ROMANCE: The Bad Boy Meeting (25 page)

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“Thank you,” I stepped towards the hunter, aiming to put myself between her and them. I held the girl tight in my arms. “I wasn’t sure I was going to live through that.” I confessed in some attempt to get everyone on the same page. We were all here because we’d wanted to deal with someone who was killing innocent people. That had to stand for something- right?

She looked me up and down. “You put that girl ahead of you.” It wasn’t a question but I nodded. “That’s very kind of you.”

I felt a blush touch my cheeks. “I didn’t really think there was anything else I could do.” I shrugged. After all, it had been me he wanted. I was just giving her time to get away from here.

“Is she alright?”

The hunter sheathed her sword at her side as she stepped closer to me. I put a little distance between me and the girl, she didn’t want me to; she clung to me as she whimpered.

“It’s okay. He’s dead.” The hunter spoke softly, surprisingly calm as she reached out and touched the girls neck. “Here,” Her other hand slipped into her pocket and she pulled out a small bottle. “Drink this, it will help.” The girl nodded as she took the bottle from the hunter and drink it down.

I raised an eyebrow, the hunter only smiled. She took the girls other arm and motioned for us to make our way out of the alley. “We need to get her in a cab. She’ll begin to feel better soon.” She turned her attention to the girl. “We’re going to put you in a cab, alright? You’re going to go home and you’re going to lock you door and go to sleep.”

The girl nodded.

“What did you give her?” I asked.

“A mixture of something to help with healing and something to make her forget all of this.” She spoke softly, as if she felt guilty. There was no point in this girl remembering any of this. It would only scar her more. It would get her locked up; it would make her an easier target to those of us who knew about the paranormal.

We got her into a cab and by then she was able to walk herself. Whatever the hunter put in that little bottle sure did the trick. We waited until the cab was gone before I turned to her. “Thank you, for saving me.”

She shrugged. “It’s my job.”

“Still…” I knew some hunters didn’t believe in saving any of the paranormal, well anyone who wasn’t purely human. “I appreciate you not killing my boyfriend and my best friend either.”

She glanced at Dean and Kyle and for a second I was sure I could see her eyes roam over Kyle.

“I guess you all aren’t evil.”

“If only more of you would accept that.” Dean muttered. He extended a hand to her. “Thank you for saving Sarah, I’m in your debt.”

The hunter brushed the idea off with a wave of her hand. “Here.” She pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to me. “If you guys ever… need any help or get into any trouble with another hunter just give me a call.”

“Thank you.” I took the card from her and dug in my purse to pull out my own business card. I handed it to her, she gave me a smile and nodded towards Dean and Kyle before turning on her heel and leaving us where were standing.

I stared down at the card in her hand. Fine books & antiques dealer? Interesting. I’d given her my real one that simply said I was a freelance journalist, which was the truth though these days I wasn’t doing much journalism and was doing more fluffy stuff than anything else. I turned to Dean and Kyle. Kyle was still staring after her and I couldn’t help but wonder if there had been some kind of spark between them. I grinned. She would be perfect for him, if she could get past the fact that he was a werewolf.

I padded to the two boys, hooked my arm around Dean and let out a deep breath. “I don’t want to see a movie. Let’s go home, pretty please?”

Dean smiled pulling me into his arms. His lips touched my forehead softly. “Don’t ever scare my like that again, okay?”

“I’ll try not to.” I promised.

“Okay, then we can go home now. You’ve got presents to open.”

Chapter 2

When Dean had said presents I’d kinda been hoping he meant himself. Not that I wasn’t happy or excited to see the pile of gifts waiting for me. I turned to Dean, my jaw dropping. He just shrugged, silently saying the same thing he always said. I’ve got a lot of money and nothing to do with it, let me spend it on you. As if he was actually going to listen if I said no.

