ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) (67 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)
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American Love Story



Juliette Sky

American Love Story


Chapter 1

Even through the smoke filled club, Lila was very aware of what it looked like when a man had desire in his eyes. It was not hard to tell. This man in question was not the first to sit near the front row, with his eyes glued to her, wishing that she held him the way that she held the microphone stand. He was certainly not the first to fall for her raspy alto voice and the way that her costumes showed each and every curve of her voluptuous body. He was definitely not the first to send her a drink and congratulate her on a show well done.

But he was the first to leave at the end of the night without trying to wait for her after the show. Having men want her attention was not new. Having the attention from men she did not want was commonplace. So she was slightly confused when the stranger did not clamor to be in her presence.

When she went home that night to her tiny room in the boarding house where she stayed, Lila lay down, staring at the ceiling. She could not get the soldier out of her mind. That in itself was a first. Normally her suitors were the type to want to spend a night wrapped in her arms and then leave before the sun kissed the morning sky.

He had not even made a move her way that night. It was something that she found puzzling. Not many men tried to resist her. Not many tried to steer clear of her. It was usually the exact opposite. They wanted to touch her, to inhale her very essence. But not him. He had shown up to the club, not taken his eyes off her during her set, sent her a drink, and then disappeared before she could come from backstage to find out his name.

Such was the life with the soldiers. They were often in and out of town so quickly, it was not worth trying to remember a name. Lila had never wanted to know much about any of the soldiers she'd been in the presence of before. They would breeze in and out of town, and it was not her policy to get to know anyone that would not stay around for more than a week's time. This time, none of that mattered to her. She found herself wanting to know what his name was. Where was he from and more importantly, what his kisses tasted like.

She knew that if he was staying in town, he would return to the club. There was not much to do in the small, rural towns outside of Paris, so coming to the club would serve as the only recreation for the soldiers stationed near by. It was just the kind of crowd that the owner, Louis banked on.

When Lila had wandered in last year, she had been exactly what Louis was looking for; a buxom beauty with chocolate skin and an exotic look. That kind of thing was big in Paris. Josephine Baker had been a smash and he was looking for his own siren to sing and bring the boys to the club. When the boys came to the club, they spent money on drinks and food. And when they did that, everyone had a good night.

Since Lila Moreaux had been headlining, there had been no shortage of soldiers and local townsfolk alike in attendance every night. The men brought their sweethearts for a good time or came seeking love if it wanted to be found. The house stayed packed. Louis was happy and Lila stayed employed past the sixty-day window he'd initially offered her as a trial run.

The next night at the club, Lila had fully expected to see her handsome stranger. Not sure why she was so easily enamored by him, she tried her best not to focus on the crowd for fear of feeling let down if he did not show up. He did not come that night or the night after. Her assumption was that he had gone on with his company and moved to the next town. It was too bad because she had wanted to know more about the handsome and mysterious stranger.

By the third night, when she had not seen him, she gave up totally that there would be a chance for her to see him again. She sang her heart out that night. As usual there was a mix of up-tempo sass and slow grinding ballads of love requited and lost. Lila knew that it was alright to give up hope. There would be another handsome stranger who would come along and show himself true.

For the first time in months, she left early for the evening. Early for her was before the last drunk patron straggled out of the swinging doors. She wanted to get back to the comfort of her own bed. For some reason, it had been weighing on her emotionally that she had not gotten a chance to get to know her suitor.

"Leaving already?"

Her heart skipped a beat when she exited the back door of the club.

The handsome stranger.

"I am." She pulled her shawl a bit tighter around her shoulders.

"Maybe I can walk with you. That is, if you would like a bit of company."

Lila paused for a moment. Company sounded wonderful. But she did not want to seem too eager to be in this man's presence.

"I don’t even know your name and I'm not in the habit of keeping the company of strangers. No matter how handsome they may be."

With a crooked smile that bore a dimple in his right cheek and his blonde hair perfectly slicked back so that you could see how square his jaw line was, he appeared to be what some may term the ideal man.

"Thomas Bennett, Ma'am. Pleased to make your acquaintance." He gave her a slight nod as he held his hand out to meet hers.

"Charmed," she replied as she tried to determine by his accent where in the United States he hailed from. "Lila Moreaux."

He gently kissed her hand.

"Miss Lila Moreaux, please do me the honor of letting me walk you home."

"That would be lovely."

