ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (24 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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Chapter 8

The next morning, Victoria woke up early with bloodshot eyes and thick dark circles, after restless sleep and horrific dreams. She saw something, a piece of a world that other people only dream about. It was a world where anything was possible, and men are never truly safe.

She changed quickly and drove as fast as she could to the only place she knew for certain that she could get answers. She ran up to the door and banged it down.

Henry answered wearing nothing but gray sweat pants and puffy eyes. “What? You can't ju—

“Don't you what me. I wanna know what I saw.” She stared him dead in the eye.

“Hallucinations?” He shrugged his shoulders and walked back inside to get a cup of coffee, but she was right behind him.

“Bull.” She slammed her fist down on the counter. “You're part of this,” she waved her finger around, “whatever this is, and I'm not about to sit here and let you lie to me. I am a federal agent, and don't you ever forget that.”

He walked over to her calmly with his head held low. “I don't need this here. I don't want to deal with any of this!” His face went bright red. “I don't know what is going on.”

“You're gonna stand there and look me in the eye and lie to me! I-I don't know what to believe.”

He slammed into her and all of his passion and anger flowed into his kiss. She felt it, just like she felt it that night. When he pulled away, he took her chin with his hands and pulled her forward so that she was looking into his eyes. “Do you believe in that? Huh? Because, darling, I feel that and so do you. If you can't believe in that then there's something wrong. We have something.”

She couldn't hear that, not after hearing him lie to her. She felt her tears welling up, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop them from coming. “You're lying, Henry. There's no way around it.”

“So what am I supposed to do? You want me to risk everything. Can you imagine what would happen if people found out about this? What do you think they'd do to us? You've gotta go, and that hurts too much, it breaks my heart, but we both know it's true. You can't put me in this position.”

“I just want to know about the man I care about. I don't want anyone to come in here and hurt you.”

“Do experiments on me, kill me, lock me up. That's the risk I'm taking. I can't trust you, because, like you said, I can't forget that you're a federal agent.”

“I just wanna be close to you, and I can't do that. Tell me,” she was desperate, “tell me how I can do that.”

“You have to give it all up—the job, the place, everything. Come with me. Don't ever go back.”

“I'll do it.”

“You have to agree to initiation.”

“I'll do it.”

“Do you promise?”


“Come with me.” He walked out of the house without a shirt on, and they got into his black pickup truck.

“What are you,” she asked while they drove down the highway.

“A werewolf.”

“How is that possible?”

“I don't know. I was born that way.”

“Jesus, this is crazy.” She shook her head in disbelief. It made sense. He was covered in hair, and he was a beast, more animal than human. “What about the cows?”

“Jimmy was changed last month. He's having issues with controlling himself. I've been trying to stop him, but it's gotten out of control.”


“Bitten. He wasn't born a werewolf.”

“Are you gonna bite me,” she shrank back.

“Are you kidding? Do you know how much trouble that boy has caused me. He nearly took my head off last time I caught him tearing through one of those things.”

“What's initiation?” They pulled up to Jimmy's house.

“You'll see.” He had a menacing sound to his voice.

Jimmy lived in a small white house that might as well have been a hut. He was sitting on the edge of the porch with his head in his hands. When he saw them, he ran up crying. “I'm sorry, Henry. I'm so sorry. You know I couldn't stop.”

“Get in the house. You'll thank me later.” He looked back at Victoria who was standing on the steps shaking. “In order to be trusted, you have to become a member of the pack. Do you consent to a threesome?”

“A what?” That was the last thing on her mind.

Jimmy was standing in the doorway smiling like a little kid who just found a piece of chocolate on the ground. He was sexy in a boyish kind of way, and she didn't mind it, but it was weird. She looked at him then at Henry. “Yes.”

The house was nothing but bare wooden floors and white walls with Jimmy standing in the corner, his firm butt sticking out the back of his lowered jeans. She could feel the anticipation growing inside her as she watched his arm move up and down. When he turned around, he was looking out at his ten inch uncut piece. His hand was moving over it slowly so that she could see the way the foreskin curled and uncurled.

