Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (45 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

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  • 298.9 Unspecified psychosis
  • 780.97 Altered mental status
  • R41.0 Disorientation, unspecified
  • R41.82 Altered mental status, unspecified
Ben Osborne

Joel C. Miller
  • Invasive parasitic infection with both intestinal and extraintestinal manifestations
  • Endemic worldwide, especially areas with poor sanitation
  • Populations at risk:
    • Travelers to, citizens of, and immigrants from endemic areas
    • Institutionalized persons
    • Practitioners of oral–anal sexual activity
    • Men who have sex with men (MSM)
    • HIV infected individuals
  • Risk factors for increased severity of disease and complications:
    • Immunocompromised: Corticosteroid use, HIV infection, malnutrition, malignancy
    • Pregnancy/postpartum state
    • Extremes of age
  • Entamoeba histolytica,
    an anaerobic, nonflagellated protozoa
  • Fecal–oral transmission:
    • Humans are sole reservoir.
  • Ingested organisms cause invasive colitis.
  • Extraintestinal spread is hematogenous.
  • Intestinal disease:
    • Onset 1 wk to 1 mo postexposure
    • Acute diarrhea (nondysenteric colitis):
      • 80% of cases
      • Afebrile
      • Occult blood in stool
      • Benign abdominal exam
    • Classic dysentery:
      • Bloody mucoid diarrhea
      • Abdominal pain/benign abdominal exam
      • Tenesmus
      • Weight loss
      • Fever (rare)
    • Fulminant colitis:
      • Toxic-appearing patient
      • Rigid abdomen (25%)
      • Fever
      • Severe bloody diarrhea
      • Rapid progression to perforated bowel and frank peritonitis
      • >40% mortality
    • Toxic megacolon:
      • Toxic-appearing patient
      • Profuse diarrhea (>10 stools per day)
      • Fever
      • Distended, tympanitic abdomen with signs of peritonitis
      • Associated with corticosteroid use
      • High mortality
    • Ameboma:
      • Intraluminal granulated mass
      • Tender palpable mass on exam
    • Amebic strictures:
      • Owing to chronic inflammation/scarring
      • Crampy abdominal pain
      • Nausea and vomiting (may be feculent)
      • Partial or complete bowel obstruction
    • Chronic amebic colitis:
      • Mild recurrent episodes of bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and tenesmus
      • Weight loss
      • May persist for years
  • Extraintestinal disease:
    • Amebic liver abscess:
      • Most frequent extraintestinal manifestation (3–9% of cases)
      • Single abscess in right lobe (50–80%)
      • May develop months to years postexposure (median of 3 mo)
      • Fever
      • Right upper quadrant pain
      • Hepatomegaly with point tenderness
      • Rales at right lung base
      • Concurrent diarrhea unusual (20–33%)
      • Complication: Rupture into pleural cavity (10–20%), peritoneum, or pericardium (rare)
      • Increased risk of rupture if >5 cm in diameter or left lobe location
    • Extrahepatic amebic abscess:
      • Brain
      • Lung
      • Perinephric
      • Splenic
      • Vaginal/cervical/uterine
    • Cutaneous amebiasis:
      • Perineum and genitalia
      • Painful, irregularly shaped ulcers
      • Purulent exudate
Pediatric Considerations

