Abby and the Cute One (Backstage Pass)

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Authors: Erin Butler

Tags: #crush, #ya, #teen, #boy band, #band, #Young Adult, #Backstage Pass, #Erin Butler, #forbidden romance, #boss-employee, #close proximity, #fun, #Romance, #Entangled

BOOK: Abby and the Cute One (Backstage Pass)
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He’s cute. He’s famous. And he could ruin everything…

Every member of Seconds to Juliet has a girlfriend—except for Nathan Strong. Now the band’s manager is leaning hard on “The Cute One” to play the role of the band’s heartthrob. With the band’s sales in decline, it’s up to Nathan to keep the fans’ fantasy alive.

The plan is to stage a fake relationship and a fake breakup, and then let the fans fight to be the one to mend Nathan’s broken heart. Just one problem. There’s another girl in the picture–one Nathan can’t stay away from. In private, Nathan’s stealing kisses with the band’s new opening act, Abby Curtis.

If they’re caught, no one wins. Abby will be fired, and the band might not recover the success they need to survive. But even with the pressure mounting, Nathan and Abby can’t stop themselves from stealing one more touch, one more kiss. And it’s only a matter of time before it all falls apart.

Table of Contents

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2015 by Erin Butler. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

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Crush is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC.

Edited by Stephen Morgan

Cover design by Jessica Cantor

Cover art from iStock

ISBN 978-1-63375-387-7

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition November 2015

For my niece, Abby


Nathan Strong




A little town in PA no one has ever heard of

Favorite song on debut album:
The One

Turn ons:
Drive and passion

His dream date:
A night under the stars.

Quote to live by:
“Seize the moment.”

Chapter One


f Nathan Strong were any other sixteen-year-old guy, helping the gorgeous actress he’d just finished dinner with into her car would’ve been the perfect ending to a once-in-a-lifetime evening. Especially since he was sure she just slipped him her number.

Instead, he found it exhausting.

He didn’t even know how to take her slipping him her number. Or the way she’d fawned over him all dinner. The whole thing was a publicity stunt set up by LJ. And like a fool, Nathan had agreed to play along. Even though he didn’t feel a thing for this girl.

Nathan flashed his toothy grin the paparazzi seemed to love and then turned, stuffing the scrap of paper she’d gifted him into his pocket. Thrust into the spotlight as S2J’s most eligible bachelor was, hands down, the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Winning
Rockstars: Live!
was a piece of cake next to dating celebrities and always having the right thing to say. He could’ve won that show five times over with how much his new responsibilities weighed him down.

Beau, his bodyguard, greeted him with a smile. “How did the date go with Miranda?”

Nathan shrugged. “Fine. Good. She was nice.”

His bodyguard chuckled. “Her name was Marissa. You might’ve heard of her. She’s kind of the next big thing.”

Did he not even know her name? He tended to tune out on these image dates LJ set him up on, but this was an all-time low.

It was true they’d all started to blend together. Miranda. Marissa. Melissa. Practiced. Rehearsed. They were only interested in one thing: what could Nathan do for them and their careers? Then again, that was also why LJ kept setting him up on the dates. They helped S2J by solidifying Nathan as the irresistible cute one. The baby of the group who was finally looking to find a girl of his own.

Where was Miles “the heartthrob” Carlisle when you needed him? Most likely talking to Aimee on the cell phone that had somehow permanently attached itself to his face. Nathan didn’t know cell phones could do that, but Miles was living, daily proof. As were Ryder and Trevin, who suffered from the same condition.

Nathan finally looked at Beau—what had he just said about Melissa? Something about her being a big thing? “And you know she’s the next big thing because…?”

He shrugged. “TV Guide. I have a lot of downtime.”

Downtime. The word became more foreign and harder to recall every day, like the perfect lyric, just out of reach. If Nathan wasn’t rehearsing with Seconds to Juliet, he was writing with the guys, sleeping, or dating.

He didn’t mean to complain. Not really. He loved singing and the band and the fans, but he didn’t sign up for all the extra-curricular stuff no one had mentioned when he was a kid dancing on his porch.

He kicked a pebble on the sidewalk and watched it fly down the street. If only it were that easy to get rid of the constant pressure. Meeting Beau’s gaze, he said, “I feel like a walk tonight. Meet you back at the hotel?”

Before Nathan could take a step, the bodyguard was in front of him, wearing his serious duty face. “You know I can’t let you do that, Nathan. There are people all over this street. You wouldn’t last thirty seconds before being recognized.”

It was a nice try. One Nathan knew he wouldn’t get away with, but on the off chance Beau took pity on him, he had to go for it. “I know. I just need to clear my head. How about a walk down by the river before we head back? It’s been a rough night.”

