Room at the Top (39 page)

Read Room at the Top Online

Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #BDSM LGBT Contemporary

BOOK: Room at the Top
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When he got out, the floor around the bath was damp, but they’d warned him about that. He put the wet towels and mats in the hamper and dried himself with a towel from the rack. It wasn’t a clean one, though it was dry, and something about the way they expected him to be fine with drying himself on a towel they’d used left him reassured they were sincere.

He was wanted, not just needed.

It wasn’t late, but when he left the bathroom, he found both Jay and Austin had already changed into what he recognized as their pajamas—Austin’s included a worn T-shirt, but Jay seemed to have forgotten his.

“We thought, um, since you’re tired…” Austin glanced at Jay. “We thought you’d want to go to bed.
. Go to sleep. Honestly it’s okay.”

“I would,” Liam said. He didn’t have to fake a yawn. “It isn’t too early for you?”

“Well, we’ve all got to work tomorrow,” Jay said.

It was incredibly awkward going into their bedroom in his sleep trousers, watching Jay climb into bed and then Austin. They thoughtfully left the side of the bed nearest the door for him.

“Just get comfortable,” Austin said. “Or try. If you can’t, one of us will drive you home.”

He hated feeling like a child, so he lay down on the bed and tugged the sheet up over all three of them. It was warm enough that they didn’t need more in the way of covers.


“Jay, if you start a ‘Good night, John-Boy’ thing, I’ll put salt in your coffee tomorrow,” Austin said, his voice already drowsy.

“There’s only three of us.”

“Even so.”

Liam smiled. God, their pillows were soft. The mattress was too, probably too soft to suit his back, but right then it was perfect for his tired body to nestle into. He could still hear them squabbling in low whispers as he drifted off to sleep.

* * *

He woke to darkness an unknown number of hours later. A dog was barking out in the street, which was probably what had woken him, and he’d moved in his sleep so his arm was against Jay.

They slept beside him, wrapped around each other, most probably breathing in the scent of each other, locked in a closeness that really didn’t need any addition. Like the ubiquitous peanut butter and chocolate that seemed to be in most of the chocolate bars over here, they were all each other needed. He’d been an idiot to think he could add himself to the mix. He’d continue to be their dom without asking for more. He’d slide out of bed, dress in the other room, let himself out, and—

Jay rolled over, his body suddenly very much inside Liam’s personal space, his hand moving in a lazy, sleepy glide along Liam’s leg up to his ass.

He couldn’t freeze because that would bring Jay awake immediately, so he tried to stay relaxed. His entire body wasn’t on board with this plan, however. His cock was most definitely not the slightest bit interested in relaxation. No, his cock was in the opposing camp and seemed determined to bring the rest of his body online too, if the slow spread of arousal along his nerves was any indication.

Jay’s hand moved a bit higher, stroking the small of Liam’s back along his spine. “Mmph,” Jay murmured. It was a sound that could mean anything from
I want you to fuck me
Get the hell out of my bed.

Liam knew that it was closer to the former when he felt the insistent prod of Jay’s cock against his thigh. Jay snuggled to him, mouth seeking contact with Liam’s skin and finding his shoulder, which was given a soft, lingering kiss.

While Liam was still trying to decide what to do—he couldn’t sneak out unnoticed with Jay’s arm over him—Austin’s hand snaked over Jay’s hip and closed around Jay’s erection as if drawn to it by magnetic force. Jay squeaked and shifted and moved. Moved his hand to Liam’s cock and squeezed it, then opened his eyes.

It took a moment for realization to dawn. “Um.” Jay swallowed but didn’t let go. God, his hand felt good. “Morning?”

“Not even close,” Liam murmured back. Jay’s shock steadied him, making it easier for him to slip into a familiar role with them both, one where he was in control. Even if he wasn’t entirely sure what to do. Oh, he knew the basics, but theory and practice were two entirely different animals, as he’d discovered the first time he’d tried to roll on a condom. “Be careful with that. I’m rather fond of it.”

Jay chuckled, a rich, warm sound, ripe with promise. “That makes three of us.” He jacked Liam slowly, his intent to arouse clear. “Tell me to stop and I will, Sir,” he murmured.

It was easy to see he didn’t expect a command to cease and desist, which made the dom in Liam narrow his eyes.