Henry came up behind her, ripped her black t-shirt off and threw the pieces to the ground. His cock was already out sticking into her naked back sliding up and down, while his hands kneaded her shoulders. He turned her around and let his tongue pierce through her lips, as he pulled her pants down then he reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out what looked like a white pebble.

“What is that,” she whispered.

“It's a moon rock.” She nearly jumped when she realized that Jimmy was right behind her. He moved his hands around under her shoulder blades, pulling the stress out with each stroke like little lines of black energy leaving her body.

They lifted their hands over her head. Their palms were curved upward with the rock in the center then they slowly let it sit on her crown. She felt something pour into her body like a drop of pure sunlight against the black canvas of the midnight sky—serene and pure.

Her knees gave way of their own volition and they helped her down to the ground. She trusted them. She could feel them around her, not just their bodies, but their spirits. Henry caressed her breasts, with his fingers traveling around the nipple, while Jimmy's candy lips touched hers, softer than Henry and slower. He took his time, moving them in and out, letting her mouth part so that his tongue could rest at the back of her front teeth.

That light passed down her body, with each touch they magnified it, and pulled it lower until it settled inside her sacred temple. It lit a spark inside of her, a blazing bonfire that consumed her entirely, spreading until it was the warm wetness that was building up in her thighs, a sweet rain that had come to drench her spirit.

As Jimmy's lips moved down, so did Henry's firm touch. His fingers offered sweet kisses over her belly, then just above her veil. That anticipation grew to a blazing desire, satisfied immediately by his tongue, like a bolt of lightning darting between her temple doors, breaking the barrier that held the torrent in until she was jolting, writhing from the flames that moved over her. She never thought it was possible to feel such magnificent pleasure, and it only got better.

Jimmy's teeth grazed her nipple, shooting sparks of raw fire, whipping through her body.

Henry found the clit at last and teased it with his thumb. She shook with every tiny movement, and the fire turned into a raging volcano.

Jimmy stood up and she looked as his cock dangled over her face. She wanted to take it in and worship it, but all she could do was watch his hand slip over the shaft.

Henry parted her temple doors and let the tip of his finger move inside slowly. The pressure had built up so much that she was caught in the wave, nearly screaming from the burn.

Jimmy smiled down at her as he got on his knees, pointing the head of his cock at her. She tried to reach up, and lick the head, but it was too high. She couldn't do it. It was like torture. He knew what he was doing to her, but he wouldn't let her have it. He wanted to see her beg, just like Henry, who wouldn't shove his finger all the way inside. Instead, he slammed her legs open and drove his head in, letting his warm tongue move through, caressing the walls of her temple, moving past its gates. She was riding another wave, and then another. She was losing count of the climaxes just as much as she was losing sight of herself.

Jimmy's cock dove into her mouth, and he let her take her time to savor the shaft, and let her tongue twist around. He took her head in his hands and pulled it up so that it was at the back of her throat, but it wasn't enough.  She needed him to fill her whole body. All she could do was savor what little she could.

He pushed in and out, taking her breasts in his hands, loving them, stroking the nipples and sending her reeling from his seething touch.

She clenched as Henry drove his tongue around in circles, with his stubble rubbing against her thighs. She felt it coming, that wave that would wash away everything.

She felt their spirits moving closer to her, penetrating her mind, pulling her into their circle. She would be safe and comforted. Nothing would ever harm her.

Jimmy was sweating and panting as she lapped up his cock, moving her hand around the shaft and watching him throw back his head in ecstasy. The tension was growing, and when he pulled her head back in, Henry pinched her clit. She let out a shuddered cry.

They were there inside of her, pulling her into a heavenly realm. Her whole body was on fire as the energy passed through her, sending sweet ambrosia shooting down her throat and out of her thighs.

She'd never forget that place, or what she felt there. That was the moment when she realized that she could spend the rest of her life in Henry's arms and die happy. She gave everything up to be closer to him, and she never regretted it.




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Crimson & Gold



Scarlett Leblanc

Crimson & Gold



Dark. Perilous. Silent Killer.


Cotton of blackened clouds devoured the face of the sky as they gathered full force to punish the Earth’s citizens for their sins. Everyone was at war, stubborn to surrender their sovereignty. Pride and arrogance prevailed everywhere, leaving no room for intimacy and desirous lust. They all wanted to win, but in this war, no one was a winner. Dion Reed would certainly agree. He experienced it first hand.

