Go along with me when we get there.  We will end their hopes in one quick moment.”  Colin said to her as they got closer to her parents.

She nodded her head in agreement.  “Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.”

They got there and he helped her off the horse.  “Do you feel okay?”  He asked her, seeing that her face was a little white.

              “I’m okay, just a little queasy.”  She admitted.

He knocked on the door and saw the shocked look on her father’s face to see them standing there. 

              “Oh I know you weren’t expecting us right?  Just let us in, because I don’t think you want your neighbors to hear what I have to say to you.”  Colin stated firmly.

Sarah watched as her father turned red and then white, he backed away from the door letting them inside.  As they walked in her mother came walking into the front room. 

              “Oh you made it, nice to see you.”  She quickly caught herself.

              “Save it mother.  We know.”  Sarah said.

Colin grabbed her hand and squeezed it.  She shut up quickly and let him take over.

              “I want you both to know that I came here with every intention of simply killing you.  However, I thought of something much better.”  Colin began. 

He saw Sarah look at him a question in her eyes.  From the corner of his eye he saw her father try to move for a weapon.  Colin quickly drew his claymore out of the sheath.  “Stop right there, or I will kill you.”

Sarah’s father stopped.  Colin moved him to the middle of the room.  He went and grabbed the weapon and handed it to Sarah. 

              “So you know I am not the king’s son.  When you kidnapped my wife today and held her for ransom, you kidnapped an orphan’s wife.  That’s right I have no money.  Nothing, no connection to the king you thought you now had in your family.  I’m not even related to him in anyway, he raised me like his son though.”  Colin stated.  “You’ve used your daughter.”  He said pointing his sword at Sarah’s father.  “And you abused her for years.”  He said moving the sword in front of her mother.  “The truth is I should kill you both.  But I don’t want your blood on my hands.  However, I can’t say the king will feel the same way when I tell him this news.  So if I were you, I would leave the area, never contact us again.  If I hear you tried, I’ll hunt you down and kill you for sure.”  Colin said.

He looked at Sarah out of the corner of his eye.  “Is this okay with you?” 

              “Yes that is fine.”  Sarah agreed.

              “Now go, get out of here.  You get a head start, that’s it.  Once we leave I’m going straight to the king.” 

Sarah and Colin watched as the old couple scampered out the door.  She could only hope that they would never be seen again.

              “Come on, let’s get home.  After we talk to the king, I’m going to hold you all night long.  I thought I lost you for good today.”  Colin said.

              “I didn’t know if you were alive when he knocked you out.”  Sarah hugged Colin tightly. 

              “Shh, I’m fine and so are you.  Let’s go.”  Colin grabbed her and went out the door.


Seduced by Highlander


Colleen McDoon sat looking in the mirror of the Lady Sylvia.  Colleen had been a servant for the lady for month’s years now.  She would rather live her old life, but she couldn’t dare.  Her family had been methodically killed off, and she had to be careful.

The only reason she wasn’t noticed as a McDoon as of yet was because of her looks.  While the rest of her family had blonde hair and blue eyes that had made them stand out in the Highlands.  Colleen had come out with a dark black hair.

It was the only reason she had come wearing rags to this ladies house some several months ago at the young age of 17.  She had escaped her house.  Colleen had witnessed the deaths of her family.  Thankfully the men who had come to the castle had only killed the rest of the family. 

A servant had taken her and hid her behind a cabinet.  She had peaked through the hole she could see through.  It had made her weep as she watched them beheaded.  Colleen knew that her clothes would make her stand out, so she had switched clothing with one of their dead staff. 

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