Fulminant colitis is more likely

Pregnancy Considerations

Fulminant colitis is more likely

  • Possible sources of exposure
  • Membership in high-risk group
  • Identify evidence of peritonitis, sepsis, or shock.
  • Tender abdominal mass mandates workup for liver abscess or ameboma.
  • Digital rectal exam shows gross or occult blood in >70% of patients.
  • CBC:
    • Leukocytosis in amebic liver abscess and peritonitis
  • Alkaline phosphatase and ALT:
    • Elevated in amebic liver abscess
  • Serum electrolytes, BUN/creatinine if prolonged diarrhea or evidence of dehydration
  • Stool PCR is diagnostic gold standard:
    • 100% sensitive and specific
  • Stool ELISA for
    E. histolytica
    –specific antigen:
    • 74–95% sensitive, 93–100% specific
  • Serum for anti-
    E. histolytica
    • Essential if suspecting liver abscess. These patients rarely shed parasites in stool
    • 90–100% sensitive in amebic liver abscess
    • 70–90% sensitive in amebic colitis
  • Stool microscopy is <60% sensitive and no longer the test of choice.
  • Fecal leukocytes and culture:
    • Rule out infection of enteroinvasive bacteria;
    • Negative in amebiasis
  • Abdominal US:
    • 58–90% sensitive for liver abscess
    • Sensitivity influenced by size and location
    • Evaluate abscess for increased risk of rupture (>5 cm or located in left lobe)
  • Abdominal CT or MRI:
    • Equivalent to US for delineating liver abscesses
    • Superior to US for detecting abscesses in other organs
  • Head CT or MRI:
    • Suspect amebic brain abscess if patient with known amebiasis has altered mental status or focal neurologic findings.
    • Irregular nonenhancing lesions
  • CXR:
    • Elevated right hemidiaphragm and/or right pleural effusion in liver abscess
Diagnostic Procedures/Surgery
  • Colonoscopy with biopsy provides definitive diagnosis of amebic dysentery, colitis, ameboma, and amebic stricture.
  • Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration of liver abscess to exclude bacterial abscess if nondiagnostic serology or antiamebic therapy fails
    • Not for primary treatment of liver abscesses
  • Intestinal amebiasis:
    • Enteroinvasive bacterial infection (
      Staphylococcus, E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Yersinia, Campylobacter
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Ischemic colitis
    • Arteriovenous malformation
    • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
    • Perforated duodenal ulcer
    • Intussusception, diverticulitis
    • Pancreatitis
    • Colorectal carcinoma
  • Amebic abscess:
    • Bacterial abscess
    • Tuberculous cavity
    • Echinococcal cyst
    • Malignancy
    • Cholecystitis
  • Cutaneous amebiasis:
    • Carcinoma
    • STDs (condyloma acuminata, chancroid, syphilis)
  • Airway, breathing, circulation (ABCs)
  • IV 0.9% NS if signs of significant shock
  • Oral fluids if mild; IV if moderate/severe dehydration
  • Avoid antidiarrheal agents.
  • Correct serum electrolyte imbalances.
  • Stool sample for
    E. histolytica
    PCR or ELISA, plus serology for anti–
    E. histolytica
  • If stool or serum is positive for
    E. histolytica
    • Metronidazole or tinidazole is 1st-line drug for systemic amebiasis (90% cure rate)
    • Chloroquine is an alternative systemic agent
    • Always follow systemic therapy with a luminal agent to eradicate intestinal colonization (erythromycin, iodoquinol, nitazoxanide, paromomycin, or tetracycline).
    • Do not use the luminal agents alone
  • If stool or serum is negative for
    E. histolytica
    • Refer to gastroenterologist for colonoscopy with biopsy.
    • Repeat serology in 7 days.
    • Consider empiric course of metronidazole if high suspicion for amebiasis and patient is critically ill.
  • If evidence of peritonitis or sepsis:
    • Add IV antibiotic directed against anaerobic and gram-negative bacteria.
    • Surgery if toxic megacolon or perforation
  • If liver abscess is suspected:
    • US or CT of hepatobiliary system with concurrent amebic serology
    • If imaging demonstrates an abscess but serology is negative, treat with amebicides and repeat serology in 7 days.
    • Consider abscess drainage by surgeon or interventional radiologist in conjunction with amebicidal therapy.
    • If symptoms do not improve after 5–7 days of empiric amebicidal therapy, consider fine-needle aspiration to rule out bacterial abscess or hepatoma.
Pregnancy Considerations
  • Use metronidazole with caution in 1st-trimester pregnancy, but do not withhold if patient has fulminant colitis or amebic abscess.
  • Use erythromycin or nitazoxanide as intestinal amebicides along with metronidazole.
  • Erythromycin or nitazoxanide may be used alone for mild dysentery in 1st-trimester pregnancy.
  • Chloroquine, iodoquinol, paromomycin, tetracycline, and tinidazole are contraindicated.

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