Romance: The Billionaire Alpha Collection (18 page)

BOOK: Romance: The Billionaire Alpha Collection
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Chapter 3










I watch as Grayson sits on the chair in the room and I look over at him.

I have a feeling that he’s up to something but I honestly just don’t know what it is or what it could be because we never had a conversation outside of our parents’ reception.

“Do you really want a dance or do you want a chance to chew me out over my career choice? Because if it’s the second one, you can get up and leave right now because I’m not in the mood.”

“Why would I chew you out over your career choice? You’re a grown woman,” he says with a smirk. “And a very lovely one too.”

His eyes stare at my breasts.

“You really want a private dance?”

“That is what I paid for.”

“You never know. One hundred fifty dollars isn’t really money to you.”

“It’s not but once I pay for something, I really like to receive the services. And it better be a good service too.”

I sigh.

Am I really going to do this?

This job meant too much to me to walk away from.

I hit the button so the music will start to play. I slowly walk over to him and feel my legs start to shake.

I have to disassociate myself from him if I want to get through this, so I try to picture him as any other man. I sit on his lap and start to grind.

He doesn’t move, he just sits stiff as a board. I slide my bra off, turn to face him, and place my breasts in his face while still winding in his lap.

With my legs pressed against his groin, I feel his member start to grow and I smirk a little.

I was getting through that tough shell of his. From what I could feel through his pants, it was long and immediately my mind flashed to him taking me from behind on the chair.

My body was becoming heated and I could feel my center becoming moist. I knew I had to get up off of him before I did something crazy.

What was my body doing?

I don’t like this guy. He is a pig.

But my body doesn’t seem to think so…

His smell covers me with lust. Oh…

I get up from off his lap and bend over in front him and start to shake my ass a little, trying to block out the fantasy I keep having of him thrusting his cock deep inside of me.

I slowly slide my G-string down my legs and when I turn back around, I bump into his chest. I look up at him and I see a look I have never seen in his eyes before.

“What are you doing? Do you want the dance to end?” I ask, hoping it was the case because I was about to lose every ounce of sanity if I kept dancing for him.

I don’t even know why he is making me feel this way when he clearly is a jerk.

He shakes his head and pulls me into his chest.

I gasp as he takes my face into his hands and starts to passionately kiss me.

I resist at first but then I slowly start to give in, throwing my arms around his neck. He gently lifts me off the floor and places me on the couch at the side of the room.

He pulls his mouth away from mine and starts to kiss me down my neck. I moan out in pleasure as he takes my nipple into my mouth and starts to suckle on it and repeats the same torture to the other one. He then starts to kiss me down my stomach and then back up.

As he slides two fingers deep inside my opening, I gasp in pleasure and start to ride them. He looks up at me and smiles before he stands. He pulls his cock out, showing it to me. With his strong arms, he pulls me down on the couch, spreads my legs, and gently enters me.

I gasp in pleasure as he fills me all the way up.

He strokes me slow at first and then starts to speed his strokes up. I push into him, matching him move for move.

I feel the pressure building up inside of me and I feel myself climaxing all over his cock. He speeds up his strokes even more and all I can hear is our skin slapping together over the sounds of pleasure.

His body stiffens and he lets out a strangled groan. I can feel him letting loose, filling my insides.


He looks down at me, pulls his pants up, places a few bills on the table, and walks out of the room.

My mouth is wide open in shock.


What just happened?

The door is slightly ajar and I hear the sounds of somebody walking past.


I am in shock.

The sounds of the club ring through the room.

“What the hell did I just do?” I whisper to myself.

In shock, I fix up my clothes and rush out of the room.

I look over at James, who gives a thumbs up sign but I don’t respond.

What the hell just happened?

I go into the backroom grab my clothes and throw them on.

“You okay? Did you run into a jerk out there?” one of the girls ask, concerned.

“Yeah, a rich jerk named Grayson Williams. He’s a total asshole and I’m just ready to get the hell up out of here,” I say as I take the money out of my box and count out James’ half.

