Read Rough Attraction Online

Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

Rough Attraction (22 page)

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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His hips jerked up into Maxum several times, his arms spiraling around his waist, lifting Maxum’s hips so he could climb in further with a deep roll of his hips, forcing Maxum’s cock against the back of the sofa and igniting his own release to let go. Maxum’s ass sucked a vacuum all around his embedded cock with his prostate orgasm.

— fuck!” Maxum gasped, “
, fuck.”
Maxum bucked beneath Darko with a bone-jarring jolt, and he cried out as pain shot through his hips and thighs. The sharp, lightening lanced over his muscles, calling them to contort, but he pumped his rigid, ultrasensitive cock into the pillow back repeatedly in the throes of a second release that had his cock soaking the fabric with a puddle of cum trapped between it and him.

They both shared in the struggle, gasping for breath as Darko’s load still shot out inside Maxum. The euphoric release sweetened by the tight hug of Maxum’s shaft. “Damn I can feel you coming all around me.” Darko kissed the back of his head, soaked with damp hair now. “Can you feel me soaking your walls.” He growled with a ragged breath as another sharp contraction inside Maxum suffocated his cock. Darko slumped over him and surrendered to his panting. “It’s incredible.”

Maxum pulled Darko’s arm around to where he could reach him and kissed it with everything in him, needing the contact, terrified of losing himself completely as the orgasm continued slamming through him with the power of a tornado. Maxum’s ass contracted again, and Darko pushed into him with one final throttle, shuddering as the last of his rattled through his body.

Still heaving and trying to regain his breath in the aftermath, Maxum attempted to push up, but Darko kept him pinned to the sofa back with his solid frame.

With his face buried in the curve of Maxum’s neck, Darko muttered, “Don’t move a muscle,” just before he nipped at Maxum’s nape. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Darko began creating a roadmap of kisses across Maxum’s shoulders and upper back, and immediately started stirring recently sated body parts. Maxum hadn’t even regained his breathing when he started to feel the tremble in his body as Darko brushed his lips over his back and sipped at the perspiration dotting his flesh. He sucked in new air with every contact of nubby-chin hair from the man’s proficient tongue. Darko let go of him to add his fingers to the mix, grazing the pads over skin in a way that raised the hairs all over Maxum’s body. As Darko licked and kissed his way down his spine, Maxum burrowed his face into the cushion, stifling yet another moan. His whole body was lit up, still sensitized from the fierce fucking. His cock twitched in its fight to get hard again. When Darko reached the cleft of his ass, the man grazed his teeth over the globes of fleshy curves and then he felt the blow of cool air right down his crack. The sofa leather creaked under the movement between Maxum’s thighs, and immediately thereafter the pad of a finger brushed down Maxum’s crease and across his still-pulsating ring.

“Shit— oh shit.” A second passage of Darko’s finger over Maxum’s tender hole shot every nerve ending in his ass to new life. Maxum couldn’t help it. His legs bunched up leaving his body just hanging over the sofa, but his arms pushed up, arching his back inward he sent his ass out towards the man’s taunting playing. “What are you doing?” He growled, Maxum knew what he wanted, but he didn’t dare hope. Not right now. Not in this moment.

Maxum felt rather than saw Darko’s smile. The imprint fucking branded the top curve of his left butt cheek. “Finishing what you brought me here for.” Darko murmured. “You may not think I am long term keeper material,” —he spread Maxum’s ass cheeks and licked his way down the crack— “but I don’t think I should leave my man hungry for something he loves.” With that, Darko flicked his tongue back and forth over Maxum’s rear entrance, racing heightened awareness to the recently used cluster of nerves.

Oh, shit. Goddamn motherfucking son of a bitch
. Darko continued to tease his tongue all around Maxum’s pucker, and with a hoarse noise he couldn’t stifle, Maxum shamelessly pushed into the contact. Nobody had ever rimmed him after fucking him, and the sharpened, extra sensitivity to his recently taken hole and passage increased the sensations a hundredfold. Maxum already craved this brand of kiss more than he liked his partners knowing, and Darko somehow figuring it out, making it better and more intimate by licking him at this moment shredded what little reserve Maxum had left.