“Stop,” Liam said, and even with his voice pitched low in the darkness, he knew how to make it snap like a whip. “I don’t believe I gave you permission to touch me.”

Jay made a startled sound, drawing his hand back immediately. Liam felt a flicker of regret at its loss and Jay’s chagrin, but if Jay chose to call him Sir, he had to expect the dom to answer.

“Why don’t we try that again? And, Austin, I don’t recall telling you to touch Jay.”

It hung in the balance for a moment. He was interfering with something that so far hadn’t been any of his business. He was in their bed, invited there, welcomed there, but in what capacity? They hadn’t really discussed that.

Then he heard them both sigh, a soft exhalation of acceptance and pleasure. Austin’s hand left Jay’s cock. “I’m sorry, Sir,” Austin said with evident sincerity. “I wasn’t really awake.”

“Are you now?”

“God, yes.” Jay shifted restlessly. “Please, Sir. Let us take care of you?”

He knew what Jay meant, but it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to be the one taking care of them, giving them what they needed even if they didn’t realize what that was. “Jay, over on this side, please. Yes, where you can’t touch each other. Don’t worry. I don’t intend to leave either of you wanting.”

Liam was glad for the light they’d left on in the hallway. Without being too bright, it let him see everything he needed to see. He sat, cross-legged, between them, facing the headboard so he could see their faces.

“Good. Now I’d like you both to be naked.”

Neither of them was wearing a shirt—Austin must have removed his after Liam had fallen asleep—and it only took a few moments for them to remove their trousers.

“I think we’ll try something new,” Liam mused. “You can talk if you’d like, though for various reasons I’d prefer you not to be too loud. I’m going to touch you both.”

Really, this was just like a session. Maybe in the future—and wasn’t that idea enough to make his heart beat faster—he’d let them show him what they liked, let this be more informal, but this first time with them, it had to be on his terms, for his sake and the relationship they’d built over the months.

“Are you going to fuck us, Sir?”

That was Jay. Of course it was. Liam thought he heard a resigned sigh from Austin a moment after his.

“I’m going to be kind and assume you had a good reason for asking that question.”

“Lube and condoms are on Austin’s side of the bed, Sir.”

Well, wasn’t Jay the helpful little sub? “Thank you. If they become necessary, I’ll be sure to bear that in mind.”

“We don’t always use—”

“Jay. Shut
.” Austin didn’t sound truly annoyed, Liam noted.

“If I fuck you—if—I’ll be using a condom.” Any scene needed negotiating. He reached out, ran his hands over them, throat to nipples to the point and hollow of their hips. They shivered under his fingertips, eager, impatient. “Tell me if there’s anything off-limits. You must have discussed this between you before I was so fucking stupid.”

It was Austin who replied, so still under the light pressure of Liam’s hand, his submission offered without hesitation. It didn’t mean Liam valued it less than Jay’s, which never came without a struggle between them. Austin offered it like a gift, with a smile, and Liam always accepted it with a complete appreciation of its value.

“We don’t have any, Sir. You can fuck us or tell us to fuck each other. You can use bondage and toys. You can tell us what to do. Or you can just…be with us. Your choice, Sir.”

“Not for this,” Liam said, giving in to temptation and cupping their balls, rolling the warm, damp flesh gently, then grazing their cocks with his fingernails. So hard, so beautifully ready. “This was always between the two of you. I’ll ask you again, before it’s too late. Are you sure you want this? Want me?”

“We talked about it a lot,” Austin assured him. “It’s not… We aren’t going to wish we hadn’t, later. We want anything you’re willing to give us.” His eyes were eager, anxious, and he bit his lip endearingly.

“Anything? I find that hard to believe.” Liam didn’t mean it; he knew that whatever he did, they would love both in the moment and in retrospect because it was who they were. He’d hate to be responsible for interfering with the depth of their relationship, though. “Jay? How would you feel if I fucked Austin?”

Jay closed his eyes briefly. “I’d wish it was me.”

“You’d wish you were the one being fucked or the one doing the fucking?”

“Either. Both.”

Liam dragged his fingernails up along their chests to their mouths, then pushed his fingers between warm, startled lips. Jay sucked on his index finger avidly, and Austin kept his mouth relaxed, letting Liam slide three fingers in and out slowly. How much would Austin accept? His cock, thrusting deep?

