Rory (8 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: Rory
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“I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you,” he whispered against her mouth. “You are so beautiful.”

The acknowledgment that he wanted her made her pulse leap.

What was she supposed to say in response? She had never been so intimate with a man, and despite the obvious danger she was in, she could not pull away to save her life.

He leaned into her; then he was nudging her back onto the pillows. Her heart was a roar in her ears as her arms looped around his neck. She clung to him as he covered her with his body.

Desire licked at her spine, and as he deepened the kiss, the further enthralled she became and the more she wanted him. He lowered his head, kissed her throat, her neck, and the pulse that beat wildly.

He touched her breast, his fingers toying with a nipple, and her breath caught in her throat at the exquisite sensations rippling through her. There seemed to be an invisible thread between her breasts and her women’s flesh, because with each tug, she felt the need to lift her hips, craving friction. Suddenly, he was pulling the neck of her gown down, his breath hot on the soft slopes of her breasts. He kissed one nipple, then the other, licking them, grazing them with his teeth in a way that made her cry out in ecstasy.

He used his knees to spread her thighs and settled between them, his thick cock pressing against her moist heat.

She rolled her hips and he moaned deep in his throat, a wonderful sound she knew she’d never forget. Desire teased every nerve ending, and she pressed closer against him, craving his touch.

He made a slight movement, and to her shock, her wrap was beneath her, and he was untying the thin ribbon of her chemise.

Before she could protest, he slid the garment over her head, and she lay naked beneath him. He looked down at her breasts,
cupped one with his hand, and eased onto his side to look down at her, his gaze shifting to her mound and the pale curls there. “Beautiful,” he said again, and he made her believe it, despite the fact he’d no doubt seen hundreds of naked women in his time.

Soon she was beyond thinking. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, and his fingertips teased her nipples into firm peaks, while the other hand brushed over her stomach. It seemed an eternity before he touched her most intimate place, sliding a finger inside her.

Rory had never had a virgin before, and Shannon was clearly very much untouched, her tight inner muscles clenching his finger. He was shocked by her heated response, by the way she lifted her hips against his hand, seeking more contact.

His thumb brushed over her clit and she gasped, and even stopped kissing him. Her eyes opened, and he watched her response as his thumb slid over the sensitive button again and again.

“Sweet Jesus,” she said on a groan. Rory grinned wickedly and kissed the underside of one breast, before making a pathway down her flat belly to the soft, downy curls that guarded her most treasured prize.

He breathed deeply of her scent and then tasted her.

Shannon gripped his head, her nails digging into his scalp as he licked her again, from back passage to the tight bundle of nerves at the top of her sex.

Delicious tremors rushed through her entire body as he continued to pleasure her with his tongue, each lick bringing her closer and closer to a wonderful pinnacle that she desperately reached for.

He gripped her buttocks with his large hands and brought her sex to his face. His tongue slid inside her hot core before
lifting her clit, flicking relentlessly, and then alternately sucking slowly.

Her hands moved from his hair to the bedding, her fingers fisting the blankets at her sides as he continued his passionate onslaught.

Rory watched her under lowered lids as he pleasured her. He could see the shock and surprise in her eyes as she reached for orgasm. Her ice-blue eyes locked with his as he slid his finger into her again, while licking her tiny pearl. It was all that was needed to push her over the edge.

Shannon cried out as she shot to the heavens like an arrow and then shattered. A wonderful throbbing rocked her entire lower body, crashing over her like a wave against the sands.

Rory’s cock was rock hard against her leg, and she felt him shift and move, settling once again between her widely spread thighs.

Although she’d just experienced pleasure the likes of which she’d only dreamed, she knew there was more bliss ahead. How she craved to have his long shaft buried deep inside her.

She just had to ignore the warning bells ringing in her head. He kissed her passionately, and she reared back a moment when she tasted herself on his lips.

But Rory would have none of it. He kissed her again, his tongue like velvet against her own. Her fingers wove into his hair, and she lifted her hips, desperate to finish what they had started.

Somewhere in the outer reaches of her mind, she heard a click, and it took her a moment to realize that someone had opened the chamber door and then as quickly had closed it.

Oh dear God. Who had it been?


ll the excitement Shannon had been experiencing faded in the face of discovery.

Rory kissed her again, but she pulled away. “Someone just opened the door. Did you not hear it?”

“No,” he said, looking not at all disturbed or worried by the news. “It was probably just a servant.”

Just a servant?
was “just a servant.”

“I must go before whoever saw us alerts Edward and I lose my job.”

“You will not lose your job, Shannon,” he said, brushing her hair back from her face.

But no reassurance could possibly set her mind at ease. She pushed him away and scrambled off the bed. Her chemise had been tossed beside the bed, and she trembled as she reached for it.

Rory’s cock was like marble against his belly, and seeing Shannon’s naked body was not helping. She had gained weight in the past month, and though still slender, he liked how her
hips had a slight curve to them. Her legs were long and he could already envision them wrapped around his waist. Pale curls covered her sex, and her belly was flat, her waist small, and her breasts a perfect handful each, tipped by pale pink nipples that were still in tight little buds.

She lifted the chemise, slid it over her lithe body, and then looked at him. “My wrap,” she said. He eased the garment from beneath him without taking his eyes off her.

She took it from him, thrust her arms into the sleeves, and tied the belt. “I shall return with some water for you. You must drink something besides liquor.”

Seeing she was quite over the amorous mood, he fell back onto the mattress with a frustrated sigh. “I don’t want water. I want you.”

She ached to tell him that she wanted him, too, but she kept silent and left the room.