“Tell me lover,” Darko’s tongue traced over the under curves of his ass as he spoke, “Has that pansy ass boyfriend of yours ever done this to you?” And just then Darko sank his tongue deep against the loosened rim of his hole. Unfathomable pleasure wracked Maxum’s body, jamming up his thoughts so he couldn’t speak. He could only moan and toss unrecognized curses to establish he was overwhelmed by the carnal attention Darko lavished his rectum with. Nevertheless the answer was no. Simeon was not a thrill-running lover. He was a receiver and little else. He had been the dowdy wife every man complained about because he wasn’t getting any at home. Despite that, what he had been was consistent. Simeon could win over even the stuffiest of crowds at a business social, which made it easy to take him to the number of boorish dinners and fundraiser events Maxum was so often expected to attend because of his money.

Darko was none of these. The man burned through his system like a herd of stallions, leaving Maxum’s mind and his body unhitched and thrown from his axis. He was a total whirlwind in the man’s company; just having him in his thoughts was lethal. Come morning he would be gone, back on his twin-engine horse and riding off for the next lover who begged for his acrid touch. However, right now it was his own body that was doing the singeing under a touch he never had. He was no stranger to giving the pleasure of rimming, but he’d never been on the receiving end.

“Fucking do it. Do it.” Every guttural moan Maxum released sounded less and less human. He circled his ass into Darko’s face, mindless of whether the other man wanted it, or to how the motion enhanced the tightness growing in his leg. “Eat me.”

Darko let out a tight growl, his face burying between Maxum’s buttocks. He smacked Maxum’s ass and then held him wide open again, switching from fluttering his tongue to full-on sucking, to finally probing into Maxum’s hole. Maxum encouraged Darko with base, coarse language, and Darko accommodated with every swat, lick, and piercing he did to Maxum’s fluttering ring, all the while murmuring noises that made it seem as if he enjoyed it as much as Maxum did.

Another intense wave crashing through like a storm washed away his turmoiled thoughts leaving nothing behind, but gibberish and curses trying to hang onto reality.

His body strained with tension as he rocked back on the attack from Darko’s mouth. Just when Maxum didn’t think he could even breathe anymore, let alone handle the pleasure Darko so freely offered, his adrenalin lover speared into him with his tongue again and slipped it inside Maxum’s ass.
Oh fuck, fuck
. Maxum let loose another shout that scratched his throat.
. Darko stabbed just into Maxum’s body again and again, tongue fucking each of the countless nerve endings there into a wild delirium. The action swirled Maxum down into a vortex of obliterating desire where nothing else mattered. Darko flicked and sucked Maxum’s tender hole and then moaned before nudging his tongue into Maxum’s sensitized ass once more. Every move was drenched in such intimacy they quickly catapulted Maxum toward his endgame.

“Help me.” Maxum was now reduced to begging. His emotions zinging as high as his body was and his shields completely melted away. His very being writhing from top to bottom, shaking out of control, Maxum shoved his hand between his legs to grab his straining cock. Just as Maxum wrapped his hand around his dick and pulled, Darko swiped the flat of his tongue from the back of his balls all the way up his taint and over his sensitized pucker, then finished it off with a hard nip to his left ass cheek.

Darko vanished from his backside and when Maxum was able to summon up enough brain cells to look, he found Darko coming around in front of him then dropped down on the sofa
and wriggled up under him. He grabbed his legs and coaxed Maxum to come over the sofa. Before he knew it, Maxum’s knees straddled Darko’s head and he was feeding his cock to the man.

Maxum’s head lulled back, drenched in a dizzy wave as Darko sucked in the whole of his half flaccid cock that wasn’t going to stay that way for much longer the way Darko moved his mouth to nurse him into a painfully rigid condition. Darko’s head bobbed up and down to suck him in and out, stem to tip; his tongue greedily washing every inch along the way.

Maxum felt Darko’s hands sliding over his hips petting him more so than holding him, caressing over the curves of his ass, fingers stretching their way in to his crease until one finally made its way into his used hole and steadily began finger fucking him to match the attention his cock was getting inside Darko’s mouth. As a consequence, the painfully sweet contraction in his balls fired off and he was cumming way faster than he thought possible. He yanked his hips back pulling his cock free from Darko’s mouth and quickly wrapped his fist over his shaft and started jerking with a mad frenzy. He forced his eyes open watching the alluring man under him, looking up at him waiting for the prize.

