Read Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult Online

Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (114 page)

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  • Pediatric advanced life support: Airway, ventilation, and fluid hydration
  • Emergent intubation if recurrent apneas, impending respiratory failure
  • Supplemental oxygen if oxygen saturation <90–92% (sea level)
  • Parenteral hydration if dehydration or severe respiratory distress. Many children may improve their intake once respiratory status has improved.
  • Many children with bronchiolitis do not benefit from pharmacotherapy.
  • Bronchodilators (albuterol, racemic epinephrine, l-epinephrine, levalbuterol):
    • Should not routinely be used alone without determination of efficacy
    • Some clinicians administer on trial basis with 2–3 consecutive treatments in those with moderate to severe distress and continue as part of management if there is a clear decrease in the work of breathing.
    • Often utilized in significantly ill children
  • Steroids:
    • On their own do not change clinical course or hospitalizations in the majority of patients without prior atopic or family history.
    • 2 doses of 1:1,000 l-epinephrine 30 min apart in the ED + 6 daily doses of oral dexamethasone may be useful in moderate to severe distress—reduces admissions by 35% by day 7, shortens time to discharge and duration of symptoms
    • Conflicting evidence with another recent dexamethasone trial showing no benefit when used alone—synergy between steroids and epinephrine likely critical for efficacy
    • Often used empirically in children with past or family history of atopy. Prednisolone common for this usage.
    • Albuterol–dexamethasone combination efficacy not confirmed in a big trial.
    • Bronchodilators alone after discharge not effective unless there was demonstrated effectiveness prior to discharge.
  • Antibiotics:
    • Not generally indicated since viral etiology
    • Consider if associated signs of focal bacterial disease (otitis, focal pneumonia), radiographic evidence of isolated lobar consolidation without airway disease (usually bacterial pneumonia rather than bronchiolitis), significant toxicity, sepsis
  • Ribavirin:
    • No role in ED management and rarely used in the inpatient setting
  • Albuterol: 2.5 mg/3 mL, 2–3 doses via nebulizer or 400 mcg via MDI/spacer 20–30 min apart in the ED. A therapeutic trial can be considered but continue only if there is a clear improvement in the work of breathing. Does not change overall disease outcomes.
  • Levalbuterol: 1.25 mg/dose, 2–3 doses via nebulizer, 20–30 min apart in the ED (see above).
  • l-epinephrine: 3 mL (1:1,000 solution), 2 doses via nebulizer 30 min apart in the ED or with
  • Dexamethasone: 1 mg/kg/dose PO in the ED, then 0.15 mg/kg daily for 5 days
  • Prednisolone (15 mg/5 mL): 1–2 mg/kg/d PO BID/3–5 d
  • Comment 1: Most children require no medications. Bronchodilators alone rarely change outcomes. Initial trial of albuterol should be extended only if clear clinical improvement. Epinephrine–dexamethasone combination shown to decrease hospitalizations by day 7 of illness and may warrant consideration.
  • Comment 2: Although no trial to date has identified any pharmacotherapeutic agent to change the course of the disease, a recent meta-analysis found that (a) inhaled epinephrine alone and epinephrine + oral dexamethasone appear to have half the odds of hospitalization compared to placebo and (b) salbutamol does not reduce hospitalizations in bronchiolitis.
Admission Criteria
  • Need for supplemental oxygen (oxygen saturation on room air is <90–92% at sea level)
    • Some institutions have developed protocols that allow full-term, stable children >6 months of age, who are well hydrated, have compliant parents, and good follow-up to be discharged on minimal oxygen after a prolonged period of observation in the ED.
  • Inability to self-hydrate
  • Marked increase work of breathing (tachypnea with retractions or accessory muscle use)
  • Apnea
  • Severe underlying chronic lung disease or cardiac disease
  • Persistent marked respiratory distress 4 hr after a trial of epinephrine and dexamethasone
  • Significant comorbidity/suspicion of alternative diagnosis/underlying systemic disease/immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive therapy
  • Strongly consider in infants <7 wk, weight <4 kg, respiratory rate >80/min, heart rate >180/min, comorbidities, or prematurity
  • Caretaker noncompliant or unable to monitor child closely
Discharge Criteria
  • Feeding reasonably well
  • Acceptable room air saturation (see above)
  • Absence of significant respiratory distress
  • Follow-up available within 24 hr
  • Compliant home environment
  • Discharge instructions:
    • Symptoms may persist for 2–3 wk
    • Frequent small feeds
    • Bronchodilators after discharge not uniformly beneficial

Because of the progressive nature of bronchiolitis close follow-up is required, particularly early in the illness alerting parents to the likelihood of worsening respiratory distress, dehydration, and apnea.


Infants with bronchiolitis often present with respiratory distress associated with hypoxia, dehydration, and/or apnea. Aggressive monitoring may be warranted.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics Subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis. Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis.
    . 2006;118:1774–1793.
  • Corneli HM, Zorc JJ, Mahajan P, et al. A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of dexamethasone for bronchiolitis.
    N Engl J Med
    . 2007;357:331–339. [Erratum,
    N Engl J Med.
  • Hartling L, Bialy LM, Vandermeer B, et al. Epinephrine for bronchiolitis.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
  • Hartling L, Fernandes RM, Bialy L, et al. Steroids and bronchodilators for acute bronchiolitis in the first two years of life: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Kellner JD, Ohlsson A, Gadomski AM, et al. Bronchodilators for bronchiolitis.
    Cochrane Database Syst Rev
    . 2000;(2):CD001266.
  • Levine DA, Platt SL, Dayan PS, et al. Risk of serious bacterial infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infections.
    . 2004;113:1728–1734.
  • Plint AC, Johnson DW, Patel H, et al. Epinephrine and dexamethasone in children with bronchiolitis.
    N Engl J Med
    . 2009;360:2079–2089.
  • Ralston S, Hill V, Waters A. Occult serious bacterial infection in infants younger than 60 to days with bronchiolitis: A systemic review.
    Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med
    . 2011;165:951–956.
  • Schuh S, Coates AL, Binnie R, et al. Efficacy of oral dexamethasone in outpatients with acute bronchiolitis.
    J Pediatr.
  • Schuh S, Lalani A, Allen U, et al. Evaluation of the utility of radiography in acute bronchiolitis.
    J Pediatr.
See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)

Asthma, Pediatric

  • 466.1 Acute bronchiolitis
  • 466.11 Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • 466.19 Acute bronchiolitis due to other infectious organisms
  • J21.0 Acute bronchiolitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
  • J21.1 Acute bronchiolitis due to human metapneumovirus
  • J21.9 Acute bronchiolitis, unspecified
Robin R. Hemphill
  • Hyperemia and edema of the mucous membranes
  • Production of mucopurulent exudates
  • Impairment of the productive function of the cilia, lymphatics, and phagocytes
  • Airway obstruction from:
    • Edema
    • Secretions
    • Bronchial muscle spasm
  • Viral infections are the primary cause of bronchitis:
    • Parainfluenza
    • Influenza A and B
    • Respiratory syncytial virus
    • Human metapneumovirus
    • Echovirus
    • Coronavirus
    • Adenovirus
    • Coxsackievirus
    • Rhinovirus
    • Measles and herpes viruses (can cause severe viral bronchitis)
  • Particularly severe or long-lasting bronchitis:
    • Mycoplasma pneumoniae
    • Chlamydia pneumoniae
    • Bordetella pertussis
      • Rates of pertussis are increasing, even in the fully immunized population (little protection remains after 10 yr).
  • Other bacteria have not been conclusively proven to cause bronchitis except in those with chronic lung disease.
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