Read Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #Notorious Devils MC #3

Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) (28 page)

BOOK: Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)
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walk into the warehouse and look up at the three
hanging from ropes and hooks on the beams, and growl. I close my eyes for a second and imagine Hattie with her long, honey brown hair tied to her bed in nothing more than her bra and panties. I can still see the look of pure panic on her face, the moment I burst into her room, and my anger rises.

“Calm your ass,” Fury grunts.

“I want them,” I announce.

“You’ll get them after we find out what the fuck is going on,” Fury agrees.

I watch as he turns to them and their tired eyes widen at what they see. Fury has earned his road name. When he’s pissed, it’s as if he turns into a fucking feral animal. His eyes go fucking wild, and he’s terrifying.

“Why did you take one of our women? Why do you want us to sever our contract with the Russians?” Fury asks looking around from man to man.

None of the men say a word. Fury takes a knife, holding it up to the chest of the man in the middle, and repeats his question. I watch as the man’s body trembles slightly, but he doesn’t say anything. He’s trying to be brave or some shit.
Maybe he’s just stupid
. He lets out a blood curdling scream as Fury slices down the center of his chest to the top of his belly.

“Do you think I’m fucking around here?” he asks. The man shakes his head as he bleeds all over the concrete.

“Answer my question or your bowels are next.”

wants the Russians gone. Cut off their mules, cut off their transportation of goods, and it cuts off their territory—bleeds them dry, makes them suffer,” he mutters.

“Why?” Fury asks, cocking his head to the side.

“Because they’re
. Do they need a fucking reason to want
?” he shouts.

Fury slices the knife down his middle, and I watch as his guts spill out onto the floor in front of me. It should be disgusting, but I’ve seen it so many times, I feel fucking immune to it. Matter-of-fact, I’m kind of pissed because he was supposed to be saving them for me.

I take a cigarette out of my pocket and hold it to my lips before I light it.

“Sorry, brother, got a little overzealous,” Fury murmurs as he turns his head to me.

I should be pissed but I’m not, not really. Fury is extracting information and that’s more important than my need for vengeance right now. The real one I wanted to torture was Blow, but he’s already fuckin’ gone. I’m satisfied enough to watch the shit-storm from afar.

“What about you, you little pansy-assed fucker? Care to add anything?” Fury asks the next man.

He’s trembling so hard that his entire body is shaking. Fucker looks like he’s about to have a seizure at any second. It’s funny as fuck. Such a big fuckin’ man when he’s holding a tiny woman hostage, but now—now he’s shaking like a leaf on a tree.

“I don’t know much. I know there was talk of selling pussy, that’s all I know. Please, don’t kill me,” he rambles.

“Whose pussy?” Fury asks, arching a brow.

“Blow said that
has been taking pussy and selling it. First it was the Russians, but their supply got cut off so they wanted more. Best way was to strike a deal and try to get it from people that wouldn’t make a ruckus with the cops and Feds.”

Fury stands as still as a statue and waits for this guy to spill his guts before he spills them for him.

“Other club’s women, but mostly their kids. Pure pussy sells for a fuckton. Blow was gonna start with
Notorious Devils,
since you got the numbers,” he explains.

Fury charges the pussy and lunges, stabbing his knife into the guy’s eyeball and then slicing down his entire body with one strong stroke. It’s fucking disgusting and cool as shit. His body is twitching, but Fury doesn’t stop. He does it on the other side too, leaving his body like a fuckin’ filet.

“I don’t know nothin’,” the third man screams.

“What is the name of your contact? What
El Jefe
are you fuckin’ working for?” Fury screams. It sounds guttural and terrifying.

“I never talked to him, only Blow did,” he cries—literally cries. There are tears streaming down his face.

“I got Blow’s phone. Gonna send it to the smart fucker that the Russians use, Oliver,” Sniper murmurs.

“You want him?” Fury asks, looking right at me.

“Nope. Fuckin’ go for it, brother, get it all out,” I say.

I can tell the animal inside of Fury isn’t sated yet. Of course I want a piece of this third chump, but my President needs it more. He has kids, and they wanted to fuckin’ steal them to do sick shit. It makes me angry. No, I don’t think there’s a word to describe how it makes me feel—but I’ll take it out in other ways. Fury needs to get it all out now before he goes back to Kentlee.

“You know this means another war?” Torch asks from beside me.

“A war nobody would even consider
fighting,” I remark.

“No shit,” he grunts. “Can’t help but wonder why all this is happening now.”

“Yeah. Seems strange, but maybe not. Blow was pissed when his club was disassembled, rearranged, and he was stripped of his title and kicked the fuck out,” I remind Torch.

“You think all this is because of that?” Torch asks. He wasn’t there to see how angry Blow was when his title was stripped and his club was torn apart.

“Took a big hit to his pride. He couldn’t keep himself clean, and ran his club to the ground, so we had to go in. He didn’t give it up easily. He fought for it; he wanted it. This is just retaliation and bitterness,” I murmur.

“Fuck, this could turn into a real fuckin’ shit storm,” he mutters.

“Yeah, it could.”

“Church in two hours,” Fury barks.

The prospects stay behind, and the rest of us file out. I need to see Hattie. I need to touch her, make sure she’s all right. I also need to talk to her, in more depth, about her place in the club and at my side. She needs to know what I expect of her. If she can’t do it, then we need to talk about what that looks like as well. I won’t lose her, never will again, but I won’t have the picture-perfect version of her I always wanted either. That will fuckin’ blow.