!” Maxum’s head kicked back on his shoulders sending his verbal release to the ceiling as ropes of cum shot over Darko’s face and chest. When the aftershocks subsided enough he practically crumpled over Darko, landing in arms that welcomed his weight over him. They kissed with simple connections of their lips, too exhausted and spent to do much more. The product of their sex pressed between their sweaty bodies and scented the whole room around them.

Maxum dropped his forehead to Darko’s, hovering there for a long moment while they still settled to restore a normal breath between them. He finally let out a harsh moan, unable to form words to label the moment in his memory. Then finally chuckled to himself.

Maxum slumped over wriggling in between Darko and the sofa back, where he surrendered completely.


They drifted in and out of slumber, limbs caught up in a chaotic embrace of arms and legs stretched out over the sofa, Maxum’s mind never going completely silent. After the brutal, unrelenting fucking Darko had just delivered to his ass, he would not have been surprised if the lover, who kept him so off axis it scared him, had left him to deal with his own skeletons and the pain of a fuck-em and leave-em aftermath. However, that was not where they were right now. The man who had topped him with full ownership, was now surrendered to his arms for post cuddling. An act Maxum had a weakness for and received so little of in his life. And that— that had him leveled. How was it that the very same man who fucked like a beast could also curl up like a pussycat in his lap?

Brimstone and caramel.

It didn’t make any sense. He didn’t even have to ask for it.

Unable to silence the race of thoughts in his mind, he fished out the remote that had gotten pushed down between the cushions and turned on the big screen tv, careful to mute out the sound first. Instantly, the screen filled with the whizzing blurring colors of formula racecars speeding past a track camera. He watched as one after another sped by, violent down-shifts on the RPMs just as the specifically designed vehicles went into the hair pin turns then throttled down and gunned it before they even cleared the last curl, shooting for the straight away.

He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, felt the adrenalin rush coursing through his veins even now, as he lay sated and spent next to the man who was ultimately and intimately his racetrack.

This wasn’t fucking helping him at all. Yet he was nearly startled when he saw his own hand of its own validity roaming over Darko’s body in the darkness. Mapping out every detail, every hairpin turn. The soft hairs that stopped half way up his thighs. The love knots just over his hips. Darko’s cock now flaccid and laying over his thigh, still sticky with their juices.


He pulled his hand away and scrubbed over his face.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
Something wasn’t right inside. His chest wasn’t just pounding, it was hurting, and all he could think about was putting his hand back where it was and finish what he started. Loving the body next to him.

“While watching formula racing at two in the morning isn’t new it’s not what I am in the mood for, but you either turn the volume up or start talking.” The groggy voice grumbled just as Darko rolled to look up at him with those deep blue eyes of his.

Maxum took a deep breath, scrunching up his face; he was so deep in his own lost mind it took a moment for the voiced order to even make sense to him, “I’m okay. Just fighting sleep.”

“Bullshit.” Darko repositioned until he was flat on his back over Maxum’s lap and now looked up at him more solidly, “The fucking gears grinding in your head are making so much noise, I can’t sleep with them.”

Another deep breath and whether Maxum had intended to actually reveal his insecurities they came out anyways and regrettably in a manner that irrefutably sent them both in the wrong direction, and one they weren’t going to be able to back down off of.

“Tell me who that man was back at the bar.”

“Hemi? He’s a friend as well as a member on my rowing team.”

“And what else? Why did you let him touch you so freely?”

“He comes with benefits and nothing else, if I want it.”

“Do you let him fuck you, when you want it?”

Darko sat up removing himself from the comforts of Maxum’s body and turned to glare at him. The way he saw it was if he was going to get hit with accusations, he was going to be in a position more suitable for his defense. “I don’t let
man fuck me.”

“I fuck you.” Maxum groaned dropping his forehead into his hand propped on his elbow on the sofa arm.

“Yeah and you’re such a pain in the ass about it, I don’t know why I bother.”

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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