Room at the Top (40 page)

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Authors: Jane Davitt,Alexa Snow

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #BDSM LGBT Contemporary

BOOK: Room at the Top
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“More,” Liam said, meaning
. Austin seemed to know what he meant despite the inadequacy of the single word, and it felt so good Liam might have forgotten to kiss Jay if Jay hadn’t been kissing him with such fervor.

He wanted so many things. He wanted to come in Austin’s mouth, to kiss Austin and then Jay so that Jay could taste the sour salt in his kiss. He wanted to shove Jay facedown on the mattress and fuck him, hard, not holding back, one hand on the small of Jay’s back, Jay’s thighs spread wide so they’d burn with the stretch the same way his arsehole would burn from the stretch of Liam’s cock. He wanted to fuck Austin with Austin’s legs over his shoulders so he could watch the expression on Austin’s face.

Knowing that both of his boys wanted these things too was almost enough to make him lose control.

He put his hand on Austin’s shoulder and pushed, his message clear. Austin opened his mouth and pulled back, careful not to scrape Liam with his teeth, his hand wrapped around the base of Liam’s cock. Liam felt a last stolen kiss against the head, quick, furtive, as if Austin couldn’t bear to lose the taste of him. He ran his hand roughly through Austin’s hair, tugging at it in a rebuke that was pro forma at best, and slid his finger out of Jay, who whined a protest.

“I want to fuck you both.”

It was a statement of intent, but he was also giving them the opportunity to object.

Jay, daring him, just asking to be punished, kissed Liam’s throat without being told, his mouth hot and wet. “God, yes. Do it. Got a full box of condoms, Sir.”

A full box wouldn’t come near what his fantasies had in mind for them both, though it was plenty for the reality of what might happen. “I’m well aware. For being so eager, you can wait your turn for my cock, but you can have my hand right now. Turn around.”

He felt the shiver that ran through Jay, heard the swift breath Austin took. Jay moved away just a few inches, enough that he wasn’t touching Liam anywhere, then turned to face the head of the bed and bent over, his back a beautiful curve, his arse offered up for Liam to punish.

“I can think of so many ways to torment you like this,” Liam told him. He dealt out two slaps, quick and sharp, one on each cheek, then poured more lube into his palm. He grabbed Jay’s balls in a rough, careless grip, working them with a casual indifference, sliding his slicked fingers along the crease of Jay’s ass to his hole. Teasing it, circling it with his finger but never pressing past the tight ring of muscle, he said, “I might put you on your back, with Austin on his hands and knees over you as I fuck him. Forbid you to reach up and kiss him, or even touch him, but let him use you to rub off on. Then, if you were good, the way I know you can be, I’d let him come on you.”

He turned to Austin, kneeling beside him, waiting in perfect silence, so completely his in this moment that it hurt Liam not to be touching him. He pulled Austin to him and kissed him, claiming the quiet mouth with his lips and tongue. Liam moved his head to the side to address Jay again. “But I think you can just tell me how sorry you are, Jay, and then kneel beside Austin while I take him. You’re permitted to use your mouth on him when I tell you that you may, but not your hands.”

sorry, Sir.” Every word breathed contrition.

“You got carried away,” Liam observed.

“Yes, Sir.”

Liam caressed Jay’s ass forgivingly, then slapped it again, just to hear the flat
of his hand on skin. “On your knees, then. Hands behind your back.”

Jay obeyed, turning to the side slightly as if aware that the position allowed Liam to see his lovely pink arse.

“Now, Austin.” For a moment, Liam hesitated, trying to decide between putting Austin on hands and knees or on his back. Either position had its appeal, certainly, but he decided being able to see Austin’s face was most important. He’d never had penetrative sex with a man before, and although he had no doubt that it would be good for both of them, he’d feel more comfortable if he could read Austin’s expressions.

“Just lie down like this. Yes, you’re such a good boy. You’ve no idea how much I’ve been wanting this, waiting for it.” Liam quickly applied a condom and lube to his cock as he spoke, watching Austin’s eyes as they communicated in ways just as eloquent as his mouth could have. Two slick fingers pushed into Austin’s arse without hesitation, and Austin’s back arched, his mouth falling open.

Liam slid his fingers deeper, curled them slightly until he felt Austin’s prostate. Austin gave a small sigh and lifted his hips, eyes locked on Liam’s.

