Romance: Three Stories of BBBW Lust and Love (BWWM, BBW Interracial Romance, Erotica, Alpha)

BOOK: Romance: Three Stories of BBBW Lust and Love (BWWM, BBW Interracial Romance, Erotica, Alpha)
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First story
The curvaceous Claire has always had body issues. She never takes compliments
seriously, never sees herself as beautiful and never looks for the
next-big-romance of her life. Despite gaining a lot of male attention for
having curves in all the right places Claire renders herself hideous. Her story
isn’t about the next big romance of her life, but about that one man who makes
her feel like her body isn’t disgusting. Together they explore every inch of
her figure and he gives her the boost of confidence (and much more) she needs
to go home with a smile on her face.

Second story

When a man
washes up on an island ruled by women no-one knows what to do. Do they kill
him? Do they let him go and risk being found by society? Their primitive ways
have kept the peace but all that was about to change… One woman, a warrior of
her people falls for the American stranger, she becomes enticed by his blonde
hair and he is captivated by her beautiful, dark skin. Together they deceive
the island and risk everything for a whirlwind romance that can endanger both
their lives.

Third story

This is the
diary of a beautiful, dark beauty who works in a diner. America isn’t quite
ready for integration yet, every day she finds herself battling against racist
truckers and dealing with pitiful stares from bored housewives who all have
something to say behind her back. She lives above the diner; she eats in the
diner, her only friends work at the diner. She has nothing…until she meets
‘him’. Read through her journal and discover the interracial romance that
unfolds in a time when the land of the free wasn’t free.

I didn’t know who he
was or how he came to be here but one thing was for certain – he would have to
face the wrath of her majesty. Queen Aztekia was not a forgiving woman;
especially when it came to men setting foot on her soil. Why had he com e here?
Did he not know of our laws? These questions couldn’t help but cross my mind
but as I stood on the sandy beach of my peaceful homeland I looked to my fellow
women and realized that it did not matter. This was a heaven for our women and
men only brought destruction any time we let them ashore.

“Seize him; he
shall answer to the queen.” I gave the order to my dark-skinned sisters. All of
the women of the Aztekki were gifted with the tanned skin from our never-ending
sunlight.  Nightfall had never fallen over our peaceful island and because of
this our crops, our forests and our soil was the most fertile in the entire
world – not that I’d ever left our island of course. Those were the rumours
that ran through our villages though and I had no reason to ignore them. We
were blessed women, blessed because we didn’t allow men to corrupt us.

They grabbed the
unconscious, blonde man who was eating the sand from the shore as the tide ran
up and down his legs. How did he get here? Didn’t he know that being in the
middle of the ocean was a lot safer? I almost felt sorry as they dragged him
through the sand and dirt but our laws had to be upheld more than anything else
– it was the reason we’d survived this long.

That’s not to
say all of us had no contact with men because once every ten years there was
something we called ‘the mating’ in which one-hundred of our most… expendable
women were selected to venture off into the world, mate and then return nine
months later with their children if they were girls. We generated around
fifty-odd new-borns doing this but some women never returned. They were told
they were selected because they were special – the reality was that they had no
skills we could use on the island. I wasn’t allowed to go stemming from ‘pure’
blood; my family was one of the founders of this land.

The blonde man
did not wake the entire journey to our queen – he was barely breathing. As we
left the shore  through the forest and to the centre of our small island where
the town resided, all the women were staring out of their houses, all the girls
were following behind us and poking sticks at the male. His light skin and
blonde hair made him all the more suspicious and odd to our land – he stuck out
more than anything else on the island. Some of these women had never seen a
male in person or in pictures, no drawings, no recordings or anything else. We
tried to keep primitive because we believed in hard labour but we were not
blind to the sciences of the modern world away from our land – we just chose
not to accept a lot of it as we felt it drives society into conflict and

Our Queen
resided in a humble yet mighty structure. It took everyone in the town to come
together many years ago to form the temple – now it was more like a shared home
that all the founders’ families lived in including myself. The Queen had the
chambers in the far east, myself to the west, there was two others both to the
south east and south west and the point directly south was the audience hall in
which we were dragging this man to answer to our ruler.

