Read Rory Online

Authors: Julia Templeton

Rory (10 page)

BOOK: Rory
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“What is wrong, Shannon? You can tell me.”

Unable to explain herself, she went into his arms and pressed her cheek against his chest, holding so tight she did not want to let go. He kissed her forehead, and she lifted her face to his. His lips were gentle, so soft, and yet firm. Her arms wrapped around his strong shoulders, and she pressed her breasts against his wide chest.

She wanted only to feel, to not think about all that she had lost, but to know what it felt like to be desired. To experience raw passion.

She opened her mouth to him and groaned when his tongue slid against hers, like the softest velvet. His long hair tickled her hand, and she caressed a strand between thumb and forefinger.

He eased her back upon the cot; she opened her eyes. He stared at her, gauging her reaction. “Shannon, are you sure?”

She nodded, never so positive of anything.

They kissed for long minutes, and she felt the familiar stirring in her belly, the intense need that coursed through her veins.

His hands moved to her breasts, his long fingers playing with the rigid peaks. Warmth flooded the flesh between her thighs, and she reached for his shirt, yanked it out of his trousers, needing desperately to feel the hot, olive skin beneath.

Rory’s heart was a roar in his ears. He had not expected to come to her room in order to make love to her. He had missed her, and he’d been yearning for the sight of her. Seeing her at dinner was not near enough.

Tonight he could sense something was amiss with her just by her demeanor.

“Shannon,” he said again, wanting her to tell him to stop now if she was in any way uncertain.

In answer she reached for the buttons of his trousers. Within seconds she had his cock in hand, her hand wrapping around his length.

He was so hard. He had to still her hand to keep from coming. Glancing at the small cot and realizing that another servant slept on either side of the thin walls, he lifted her in his arms, ready to take her to his chamber, but she shook her head. “I can’t wait. I want you now.”

She pulled him down on top of her, and he lifted her skirts. She was already so hot, so wet, and when she guided him to her entrance, he pushed all his misgivings aside and slid slowly inside her heat, easing past the thin membrane of skin that proved he was the first.

Shannon winced against the pain and bit down on her lip as he slid slowly inside, inch by inch, until he was fully inside her.

A primal moan vibrated in his chest. He stared down at her, his eyes so intense as he began to move.

With each slow thrust of his lower body, the pain began to ebb and a tightening sensation started deep inside. Her gaze shifted to his lovely full lips, and he lowered his head and kissed her.

Rory kept his need in check, a difficult task with her hot sheath clamped around him. She started to move with him, arching her hips, and he moaned again, pleased by her response.

Her nails grazed his shoulders, and the kiss deepened. He could tell she was close to climax, could feel the pounding of her heart against his own.

Shannon felt a similar sensation to when he had kissed her in her most intimate place, but this was stronger, more powerful, and as he ground his hips snug against her sensitive button, she cried out.

He made a pleased sound and slowed his pace, pulling away just enough to look down at her. He stared at her, and she was shocked by the intensity in his eyes. There was such a heaviness about his lids, the brilliant blue irises were dark, and she realized what she was seeing was desire.

Did he see the same thing when he looked at her? Was her desire obvious?

Watching Shannon climax had been exhilarating and had made his need even greater.

Rory lowered his head and kissed her breast, his mouth covering her nipple. He barely moved his lower body, and she found herself lifting her hips, wanting his entire length inside her.
him buried deep inside her.

His teeth grazed the sensitive peak, before sucking and laving the other. Her hands moved from his broad shoulders, down his strong back, to the high, firm globes of his buttocks.

Apparently he liked what she was doing, because he smiled, his lips finding hers once more, his strokes faster and more fluid by the second.

Her stomach tightened as she came again, and he followed fast behind, their moans mingling.

Rory woke to find Marilyn sitting in a chair beside his bed, reading a book.

“Marilyn, you have returned.”

She glanced up from her reading. “We came as quickly as we could. Ah, I didn’t wake you, did I?” she asked, looking sheepish.

He shook his head. He had only just returned to his bed a few hours ago, after an incredible night of making love to Shannon.

It had been the single sweetest encounter of his life, and already he ached to see her again.

“How are you feeling?”

“Quite well, actually.”

“You are fortunate you are young and fit. I cannot believe how fast you’ve recovered.”

“I am,” he agreed. He sat up against the headboard, wondering how to broach a most uncomfortable subject. “I am glad you have come to visit. I had a visitor the other night who was asking about you.”

She sat up straighter. “Oh, and who would that be?”

“Lady Anna.”

Marilyn dropped her gaze to the floor between them. “I need not ask what she wanted.”

“She wishes to talk to you again.”

“There is nothing to say.”

“I told her as much, and I told her you were happy with your baron.”

Marilyn sighed heavily. “She does not care, Rory. Indeed, I believe she enjoys making everyone around her uncomfortable.”

Their friend did have a tendency of rubbing people the wrong way and took a perverse satisfaction in doing so.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve invited her to the soiree this next week.”


“She is my friend, Marilyn,” he said, uncomfortable with the fact she was agitated with him.

“And I am now your family. I would think your loyalty would fall to me.”

Now he felt guilty. “I can tell her not to come.”

“No, we are all adults. I just do not want her making a scene.”

“She would not make a scene,” he said, making a promise to himself to keep a tight rein on Anna the night of the soiree. “So … how was your trip?”

Marilyn instantly relaxed. “Wonderful. Wales is so beautiful. I especially loved Harlech Castle. One can imagine what life must have been like during the times of Llewellyn the Great.”

“I would like to see it for myself one day.”