“I want you to answer my questions, but only with yes or no. Does this feel good?” Liam rubbed Austin’s prostate gently—some men liked it, others didn’t, and it was something that would be good to know either way.

Panting, Austin whispered, “Yes.”

“And when I do this?” Liam pushed his fingers deep. It wouldn’t be as deep as his cock could go, but he was curious to see how accurate Jay’s assessment of Austin’s preferences had been.

.” Austin’s pupils had widened.

Liam leaned in, mouth close to Austin’s. “Would you like me to fuck you?”

That drew a whimper from Austin, who could barely speak the single word. “Y-yes.” The tip of his tongue came out and wet dry lips.

“Good,” Liam said, satisfied. “Because I’m going to.”

He focused all his attention on Austin, more as a way of calming himself than concern for Austin, who was clearly more than happy with how events were unfolding. Liam wasn’t nervous, not about sex, just aroused to the point where he wasn’t sure how long he would last.

Coming after a few thrusts would be embarrassing to say the least.

His fingers had entered Austin easily—with Austin’s cooperation—but the head of his cock seemed impossibly large pressed against the closed entrance. Reminding himself of the plugs and dildos he’d used on Austin and the force required to slide them home, he pushed forward, dimly aware of Austin moving just a little, improving the angle, a subtle assistance he appreciated.

Tight. Warm. God, he wanted more, wanted all of his cock to be encased in the slick sheath. He gained ground slowly, inch by inch, sweat standing out on his back, his hands on Austin’s knees, pushing them back. Austin was panting, his gaze locked on Liam’s face every time Liam looked at him. Not enough light to catch every nuance, but he could see enough.

“You’re doing so well,” he told Austin and knew that in part he was saying it to himself. Later, when he was alone, he’d deal with the emotional fallout of what he was doing—and there would be some, he was sure of it. Right now, nothing mattered but the two men he was with.

Time to involve Jay, who was kneeling so close to Austin, his hands behind his back, his nipples drawn into tight points, his erection hard as marble.

“Jay. Kiss him. Wherever you like.”

He expected Jay to kiss Austin’s mouth and swallow some of the soft cries Austin was making now that Liam was as deep in him as he could get, shifting back and forth, fucking him slowly. Instead Jay’s mouth came to rest against Liam’s hand where it gripped Austin’s knee, his tongue lapping against Liam’s fingers and Austin’s skin.

The liquid warmth, the message it sent—
both of you, I want both, not one
—peeled away another layer of Liam’s doubts.

“Yes, like that.” Liam let himself focus on his pleasure for what he intended to be only a few seconds but which ended up being longer because it just felt so good. He couldn’t bear more than slight movements in and out of Austin’s arse, so he concentrated on staying deep. He loved the way Austin was breathing, openmouthed, and how wide and shocked his eyes were. Clearly this was something Austin needed, and if Jay wasn’t able to give it, Liam would.

Jay’s mouth had moved to Austin’s nipple. Liam couldn’t resist reaching to entwine his fingers in Jay’s dark silky hair, then tugging at it purely because he knew what that did to Jay.

Austin moaned as Liam rocked his hips forward again, meeting Liam’s eyes and then lifting his arms up over his head and crossing his wrists. It was such a beautiful demonstration of his submission that Liam rewarded him by spreading his thighs wider and fucking him harder.

Austin’s fingers flexed, a helpless curl, groping for something to hold on to and finding only air.

“Next time, I’ll put you in cuffs,” he told Austin, his voice beginning to lose its clarity, roughened around the edges. Jesus, it’d been months since he’d fucked anyone, but that couldn’t wholly account for how aroused he was, how completely captivated by them both. “Make it easy for you to stay just how I want you.”

“It doesn’t have to be easy,” Austin said, speaking without permission, but in that moment, Liam didn’t care. Austin’s voice rose, high and wild, his self-control shattering as Liam gave way to his desires and began to fuck Austin in long, deep thrusts. “Just what you want. I can do it. I can do anything you want me to, Sir, just don’t stop, don’t…please…oh God, God,

Jay made an inarticulate sound, leaning in and mouthing the head of Austin’s cock as best he could, given the way Austin was writhing now, careful not to block Liam’s view. It was a courtesy Liam appreciated because the sight of Austin’s cock glistening wetly, the tip disappearing into Jay’s mouth only to reappear a moment later even wetter, the anguished, desperate sounds Austin made as they both worked to push him over the edge were stunningly erotic.

