Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (12 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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ass like his first meal after a weeklong fast. He licked, bit, and sucked every millimeter of the opening until it relaxed and spread, still fluttering and clinging around the impaling force of experienced muscle.

The same talented tongue Bram used to kiss James into a shuddering heap of wonton flesh ravaged his now gaping asshole like a devil-possessed animal. James felt his orgasm already building. He wormed one hand under his body and reached for his neglected cock. Instead, his wrist was clamped in a beefy hold, as Bram intercepted him. He tried to tug loose, but he was held tight.

"Uh-uh. No touching, baby. Going to make you come just like this. Pinned down," Bram squeezed James' trapped hand tighter, "ass held high and spread wide," he roughly kissed first one quivering globe then the other, "so I can eat your sweet, cherry-puckered ass until you scream."

His throbbing cock swelled to its limits and James moaned helplessly into the mattress.

Warm air puffed against his saliva-wet hole making it clench at the sudden chill, sending a shudder up his spine. The shivers had the added bonus of rubbing his frustrated cock over the wrinkled folds of the pillow.

Desperate to touch something, James grabbed at the wrist under his restrained hand. He was surprised when the hold on his wrist was released and his fingers were interlaced with Bram's strong, thick digits. A shudder of pleasure washed through him when his hand was gently squeezed then held.

Bram stabbed at the sensitized opening, rolling his tongue and forcing small spurts of spit up James' ass. He rubbed the tip of his tongue over the slick, clinging passage as far as he could reach again and again. Using the broad width of the muscle to rasp over the swollen entrance, he sucked and nibbled the raw, tender tissue outside until James writhed and bucked under the assault.

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James' struggle increased as his orgasm built to a painful level. He gripped Bram's hand harder and savored the returned pressure almost as much as the sizzling climax that traveled down his spine and exploded up from the root of his aching cock, making his sore ass burn and clench. The burning pain scorched through his body and tore a cry from his dry throat. "Ugh! Bram!"

Panting into the sheets, James melted against the support of the mattress and the pile of wet pillows. A lingering kiss was pressed to the base of his spine. Bram slid up to lay beside him. James turned his head and opened his eyes to see the other man staring at him, a soft, loving expression on Bram's handsome face. He slipped a hand down the front of Bram's body to automatically return the favor, but found a limp and sticky shaft nestled against a stout thigh. Bram shrugged and offered his lopsided grin.

"What you do to me, Jamie." There was wonder in his voice as Bram raised their still entwined hands and squeezed. "What you do to me." This time it was said in contented acceptance.

He brushed a lock of sweaty hair from James' forehead, gaze darting from the younger man's deep blue eyes to his full lips and high cheekbones, seemingly memorizing every feature. Then Bram smiled and rapped a knuckle on the top of James' head.


"Come on, sleepyhead. Go get a shower while I get breakfast started." Bram rolled over and sprang from the bed like a cat.

James admired the way the big man's entire body rippled with controlled power and grace. From his muscled neck to his bulging biceps, triceps, tapered hips, firm ass and thick shaft, the overall view was outstanding.

"What about you? Want to join me?" James was actually a little concerned what the answer would be. He ached all over. It was a delicious ache, but painful nonetheless.

"Next time." Bram winked at him. "I think we could both use a little 'down' time." He pointed at his inactive cock. "Besides, I've been up for over an hour." He began dressing, sliding into a pair of jeans and a button front shirt over a black T-shirt. "Showered, cleaned up the mess we left in the kitchen and brought your clothes upstairs." He gestured to the open doorway to the left of the bed. "I folded them and put them in the bathroom for you. I found a disposable razor and a comb in my travel kit you can use. I put them on the sink with a new toothbrush."

Sitting up on the edge of the huge bed, James blinked at the clock on the bedside stand. It was 7:32 a.m., on a Sunday. "Wow. It's early."

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Chuckling, Bram sat down next to James and pulled on socks and a pair of well-worn, brown cowboy boots. "I usually like to be at a work site by 6 a.m., most weeks, six out of seven days. I have to make the most of my days off, so I get up early then, too. If I need more sleep, I go to bed earlier."