My sister’s
threw the unconscious man to the floor, his body still dripping from the ocean
and his clothes torn. We all looked to one another as he started to spit the
sea-salt from his throat and roll over onto his back, his eyes were still shut
but his body was starting to respond to whatever ordeal he’d been through.

“We found this
man washed ashore,” I spoke out to the Queen who was sat in her usual place –
atop a throne surrounded by maidens that willingly served her. There was no
such thing as work or slavery here, only those willing to contribute on their
own terms.

Queen Aztekia
was calm and collective by nature, she ruled with an iron fist when it came
down to matters of importance but always kept a smile lingering across her dark
lips. I often thought she was the most troubled of us all because I’d never
seen someone bare a smile as long as she did; the rest of us wore our worries

“A man?” She
began walking down the steps from her seat and knelt just atop the head of the
intruder, her face leaning over his own very closely as if she was listening to
his breath.

Suddenly the man
twitched and in the blink of an eye he was behind the Queen, his hand on her
throat and his back up straight, he backed up until he tripped on a step and
Aztekia broke free, turning as fast as she could to lay a forceful slap to the
man’s face and then running behind the leagues of warriors that flooded into
the hall without a moment’s hesitation.

I could barely
keep up with what had just happened but now the man was stood in-front of the
throne facing down into the hall with dozens of our finest warrior’s looking up
to him with spears in hand.
“Don’t kill him!” The Queen screamed the order above the sound of all the slurs
our women were yelling at the startled man, as ordered the spears were lowered
but the tension remained in the air as the startled blonde man scanned the room
– probably planning an escape.

“Where am I?!”
This was why men weren’t allowed, attack first and ask questions later – it was
these traits that we loathed on our island.

“How dare you
speak out to us after threatening our Queen!” I lost my temper, it was the
first time I’d seen one properly and I already knew that all the horror stories
of the male species must’ve been true. He was a savage, he had no place being
here and I was going to make sure of it.

“Calm down
Azura!” The Queen had never raised her voice at me before, looking to her as
she walked through the dozens of women and into the front lines facing the man
everyone stood silently waiting for his next move and wondering what Aztekia
was up to.

The room fell
silent, the Queen was stood in the centre and the blonde man stood shaking atop
the steps, in-front of the throne. All the women gathered in rows of four
behind me and I looked onto my Queen wondering what she was thinking. It was
madness, I’d never been in a situation like this and within moments of him
waking this man had turned our peaceful town into a mess. Most of the women
behind me were ready to strike; they’d been hunting for years and knew how to
nail a rabbit in the midst of a dense forest never-mind a pale skinned man that
stuck out against the dense, dark interior of our buildings. All she had to do
was say the word and this would be over, why wasn’t she ordering us to finish
him off?

“Azura, please
take our guest and show him to the chambers in the west of the building.” The
west? Those were my chambers…

Usually we were
allowed to question the Queen with the good of the people in-mind as she seemed
to always put others before herself but something told me that on this matter I
couldn’t argue. I swallowed both my pride and fears of the thing in-front and
took lead as all the other women were slowly dismissed from the hall. 

The quieter the
room got the more the man seemed to relax, by the time it was only myself, the
queen and two maids left he had taken it upon himself to sit in the throne –
something I wanted to strike him down for but the Queen merely acted as if he
was sat on a stool.

“What’s your
name?” She questioned him with her gentle smile as she knelt at his side, he
flinched at every move she made so she seemed to try not to scare him by almost
whispering into his ear, her soothing voice calming his trembling hands as they
latched into the sides of the throne.

“Kevin…” What
kind of name was that? I’d never heard of such an odd name before.

The conversation
between the two of them went on for a while until Kevin had apologised for his
behaviour and the Queen had offered him beverage. Now that she had made him
feel comfortable he was willing to go with me to my chambers although I didn’t
quite understand the purpose of this when we had plenty of room in the maid’s
quarters. Still, I didn’t question my orders and now that his attitude had
changed and those blue eyes of his had gone from a fire-filled rage to a clam
settled state I was willing to learn more about this Kevin and his species in

“Your Queen sure
knows how to throw a punch.” He spoke out as we entered the long-line of rooms
which made my home within the temple. I didn’t quite get what he was trying to
say or ask me but I assumed it had something to do with our fighting ability
and specifically directed towards the move that the Queen had used to escape
his grasp. 