There was a slight rap at his door, and his heart actually gave a leap. He hoped it was Shannon, but it wasn’t. It was Edward.
“My Lord, I wanted to inform you that your mother has arrived.”

“Oh dear God,” he said, and Marilyn laughed aloud and promptly clamped a hand over her mouth.

“Thank you, Edward.”

Edward nodded and closed the door.

“I’m sorry,” Marilyn said, looking not at all apologetic.

All he wanted was time alone with Shannon, but he could tell that would be a luxury long in coming, especially with his mother staying on.

“Can I get you anything?”

“A gun, perhaps?” he said.

“Rory,” she said with a smile. “I think you have had enough experience with guns to last you a lifetime.”

“I would ask for a whiskey, but Mother would not approve.” He released a breath. “Do me a favor. Tell her that I am taking a bath, and that I shall meet her downstairs in the dining room with the others for breakfast.”

“Very well. I will see you soon.”


y dearest boy,” Betsy said, her arms flung wide open when

Rory walked into the dining room. “How happy I am to see you.”

“Thank you, Mother,” Rory replied, locked in a rose-scented bear hug.

“How is Father?”

“Well, and he sends his love,” she said, dropping her gaze to his cravat.

He knew his father was very ill and had seen his frail health for himself.

“I am sorry that you had to leave him.” “You are my son. And when my son needs me, I shall go. Your father would be here himself if he could be.”

She pulled an imaginary string off his jacket. “I do so worry about you. You know, if you married, then the gossipmongers would have nothing more to talk about.”

“The duel was not my idea, Mother. He called me out.” “With good reason, I understand,” she said, biting her lip as

though she had said far too much. “Come, sit down and get off your feet.”

Rory glanced at his brother, hoping in some way that he would jump in, but Victor seemed preoccupied, staring straight ahead. It always did take a while for his brother to wake up in the morning.

Lillith entered the room, a vision in an emerald green day dress, and seeing Rory, she clapped her hands together. “Brother, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

“Lillith,” Rory said fondly, embracing her.

A servant walked in and Rory glanced toward the door, his heart missing a beat. It was Candice.

He released a disappointed breath.

“Lillith, you shall have to help me talk Rory into marrying,” Betsy said, mischievous smile in place.

Lillith grinned widely. “But he must find the right woman, and as you should know from your other sons’ recent marriages, finding a spouse on one’s own has merit.”

“A little help never hurt,” his mother said in a way that meant he could count on her interference.

“And I appreciate your efforts, Mother, but I can manage.”

“Hell will freeze first,” Betsy muttered beneath her breath.

Before he could ask specifically what she meant, the door to the kitchen opened and Shannon appeared. His pulse skittered with excitement.

She was dressed in a blue gown with a floral print that brought out the color of her eyes. He was so accustomed to seeing her in her gray uniform, it was almost startling to see her otherwise. Her pale blond hair was down around her shoulders and he was reminded of last night, of burying his nose in her curls, of taking her beneath him.

He had never before been with a virgin, and he was unprepared for the feelings racing through him. He felt possessive
and protective all at once. Just the thought of her being with another man made him furious.


His mother snapped her fingers and he glanced at her. “Yes?”

She was frowning at him, her brow lifted high as she glanced at Shannon and then back at him.

“I asked if you were feeling well enough to attend the soiree your brother and Lillith are throwing next week.”

“Of course. I feel as strong as ever.”

“Do not let him fool you, Mother,” Victor said, sounding remarkably like their father. “He needs his rest.”

He glared at Victor, who ruffled Rory’s hair as he walked past.

Shannon walked toward Lillith and whispered in her ear. Lillith nodded, then stood. “Marilyn and I are heading into London. Is there anything that you need?”

“Nothing but your safe return, my dear,” Victor said.

Rory refrained from rolling his eyes. What had happened to his brother?

“Is Shannon going with you?” Rory asked, now understanding why she was dressed the way she was.

Shannon’s eyes widened a little and her cheeks turned bright pink.

“Why, yes, she is. Why do you ask?” Lillith asked, her gaze darting to Shannon, who shifted on her feet.

His mother kicked him beneath the table and he shook his head. “I just noticed she was out of uniform. That is all.”

“Oh, yes, I do not see a need for her to wear her uniform today,” Lily remarked, giving him a look that said to be careful. “Well, we should get going.”

Shannon nodded, and looked ready to bolt for the door.

Rory willed her to glance his way, but she did not spare him a glance.

Lillith hesitated at the door. “I am so pleased to have you in my home, Lady Rochester. I look forward to visiting with you tonight.” She glanced at her niece. “Marilyn, are you coming?”

Marilyn grabbed her untouched scone, wrapped it in a napkin, and followed Lillith out the door.

Rory was desperate to follow her, to pull Shannon into his arms and tell her how he had dreamt of her … that he yearned to be with her again.

“I shall see them to the carriage,” Victor said, disappearing before Rory could give him the “save me from Mother” look.

The door shut behind them, and Rory had no choice but to make eye contact with his mother.

“Rory, do not be foolish.”

He frowned. “What are you talking about, Mother?”

“You know bloody well what I’m talking about. You are looking at that servant girl like she is a sweet and you’d like to gobble her up.”

He shifted in the chair. “I think she is attractive.”

“Tell me she is not the reason you decided to move in with your brother?”

Doing his best to school his features, he looked her straight in the eye. “You gave the London townhouse to Sinjin, Mother, and he is knee-deep in renovations. Where else would you want me to stay?”

“I am not discouraging you from staying with Victor. He does dote on you, so I understand why you would wish to stay, but I also worry if there is not another reason that you are here.”

BOOK: Rory
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