Read Room at the Top Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #BDSM LGBT Contemporary

Room at the Top (32 page)

BOOK: Room at the Top
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He breathed through his nose and put his hands under Austin’s ass, encouraging Austin to arch up and managing somehow to take him deeper. He could still breathe in, but it was restricted, and a thrill of arousal went through him. He loved literally having his breath taken away, though he’d never been able to explain why to Austin or to Liam without stumbling over his words. It felt like the ultimate surrender of control.

Liam’s version of breath play, mindful maybe of Austin’s worried frown, had been as simple as it got. He tied Jay to the bed and told him to hold his breath until he was given permission to exhale. A tissue placed over Jay’s nose and mouth, as light as the air he was denied, let Liam see when Jay lost the battle. Jay, gasping for air, his heart pounding with excitement, his dick rock hard, took with an exultant grin the spanking he got for not lasting as long as Liam had wanted him to.

“That’s a start,” Liam told him. “We can take this further, but if you ever—ever—try to do this when you’re alone—”

“I won’t, Sir,” Jay promised. “I swear. Just with you.”

He’d obey that promise now because he’d meant it when he said it, and he wouldn’t want to have to admit to Liam later that he’d broken it. Instead he eased back and sucked harder on the head of Austin’s dick.

“Jesus,” Austin gasped. “Jay, too much. Unless you want me to come, which I’m going to, soon, if you keep that up…”

Jay had to pull off to answer. “Not yet. I want you to come in me.”

Austin groaned as Jay found lube and slicked himself up, keeping his eyes locked on Austin’s as he worked his fingers into his ass.

“You don’t get to fuck me,” Jay told him. “I get to fuck myself on you. It’s gonna feel so good, your cock inside me, all hard and thick.” He straddled Austin and eased back, the head of Austin’s cock pressing against his hole. The stretch was always intense in the first half minute or so, but this time Jay didn’t want to take it slow. He wanted Austin deep in him

They both cried out when Jay rocked back, Austin arching upward beneath him. Austin couldn’t get much leverage being flat on his back with his hands and feet tied, so Jay had to do most of the work. That was fine by him since it meant he could move as fast and roughly as he wanted. He loved quick, hard penetration and didn’t really see the point in drawing out orgasm—maybe when he was old he would, but for now his recovery time was still short enough that he’d rather increase his chances of getting to come twice.

“Told you I was in charge,” he panted. “You like it, don’t you?”

“Yeah. God, Jay, I’m so close. Don’t stop.”

“Not gonna stop, not even if you beg me to. Gonna come on you, all over you—leave you tied up and watch it dry on you while I feel your spunk drip out of me.”

Austin moaned, a raw, guttural sound that drove Jay crazy. He used his crude words like a flogger, arousing them both to the point where there was no turning back. Later he’d remember what he’d said and blush, but in the moment he didn’t care. “God, you’re stretching me. Hurts, Austin; every time I slam down on you it hurts, I’m taking you so deep. Love it, love you.”

He leaned forward, changing the angle slightly, braced on one hand, and ran his free hand up Austin’s chest to his left nipple, pinching it tightly. He felt the heat in the trapped flesh, how hard the nipple went as he rolled it. “Should’ve clamped these. Tight, really tight, so every time you moved, it hurt. Punish you for moving, ’cause it’s
, but you wouldn’t stop trying to fuck me, would you?”

“Love fucking you.” Austin’s eyes were hazy now. “Worth it.”

Jay groaned in agreement. “God, yes. It’s all worth it with you.” He moved his hand to Austin’s hair, using his grip to pull Austin’s head up so he could kiss him, a bruising clash of lips and teeth.

He sat back, tasting blood—his or Austin’s, he didn’t know which—and oh God, yeah, there, just there, the heat and burn going nova as Austin’s cock slid deep, digging in, touching all the right places.


He threw his head back, unable to keep his eyes open in the first moments of his climax, his muscles locking, the arch in his back forming a deep curve. He forced his eyes to open, focus, needing to see his spunk jet out and strike Austin’s skin. He didn’t touch his dick, his hands clenched into fists on his thighs.

“Need you with me—”

Austin shook his head, his chest heaving with every ragged breath. It wasn’t a refusal; Austin was lost in his own world right then, his cock like iron inside Jay. Jay ground down on him, his asshole tender enough it made him wince with pleasure and pain, teasing a last spurt from his cock and triggering Austin’s climax.