In the rooftop of his infamous castle, guarded by monstrous wild beasts in the middle of yet to be known forest, he looked down at the distressing site of the battlefield where blood was shed in every corner of the streets – men, women, children, old or young, no one was exempted to the mass slaughter of brutal and merciless soldiers whose souls were prepared to the unquenchable fire of hell.

He shook his head in great disgust of what he was witnessing as if he was clean himself. He loosened up his bloody red cravat while whirling his glass of red wine, only it was not your typical wine brewed from grape juice, but rather, a more sophisticated and deadly fluid that kept you alive. He raised his glass, whirled it slightly, before bringing it next to his perfectly structured nose to smell the aroma of his deceased concubine. The fluid was thick and rich, just as what he preferred.

He smiled, “I love you, darling! Thanks for keeping me alive...” The tone of his voice was deep like a bottomless pit. Those who’d heard him speak had gone mad. Rumor had it that he used his voice to attract beautiful women who happened to pass by in the forest, and make them as his slaves. To be more precise, concubines. He’d never been married before. One-night stand was all he wanted – no fancy wedding, not even a banquet to celebrate his relationship. What a monotonous guy!

One of the picture frames on the wall fell down, sending a sudden suspicion to his dirty mind that a sojourner had trespassed his territory. His eyes narrowed, squinting in great dismay. His back was still facing his untidied room fraught with skeletons of all kinds, including humans’. Perhaps, they were his mistresses’ bones who’d died of old age. His bed saved up dust for him to grow plants in. It had been there for centuries, but since then, it had never been used. Except, of course, when he pounded his mistresses, but even so, the molecules of dust in that loathsome mattress were beyond repair. Disgusting!

He held his breath, disallowing the carbon dioxide to escape when he heard another thump of foot approaching slowly, quietly, and almost without sound. His ears could sense even a tiny insect crawling meters away from his room. Nothing and no one could flee from his scrutiny. The creature was fast approaching now…

His eyes turned from red to orange, an indication he no longer sensed danger. “What did I tell you about sneaking around, Maddox?” He took another sip. A drop of blood fell down to his cat’s thick fur.

“Meowww…” Maddox purred his fat head against Dion’s black slacks that cost him twenty shillings to buy at the Dark Market in town. Only elite citizens trade and buy in that market, outsiders weren’t allowed.

“What do you want? Hasn’t Jessica fed you yet?” His voice sounded stern, but deep within him, he was concerned about his cat’s health. Maddox had been there for as long as he could remember. He wasn’t just a cat – far from it. Before Dion was even turned into a vampire, Maddox already existed with the same fat head, bulging green eyes, and, of course, a humongous belly that could almost high-five with the floor.

Maddox purred Dion again, urging him to give him a belly rub, something every cat loved. “Meowww…”

Again? His pride seized him from giving this supernatural cat a belly rub. Instead, he called his current, but aging concubine to do the dirty job. “Jessica… come in this instance!” His voice’s wavelengths reverberated throughout the mansion, waking up every creature that lived in it. Mosquitoes, spiders, and snakes were their borders. Yes, gigantic serpents roamed around his Victorian castle. They were Maddox playmates.

Down to the kitchen, which was a hundred meters from his bedchamber, Jessica was busy cleaning every corner of the kitchen where she spent most of her time, cooking, eating, and meditating about her future. Her beauty was fast approaching to an expiry date. Denying it wouldn’t do any good as she knew, Dion was tingling to seek her replacement. Although she’d been warned by her co-concubines, who were now swallowed underground, that this day would come, she was still sceptical of their warnings. No one could blame her, Dion had proven himself to be loyal, devoted, and affectionate. However, it only lasted for as long as you have beauty, without that, you’re a dirty debris in his eyes, a rotten object, deserving to be destroyed.

As she sat on the Windsor chair, she raced her gaze across the kitchen, reminiscing the old days when Dion and her used to watch his peasants baked bread and brewed coffee beans, which was now her task to do. She sighed, contrite of what she had become. If she only listened to her parents’ advice not come with wealthy sojourners, perhaps then, she would have married her childhood’s lover, if not because of spondulicks Dion offered.

