Read Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult Online

Authors: Jeffrey J. Schaider,Adam Z. Barkin,Roger M. Barkin,Philip Shayne,Richard E. Wolfe,Stephen R. Hayden,Peter Rosen

Tags: #Medical, #Emergency Medicine

Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult (561 page)

BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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  • Indications: Arsenic, copper, lead, mercury with/following BAL or EDTA
  • Warnings: Contraindicated in penicillin allergy, renal insufficiency
  • Dose:
    • Lead:
      • Adult: 250–500 mg per dose PO q8–12h
      • Pediatric: 25–40 mg/kg/d PO in 3 div. doses
    • Arsenic: 100 mg/kg/d PO div. in 4 doses for 5 days (max. 1 g/d)
    • Mercury:
      • Adult: 250 mg PO QID
      • Pediatric: 20–30 mg/kg/d PO in 4 div. doses
  • Indications:
    • Hypertensive crisis: Stimulants, sympathomimetics, MAO–tyramine reaction, and extravasated pressors
    • Reversal of cocaine-mediated vasospasm
  • Warnings: HTN, tachycardia, dysrhythmias
  • Dose:
    • HTN (HTN):
      • Adult: 1–5 mg IV bolus
      • Pediatric: 0.02–0.1 mg/kg bolus
    • Extravasation:
      • Adult: 5 mg diluted in 10–15 mL saline SC
      • Pediatric: 0.1 mg/kg diluted in 10–15 mL saline SC
  • Indications: Severe anticholinergic syndrome
  • Warnings: Contraindicated in TCA overdose
  • Dose:
    • Adult: 0.5–1 mg IV, repeat in 10 min PRN
    • Pediatric: 0.02 mg/kg IV, repeat in 10 min PRN
  • Indications:
    • Organophosphate toxicity
    • Reversal of nicotinic effects
    • Reactivates enzyme
    • Use in conjunction with atropine
  • Warnings:
    • Myasthenic crisis if myasthenia gravis
    • Nausea, headache, dizziness, laryngospasm, muscle rigidity
  • Dose:
    • Adult: 1–2 g IV in 100 mL NaCl over 15 min, repeat in 1 hr PRN, repeat in 6 hr if nicotinic symptoms return
    • Pediatrics: 25–50 mg/kg over 15 min, repeat in 1 hr PRN, repeat in 6 hr if nicotinic symptoms return
  • Indications: Reversal of heparin anticoagulation
  • Warnings:
    • Hypersensitivity in patients with fish allergy
    • Avoid benzyl alcohol diluent in neonates.
  • Dose: 1 mg for each 100 IU heparin, 1/2 dose if 30–60 min; 1/4 dose if 2 hr after heparin bolus;
    • 25–50 mg slow IV over 15 min. Initial dose should not be >50 mg
  • Indications:
    • Isoniazid-induced seizures
    • Gyromitra
  • Warnings: None, nontoxic
  • Dose:
    • Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)–induced seizures:
      • Unknown ingested amount: 5 g for adult or 1 g for pediatrics
      • Dose (mg) = amount INH ingested (mg)
      • Gyromitra
        : 25 mg/kg IV over 30 min–1 hr
  • Indications: Significant envenomation by
    species: Rattlesnake, cottonmouth, water moccasin, pit viper
  • Warnings:
    • Ovine-derived products: Immediate hypersensitivity, serum sickness 10–14 days
    • Premedicate for anaphylaxis if we know the equine/ovine serum hypersensitivity.
  • Dose:
  • Ovine derived (CroFab):
    • 4–6 vials slowly; may repeat dose of 4–6 vials if control of envenomation not achieved, then 2 vials q6h for 3 doses
    • Reconstitute each vial with 25 mL sterile water. Dilute in 250 mL 0.9% NaCl and infuse over 1 hr.
  • Indications: Reversal of Coumadin anticoagulation
  • Warnings: Hypersensitivity from IV administration
  • Dose:
    • 2–10 mg SC/slow IV, may repeat in 8 hr
    • 2–10 mg PO, may repeat in 12–48 hr

977.9 Poisoning by unspecified drug or medicinal substance


T65.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified substance, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter

