Rough Attraction

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Authors: Talon P. S.

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Rough Attraction
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Book 3: Dominion of Brothers Series

Written by Talon  p.s.


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, is entirely coincidental.



This book both in its entirety and in portions is the sole property of


Copyright © May 29, 2013 by Talon p.s.


Amazon Kindle Direct Edition


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Editor: Alison Greene and Nick Hasse

Cover Art: Princess s.o.




                                                               Talon p. s.

                                                                                                                        {Completed by Princess  s.o.}

  MM/Erotic Romance

  70, 419


Life and relationships aren’t always neat and clean, or come in perfect little packages. Maxum St. Laurents knows this all too well. After being in a four-year relationship that does everything but bring him pleasure and fulfillment, he finds himself struggling to keep working at it. It doesn’t help matters that the man who satisfies every need and want he could have is the man he is having an affair with. And for Maxum, affairs don’t translate into long term relationships.

Darko just couldn’t help himself when he spotted the handsome man ranting over a flat tire on the side of the road. Moreover, he couldn’t be happier when the reward turned into an insatiable lover he hoped to keep for the long run. But, despite the rough attraction that holds them to each other like power-magnets, when Maxum struggles to let go of a relationship that doesn’t work; Darko’s patience and understanding that, we aren’t always where we want to be, gets tested to the max.

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Discover other titles by Talon p.s.


Becoming His Slave: Dominion of Brothers series book 1

A Place for Cliff: Dominion of Brothers series book 2

Quantum Mates: What Torin Wants

Bond of the Lycaon Concubine: The Lycotharian Collection


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Book 3: Dominion of Brothers series

Talon  p.s.

{Completed by Princess s.o.}




To Talon


To our Bug and Bobcat



Special Thanks goes to:

Alison Greene & Nick Hasse

for keeping us Dyslexic-Disaster-Zone free.

And to my Beta Readers:

Alyn Love, Ethan
LJubankovic, Tina Moran,

Michelle Regan
& Kristina Kirkpatrick

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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. And are intended for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

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This book contains explicit homoerotic M/M sexual content, graphic language, and situations that for readers who are not offended may still experience some symptoms such as heavy breathing, increased body temperature, extreme arousal and the uncontrollable need to pounce your partner.

Should you feel yourself experiencing any of the mentioned, relax its natural and very healthy. Just go with the flow. Your partner will thank me later.

(Contains: Adult language, sexual MM participation, some violence and of course men being men).

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Please note that while the authors of this title feel it can be read as a stand-a-lone, it is part of a series. Therefore, some parts of the story here within may seem vague, as they are seen from the present character’s point of view of an event that has already taken place in one of the previous books in the series, rather than a complete retelling of a duplicate scene. While we are certain you will enjoy reading any one of the titles from the Dominion of Brothers series by themselves, it is recommend to read them in sequence.

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Trademark Acknowledgement


The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:



Bugatti Roadster

Bugatti Veyron L’or Blanc

PaganiZonda F Roadster

Auburn boat-tail Roadster

Ford Tungsten F -350 Roadster

Fisker Luxury Sedan

McLaren MP4-12C  F1

Devon GTX

Austin Healy

Jaguar XKE sportscar {referred to as modified}

Alcohol Brands:

Bodegas Dios Baco Imperial Amontillado Jerez

Daniel Bouju Cognac

Remi Martin Cognac

Butchertown Black Ale

Imperial Iba Black Ale

FöroyaBjor Black Sheep Black Ale

Point 2012 Black Ale


Le Bernardin

Gramercy Tavern Steak House

Volkswagen’s Ehra-Lessien Test Track, Germany

Dream of you – song by Schiller

Harold and Maude - film by Hal Ashby with Paramount Pictures

Beekman Gehry Tower, NY

Woolworths Tower, NY






















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Darko cruised along the highway, keeping to the right lane. It was morning traffic time, and he was not in such a hurry to put him and his chopper into the Death Race 2000 against New York’s finest; which was what it typically felt like when trying to dodge the all too many,
left-lane drivers of a typical New York morning commute.
Let them have it.
As for him, he’d get to work when he got there and that’s all it ever was for him.

This morning was no different from any other. That was until he spotted the striking man standing on the side of the road, cursing at a new model Mercedes, in the emergency lane. Even the feuding expression on the man’s face, as Darko passed, had him licking his lips and his cock itching to reach out and touch that someone.
. Both convinced him instantaneously, the man was worth a day’s good deed. So, Darko quickly pulled off into the emergency lane, turned his bike around and rode back down the shoulder to where the car and his distressed beau sat.

He kicked the motorcycle into idle in front of the Mercedes, swung a leg over and strolled up to the side of the car with a gait that spoke more about cocky seduction than mechanical know-how. Pulling the gauntlet glove free from one hand, Darko let his fingers drift lightly over the glossy paint, as if to caress her curves. The car was so new; he could smell it, even on the highway of rushing traffic and exhaust fumes.

He glanced down at the rear tire— flat as a twink’s chest, however, the
was anything but. Tall, perhaps just breaching six feet, this would put the man, eye to eye with him— sun-streaked, golden-brown hair with a touch of a wave in it. Which at the moment, what probably started off groomed back this morning, was now disheveled in his aggravation. The hint of tan color to the man’s face and hands marked him for an outdoors man in favorable weather and the stark muscles hiding under the expensive looking, light grey suit and crisp, white shirt, said he was active. Of course, as far as Darko’s assessment went, it wasn’t hurting matters at all, that he was packing a sweet looking ass in it either. Darko bit back the impulse to lick his lips, but the view of eye candy the man exuded was worth the stop already.

“Looks like you got a flat?” Darko stated the obvious with a mischievous smile.

The man spun around, “Obvious is it?” Not at all amused, nor gathering too quickly he was about to be rescued.

Oh and he’s got some fire to boot
. Darko thought to himself and now his cock was more than itching. “You need some help?” Darko turned sincere in the offer.

“I can change my own tire, if I could just find the fucking tool kit to do it with.” The disgruntled man pivoted on his heels, throwing his hands up in the air in a shouted gesture towards the car, more frustrated with himself than anything else. The hands came down to his hips, and he turned back to the offer for assistance. “I’ve had the car all of half a day, and already it’s got a flat, and I can’t find anything.” All that fire, in a blink, leveled off to an admission of defeat.
Control at its finest in this one

A few of the golden highlights of hair now hung misplaced around his face, touching smooth round cheeks that softened a hard stare. A pair of lips, despite tightening into a grimace, were absolute kiss-candy as far as he was concerned. Just then the man’s eyes caught the light of the late morning rising sun. Brown would not be the word to use because when the man looked at him they lit up like coins tambered with a mix of copper and bronze. It kind of reminded him of Tiger’s-Eye stone. He liked how they shimmered glancing at him. Moreover, Darko liked how his eyes dropped to check him out just as his own gaze was dropping back down for another look at the body that stood underneath that face that just caught his breath, well—
. Darko soaked up the sight of the guy standing there facing him and then finally offered a smirk of understanding. “My brother had one of these.” Darko stepped up, helped himself he opened the back door, reached behind the headrest and pressed the concealed button then lifted the rear car seat to expose the hidden compartment there. Inside it, he fetched a black bag that would make the job of rescuing his rough tempered knight-in-
-armor all the easier.

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