He loved that, the feel of someone coming inside him. Loved it so much that he’d been kind of a slut for it before he’d met Austin, taking chances he shouldn’t have. There was nothing like it, the pulse, the tug of skin stretched to its limit—with Austin, it was better than it had ever been with anyone else.

Jay whimpered as the last bit of pleasure was wrung out of him, collapsing onto his outstretched arms. Austin was still coming, mouth open, and Jay leaned to kiss lips soft with distraction.

It was typical for Austin to be limp and pliable after an orgasm, and tonight was no exception. He barely moved as Jay crawled off the bed to untie him, and was still lying in the same position when Jay lay down again, though he tugged Jay closer with an arm, willingly becoming Jay’s pillow.

“Was that good?” Jay asked as he snuggled up. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it anyway.

“Mm. Good. Great.” Austin turned his head and kissed Jay’s hair. “When did you get so smart?”

“I’ve always been smart.” It was hard to summon enough energy to be offended.

“Then now you’re brilliant. That’s what Liam would say. Brilliant.” Austin sounded relaxed and maybe a bit sad.

Jay rubbed a fingertip over Austin’s nipple, watching it go hard and tight. “I don’t remember you getting this upset about when Patrick had to cancel a session, or whatever.”

“Yeah, well. Patrick was different.”

“He was a sweetheart, but we were just…we didn’t matter to him the way we do to Liam. He didn’t need us. Liam does.” Austin sighed, and Liam ran his hand down Austin’s side to his ass, giving it a gentle pinch. “Yes. He does. Why can’t you see that? We turn up, and he just switches on, someone home. It’s special to him, what he has with us.”


“Austin, it’s his daughter’s freaking graduation—”

.” Austin sounded exasperated. “It’s not about that. God, how can you think I mind him… It’s not that.”

“So I keep guessing what it is, or do you cut to the chase and tell me?”

Austin rolled to his back and threw up his arm, covering his eyes. His body was still damp with sweat, flushed with pleasure. Jay caressed him, unable to keep his hands off him even when his body was smugly satiated, replete.

“I told him he could fuck us, yeah? Said we were both okay with it.”

“Uh-huh.” The thought of it, Liam in bed with them, orchestrating the sex with the same deft assurance he did when he was their dom, was a huge turn-on. Jay’s dick began to thicken in a hopeful way. What would he order them to do to each other, to him? How far would he take it when it came to adding some pain to the mix, an edge of intensity he and Austin always found to be just out of reach? Jay didn’t know, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t imagine it.

“You like that idea,” Austin said. “I can’t even see you and I know you’re so fucking turned on by the idea you’re drooling.”

“I don’t drool, but the rest, yeah. So are you.”

“We thought we didn’t want that.”

“Yeah. So did Liam. Things change.”

Austin moved his arm away and sat up, staring down at Jay with a painful intensity. “Too much? For us and for him? Because I asked him a few weeks ago, Jay, and I don’t see him being the kind of guy who takes long to make his mind up about something, and now he’s gone. We pushed too hard, too soon. We ruined it.”

Finding out the root cause of Austin’s depression wasn’t the relief Jay had expected it to be.

“He’s coming back.”

“Yes, but is he coming back for us, or because this is where he lives?”

Jay felt his stomach lurch at the thought of a call from Liam telling them it was over. “We didn’t push. We just told him he could fuck us.”

Austin ran his fingers through his hair, making it stand up wildly. “We told a straight man he could fuck two guys, Jay! Yeah, he says he’s maybe bi, but he’s never done anything with a guy apart from get a few blowjobs from us. That’s nothing.”

“It's something.”

.” Austin was working himself up now, his face pale, his words spilling out. “And what about us? How will you feel if I’m on my hands and knees with Liam ramming his dick into me?”

Jay blinked at him. “Am I supposed to get jealous now? Jesus, Austin. I’d be there watching, remember? Hell, knowing the way he is about everyone getting involved, if his dick was in your ass, mine would be in your mouth.”

“It’s all fucked up.” Austin sighed and stood, looking dejected. “I want him to
us, you know? And that’s not going to happen. If he does have sex with us or let us blow him or whatever, it’ll just be because he’s turned on from spanking us or feels like he’s supposed to or something. So what’s the point?”