I sat down in front of the pile and counted them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I looked up at him, his smile wide as he sat down beside me. “Kyle helped me pick them out, well most of them.” His eyes gleamed in the way that told me there was something dirty in there. I grinned as Kyle leaned over the pile, picked one and tossed it at me. It was a small black box.


An hour later I’d unwrapped all my presents except one. I’d gotten more shoes, some books, a few movies I’d been trying to find for ages; clothing, a new tablet and a diamond ring from Dean.

Kyle smirked as he handed me the last gift. A small silver box.

I undid the bow carefully and pulled the lid off. My cheeks burned as I stared at what was inside.

Yes it was great, but to give it to me in front of Kyle? Oh gods, this was embarrassing.

Kyle snorted as Dean pulled me into his arms from behind. “You’re so cute when you blush.” He teased.

“Blush? She’s red as a tomato.” Kyle laughed. 

“I’m going to get you a vibrator for your birthday and see if you don’t blush.” I retorted placing the lid on the box and putting it beside everything else. Dean’s lips touched my neck, in the spot that they normally did. Kyle looked away as I felt my blush deepen. “Why don’t you go get ready in the bedroom? I’ve still got one more surprise for you.”

My eyes widened a little. I nodded and pushed myself up from the bed. I gave Kyle a soft smile. “See you in the morning.” I waved weakly as I padded into the bedroom, closed the door behind me and slipped out of everything by my new shoes. I went to my suitcase and pulled out my green silk night gown.

It wasn’t anything overly sexy, but Dean liked the bright green garment that fell just below my ass. I tied my long blonde hair into a pony tail on my left side and wiped away the red lipstick, instead going for a clear gloss. I didn’t remove my mascara or the bedroom eye I’d done earlier this morning, instead I touched it up a little and padded to the bed.

I turned to greet him with a smile as the door opened.

What I hadn’t been expecting was for Kyle to walk in.

My cheeks burned. “Oh, um, hey.”

His eyes roamed over me as he stepped closer. My knees felt weak as I tried to process this. Did Dean know he was in here? What was he doing in here?”

He stopped in front of me and reached out. His hands cupped my cheeks. “Happy birthday Sarah.” He pulled me into a deep kiss.

I stood there his soft lips against mine. He pulled me closer to him but I refused to move. He pulled away, concern written all over his face. I opened my mouth but I couldn’t get words out. My mind raced. Guilt welled up inside me. My heart jumped into my throat as I realized Dean was going to kill him if he ever found out.

The door opened. Dean stepped inside with a smile. He carried three water bottles in his hand. He looked from me to Kyle, the smile widened.

My knees gave out on me as I started to process this. I pointed at Kyle but my eyes locked on Dean. He gave me a single nod then I turned back to Kyle. He grinned.

“Like I said, happy birthday.”

“This was my final birthday present.” I stammered.

“Yes.” Dean nodded as he padded towards the bed. He laid the three water bottles on the bedside table and stood in front of me. He cupped my face in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “Unless you don’t want it.” He whispered.

We’d always talked about a threesome, but I’d never expected it to be with Kyle. Of course I found him attractive, hell more than attractive, but he was Dean’s friend I never thought he would go for a friend. I opened my mouth but words escaped me, so I used my body. My lips crashed against Deans as I pulled myself to my feet. I took a deep breath my arms wrapping around his neck as I kissed him passionately. I pulled away and stepped towards Kyle, softly pushing Dean towards the bed. I stopped right in front for Kyle. He looked uncomfortable to say the least. Awkwardly he reached out and touched my hips, his fingers tracing over the soft silk. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards my lips.

My heart dropped into my stomach as heat surged through my body. I pulled him closer, our lips coming together and pulling apart. He pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapping around my body. My teeth grazed his lower lip gently as a moan escaped me. I pulled away just enough to break the kiss, gave him another quick one and stepped away. I turned to Dean, and then looked back at Kyle.

“And you two were both in on this?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yes.” Dean nodded. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the bed.

In one swift motion that was far more gentle then it should have been he had me lying on my back, his body hovering on top of mine. He kissed me softly. “It was all my idea, but Kyle said he’d be our third party.”