He leaned over and gave a dazed James a quick kiss on the lips. "But with you here now, that probably won't mean I'll be getting more rest. Just more bed time." He stood up, pulling James to stand with him, then gently pushed the other man towards the bathroom.

"Get going. I have plans for us. Unfortunately, you have to be dressed to do them." He lightly groped James' bare ass as the younger man moved away. "Just hang the toothbrush up in the holder when you're done."

Stumbling to the bathroom doorway, James paused and looked over his shoulder to watch the other man stride out of the room. Bram was power, grace, intelligence, looks and possessed a skill as a lover James was sure would eventually cause him to spontaneously combust during climax one day. And the man wanted him.

Turning on the shower, James decided the next time he was down on his knees he was going to say a prayer of thanks -- just before he sucked the big man's soul out through his dick and swallowed it whole, so nobody else could have it.


When James came out of the bathroom, the bed had been changed, and the room straightened. The only reminder of their activities was the lingering scent of their release.

Taking in a deep breath, James was starting to see the attraction Bram had for it. His libido took notice immediately. Out of a new sense of self-preservation, James hurried from the room. He was already walking a bit cautiously.

Arriving at the kitchen door unnoticed, James watched his lover work. Bram had shed his outer shirt and stood facing the stove, broad back and firm butt nicely defined by his clothing. Every movement he made was done with grace and control. He flipped pancakes, turned sausages, buttered toast and poured coffee like an experienced short-order cook. Bram turned around to place two brimming plates of food on the now sparkling countertop they had made out on the evening before.

In form-fitting jeans, a clinging T-shirt, and sinuous muscles in obvious quantities, the small mountain of a man was the poster boy for anybody's wet dreams. It was just his opinion, but James thought the ruffled, red plaid apron tied around his waist was especially endearing. He couldn't help but react.

At the sound of laughter, Bram froze then lowered the plates to the counter and turned to face his heckler. His lips twitched as he fought to maintain a stern expression. "Find something amusing, do we?" He began to move slowly toward the other man.

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His newly acquired sense of self-preservation kicked in again and James smothered his laughter and edged away, moving to the other side of the large island counter.

Bram continued to stalk his prey, moving like a wild cat on the hunt, matching each evasive action his victim made.

"No, no, really." Edging around the island, James bit his lower lip and widened his eyes, the picture of innocence. "I think it's . . ." His hands gestured vaguely at the apron as he searched for a word that wouldn't get him killed and failed. "It's . . . adorable."

His stalker's eyes narrowed and James knew his time on this earth was dwindling.

Laughing, he dodged to the right then cut to the left, only to be seized from over the top of the island.

Bram yanked him over the smooth granite surface and into his arms, narrowly missing their breakfast. Spinning his laughing prey around, he pulled James into a sitting position on the edge of the countertop and settled himself between his captive's legs. Lacing his fingers together behind James' back, Bram pulled him close, pinning the other man's arms between them.

A top edge of a plaid ruffle ended up tucked under the big man's jaw in the playful struggle. He had to nudge it down with his chin to speak with any dignity.

"Adorable?" He growled like a cat, too.

"Did I say adorable?" James' whole body shook with the effort to remain solemn. "I meant . . . red's your color."

Bram's eyes narrowed again and the stern expression on his face cracked a bit as one corner of his mouth twitched. "Yeah?"

Biting his lip, James nodded. "Uh-huh. But I'd ditch the plaid if I were you." He nodded again at the raised eyebrow Bram gave him. "Makes you look chubby."

"Why, you little ungrateful shit." Bram's finger's unlaced so he could heave James up and over his shoulder, ignoring his partner's yelp of protest and stuttered giggles. "It's not my fault your mother forgot to feed your scrawny ass." He swatted James' butt once and dropped him onto a stool. Bram held on tight, fingers massaging the body under his hands. "Delightful as that ass is."

Shaking with laughter, James took a moment to get his balance after being upside down.