Swinging his feet down onto the floor, Jay tightened his hands on the edge of the mattress. “If you were a girl, I’d accuse you of having PMS.”

“Yeah, and then I’d slap your face,” Austin grumbled. “You can’t get away with stuff like that. Trust me, I have a sister, I know.”

“You aren’t making any sense,” Jay said. “First you’re upset that Liam hasn’t had sex with us, and then you’re upset because if he
have sex with us, it might make me jealous, and now you’re upset because if he has sex with us, it won’t be for the right reasons? You’re talking in circles.”

“I feel like I’m walking in circles.” Austin sat down again, the mattress sagging under his sudden weight. “I don’t… How did this happen? I like him more than I thought I would. More than I’m supposed to, I think.” He looked at Jay, anguished.

“Hey, hey, come on. It’s all gonna be okay.” Reaching out, Jay touched Austin’s face. “You’re allowed to like him. You think I don’t want you to like him?”

Austin’s lips had pulled down into miserable lines. “Maybe not this much.”

Jay looked at him helplessly. “Austin—”

“I’m not saying I love him the way I love you. It’s just that I think I do love him in a different way. I can’t imagine him here, living with us because, well, he’d hate it.”

“Big-time,” Jay agreed automatically, his thoughts frozen in place by what Austin had said.
. Austin in love with Liam? That was—

“And it was nice staying with him, but—”

“We’d drive him insane after a month.” He kept talking, saying the right things, but underneath the calm, his mind was in lockdown, every sound echoing oddly in his ears.

“Or he’d turn into one of those full-time doms and organize every second we were together.”

“That wouldn’t be as much fun as it sounds. It might work for some people, but not for us.”

Austin gave him a shrewd look. “You’re trying to figure out what to say to me after that bombshell, huh?”

Jay sighed. He never could fool Austin. “Yeah. I mean, we’re not talking love him like a brother, right?”

Austin pulled a face like a toddler offered spinach in place of chocolate pudding. “Ish. No. And more than a friend, before you go there.”

Time to do some sharing of his own. “You love him because he’s a part of your life now. Because he makes you feel good, feel safe. Because he knows you, not as well as I do, but pretty fucking close, and that means so much.” Saying it started the thaw, freeing up Jay’s tongue so it could say more than the obvious.

Austin began to speak, then paused, a frown appearing. Jay began to count down silently in his head, waiting for Austin to realize what lay behind Jay’s words. It was Austin; it didn’t take long at all.

“Shit,” Austin said. “You too?” And without waiting for an answer—because he was right, obviously he was right—he flopped down on the bed in dramatic fashion, the kind of thing Jay was more likely to do. “Fuck.” Austin looked up at the ceiling, freshly painted since the flood. “What the hell are we supposed to do now?”

“Talk to him, I guess.” Jay didn’t sound any more confident about the idea than he felt. “I don’t know. We don’t want to make him feel guilty, like he did something wrong because this happened. It just…did.”

“It’s not the same as telling him it’s cool if he wants us to suck him every now and then.” Austin groaned. “God, this is depressing.”

Jay hadn’t been thinking about it that way, but as soon as Austin mentioned it, he discovered it was true. “Thanks.”

“For what?” Austin lifted his head.

“Bringing me down. What is this, the negative hour?” Jay was teasing—mostly. Sometimes the only thing you could do was laugh.

“Yes,” Austin said. “It’s the negative hour. Soon to be followed by the ice cream hour.”

“Ooh, is there ice cream?” Jay brightened. Austin had been the one to do the grocery shopping the evening before.

“Espresso chip,” Austin said tantalizingly. It was Jay’s favorite flavor. And wasn’t that what really mattered the most? Having someone who knew you inside and out and loved you anyway?

Yeah, that was what was important. The thing with Liam—well, they’d work it out or they wouldn’t, and that was the end of Jay being able to think about it right then.

“Okay,” he said and moved to find his cotton sleep pants. “I declare the ice cream hour to have officially begun.”

Chapter Nineteen


“Sore?” Austin asked, noting Jay’s wince when he stood up to put his ice cream bowl in the sink.

“A little. Not in a bad way. I’ll sleep good, at least.” Jay was watching him now, weighing each line of Austin’s expression.

“Yes,” Austin said. “I’ll sleep too. Well, it’s what you were thinking, right?”

BOOK: Room at the Top
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