Chapter 2


Strolling slowly side-by-side, neither Lila nor Thomas uttered a word. Their pathway was dimly lit by one or two streetlights. The only other lighting was the full moon, the stars in the sky.

"I watched your show and well, you are pretty phenomenal if I do say so myself."

"Thank you, Thomas. I work hard at my show and I love what I do."

"Are you an ex-pat?" She was surprised that he asked outright so soon.

"I am." She nodded, pausing trying to figure out whether or not she should tell him a bit about her story. When Americans met overseas, there was an instant comradery. And during wartime, more so. She decided to give him the abbreviated version.

"I came over to France several years ago with a traveling cabaret company. Singing with them for a while and then I went back to America. I could not take the persecution and well, you know."

Staring at him, she knew that he knew of what she spoke, without her even having to say much else.

"Especially after coming over here to France and learning that the ways of life were much better than living in America. So I took a chance, returned, and I found this spot here singing and headlining for Louis. I never intended to stay, but I kind of like the village here. It's quiet, a nice place to live. When I want a bit more action, I take the train to Paris. I live a nice life here."

She found herself starting to ramble on and suddenly quieted. "What about you?"

"I'm from Kentucky. Enlisted a year ago and this is my second tour already. First time in France."

"France is lovely. Especially the countryside. How long are you staying?"

"We are here through the end of the month so far. Pushing west soon."

Lila knew that she would have to make the best of the time she had with Thomas. That was the nature of the war and being a soldier.

              "So which song did you like best?" She wanted to switch the subject.

"You sang one about the fire in your soul. Burning for this man that had given his love and taken it away."

A smile came across Lila's face. "That song is one of my favorites to perform. It came from a really desolate place in my soul. When I sing it, I feel renewed."

They continued strolling as they talked.

"So you write and arrange the songs as well?"

"I do. Well, I write everything and collaborate with the band on the arrangements. We work well together. That's another reason why I have not left here. I love them. We have become family."

Thomas paused, turning to look directly at her. "Do you have to go home? Right now?"

"No. I suppose not. What do you have in mind?"

"I would love to take you out tonight."

"Thomas, it is getting late."

"I know. But we could take the train to the next town. Explore a bit."

"Are you allowed to do such a thing?"

"Yes. We have some down time today and tomorrow. I want to make the best of it."

He grabbed her by the hand. "And I want to do it with you."

When he spoke, it was as if he was admitting that fact to both himself and to her.

Pondering whether or not it was a good idea to go running off with a man that she did not know, Lila knew that realistically, she should say no. But her heart wanted otherwise.

"Yes. I'll go."

A huge smile spread across Thomas' face, that dimple peeking out.

"Good." He was practically pulling her down the path toward town. "If we leave now, we can catch the next train. I heard about this small place in the next town where we can get something to eat and dance, and well, just enjoy each other's company."

"Alright," Lila replied, full of excitement as she tried to hold on to her purse and her shawl.

They made it to the train station just as the train was boarding. Thomas purchased their two tickets and the porter rushed them to board. Lila's heart was filled with emotions. She was exhilarated, anxious, and eager to learn more about this man that was quickly sweeping her off of her feet.

He offered her the window seat and then took the seat beside her. She loved the fact that he never let go of her hand. Just before the train began moving, an elderly woman was escorted to the empty seat near them.

They bid good evening to the woman and both turned to look on out of the window when the train started moving.

"I'm always so happy to see newly married couples." The woman smiled at them as though she was recalling her own memories.

"Oh, we're-,"

Thomas gently held his hand up, signaling for Lila to stop speaking.

"Thank you," he replied to the woman. "My wife and I are still enjoying that newlywed bliss even though we've been married now for the past year."

Lila's eyes were big and she was stifling a laugh. Thomas shrugged with a grin.

"That's so nice. Keep that kind of love up. Love is not easy. Especially when you have a man in the service. I know all about that."

"Really?" Lila asked.

"Yes, dear. But no matter where that man goes, he takes your love with him. That is, if he truly loves you. And I can tell that your beau only has eyes for you."

Her comment made Lila and Thomas consider one another for a moment. When their eyes met, Lila knew that he felt the electricity like she did. He squeezed her hand as they watched the old woman drift off to sleep. The train moved along through the countryside. And not once did Thomas let go of Lila's hand.

Chapter 3

Lila let Thomas lead the way. They ended up at a tiny cottage that did not look like it could hold a sizeable capacity whatsoever.

