Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough (9 page)

Read Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Rough [01] - A Bit of Rough
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"Soon, baby, soon. Let's get your 'punishment' out of the way first." Bram captured James' mouth with his own and began ravishing it, biting the fullness of swollen lips. He sucked James' willing tongue into his own wet mouth to stroke it, then licked and bathed every millimeter of tender flesh on the inside of his mouth until James' entire awareness was centered there.

When James was breathless and shaking, Bram released him, and turned his cheek to brush rough stubble over James' gasping mouth. "That's one kiss. I believe you owe me three."

Bram released James' wrists and pulled his partner's shirt up and off in one powerfully swift motion, tossing it to one side. He reached out and snagged the large plastic bag the food had been packed in off the edge of the counter. He pulled the bag through his hands, forming a long twisted strand of white.

James' gaze darted from the bag to Bram's face. "What's that for?" His voice trembled.

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Staring down into James' wide eyes, Bram tied the bag around the smaller man's unresisting wrists, still obediently lying where he had left them. He stretched James' arms up to hook the tied wrists over one faucet handle of the sink in the long countertop.

"I want to use my hands." He yanked James' hips down so that his arms were fully extended. "And you're not allowed to." He nipped at James' lower lip and stared intently at him. "Don't. Move."

Bram grinned at the unintelligible grunt and whimper that answered his command. He raised himself up slowly, dragging his hands down James' body, stroking the lean frame as he stood up. "Good boy. I like that." He rubbed his erection against James' wide-open crotch and ran his hands up James' tense thighs.

"Come on, man. Do me!" James whimpered.

"Not yet, baby. You don't want it enough." Bram kissed James' twitching cock through his tenting pants. "You haven't begged yet."

His zipper was tugged down and his belt unfastened. James felt hot fingers slide under the waistband of his boxers. His hips were lifted and within seconds, he was divested of every scrap of clothing, socks and shoes included.

Looking up through half-lidded eyes, James watched as the tanned and weathered man above him raked his hungry gaze over his tied and splayed body.

The big man's expression softened and his pale blue eyes suddenly mirrored more of the light in the room as moisture filled them. Gritty palms slid down the flesh of his thighs, brushed over his dripping cock, then crawled up his out-stretched, trembling torso, grating over the aching peaks of his nipples along the way. Bram's upper body followed his hands and his warmth settled over James again.

"God, you're so beautiful. Every fuckable inch of you, baby. Mine. Mine to have. Any way I want, any time I want."

Bram's whispered breath puffed across James' neck and gooseflesh broke out on the younger man's skin. The scent of wine, mixed with a sweaty musk that was all Bram, invaded his mind and a shudder of desire hit him so hard both men shook with the force of it.

Bram's palms caressed his face, forcing James to look up into his eyes. "Isn't that right, baby? Only mine. Say it for me." The last was spoken in a gravel-filled hiss of command that traveled straight to James' trapped cock.

He moaned and bucked up, panting his frustration into Bram's mouth as his engorged and neglected shaft was suddenly wrapped in a sandpaper-lined vise of heat and muscle.

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James gave a strangled scream as the rough, mauling grip worked him hard and fast. He tugged on his arms and felt the plastic dig into his skin, using the burn and pressure of the bonds to keep him grounded.

This was the second time this man had denied James the use of his hands during sex, denied him the pleasure of touching his partner, denied him an outlet for his need. Kept him on the edge, kept him wanting, kept him in a haze of passion and desire. James moaned and tugged harder on his arms, thrilled by the helplessness of his position.

But guttural, needy moans and pain/pleasure filled screams weren't enough for his lover.

"Say it for me, baby. Tell me who you belong too. Say it.
Say it
!" Despite his demand, Bram made it impossible for James to respond, sealing their mouths tightly together in a devastating, consuming kiss that left them both gasping and flushed when he finally broke away.

Hand still milking his lover's cock mercilessly, Bram rolled his forehead against James'

sweat covered brow and harshly whispered, "Say it, baby, say it. For me."

Swallowing hard to relieve the burning dryness in his throat, James gasped into the sweaty mass of honey-blonde hair hanging down in his face. "Any time. Any way.