“We are all
trained in combat from a young age, including the Queen. You have to learn how
to fight to protect this place from men.” He made an odd, laughing noise as if
I’d said something funny as I threw my rags onto the bed; leaving only my fur
bra and fur shorts on – things I’d made myself from successful hunts.

“And what’s so
bad about men?” His question was stupid, how could he not know of his own kind?
Did I need to educate the man on his species or was he just trying to trick me?

As I turned to
face him I noticed a change in his attitude, suddenly he looked onto my body
with a different expression running across his face. His eyes widened and
lowered from matching my own, dark eyes. His mouth form a smile as his body
began to tense, I knew what these signs were of and I had absolutely zero
interest in preforming a mating ritual with this fiend.

“No.” I reminded
him of the abilities we possessed and matched the red mark on the right side of
his face with a blow to the left, possibly even more forceful than that of our

I must’ve
smacked the man too hard seeing as he fell back onto the ground, he was out
cold within seconds – men were so fragile.

He spent the
entire day and night curled up on the ground whispering to himself about
whatever it was that he left behind. I didn’t know how he came to be here or
why but our laws clearly stated that men weren’t allowed to live after seeing this
place as they would go back and lead others here to take over. We knew how they
worked, their first for power and dominance outweighed that of sense or reason.
Still, there was something odd about Kevin – or at least something wrong with
me. I found myself covering him with fur blankets and a smile breaching my face
as he turned to thank me in a half-dazed state. Idiot.

The man… Kevin,
began working for us the next day. He never mentioned why or how he came here
but the Queen trusted him so the island kept quiet about his distinct
differences, not just him being male but his paleness as-well. Only those who
had left had seen his skin tone before but for the rest of us we found it odd;
it just made him stand out all the more.

“Please, tell me
there’s a reason for this. We’re going against years of tradition.” I found
myself mid-argument with the Queen before I knew it. I was shouting, screaming
and raging about her decision, not that I wanted the man to be brutally
murdered after realizing he was of no harm so long as he was under watch but I
wanted answers as to why he was here in the first place or at least why the
Queen didn’t question him further.

“There is Azura,
there’s a reason for everything – don’t you know that yet?” I was silenced by
my superior as she kept that calm and collective smile painted on but her eyes
glistened with a scheme.

“You saw the way
he was. He could’ve ripped my throat out before anyone of you could save me.
There’s no need for bloodshed. We’ll kill him when the time is right and before
then he might be of use.” Of use? I didn’t get what she meant, how could this
man be of any use to us.

“I’ve always
wanted a child you see…”

It would seem
the Queen had her own scheme planned however something inside of me was telling
me that this wasn’t right. Sure, he had no place on our island but to lead the
man into a false sense of security and abuse his sexuality before killing him –
wasn’t that the reason we fled from men years ago? Wasn’t that what this island
was meant to protect us from? So how can she stand there with a smile running
across her face as she plans to abuse this male for his manhood then dispose of

 “Don’t look so
shocked; your mother had you against the orders of other founders didn’t she?”
I’d never thought about it like that…Still, to groom the man and then kill him
under a veil of darkness as he sleeps or something to that effect – it was a
little monstrous of us.

Our conversation
weighed on my mind more and more as time passed. Kevin had become somewhat useful,
a part of our community in a way despite being different. He never raised his
voice, never questioned and was happy to be allowed to live here in peace. I
found myself questioning our islands isolated state, I found myself questioning
a Queen in which I had obeyed blindly for years now.

Kevin became
more and more relaxed; he became reliable, dependable and loyal to our people.
He worked on the farms, he hunted, he fished, and he did anything and
everything we asked for over a month. The whole time Aztekia was plotting when
to make her move, visiting him at all hours when she thought I was asleep,
whispering things into his ear and stroking his blonde locks. I didn’t know why
but I found myself growing to question everything about her – I found myself
jealous of her. I’d never felt this way before.

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