I was one of the few girls who he trusted not to screw him over, although tonight I really did feel like it.

“Sometimes this job can be a trip. Take it easy,” she says as she walks away.

I grab the rest of my stuff and head out of the door. I find James and thrust his half of the money into his hand.

“Looks like you had a very good night.”

“Yeah, well, just don’t forget, no more slow days.”

“I won’t, baby.”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me, James, I’m serious. Don’t try to weasel your way out of it.”

“I give you my word that I won’t.”

“Yeah, okay. Well, I’m leaving.”

“See you soon sexy girl.”


What the hell just happened?


Chapter 4











As soon as I get into the apartment, I move straight to the bathroom.

I feel dirty and used after the situation with Grayson.


I still can’t believe he would use me like that.

But then again, he is an arrogant jerk who was also a well-known playboy.

I had heard all of the rumors but I still allowed myself to fall for it. I had gotten caught up in the moment and I hated myself for it.

I always prided myself on never sleeping with a customer but now that was all shot to hell.

After I rip off all my clothes in anger, I turn the shower on super-hot. I get in and try to wash all of the shame off of me but it’s no use, I still feel the same way.

The constant flow of hot water covers the tears streaming down my cheeks.

Why? Why did I let that happen to me?

Why did my body betray me like that?


My fist gently knocks against the wall as the tears keep coming. The seduction of his power was too strong. His smell, his strong hands, and his dashing good looks… it was all too much.

Crashing into my bed after almost burning my skin in the shower, I silently sob into my pillow.

Why would I let it happen?




I wake up the next morning at almost noon and smell something cooking in the kitchen. I pull on a pair my robe and walk toward the intoxicating smell.

I see Rose, fully dressed, making French toast. She looks over at me and smiles one of her famous smiles.

“Looks like you had a rough night. Glad I decided to get up and cook some brunch,” she says.

I sigh. “You have no idea. Last night was one of the longest nights I had ever had in my life.”

“Did you meet your goal?”

“I made fifteen-hundred after James got his cut.”

“So why the long face? Still don’t like doing it? I told you, it’ll eventually grow on you but you don’t plan on doing it forever anyway, so you don’t have to deal with the assholes forever.”

“Nope, I don’t. I’m supposed to be doing something to do with English literature, not doing something strange for a piece of change, you know? Clapping my ass to get some cash. I’m just saying I really wanted to be doing more by now. It’s just that things have a way of not going how I want them to go.”

“Well, technically, you’re not doing anything all that strange. You’re just dancing to get on your feet. Not like you’re sleeping with the customers.”

I roll my eyes and look down at the floor. Rose stares at me for a while before her eyes get wide.

“You didn’t! Who was it? Who got you to break the code we had in place for one another? He had to be someone good if you went against it.”

I take a deep breath and look up at her. “It was Grayson. My stepbrother.”


I nod.

“He was at the club?”

I nod again.

“Oh no,” Rose embraces in a wide hug and the tears start again.

“I didn’t mean to,” I blurt out.

“I thought you didn’t like him? But I’ve see him in all those magazines, I probably would’ve given him some myself, the man is gorgeous but, I mean, isn’t that kind of weird? Your Mom is married to his Dad!”

I roll my eyes at her.

“I just… I don’t know, I got caught up and now I’m beating myself up over it. I mean, he treated me like some piece of ass. We had sex… passionate sex… and then he just placed money on the table and left as if he does this all the time. Now that I think about it, he probably does it all the time. With all the money he has, he probably buys countless amount of women.”

“Wow! I would be pretty mad, too. That’s pretty bad.”

“He didn’t say anything. Just put the money down and left.”


“I’m angrier at myself though. I know better. I knew I shouldn’t have done it but I did anyway. I let my hormones get the best of me and now I’m beating myself into next week about it.”

“We’re all entitled to make mistakes, Monica. No one is perfect. I make mistakes all the time and I know I will make even more. The point is that we learn from them and move on. That’s it. You can’t change what’s already happened but you can try not to let it happen again if you don’t want it to.”