Gritting his teeth against the dual sensation of raw burning and fiery ecstasy Bram was creating at his abused groin, James closed his eyes and moaned, then begged. "Please!"

His eyes popped open when the rough, gritty sheath around his cock suddenly disappeared then turned into a satin lined fist and the strong smell of garlic filled the already spice-laden air. The abrupt change in sensation sent James reeling as his lover ruthlessly pumped, massaged and squeezed his newly slicked erection.

"Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck!" His climax raced to the edge of near-eruption and hung there, sizzling down his nerve endings, but never setting off the major explosion.

"My baby needs more, doesn't he? I'll give you what you need. Come for me, baby, now."

Bram tongued one of the healing brick-and-mortar abrasions on James' chest, then latched onto a taut, rosy nipple with his teeth, biting lightly and flicking the peak with his tongue.

James screamed, his climax spiking along with the warm burn of pain. He went rigid as fire swept through his body. Bram took no pity on him, milking his erupting cock until it was limp and James was shuddering and groaning with each new stroke.

"That's it. That's the way I like it, baby. Shake for me. Show me what I do to you. Show me." Bram sighed into James' neck, gathering the still shuddering man into his arms. Not
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waiting for James to recover even the power of speech, Bram unhooked the bag from the faucet handle and stood, pulling James' limp and unresisting body with him.

Still deeply buried in a euphoric, sex-induced stupor, James didn't object when his arms and chest were draped over Bram's shoulder. "Bram?"

"Don't worry, lover. I just thought it was about time we took this to a bed." Bram lifted James' slight weight, balancing the man on one shoulder, grabbed the open bottle of wine, and left the room.

Startled, James grunted and grabbed at Bram's sides. "Hey, put me down!"

Laughing, Bram jogged up the stairs to the second story of the house. "Uh-huh. This is my caveman ritual. Get used to it, baby."

"Bastard." James grunted at each jostling step. "And you can kiss my ass, caveman."

Bram brushed his hand over the taut, bare globes by his head, then planted a loud, wet kiss on the bruise spreading over the ass cheek nearest to him. He ignored James'

indignant yelp.

"Anything you want, baby. Just ask."

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Chapter Five

The bed was enormous by anyone's standards. The headboard was a good three feet higher than the mattress, with a matching footboard. The carvings on them were gilded and hand-worked by a skilled master craftsman of eighteenth-century design. James was appreciating the work even before he stopped bouncing.

Bram had tossed him from one broad, hard shoulder onto the middle of the bed, and there James lay, sprawled on his back, legs spread and tied wrists flung up on the pillows. The bedcovers had already been turned back and the crisp, cotton sheets were cool on his heated skin.

The room was decorated in various shades of blue and green. The massive bed, made-up in layers of these colorful hues, looked like a small ocean. James swayed and dipped on its surface as it rippled like tiny waves under his weight. He brought his hands down to his chest and prepared to push up on one elbow to view the rest of the room, but flopped back down as a large naked wall of sweaty muscle and chest hair rose up between his legs.

Bram crawled slowly up James' body on his hands and knees, like a panther appraising a long awaited, finally fallen prey. The look in his eyes reflected the same primal attitude, ravenous with desire and need.

James pressed back into the pillows and wet his lips, suddenly hungry again, this time for the taste of sweaty, male flesh. He rested his bound wrists on the curve of his ribcage, and presented his open palms to his captor.

"So, are you going to release me?"

The bulk of Bram's body settled over James. "Not just yet." The large man held his upper torso up from the other man's smaller, leaner frame by resting his weight on his brawny forearms.

Sweat glistened over the dips and swells of the well-defined, heavily muscled body.

James longed to reach up and lick the moisture from the man's bronzed chest and taste the ripe tawny nipple buds beckoning to him just inches away.