“Please, Sir. No. Make him stop. Jay! I’m gonna come. Jay!”

“You said you could do anything I asked,” Liam reminded him, his climax so close that he knew he could beat Austin to it if Austin couldn’t hold back. He wasn’t going to let anything mar this first time. “I told you not to come, Austin, and I told Jay he could use his mouth on you anywhere. Are you going to disappoint me?”

“No.” Austin’s face screwed up, and he dug his teeth into his lip as he fought to obey.

Liam found the sight of Jay’s mouth on Austin’s cock unbearably delicious, and even that didn’t come close to how it felt to be buried to the hilt in Austin’s arse. He discovered, though, that what he really wanted was for all of them to come at the same time.

Letting go of Austin’s thigh, Liam reached out and closed his grip around Jay’s cock, squeezing what would have been cruelly tight on anyone else. On Jay, though—

“You both have my permission,” he growled. “Come for me, both of you.”

Austin’s body seemed to obey as instinct. He instantly came, his body arching under Liam’s as his cock pulsed fluid onto and between Jay’s lips. Liam felt his dick throb a warning and shoved his hips forward, driving himself deeper than he’d thought possible as Jay’s cock in his fist twitched and shot, slicking his fingers.

He came, the sensations so much more intense than any climax he’d experienced before because it was not only shared, but shared with two people he loved. They were linked in that moment, and he wanted them both with a yearning that left him as open and vulnerable as they were.

He lowered himself onto Austin, taking his weight on one arm and using the other to gather Jay in, the three of them as close as it was possible to get, arms around each other, exchanging kisses because they were easier than words. Liam took Jay’s mouth in a long, sweet kiss, turned his head, and met Austin’s lips, parted for him, warmly welcoming.

It couldn’t last forever, but in that moment, he was content.

Chapter Twenty-three


Austin, scrubbing his hair dry with a towel that was probably at least a day past due for a wash, stuck his head into the bedroom. “
. You’re going to be late if you don’t get up
right now

“I’m up. I’m up,” Jay muttered unconvincingly into the pillow.

“Is he always like this?” Liam sounded amused, at least. He’d had the first shower and was already on his second cup of coffee. Austin was finding it awkward to take care of a houseguest and get ready for work at the same time, but Liam had assured him he was fine.

“Always,” Austin said. “Pretty much the only time he isn’t late is on Friday nights, and I don’t think I need to tell you it isn’t because he’s afraid of being punished.” He ran his hands through his hair and gave Liam a thoughtful look. “Maybe you’d have better luck.”

Liam smiled and walked to the bedroom doorway. “Jay,” he said in a firm, no-nonsense voice. “Get out of that bed immediately.”

There was a muffled thud as Jay’s feet—at least Austin hoped it was his feet—hit the floor. A few minutes later, Jay appeared in the doorway, his eyes owlishly wide, dragging his sleep pants up over his ass.

“Hey! I was getting up!”

“No, you weren’t,” Liam said calmly and swatted Jay’s ass before walking back to pick up his coffee. “But now you are,” he added.

Austin grinned, watching Jay’s dick grow behind the thin cotton pants. Jay could go from zero to sixty in less time than anyone he knew. “No time for that, either, so you’d better make it a cold shower. Maybe if you’d gotten up when we did…”

Jay rubbed at his erection with the heel of his hand and made a noise halfway between a huff and a grumble, leaning against the door frame. There was a bruise over one nipple. Liam’s mouth had left that on him just before they’d settled down to sleep for the second time. Austin remembered hearing Jay cry out and then feeling him nestle closer, snug between the two of them.

“There still wouldn’t have been time.”

Liam set his empty mug down. “I hate to love you and leave you, but I need to be on my way.”

Hearing Liam say that word made Austin’s world freeze in place for a second. He saw Jay’s reaction to it and how quickly Jay covered it with a yawn.

“We, um,” Austin said. He immediately regretted having started and shut up, but it was too late. Liam was already looking at him expectantly. “Um. You really do, right? Love us? You meant it when you said it.”

“Austin?” Liam’s voice held a hint of command, and Austin couldn’t disobey. He looked up into Liam’s serious face. “Sit down, please. Both of you. I have something I need to tell you.”

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