“Right. Real rough. It must be terrible to sit across from a pretty girl all night at a fancy restaurant.”

Nathan shook his head. “You have no idea.” Give him McDonald’s and
The Tudors
any night over this crap.

Beau sighed and eyed the trail ramp just to the left of the posh restaurant. A concrete walkway sloped down to a river overlook. It was deserted. There were streetlights. Nathan couldn’t see any reason Beau would say no. Still, the bodyguard hesitated.

Nathan’s heart contracted. He never asked for much. He’d taken on his new bachelor status with as much enthusiasm as he could muster, but right now, he really wanted to be alone. “Please. I just need five minutes. I’ll owe you one.”

Finally, Beau nodded and Nathan clapped him on the shoulder. “Thank you.” It was the most sincere thing he’d said all day.

As Nathan made his way down the ramp, footsteps echoed behind him. He stopped and looked back, only to find Beau following at a respectable distance.

Well, any other day Nathan would’ve thought it respectable, but apparently not today. With more assholishness than intended, he asked, “Can I be alone?”

All bodyguard now, Beau nodded once. He took his warrior stance next to the ramp, legs spread shoulder-width apart and arms crossed.

If Nathan didn’t know better, he’d be scared of him. Screaming mobs of teenage girls weren’t even the tiniest bit afraid, though. Nathan was convinced they weren’t scared of anything. At least anything that came between them and any of the five S2J guys.

Finally by himself, Nathan strolled down the ramp; skyscraper lights, bright whites, greens, and yellows, twinkled off the rippling water. Every now and then a blinking red light mirrored in the river. Nathan followed the city skyline up to the tallest building. An even taller antenna poked into the clouds blinking the warning red every few seconds.

Here by the water, he could pretend he wasn’t the one LJ counted on to keep the band at the top of the charts and the focus of the public’s attention. Sure, they were still selling out stadiums, but public interest had taken a nosedive. LJ’s explanation? Four out of the five of them now had girlfriends. Nathan was the only single guy left, which put all of the pressure on him.

LJ’s brand new scheme put Nathan front and center in the spotlight. The media played him up as Seconds to Juliet’s newest and cutest eligible bachelor. All he had to do was act available but not
available. He needed to be the dream for the hundreds of thousands of teen girls who wanted S2J.

LJ had called it. He said the fans would be tripping over themselves to be the one to steal Nathan’s heart. He was right. The craziness surrounding him only intensified every time there was a picture of him in some magazine holding open a door for his date or handing some random girl flowers at one of their shows.

Nathan didn’t mind helping out. Really. It was just the stress of it all. And the fact that it was all fake. He wanted someone he had real feelings for. Real passion. Someone whose every look didn’t remind him that it was all a game.

What else was he supposed to do, though? The image dates were obviously working, and the possibility of Nathan finding a real relationship was slim. The only people he spent enough time around to even have the possibility of falling for them were the roadies and stylists who worked for S2J and any opening acts. After the drama with Miles and Paige, LJ had put a hard no on any of the band dating any of the other “talent.” If Nathan wanted romance, he’d have to accept the fake kind that came from fake dates.

Fake. Fake. Fake.

“I’m not a fairy tale girl, no one’s going to save me.”

Nathan stopped at the voice, his neck craning to find the source. A little ways down the trail, he spotted a shadowy figure singing into her fists.

A loud groan interrupted the song. The girl shook out her hands and started again.
“I’m not a fairy tale girl, no one’s going to save me.”

Curious, Nathan walked toward the voice. It was haunting yet beautiful. Such a rich tone. He was so caught up in it he didn’t notice the empty soda can a step away until he accidentally kicked it. In the peaceful night, the rattling of the aluminum against cement sounded like a jackhammer.

The singing stopped, and Nathan cursed himself for ruining it. He could’ve listened to her voice all night.

Surrounded by a pool of light from the overhead trail lights, Nathan reached for the can. When he looked up, the girl’s eyes widened. So she recognized him, but weirder still, she seemed familiar, too.

Before he could think too much into it, she spoke. “Holy crap.”

She froze as if any sudden movement would make him skitter away. Nathan couldn’t help but laugh at the mixed emotions on her face. Scared, confused, excited, awed. Her cheeks reddened.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t help myself.” He threw the can into the recycling bin, walked toward her, and held out his hand. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you.” He didn’t bother giving his name—she obviously already knew.

The girl bit her lip and eyed his outstretched hand. She was wearing a cute beach dress just revealing enough to make his stare linger in some areas. Her collarbone flirted with the off-shoulder straps that also showed off a long neck partially hidden by flowing blond hair. When she finally did smile at Nathan, it cut right through him.

The girl took his hand and shook it once. When she stepped back, she eyed him and toyed with her lip. “I’m sorry, I just…can’t believe you’re here right now. How crazy.”