“I do want to fuck you.” He said it with some regret, as if he’d already made up his mind not to, just to see their reactions. He withdrew his fingers. “Tell me, Jay, how does Austin like it?”

“I don’t do it much to him. Usually he tops.”

That interested Liam without surprising him. It fit what he knew of them.

“If I do, though, it’s because he really wants to feel it. Not hard and fast so much, just—” Jay broke off, catching his breath on a moan as if he was replaying a particularly erotic memory. “Deep. He likes me in him as far as I can get, stretching him, filling him. Just rocking in and out of him slowly, never pulling out all the way.”

The thought of that was enough to make Liam bite the inside of his mouth to hold back a sound of his own. God, yes. Jay’s long body curved over Austin’s, the two of them staring at each other, the small, barely noticeable shift back and forth as Jay’s cock advanced and retreated, the gradual build of intensity until they were sweating, clutching at each other, their breath harsh and hurried.


“Yes, Sir?”

“What if I
to take you fast and hard? Drive into you? Use you to please me?”

Austin moaned, then bit back the sound and nodded. “You could do whatever you wanted. Sir.”

“And what about Jay? What does he like?” Liam pinched the inside of Jay’s thigh just to see him jump.

“He likes that. Being surprised.” Austin’s voice was shaky. “Likes it rough and hard. Likes to…be hurt.”

None of that came as a surprise. Some people preferred to have their kink buttons pushed in every situation but sex. Jay wasn’t one of them. “Good. Enough talk. And remember that you may not come without permission.”

He started to stroke both their cocks, finding a rhythm in it. It was difficult to concentrate on both of them at once—easy to move his hands, but not to focus on what each of them liked. Jay seemed to want a tight grip, whereas Austin’s hips didn’t begin to lift until Liam’s fist gentled near the head of his cock.

There was a definite satisfaction to be found in the power he held over both of them when he had their cocks in his hands, an elemental, basic kind of power. They weren’t tied down, but neither of them was struggling. Even if they’d been inclined to, he could’ve stopped them with a word. That was a heady realization.

His eyes were adjusting now. The dimly lit room worked better than full light for this, gentling the edges, making it dreamlike, a fantasy. And he’d had so many dreams like this since he’d met them, since he’d lost them, fevered, starkly erotic dreams that he woke from achingly hard, needing only the slightest of touches from his hand to find release.

Time to do what he loved and play with his boys, appreciating it so much more after the lonely weeks without them.

“Remember when you were tied facing each other, kissing? Do that again.”

They rolled to face each other, the soft sounds of their mouths meeting rising up to Liam as he sat between them. They’d curved their bodies around him so their lips could touch and their cocks rubbed along his thighs as they tried to get closer.

Last time he’d watched. This time, he could do what he liked to them. He slid off the bed, noting approvingly that they didn’t immediately wriggle closer, but left space between them for him. The lube and condoms were easy to find, even in the low light; Austin’s drawer was tidy, uncluttered. Liam suspected Jay’s would be so crammed full it would be difficult to close or locate an item.

He went back to his spot between them and leaned over, his arms braced on either side of them, his head close to theirs. “Kiss me, both of you.”

There was nothing that could compare to this. He found it nearly overwhelming, not just the feel of their lips and tongues, but the emotion behind it. Austin was quiet, but Jay made a whole collection of soft little sighs and moans that Liam wanted to eat up. Without looking, he flipped the top of the lube bottle up, squeezed some out on his fingers, and slid his hand up along Jay’s inner thigh.

Jay’s sounds became more high-pitched and anxious as Liam’s slick fingertips found his hole.

“Please, Sir. I need you, need you inside me.”

“No talking,” Liam reminded him and pushed a finger inside. Jay squeaked and writhed against his hand, and Austin leaned back to give them more room. As soon as the additional space was available, Jay kissed Liam desperately, licking and sucking at his mouth. Liam remembered what those lips had felt like wrapped around his cock. He gripped the back of Jay’s neck and kissed him with bruising force, then eased back half an inch and growled, “Austin, suck me.”

Again Austin was nearly silent but bent immediately to do as he’d been told. Fuck, his mouth was hot, his chest solid against Liam’s thigh where he was wrapped around him.

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