But it seemed Bram had other plans. He pinned James' hands between them, his own rippling abdomen keeping the tied limbs in place. Propped up over his lover, he laced his fingers loosely through James' unruly curls and stroked the scalp beneath them with the tips, barely touching it. His own frame being longer than James' allowed Bram to be face to face with his lover and to nestle his now semi-erect rod against the soft strip of flesh
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under James' balls. Tucked between the heat of the tight sac and the warm crack of James'

ass, he nudged the tip of his erection into the crease.

James' still limp and sated cock lurched at the intimate contact. His eyes flashed closed for a moment and he was treated to a burst of thrills when Bram undulated, grinding his hot groin down onto James. He opened his eyes to the sight of his lover staring down at him, a thoughtful, inquiring look on his tanned, handsome face.

Affecting a softer version of his usual lopsided grin, Bram caressed James' cheek with a thumb. "Before we take this any farther, I think we should get to know one another better, don't you?"

Chuckling, James returned the soft expression. "What? I think I've spent twelve out of the last twenty-four hours naked, having sex with you." He felt a burst of heat in his face, abashed and thrilled by the other man's desire to have more than sex from him. "Trust me, there isn't that much left to get to know."

A gasp escaped James as Bram flexed his lower torso and nudged the end of his cock tighter against James' ass. "I think there is." He continued stroking James' face with his thumb, tracing the line of the delicate cheekbone. "So far I know your name is James Justin. You're an architect with the prestigious firm of Dunn & Piper --."

architect," James interjected.

"Junior architect, sorry. Based on your job level, I'm guessing you're about twenty-seven


"Twenty-eight, thank you."

"I may have to gag you before we can get a conversation going." Bram brought his thumb up and tapped James on the tip of his nose to quiet him. "I know you live next to a sadistic creep, enjoy Mrs. Giovanni's cooking as much as I do." He leered down at James.

"Maybe more. I've never had her garlic butter sauce used to jerk me off."

Eyes wide, James' mouth fell open. "Is that what you used? Christ, she should bottle it as lube. It felt great, burny and slick and warm. From now on, just the smell of garlic will give me a boner. Jesus!"

The rumble of laughter from Bram's chest vibrated against James, the jerky ripples of muscle launching a new wave of need. James grunted and spread his legs further. Bram responded by burrowing deeper between his ass cheeks.

"And I know you like hot, brutal sex in dark alleyways with strangers from biker bars who make you beg." Bram thrust up, forcing the blunt head of his cock to ride hard against the opening to James' body. "You don't seem like the biker bar type."

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James grunted again and bent his knees, bringing his legs up on either side of Bram's sculptured hips. "Not." He panted a few breaths. "I was pissed about being passed over for the Becker project Friday. I wanted to go out and get laid and forget about the whole damn thing."

"Why the Atlantic? I know there are better pick-up joints for a guy in town."

A blush colored his face all the way to his hair and James lowered his gaze to study a point somewhere near Bram's chiseled chin. "I can count the number of lovers I've had since college, including one night stands, on one hand. I wanted to be with someone, but I guess not just anyone, you know?"

He gathered his courage and looked up at Bram. "So, I suppose, maybe, I picked a place where the odds of my finding an interested partner were on the low to never-going-to-happen side."

His eyes darted back and forth, taking in every aspect of Bram's face. His gaze trailed from the fine laugh lines at the corners of Bram's pale blue eyes, the rough stubble beginning to erupt on the strong chin, to the endearing lopsided smile tugging at one side of the big man's mouth. James' bound hands clutched convulsively at Bram's stomach in the effort to hang on to the other man.

"I didn't expect," James swallowed hard and looked deep into his lover's eyes. "I didn't expect to find you. What was a guy like you doing there?"

"Remember the guy I was playing pool with? Ponytail, green bandana?" James nodded.

"He's one of my crew, Mitch. Once a month I join him and a couple of the other guys from work to play pool there." He wiggled his eyebrows and leered. "I never expected to find a treasure like you there, either. It was my lucky night."

"Luckiest day of my life, so far." James' voice was soft and laced with a shy hesitation.

Staring into James' eyes, Bram slowly lowered his head and placed a chaste kiss on trembling lips. He kissed the tip of James' nose, each cheek, then gently nuzzled and mouthed each closed eye on his young lover's face. "I want you."

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