“But I have to deal with this mistake! He’s my stepbrother!”

“Yeah… what are you going to do about that?”

“I don’t know! Holidays, anniversary parties, and any other thing our parents want to drag us along for, are going to be so awkward. I’m probably not even going to be able to look him in his face. And you know my Mom is like part bloodhound, she’s probably going to scope out that’s something wrong and I have have no idea what I’m going to say to her.”

“You could always just avoid him. Your parents’ parties are always so big that you could just sneak out. You do it all the time anyway. You’re just getting yourself worked up over nothing. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just take him in a corner, slap him, and get over it. Simple, right?”

“I guess you’re right. Not about the slapping thing because someone would see and then tell on us. And I really don’t want to have to explain why I felt the need to slap him.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over it. After all, like I said, we all make mistakes and do things we aren’t proud of and if someone tells you different, they are lying. And I can imagine that conversation. Yeah, I slapped him because he had sex with me and paid me like I was some two bit hooker and didn’t even say thanks or nothing at all.”

I look at her and laugh.

“I guess you’re right but I’m definitely going to start putting in some more applications to get a regular job. I don’t know how much longer I can deal with being a stripper. It’s just starting to be not worth it anymore.”

“You’re a top money maker, I don’t know why you’re in a rush. If you didn’t have so many bills, you could live comfortably. And you’ll struggle to find an entrance job that pays as well as you get now.”

“I just don’t feel as comfortable in my skin as you all do. My breasts are smaller than most of yours and I have just enough ass to make it clap. It’s not like I’m like those chicks in the pornos, and I’m not even close to Ariel’s ass. That girl has ass and titties for days! I’m jealous. And most of those girls can do wonders on the pole.”

“You are wonderful. You’re beautiful and sexy. That’s why you earn so much. That’s why the guys like you. You are the sexy girl next door. The girl they really want. Why do you think you get the most lap dances? Because you provide a fantasy that the rest of us can’t provide. Plus, you look all innocent and the rest of us look like we really do something strange for a piece of change.”

“Well, either way, I just want a job where I can go in and not have to take off my clothes for money. It’s not for me. Not saying that anything’s wrong with it, though. I just wish I really could find a job in my field.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “The life isn’t for everybody. I know I’m not leaving it anytime soon. We make people happy, Monica. Those men are dealing with stress in their lives and they get to escape when they are with us. We make them happier. We can change lives by doing what we do.”

“You have a great outlook on what we do,” I smile.

“You know that I also plan on starting my own strip club one day so this will be a permanent lifestyle for me. The money is a little too good for me to give up.”

“You’re right about that - the lifestyle part. How far away do you think you are from starting your own club?”

“I think I’m about a good two years off from starting my own club. I can’t wait either, I already have it pictured in my head. But do you want some French toast? I made enough for the both of us.”

“Yeah, sure, I could use a pick me up. Is it stuffed?”

“Is there any other way to eat it?”

“Not unless you’re a weirdo.”

We look at each other and laugh.

It is good to have a friend like Rose, especially when I am feeling down.

She can always make me feel better about myself, no matter what was going on. She is the big sister I never had and I really appreciated it.

She places the French toast on the plate and grabs the syrup out of the refrigerator. I pour it all over my toast and take a bite.

“Oh, my goodness, this is so good!”

“I know! My skills are getting up there.”

“You’re learning to do a little something,” I say as I laugh.

As I reach into the fridge for the orange juice, something occurs to me.

“No!” I exclaim.

“What’s wrong?”

“The anniversary party is next month!”

“Well, you better get your slapping hand ready.”

“No! This is not good.”

“I thought you weren’t going anyway? I thought you didn’t like all that sort of snobbery?”

“Mom made me promise to go. And I’ve missed the last three parties she has held.”

Mom and her new husband’s one-year anniversary is next month and there is no way I can get out of it.

Soon, I am going to be forced to be in a room with that pig, Grayson and he has the upper hand on me.

“I have to find a way to avoid him for the entire party or I am sure I am going to ruin my Mom’s anniversary party with a very loud outburst.”






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