"Thomas? What is this? Have you been here before?"

He turned to her. "Do you trust me? Lila, tell me you trust me."

The sound of her name on his lips was like sweet dripping honey. "Yes."

"Then let's go."

He knocked on the door and it swung open. A portly man with a shirt that barely fit over his stomach answered.

"Hello Soldier. Come in."

Thomas nodded, pulling Lila in behind him.

"Follow the stairs to the basement. First round of drinks are on the house for all servicemen and their beautiful companions."

Lila smiled back as the man winked at her. She had no clue where Thomas had taken them, but she wanted to enjoy the evening with him.

Once they descended the stairs, they were greeted by a gorgeous waitress who beckoned for them to follow her. Lila was amazed that the space seemed to be much larger than she anticipated.

The music was lively. A band played some of the latest jazz as patrons danced. Others stood around by the bar, sipping drinks and others sat at the tables, playing cards and smoking cigarettes.

"I heard that this place had good music and it was a good place to relax, eat, or do whatever you feel." The feel of his breath softly on her ear when he whispered almost made her legs go limp. Sensing her emotion, Thomas slid his arms around her waist, holding her body up against his.

They took their seat at the table where the hostess led them. Thomas was a gentleman and pulled out her chair. He also ordered their drinks.

"I want to dance."

"Do you want to wait for the drinks?" Thomas asked.

"No. I want to dance. Didn't you say that we should take advantage of the time that we have together?"

He nodded. "I did."

Lila held out her hand. "Well then let's do that."

Thomas took her hand and whirled her around until they were on the dance floor. They immediately clicked, in sync with one another without even thinking about it. Thomas was an amazing dancer and his carefree attitude was infectious. He made her laugh, made her smile, and made her want to stay wrapped in his arms for an eternity.

When the music slowed, he brought her to his chest and they were suddenly stuck in time with one another. Her head on his chest, she followed his lead as they danced.

He held her close, and Lila was pretty sure that if she asked him to, he would not let her go.

"What's happening, Thomas?"

"You can't concern yourself with that. Just let whatever it is happen." His lips brushed her ear, as his nibbled on her earlobe.

She tilted her head to the side so that he could have better access to her neck. Her body craved his touch, his kiss.

His lips brushed the skin at her shoulder blade, but he did not go in for a full on kiss. The passion was starting to become all consuming. She could feel herself slipping and hoping that Thomas would be the one to catch her.

When the music stopped, neither of them wanted to let go of one another. Lila could barely breathe. And she did not want to. She wanted to stay enraptured by the passion as long as she could. It was invigorating as it pulsed through her veins. Being in the arms of the strapping serviceman had made her take leave of her senses. It was not something that had happened to her often. Only once that she could remember, and that situation had ended in heartbreak.

The music was back to an up-tempo flow and Thomas led them back to the table. The spot they had been given to sit was in a corner where they could sit all to themselves and not be disturbed.

There were two chairs but the couple slid into the booth seat so they could sit next to one another. The waitress brought their drinks and they cozied up next to one another. Lila found it hard to keep her hands off of Thomas. And likewise, Thomas found it hard to keep his hands to himself. She was sure that he thought that he had to be a gentleman, but she wanted him to know that she was alright with him not being a gentleman in this case. Lila wanted to feel his hands all over her; she wanted him to cool the fires that were not burning within.

He sipped his drink, desire smoldering between the two of them. She took his lead and sipped her drink, hoping that the alcohol would help her to make sense of the situation in which they both found themselves.

Thomas finished his drink, placing the glass on the table. The music was thumping, people danced around them, yet it felt to Lila like all time and space had stopped around them. It had not gone unnoticed by her that all of the woman in the place had been sneaking a peek at the handsome, rugged soldier. But he was making it painfully clear to the others that he only had eyes for one woman. Lila. He took her glass from her hand, placed it on the table next to his glass and then slid her body close to his.

His kiss was exactly what she wanted it to be.



Lila's was breathless when he slid his arms around her, caressing her and not letting her go.

"Now do you understand what's happening, Lila?"

She nodded, unable to speak while she reveled in the afterglow of his kiss. Suddenly her heart began racing. If a kiss could turn her world upside down, what would happen if anything went further?

"Stay with me, Lila."

"Okay. I will."

She was not sure what she had just signed on for, but being with Thomas had convinced her that it was alright to simply go with the flow.

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