Frank LoVecchio

Modalities to decontaminate the GI tract of poisons

  • Ipecac is contraindicated in ambulance setting.
  • Controversies:
    • Home use of ipecac in general is not recommended.
    • In extremely rare cases (e.g., very prolonged transit times, protecting airway), consider ipecac administration only after consultation with regional poison control center.
    • Decreased time to activated charcoal administration when given in pre-hospital setting
  • Airway, breathing, and circulation management (ABCs):
    • Secure airway for decreased mental status/inability to protect airway.
    • IV access
    • Cardiac monitor
  • With altered mental status from overdose:
    • Naloxone
    • Thiamine
    • Dextrose (or Accu-Chek)
  • Activated charcoal:
    • General:
      • Prepared by treating heated wood pulp, which creates a large surface area to bind toxins
      • Mainstay of gastric decontamination
      • Effective when contents have reached small intestine
    • Dose:
      • 1–2 g/kg of body weight or an activated charcoal-to-drug ratio of 10:1; often mixed with sorbitol (see below)
      • Oral or nasogastric tube administration
    • Indications:
      • Administer in every toxic ingestion (see below for exceptions).
      • Optimal for toxic ingestions presenting within 1 hr of ingesting a drug that is absorbed by charcoal in a patient with a patent airway
    • Adverse effects:
      • Vomiting and constipation
      • Charcoal aspiration and subsequent charcoal pneumonitis
    • Contraindications:
      • Caustic ingestions
      • Unprotected airway
      • Bowel obstruction or ileus
    • Drugs not effectively bound to charcoal:
      • Metals (borates, bromide, iron, lithium)
      • Alcohols
      • Potassium
      • Potassium cyanide (poorly absorbed)
      • Hydrocarbons
      • Caustics
    • Pediatric considerations:
      • Mix with palatable substance (cola or juice) to facilitate intake or administer via gastric tube.
    • Controversies:
      • Randomized, controlled trials have shown a slightly worse outcome and higher complication rate when
        patients received charcoal vs. nothing.
      • An extremely small minority of patients are likely to benefit from gastric lavage.
  • Multiple-dose activated charcoal:
    • General:
      • Used in toxic ingestions that are well absorbed by charcoal and undergo enterohepatic circulation
    • Dose:
      • 1 g/kg followed by 0.5 g/kg q2–6h
      • Never use cathartics in conjunction with multiple-dose activated charcoal.
    • Indications:
      • Salicylates
      • Theophylline
      • Multiple-dose activated charcoal may decrease area under the curve for drugs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin, and carbamazepine but has not been proven to improve outcome.
  • Cathartics:
    • General:
      • Used in combination with activated charcoal to prevent constipation and to enhance GI transit time
      • Limited data available to demonstrate any decreased absorption when a cathartic (sorbitol) is added to activated charcoal
      • Cathartics alone are of no proven benefit and should be avoided.
      • Never
        use cathartics in conjunction with multiple-dose activated charcoal.
    • Dose:
      • Magnesium citrate: 10% solution: 250 mL (peds: 4 mL/kg)
      • Magnesium sulfate: 15–20 g (peds: 250 mg/kg)
      • Sorbitol: 0.5–1 g/kg to a max. 100 g of 70% solution (peds: >1 yr old: 0.5–1 g/kg as a 35% solution to a max. 50 g) PO mixed in the activated charcoal slurry—use only in 1st dose.
    • Adverse effects:
      • Dehydration
      • Hypermagnesemia
      • Diarrhea
      • Abdominal discomfort
    • Contraindications:
      • Pre-existing dehydration
      • Renal disease (cathartics containing magnesium)
      • Avoid in children
    • Controversies:
      • No proven benefit and some cases of harm reported
  • Whole-bowel irrigation:
    • General: Cleansing of bowel
    • Indications:
      • Toxins not well absorbed by charcoal, such as toxic iron and lithium ingestions
      • Toxins in sealed containers (body packers) without signs of GI perforation
      • Toxic, sustained-release product ingestions
    • Dose:
      • Polyethylene glycol (Colyte, GoLytely)
      • Solution at 2 L/hr in adults (0.5 L/hr in children) until rectal excretions clear
      • Administer via nasogastric tube with activated charcoal via continuous or bolus method as indicated.
    • Adverse effects:
      • Bloating
      • Rectal irritation
      • Frequent bowel movements
    • Contraindications:
      • Mechanical or pharmacologic ileus
      • Bowel obstruction
      • Hypotension
      • Intestinal perforation
      • Unprotected airway
  • Orogastric lavage:
    • General:
      • Placement of large-bore tube (32F–36F) in stomach for removal of ingested toxins
      • Effectiveness of orogastric lavage depends on time since ingestion, timing of last meal, and toxin ingested.
      • Protected airway is essential prior to any attempts at orogastric lavage.
    • Indications:
      • Currently, rarely performed
      • Presentation within 1 hr of taking a potentially lethal ingestion with no known antidote
      • Poisoned intubated patient arriving within ∼1 hr
    • Adverse effects:
      • Intubation of respiratory tree
      • Esophageal or gastric perforation
      • Charcoal aspiration
      • Patient discomfort
    • Contraindications:
      • Large pills (limited by lavage-tube port size) ingestion
      • Caustics (acids and alkali) ingestion
      • Hydrocarbon ingestion
      • Ingestion of agents that rapidly depress mental status
      • Unprotected airway
    • Pediatric considerations:
      • Avoid in children
      • Unlikely to result in any clinically significant pill extraction secondary to smaller-bore orogastric tube (i.e., 18F)
      • Risk of aspiration increased in children
      • Controversies: Several randomized, controlled trials have documented no benefit when lavage plus activated charcoal is compared with activated charcoal alone.
  • Ipecac:
    • General:
      • Rarely used
      • Derived from the roots of the plant
        Cephaelis acuminata
      • Exerts emetic action by direct gastric irritation and centrally mediated chemoreceptive trigger-zone stimulation
      • Delays administration of activated charcoal
      • Offers no advantage over activated charcoal alone when both treatments are potentially effective
    • Dosage:
      • >12 yr: 30 mL
      • 1–12 yr: 15 mL
      • 6 mo–1 yr: 5–10 mL + 15 mL clear fluid
    • Indications:
      • No utility in ED
    • Adverse effects:
      • Vomiting may complicate and worsen clinical presentation.
      • Delay to administration of activated charcoal or oral antidotes
    • Contraindications:
      • Caustics (acids and alkali) ingestion
      • Hydrocarbon ingestion
      • Ingestion of agents that rapidly depress mental status
      • Patient actively vomiting
BOOK: Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
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