Kyle padded towards the bed. My heart skipped a beat as he tangled his fingers into Dean’s hair. The two men kissed. At first it seemed awkward, but soon Dean’s arms wrapped around Kyle’s, pulling him closer. I bit my lip watching the two men. Dean grabbed Kyle’s shirt and in one swift motion had torn it. My eyes trailed from the two men’s lips down my boyfriend’s body to and over his muscular body. I swallowed dryly pushing myself up. I reached between them, my hands cupping the hard on that Dean already had. He let out a soft moan as I massaged him. “Fuck.” He breathed softly. I turned my attention to Kyle. My hand cupped his hard on as well, massaging gently. My eyes traced over both bodies. My boyfriend and his muscular chest, his six-pack abs, his strong arms. Kyle had a little less lower abs but his upper ones were more defined. His arms were as big as Dean’s. I grinned as I wondered who was bigger. Kyle’s fingers tangled into my hair as his lips touched mine aggressively. It wasn’t him that I was watching though. Dean lay down, his back on the bed and his hands grabbing my ass. His head slipped under my night gown. My blood boiled with anticipation. Kyle’s teeth grazed my lip softly. I let out a moan. Dean’s hands traced over the uppermost part of my thighs. Oh god. It felt so good. My eyes rolled back as I kissed Kyle.

Dean’s lips touched my thighs. A gasp escaped me, my legs feeling week already. Kyle grinned against my lips. Dean’s tongue slipped through my folds and into me, wasting no time at all. I moaned as Kyle pulled away from me. His eyes locked on me as I struggled to stay on my knees. Dean’s tongue slipped into me. His hot saliva coating my pussy as he slipped out and licked my clit. Fuck. My eyes rolled back. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I pulled away.

There was no way I was going to lose control already.

The two men stared at me as if they expected me to kick them both out. Instead I reached for Kyle and undid his black button up shirt. I let my fingers traced over every inch of his muscles as I glanced at Dean. “Take your pants off.” I ordered.

He grinned slipping off the bed and undoing his jeans. Both Kyle and I stared at him as he let his pants fall to his ankles, his boxers along with them. His hard cock sprang forward. I swallowed dryly, my pussy dripping with lust. “Get the condoms.”

He nodded padding towards his suitcase. We both kept a good supply of condoms in our bags.

I turned my attention to Kyle. “Your turn.”

He grinned unbuttoning his jeans. My pulse raced as I watched him slide his jeans down his thighs. Once I saw his cock I couldn’t look away. I bit my lip staring at it as Dean joined us back on the bed; Kyle tossed his jeans onto the floor.

Dean’s lips touched my neck softly. His hand cradled the other side as he pulled me closer, preparing the spot for a soft bite.

He sucked softly. Kyle settled down close to me, the two man’s thighs touching as Kyle pushed Dean’s hand away from my neck and lowered his lips to where it had just been.

I moaned, my eyes rolling back. I’d always wondered what this would be like. To have two men paying attention to every inch of my body. Someone’s hands slid down my curves to my hips, over my upper most thighs and to my pussy. I gasped feeling a finger slip into me.

“Oh god.” My eyes rolled back. The finger wiggled inside of me. It felt so god damn good. I forced my eyes open as I reached for their cocks. I looked down. It was Dean fingering me. I grabbed Kyle’s hand and moved it onto Dean’s hard cock before grabbing Kyles. He let out a noise of approval as I started rubbing.

Dean’s teeth became slightly sharper as he nibbled on my neck. He guided me down onto my back, his lips tracing their way along my body and over my breasts. I gasped as his lips covered my nipple, sucking gently.

“I need one of you inside me.” I whispered.

Everyone stopped what they were doing. I blushed as they looked from me to one another. “Who do you want inside you?” Dean asked.