He clung to Bram's arms which were still wrapped around him.

Bram pressed his chest to James' back and nuzzled his ear, then murmured into it. "That's the way I like to feel my baby shake for me. Because you're happy." He quickly kissed
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James' cheek and pulled away, squeezing James' shoulder as he moved to his seat.

"Breakfast is getting cold, let's eat."

Laughter tapered off to muted chuckles and James nodded. "No arguments from me. I'm famished. Burning off a lot of extra calories lately, for some reason." James wiggled his eyebrows at Bram and dug into his food.

Grinning, Bram winked and smothered his pancakes in syrup. "Just think of me as your own personal Bowflex from now on."

Taken by surprised, James inhaled his coffee. Bram clapped him on the back, unsettling the smaller man from his stool.

Lying on the floor at Bram's feet, James continued coughing, but begged, "Stop helping, before you collapse one of my lungs!"

Bram lifted James up off the floor and helped him regain his seat. "Sorry. I have to get used to holding back a little with you." Bram released his hold, but James grabbed his arm to stop him from moving away.

Catching Bram's puzzled gaze, James looked intently up at his new lover and whispered,

"Don't you dare." He stayed locked on Bram's face until he saw the puzzlement dissolve into understanding and acceptance.

"Okay, I won't." Bram's voice grew soft. "But I'm warning you right now, Jamie, my sense of commitment tends to be even stronger than my body." His expression was loving, but firm. "And I think it's only fair I get the same in return. Can you handle that?"

James' stomach tightened as a small wave of nausea washed through him then dissipated under the other man's gentle gaze. "For you, I'm willing to try."

Bram was silent. He studied James' hopeful, but uncertain expression. One hand came up to rest on James' shoulder as a small tremor ran through James. He slowly slid his hand up to gently trace the outline of James' cheekbone with a callused thumb. "Then that's all I can ask for. Right now." He dropped his hand and returned to his food. "Let's finish up.

The day's wasting away."

Nodding, mainly because a lump of fear blocked his vocal cords, James picked at the remainder of his meal, eating just enough to keep Bram from commenting on his absent appetite. How could he be so afraid of something he wanted so much?

Afterwards, James helped clear the table and he washed the dishes. Bram dried and put them away since he knew where things belonged.

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When the last dish was put away, Bram hung up his apron on a hook by the stove. James snickered, but one warning look from the big guy had him biting both lips to keep a straight face.

"You really are domestic. With a capital 'D'."

"Told you so." Bram wiped down the countertop with the dishrag then hung it up to dry by the sink.

"I can't believe you managed to change the bed
make breakfast while I was in the shower." James followed Bram out of the room and down the hallway to the front foyer.

"Didn't want to have to take the time to do it later." Bram turned and winked at James.

"Might be in a hurry to use the bed."

Blushing, James took the coat Bram handed him. "I like a man who plans ahead." He slipped the light tan jacket over his wrinkled pale blue dress shirt and navy trousers from last night. "Where are we going?"

"Not far," Bram reassured him. "You'll see."

"Okay." James zipped up his coat and glanced up the front staircase leading to the bedroom. "And speaking of showering, that's an amazing bathroom you have upstairs.

Did you design it yourself?"

"Yep. It was originally a nursery off the master bedroom. This place has a lot of rooms."

Bram pulled on a brown leather blazer. "The walk-in closet, on the other side of the bedroom, was a sitting room. That's one of the best parts of living here -- lots of space."

"God, these old houses are great. I'd love to live in one someday." James gazed around the massive, formal entrance he was standing in, awe in his eyes and his voice. "The architectural features and craftsmanship are unique in each one. I have a lot of respect for the men who made them."

Watching James' expression, Bram smiled and looked around the room again with a light of new appreciation on his face. "Glad you feel that way, because you, Mr. Junior Architect of 'Dunn and Piper', and I are going for a walk."

He turned and opened the front door, gesturing for James to join him. "This whole neighborhood is full of houses just like this one. And most of the owners have tried to keep their improvements as true to the original design as possible. I've even worked on a couple."

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