“Shannon,” Lord Graston said, looking genuinely surprised to see her leaving his brother’s room in the dead of night. Apparently her employer hadn’t been the one to open the door minutes before.

“Lord Graston, I did not expect you home so soon.”

“When I received the news, I left Harlech as soon as I could.”

“And Lady Rochester, is she here?”

“No, she is making her way back with Marilyn, but at a more sensible pace, and by carriage, not horseback.”

That much was a relief. She feared the other woman would take one look at her and know what had transpired. Lady Graston had such a way of reading a person. “Well, I shall not keep you, then, my lord. I know you must be anxious to see Lord Ambrose.”

He nodded, his hand on the doorknob. “Edward told me that you have been watching after my brother quite diligently. Thank you for that.”

“Of course,” she replied, anxious to be away, in her room where she could once again think straight.

Victor opened the door and Rory glanced at them. His lips spread into a wide smile seeing his brother, and Shannon walked away, her mind returning to the heated moments in the bedchamber.

Her nipples were still sensitive from where Rory had touched and kissed them, and she still felt an ache between her thighs.

Heated memories rushed through her, and she hid a smile as she entered the room to her small chamber. She stopped short seeing Zachary sitting in the chair beside the window, his expression one of concern.

She swallowed hard. “Zachary, what are you doing?”

He ran a hand down his face. “The question is: What are
doing, Shannon?”

Her heart lurched. “What do you mean?”

“Did you not hear the door open, or were ye so enraptured by that rakehell that you did not hear me?”

Heat rushed to her cheeks and she shifted on her feet. What could she possibly say to defend herself? He had caught her red-handed.

“I had been roused to receive Lord Graston and I came to wake you, because I did not know if Lady Graston was with him, and I thought she would want you to assist her, but you were gone, and I was concerned. I see that I had every reason to be.”

How utterly humiliating. She had been naked beneath Rory, and there was no misinterpreting what he had seen.

If there was one saving grace about the entire situation, it was that she could trust her brother not to say anything. No one else would keep their mouth closed.

“Shannon, do not be foolish. You know the man’s reputation.
He is dangerous, and I know for certain he came from a night with Lady Anna. Johnny could not quit speaking of it after he brought him home.”

There was a part of her that wanted to know what the other man had said about Rory and Anna, but Shannon realized the two had a history together. Anna was a lady, Rory’s peer, while she was a servant. A plaything and nothing more.

“Perhaps ye should ask to return to your other duties?” He stood and crossed his arms over his chest. “Shannon, the worst mistake ye could make is giving yourself to him.”

He was right. She did not need to give up her maidenhead to a scoundrel. It would be a huge, irreversible mistake. “I shall … first thing tomorrow.”

Taking a deep breath, he released it and shook his head. “Get some rest, and be sure to speak with Edward in the morning. Lord Ambrose is obviously well enough that he does not require constant care.”

Rory was happy to see his brother. He just wished Victor’s timing had been better.

Like half an hour later.

The bed dipped beneath Victor’s weight as he sat down beside him. He could not recall the last time he had seen such a concerned expression on his sibling’s face.

Victor leaned close and eased the bandage back. Seeing the wound, he frowned. “Bloody hell, Rory, you nearly got yourself killed this time.”

Touched by his concern, and yet oddly annoyed at his paternal tone, Rory shrugged. “I think you forget that I got off lightly compared to Lord Cordland.”

“Indeed, I heard,” he murmured, fixing the bandage. “I’m just glad you’re okay. My heart sank to my stomach when I heard the news you’d been injured. Poor Lillith, she wanted to
come with me on horseback, but I insisted she travel by carriage.”

He had gotten here in an incredible amount of time. “You traveled through the night?”

“I haven’t slept for two days. Well, aside from a half an hour nap, but that was while I was waiting for a change of horse.”

“I’m touched, Vic. Honestly, I didn’t expect you for days.”

“You’d do the same for me, and well you know it.”

It was true. He’d move heaven and earth to be by his brother’s side in a time of need. “I have no idea if they’ve been able to locate Sinjin and Katelyn, but I understand Mother and Father have been alerted.”

“This is the last thing Mother needs.”

“Yes, well, then let this be the last duel, Rory. Honestly, you need to put this life behind you. The surgeon said that had the bullet hit one inch to the left, you could have died.”

“Then I am lucky for that inch. Trust me, brother, it is nothing more than a flesh wound, really.”

“Flesh wound, my ass. And what is this about going out this evening? How very foolish.”

Apparently Edward could not keep his mouth shut.

Victor pressed a hand to Rory’s forehead. “You’re perspiring and are exceedingly pale. Should I call for the physician?”

“Stop it,” Rory said, pushing his brother’s hand away. “You are hovering already.”

The intensity left his brother’s eyes and he laughed under his breath. “I suppose I am.”

“Go to bed. I am tired, and I am sure you are as well.”

“Before I leave you, I want you to consider staying here. Living here with us. Lily and I talked about it on the way to Wales. Now that this has happened, she will be even more adamant you stay.”

“Sinjin said I could stay at the townhouse.”

“It is being renovated.” Victor folded his hands in his lap. “Plus, you asked to come here in your darkest hour, which means you want to be here … with me. And Lord knows someone needs to keep their eye on you … and Sinjin has a baby on the way.”

He looked awfully full of himself, but Rory had to admit that he liked the idea of moving in with Victor, especially with a certain beautiful blonde underfoot. Rory sat up straighter. “If you insist, then, yes, I shall stay.”

Victor grinned wholeheartedly. “Good, but there is one condition of staying with me.”

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