Crazy? Crazy was the way his pulse thumped at his wrists. Talk about instant attraction. This girl was beyond beautiful—she was gorgeous. Much prettier than the dolled-up mannequin he’d walked to the car only minutes ago.

“What are you doing here?” she stammered.

Nathan loved those kinds of questions. Wasn’t it obvious? He walked in a circle and then lifted his foot toward her, wiggling it around for good measure. “Walking.”

She smiled, which Nathan counted on, but she also did something else no one had done to him in a long time: she rolled her eyes.

It was…awesome. The realness of it all made him smile.

She curled her long blond hair behind her ears. “Obviously you’re walking, but what are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be surrounded by an entourage or something?” She peered over his shoulder. “Are the rest of the guys with you?”

The hopeful look on her face socked him in the gut. Would she have preferred another member of S2J? “I’m afraid it’s just me tonight. Sorry to disappoint.”

“No, I mean…” She blushed. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just usually when you’re around, so are they. I mean, I really wouldn’t know, but in pictures, and when you’re singing…”

Nathan couldn’t argue with that logic. He’d spent more time with Seconds to Juliet than his own family over the past two years. Hell, even the hair and makeup staff knew more about him now than his own sister did.

“Was that you singing? I heard the voice of an angel earlier.” He pretended to look around her back. “But I don’t see any wings.”

Nathan’s cheeks flamed hotter than the Arizona desert. Had he really just said that? He’d tried to channel his inner heartthrob, but it just didn’t sound right on him. Miles sounded cool, smooth even. Nathan, on the other hand, sounded like a lonely sixteen-year-old who watched too many romantic comedies.

She smiled, and before Nathan could convince himself it was just to humor him, the way the streetlight lit up her face struck a chord with him again. “Do I know you?” he asked. “You seem familiar.”

“Trust me, I’d remember if we met before. I’m a huge Seconds to Juliet fan. I’m Abby Curtis, by the way. I’m auditioning to be your opening act tomorrow.”

know her. She’d covered “The One” on her YouTube channel. A fan had tweeted him the link a couple months ago. He’d heard she even got a recording deal out of it, which he wasn’t surprised about. She had a killer voice. “I do know you. Sweet cover of ‘The One.’”

A faint red tint bloomed on her cheeks as she studied her flip-flops. “Thanks. I didn’t know if you guys had seen it.”

He wanted to tell her to stop hiding her face. She was so pretty yet seemed humble at the same time. So different than the actress he’d just left who knew she was beautiful and worked it—and her celebrity status—to her advantage.

Nathan bent over to meet her eyes, hoping she’d get the hint and look up, maybe even smile at him again. “The slower arrangement was killer.”

She finally did look up. “Yeah?”

He smiled at her even redder cheeks; at least he wasn’t the only one embarrassed. “The song you were just singing, is that your audition song?”

She shook her head. “No. That’s a little song I’m trying to figure out. It’s not telling me everything yet, though.”

Nathan grinned. Had this girl swam around in his brain before? Weird as it sounded, he knew exactly what she meant.

He took a seat on the nearest bench, hoping she’d sit, too. After a few moments of eyeing the bench, then Nathan, then back again, she sat—a good foot and a half away. He slid a little closer.

For a while, they just sat there, city sounds behind them and nothing but the quiet river in front. Surprised Beau was letting him stay out so long, he glanced back. The bodyguard still stood at the top of the ramp, eyes trained forward and surveying. Nathan wasn’t naïve enough to think Beau hadn’t noticed him talking to somebody, but he appreciated the space.

He turned back around and caught Abby staring at him. “You excited about the audition?” he asked.

“Yes…and no. I think I might be more nervous. I have a tiny issue with stage fright.” She smiled, but then it fell right off like a sack of rocks over a cliff. “Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that to you.”

“Don’t worry. Anything you say here will not be used against you tomorrow. Promise.”

She smiled again, but this time the full power of her grin blasted her target—him. It did funny things to his stomach. Hopefully she couldn’t see right through to his traitorous butterflies. Some suave bachelor he was turning out to be.

The guys would be so ashamed. Hell, he was ashamed. Nathan Strong was a pop star. He was supposed to be the new smooth member of the group, not falling all over himself because of a girl. For crying out loud, he sang love songs to thousands of girls almost every night, and he couldn’t handle talking to just one?

If Miles wouldn’t pick on him relentlessly, Nathan might even ask for advice on how to act so cool around pretty girls. It was clear he needed it.

She sighed. “I don’t know if it was the same for you when you made it on
Rockstars: Live!
but it’s hard to be close to your dreams yet still so far away. I thought getting the record deal was my dream. Turns out it’s not. What good is it if I haven’t shared my songs, and
, yet?”

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