Rotten (25 page)

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Authors: JL Brooks

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rotten
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I shook my head. “Yes, it does, it feels awesome.”

With a large smile, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before sinking over my mouth. “Then nothing else matters. Don’t worry right now. Let yourself enjoy how you feel.”

His kiss was soft and tender. Using his free hand to move my thighs apart, he sunk slowly in me while stealing my breath. I ran my hands over his soaked, dark hair and across the scruff on his cheek. Below his plush lips rested a small patch of hair, blond, unlike the rest of his beard. Rising up I nipped at his lower lip and giggled.

Lying back down, I stretched my hands across his shoulders and gently stroked the broad muscle as he began to move within me at a greater speed. I felt him growing even more and knew he was close. Lifting a thigh, I wrapped my hand around and lightly grabbed his testicles and tugged with a gentle squeeze. He let out a large groan while beginning to empty his seed. With a few thrusts that were more aggressive, he nearly collapsed on me, yet I relished the weight of his body on mine. His back was slick and our bodies stuck together, fused happily with sweat.

I started to laugh while he gained composure. “Man, I could get used to this.”

He leaned up and wiped his face off before looking down at me. “You better, because there’s a lot more where that came from.”



David’s right hand rested heavily on my thigh unless he needed to shift gears, and then immediately he reclaimed the abandoned spot, kneading the flesh lightly with his fingertips. Curling my body towards him in the bucket seat, I stroked the top of his arm and took in his sated features. Reaching up to grasp my wrist, he held my palm against his cheek and leaned in.

“Pull over, right now.” My voice was husky, saturated with passion. I couldn’t wait another moment to have him again. Jumping over the console, I ground my hips into him, banging my back against the steering wheel. His left hand reached underneath the seat and scooted back the few inches his tall frame had not already claimed. A fevered kiss caused my already tender lips to swell even more.

“Turn around, Toni, lay against me.”

Obeying his command, his hands encouraged my knees up to slide my shorts and panties off.

“Lean up a sec.”

I reached up and grabbed the bar, giving him enough room to loosen his pants and free himself. David slid down a bit in the seat and pulled my back against him. Using his free hand and the advantageous position, he guided me down his length, holding his breath until I had taken him completely. From behind, he buried into me so deep, I was afraid to move. Grabbing my hips, he moved in slow, calculated circles, stretching me open for him.

The hunger was unyielding and consuming; I couldn’t get enough. His hands roamed under my tank and lifted my bra up from my chest, freeing my breasts and twisting the nipples between his fingers. The multiple sensations occurring simultaneously caused a torrent of emotion to surface. I could feel my core begin to quake with the first ebbs of an orgasm in bloom. Trying to chase it with all of my might became frustrating and started to take away from the encounter.

David’s arm pulled me back against his chest while the other arm brought his index finger to my lips and encouraged them to open. Taking a long, slow draw, I moistened his finger and then felt it move between my folds, finding the pink pearl of greed. Moving skillfully along the sides, skimming the top, his fingers were as soft as his tongue, dancing back and forth lightly, driving my body mad.

“Stop it, just relax.” His tone was slightly commanding, yet I knew why. He knew I was overthinking things once again; he wanted me to let go. Lacing my arms above my head, I gave his hands free reign of my body, succumbing to the years of practice devoted to learning the female form. He knew my body better than I did. It responded to his caresses automatically, causing him to smile with arrogance. His soft lips grazed my neck, and the short stubbly hairs along his jaw line caused a warm friction on my skin as he nibbled towards my shoulders. He smelled seductively of earth and sweat.

All the while, his slow rhythm pushed me closer and closer to the edge. I didn’t try to control where this went. I closed my eyes and let my body take over.

“You like that don’t you? A little bit of pain mixed with pleasure.” His fingertip pinched my nipple hard while tugging gently. His right hand continued to manipulate my clit steadily as he brought me down harder and harder with each thrust.

“I ruined you, didn’t I? I broke you in and made you mine. From the first moment I penetrated you, your pussy recorded how I felt inside of you, knowing that it would never feel that way again. I couldn’t be rough with you then. Not like now. Now I can really fuck you hard. Do you want me to fuck you hard? Tell me, Toni.” His words were barreling me into a sensual weakness as I became even more pliable in his embrace. “Tell me what you want.”

I couldn’t speak. My legs were shaking as his hips bucked faster and faster, yet his finger held a steady rhythm on the swelling bud.

“Hard,” I whispered

His head lifted up closer to my ear and bit the lobe.

“I didn’t hear you, sweetheart, say it again.”

I knew he was taunting me. This was so difficult for me to do. For as foul-mouthed as I was, in this moment I couldn’t find my voice, and he was pushing me to scream out what I desired. It was him, only him. Any way he wanted me, as long as he was inside of me, licking me, biting me, caressing a piece of my flesh.

He slowed his pace, barely moving within me, still holding my body tight against his chest with my head curled into the curve of his neck. “Toni, tell me what you want. Tell me what you like. Do you like when I do this?” He moved the hair away from my shoulder so his tongue could dip into the hollows of my neck. His lips rested on my pulse and tasted each beat of my heart.

“Yes,” I said breathlessly. I moved my hips to ride him faster, and he did not stop me.