I closed my eyes trying to decide. There was no right answer here. “Pick a number between 1 and 10.” Yes, this was how I was going to do it. 4. That was my number. Whoever was closest fucked me. I’d blow the other one, a win/ win for them.

“1.” Dean said.

“7.” Kyle said.

“4.” I smiled. Dean grinned widely as he reached for a condom. “You, there.” I spread my legs and pointed between them. “You,” I pointed at Kyle then to my chest. “Here.”

Kyle’s grin widened as he climbed over my chest. My nails dug into his left ass cheek as my tongue flicked out and licked his head. His eyes rolled back as he let out a deep breath.

My eyes locked on Dean. He was watching ever move as he slipped a condom on and came towards me. I felt him settled down between my legs. This tip of his cock pressed against me. I gasped as he pushed into me gently.

Kyle pushed his cock deeper into my mouth. I moaned against his length. He was a little smaller than Dean so taking in his full length wasn’t hard. He gasped as I felt him hit the back of my throat.

Dean slipped pushed back into me, his hands grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. His eyes locked on mine for a fraction of a second before he reached for Kyle. His fingers tangled into the werewolf’s hair, gently pulling him towards Dean. Dean’s lips traced over Kyle’s neck. I moaned louder so they could hear my approval. Dean pushed into me faster and faster, harder and harder. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

Kyle faced Dean, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. Dean’s finger slipped between my legs, touching my clit. He rubbed.

I moaned louder as I mouthed Kyle’s cock. Pleasure overwhelmed me, already threatening to send me over the edge. This was why I didn’t want much foreplay. I pulled Kyle closer to me, my nails digging into his tight ass. I sucked almost violently. His eyes rolled back as Dean’s lips trailed from his neck to his back.

“Fuck,” He whispered; his body tensing. The pleasured seemed from is voice threatening to send me over the edge. No. Not yet.

Dean slammed into me faster and faster. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke. He massaged my clit. My eyes rolled back. I sucked faster, harder, pulling as much of him into my mouth as I could. His fingers tangled into my hair as he pumped his hips, his cock sliding in and out of my mouth easily.

Dean’s cock slid in and out of my pussy, each time faster, each time harder.

Kyle grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, his body tense as he pushed his entire cock into my mouth. I almost choked. My tongue tickled his head as I forced my eyes open to see his orgasm. He gasped, his eyes rolling back as his hips thrust faster and faster. I moaned louder, my tongue playing with every inch of my cock that it could. He let out another gasp, mixed with something that reminded me of a growl and a sound of pleasure. I felt his cum slide down my throat without even realizing it. A soft moan escaped me as I sucked him dry.

He let out a deep breath, his eyes locking on mine as his cock slid from my mouth and he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “I never knew you were that good with your mouth.” He whispered softly before climbing off me and sitting on the side of the bed. He reached for a bottle of water and drained it in a matter of seconds before turning his attention back to me.

I glanced at Dean. He smiled lowering himself to my lips. A soft kiss. A gentle nip. My nipples pinched. I gasped looking down to see Kyle’s hands there. He just grinned as Dean slid in and out of me. Stroke. Stroke. Stroke.

My arms wrapped around his neck as our kiss deepened. He pulled away just enough to whisper. “Come for me Sarah.”

His words were enough to push me over the edge I’d already been so close to me. I nodded, my eyes rolling back. He slammed into me faster and faster. His fingers dug into my hips as he pulled me closer. Kyle massaged my breasts. Kyle.

Kyle was here. This wasn’t a dream. This was really happening, I’d just blown him. The realization set my body on fire. Everything went a hazy white. I gasped, my nails digging into the bedding as my hips rose to meet his thrust. My toes curled as pleasure surged through my body. “Oh yes, oh fuck yes.” I muttered, my body overcome with pleasure.

Dean slammed into me letting out his own sound that told me he had reached orgasm. I arched as he pushed out and slammed back into me. Another wave of pleasure surged through me, this time a little fainter. He slammed into me again, letting out something that sort of sounded like a grunt.

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