Dion’s voice did not seem to travel farther enough for her to hear it as Jessica continued knitting her sleeves raffles for her newly sewed gown. She knew he liked it very much, but now that wrinkles and acne cosmeticized her visage, she couldn’t be so certain about it.

She sighed again as her gaze fell at the red rose swimming in a broken wooden vase, dripping and flooding the bricked floor. She looked down as droplets of tears began escaping her incarcerated eyes. Even a drop of water could trigger her sentiment.

“Why? I did everything for you to be happy, but you still treat me like an animal. I’ve served you all my life, and now that my youth is gone, you left me hanging dry!” She buried her palms in her face, trying to conceal her anguish, but she’d forgotten, Dion could hear everything…

“What’s the cause of your grief? My soul is still within me.” Dion appeared out of nowhere. Soul? He must’ve forgotten he sold it already.

“Meowww…” Maddox followed too.

Jessica’s breathing became heavy as if Maddox was stuck in her chest. Her poor eyesight hindered her from seeing him from afar as the beacon danced in the symphony of the wind. She could smell that mellifluous scent of magnolia, his trademark. She never comprehended why he used such a feminine fragrance when he never really cared about any of his women. That thought kept her in wonder, even up to this day when a sign of a bug could send her to her own tomb.

“Dion is it, you? Pardon, my tears for they are cruel. I-I never meant to bother you.” She brought her gaze back to what she was knitting, but her eyes were rolled sideways, trying to catch a glimpse of the man she once owned.

“Indeed, it’s me whom you see. May I ask if you could give Maddox a piece of bread? And… please, wipe thy tears for there’s no funeral in here, perhaps, not now.” He turned to head back to his chamber, disregarding the fact that he promised her of an eternal life, just as what he vowed to his previous mistresses. They were all ignorant that in his world, promise meant deception that led death.

In the brink of shape shifting, Jessica hurled her disappointment and anger at Dion whose guarantee was to turn her into a blood-sucking vampire just as he was. It felt like it just happened yesterday, still fresh and memorable. But Dion wouldn’t agree. For him, the sun was dead, and darkness was his light.

She inhaled, seeking the courage she lacked. “Why? Why didn’t you keep your oath to keep my youth within me? I’ve been your servant since I learnt to walk. I’ve been with you all those times when no one came to your aid. And now that I’m old and dry, you leave me like a rubbish in the river’s bank…” Tears trickled down her cheeks as her cracked lips trembled in fear of what he might do.

He wasn’t violent or anything likewise, but Dion’s unpredictability made her anxious and afraid that one day, she might find herself floating in the air while her body was detached.

“You were good in the beginning, but your ambition to keep your beauty and youth did not separate you from the rest of the others who came before you…” As he spoke those painful, but rather candid words, he never turned around to face her. Assuming, he did not want to see her crumbled countenance as to make him, even more, indignant.

To tell the truth, with his centuries of existence, he never experienced true love. Indeed, he’d had plenteous of women around, but none of them satisfied his desire to feel human again. All of them had one mask, the same ambition, and shared motif to use him for their own benefit. He was tired of being used over and over again.
Enough is enough!
He often told him that, just to convince his conscience that he did everything he could to find her, the one who was promised.

Dion leaped his foot forward as he swung his golden cloak that seemed to be woven with a literal strand of gold, a usual mineral commonly found at affluent families, but sadly, he wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had to work for it, and the price cost him more than what he bargained for – his life.

As Jessica blinked, Dion turned into a multitude of silvery dragonflies. They were clustered together, forming his body’s image: barrelled-chest, toughened biceps, muscled thighs, and of course, bulging shaft that spoke of his manhood. She’d tasted it many times before, but now that she was old and grey, her appetite for the flesh had gone away with her age. She knew what would happen next. As usual, he disappeared as lightning struck outside the mansion.

She breathed out, and her wrinkles deepened. How she wished for him to see his own light. No matter how hard he tried to enshroud it, she knew he had a heart of a magnolia flower, soft and delicate. The way he lightened his path when he shape-shifted reminded her of his goodness. But he was too blind to realize it.

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