“Do you like going fast?” Grabbing my thighs, he guided my legs to the steering wheel and placed the heels of my feet in the spaces on each side. Giving me a platform to press against, I raised my hips and bore my weight on my shoulder blades as David began to thrust with fury. The air escaped my lungs in loud moans. Releasing his grasp across my chest, he guided me forward, tucking my knees behind me in a reverse straddle. Holding onto the steering wheel with my arms for leverage, I began to cry out as he pounded relentlessly into my small frame. My left thigh began to burn after the quick snap of a palm against the flesh.

“Again,” I yelled without pause. David obliged and firmly smacked the soft skin in successful repetitions.

“More?” he replied.


His fingertips traveled up my back and along my hairline, combing through the blond locks against the scalp. With a firm grip, he pulled back quickly. His other hand grabbed the side of my hip and dug the fingertips in with bruising pressure. Delivering long winding hip rotations, he pushed as far as he could go and twisted his cock within my swollen channel. Pulling out slowly, and then slamming hard, I careened into a merciless desire. There was no inner dialogue, only the static hum of a soul about to fall apart. With another yank back, I buckled and began to tremor beneath him. He rode faster to match the speed of my release, driving me further into delirium.

David then held my slacking body in his arms, seeking his own gratification, jerking violently as he shot his warm seed. Resting over the steering wheel, I could see the stars through the windshield, twinkling down upon us. This is what bliss felt like. Never before had I experienced the passion that poets felt worthy of devoting a lifetime to, or artists struggled to capture in a physical form. I had resigned myself to an eternity not privy to such feelings.

Sliding me back down against him, he curled my body into his and held tight with his eyes closed. The air in the car was thick and warm, creating a wall of condensation on the side windows. If it were not for the fact I had not yet seen my daddy, I wouldn’t be so insistent on leaving the lover’s embrace. I did my best to hold still for a few moments, yet David laughed the more I squirmed.

“Can’t snuggle for five minutes, you’re killing me. I never want to cuddle with a chick after sex, and the first time I do, I get shot down. Man, ain’t that some shit.”

I laid my back against him in order to pull my shorts back on, and he squeezed me tight, blowing raspberries on my neck, making me nearly kick something in his car. Straddling him to give one more kiss before we were on our way, I looked down and smiled. “You totally have a wet spot in the car now.”



Every noise in the hospital was amplified a thousand fold as I raced to see my daddy. Nearly two months had passed since his body decided to shut down and try to conserve the life force within him. I stood at the door for a moment; then my legs trembled with each step I took. I had been here nearly every day, but now he was awake. So much had happened, I didn’t know where I would even begin. Forcing myself to calm down before walking in, everything within me wanted to burst, yet I needed to be subdued. He was so weak; too much excitement could be bad. As I approached his bedside, he breathed peacefully in the quiet room. David and I pulled up chairs and waited for him to rouse.

“Daddy, I’m here.”

I kissed his cheek and forehead, rubbing my thumb over the spots my lips touched. Gently kneading his fingers in my hands, I didn’t want to startle him. His eyes fluttered open and took a few moments to realize who was standing over him. Never before had I seen my father weep, and for the first time, his chest rattled as he took short, sharp breaths while reaching out for me. Without hesitation, I crawled onto the hospital bed and into his arms. Resting against his chest, I felt his rapid heartbeat against my temple.

“Hey baby girl, it’s okay. Daddy’s here.”

I lost it.

David came up behind me and started to rub soothingly against my arms and back, also holding me up to prevent my falling off the bed. I could feel the tremor in his hands as they moved back and forth. My daddy reached over me and held David’s hand against my shoulder.

“Thank you, son, for bringing her back to me. I knew you could do it.”

It was then David’s moment for reprieve. That was what my daddy sent him to do. The insurmountable task of finding me in the darkness and pulling me through hell, and he did it. I could tell he wanted to cry, yet his chest jerked in manly restraint, puffing out clenched breaths while unconsciously rubbing harder against my back. Leaning down to kiss my shoulder, he looked to my daddy and smiled.

“I did it for both of us.”

My daddy looked at each of us, and peace washed over his face. He could leave this world, knowing that his little girl was in the best hands possible. If he could have anything he wanted before passing, this would be it. Nurse Julie came into the room, her own barrage of tears falling quickly at the sight before her. Patting David on the back, he turned around and hugged her before she approached me.

“Toni, you mind if we step out in the hall for a second? I would like to discuss a few things with you. It won’t take long.”

Though she smiled, I could see that she was about to break my heart. Not wanting my daddy to see me in pain, she knew separating me for a moment would allow me to process things before putting my poker face back on. I nodded and kissed both of my boys again before stepping out and towards the nurse’s station.

“How long do I have?”

There was no point in dancing around the situation. The dialysis was only doing so much to keep his strained organs alive. The fact he woke up at all was a miracle.

“I can’t give you that answer. I can only guess that with continued treatment here at the hospital, a month perhaps. I don’t like using numbers, because the human will can be surprisingly strong and may prove me wrong, or it can be incredibly weak, yet still defy my predictions. But Toni, he doesn’t want to be here. We are keeping his body alive, but you are keeping his spirit going. He wants to go home, and I don’t blame him. If you think you can care for him with hospice assistance out at his house, he will be more comfortable and able to enjoy what time he has left on this earth.”

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