I walk straight toward the clubhouse and stop in my tracks as soon as I enter the bar. Hattie is sitting at a table. Kentlee on one side of her, Brentlee on the other, and they’re lookin’ at something on the computer. Hattie’s brows are furrowed and she looks like she’s concentrating on something. I watch as Kentlee points to something on the screen, and Hattie’s eyes light up before she turns and smiles to her.

Fuck me, she’s pretty.

“Oh, Dirty, come here,” Brentlee calls out. I watch as Hattie’s green eyes lift to mine and she smiles wide.

“Johnny, I hope you like this one, it’s my favorite,” she calls out.

I have no fuckin’ clue what she’s talking about as I walk over to them and behind her. Then I focus my eyes onto the computer screen and my heart stills.

A house.

They’re looking at houses.

Fuck me.

“It’s a thousand a month. Is that too much?” Hattie asks, tipping her head back.

“No, princess, it’s not,” I murmur, afraid to say anything else. Afraid that I’ll show too much—that she’ll see just how much she affects me.




I look up at Johnny and notice that his face has lost everything, all emotion. It’s as if he’s made of granite and he’s expressionless. I tip my head back down and turn to Kentlee.

“Can we set something up for tomorrow to see that?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’ll do that,” she murmurs, but her focus is on Johnny as well.

Without a word, I stand and take his hand as I start to walk toward his room. He doesn’t protest. He follows me silently, and once we’re inside of his room and the door is locked, I drop his hand and turn to face him. He’s freaking out. Totally and completely freaking out, and I want to know why.

“Jo—,” I don’t even get his entire name out before his hands are buried in my hair, his lips are on mine, and his tongue has dived into my mouth.

After the initial shock, my body jolts and I wrap my own arms around his shoulders and slide my hands into his messy, bed-head hair. I press my body against his, enjoying the way his hard chest feels against my now aching breasts.

“I need your lips around my cock, princess,” he murmurs against my mouth.

I don’t hesitate to release his hair and fall to my knees. He didn’t say he
, he said he
. I lift my hands to his belt, and with shaky fingers, I unbuckle, unbutton, and unzip his jeans. I trace my fingers beneath the waistband of his boxer briefs before I pull them, along with his jeans, down his legs. I let them fall in a pile at his feet. His cock springs free and bobs in front of my face, but I don’t touch him. I look up at him from beneath my eyelashes and gasp at the heat and lust swirling in his eyes.

One of Johnny’s hands lifts and slides behind my neck, tangling in the hair at my nape. I love how he always tangles his hands in my hair, guiding me the way he wants me, controlling me, and holding me close. It makes me feel—
. I purse my lips together and kiss the tip of his dick as I watch his eyes widen and his nostrils flare.

“Open your mouth, Hattie. Take me,” he murmurs, his voice low and rough.

I do as he asks and I open my mouth for him, only for him. I continue to look up at him from beneath my lashes as he slowly sinks between my lips and down my throat. I wish I could take all of him immediately, I want to. I want to be able to do that for him. I feel his hand massage the nape of my neck as he bends his knees and sinks a little further inside of me.

“Relax your throat, I want to see how much you can take. One day, you’ll take all of me,” he rasps.

I widen my eyes in disbelief. No way could his entire length fit down my throat. Not possible.

“Close your eyes, Hattie. Breathe through your nose and relax, just relax,” he coos softly. I let my head fall back a bit, doing as he asks. Relaxing.

I feel his cock at the back of my throat, but I don’t tense up. I just breathe. He’s been this far before, and this time I think he’s going to go deeper. My suspicions are proven correct when he slides down even further. I breathe through my nose, pinching my eyes closed, and focus on his hand, which is still massaging the back of my head.

“Good girl. Just take me, princess. Take all of me,” he murmurs. “
” he groans.

I feel like the most beautiful woman in the world when he lets out the deep rumbling moan after his cursed words. I did that to him,
, nobody else.

“God, if you could see yourself right now, baby. You’re so fuckin’ pretty,” he grunts as his fingers grip my scalp and he thrusts a little.

I feel his balls resting against my chin and I open my eyes, widening them as I look up at him. I’m in shock. He fit—he fit all the way down my throat. My shock turns into a different feeling completely when my eyes meet his. He’s looking at me with awe and wonderment, which is mixed with something else entirely—maybe lust, perhaps a bit of love, too. I don’t know.

, Hattie. Fucking goddamn
, you feel good,” he rambles. “Don’t ever take yourself away from me. You’re mine and you’re staying at my fucking side, princess.”

I want to nod and tell him that I’ll be at his side, always—that I’ll be the kind of woman he needs—but I can’t say a word with his dick shoved down my throat, so I only hum.

Jesus Christ
,” he shouts before he pulls out of me with a speed I didn’t know existed. Then, with two jerks of his dick, I feel his release spurt onto my face, covering my cheeks and lips.

I close my eyes for a split second and then open them back up and am horrified to find his cock covered in saliva. Not just a little bit, either. It’s

I reach up to touch my mouth and find that not only is my mouth, but also my chin is covered. Then I look down and see the floor has a bunch as well.

I feel my face heat, and then I’m lifted from underneath my arms and deposited onto the bed. Johnny covers me quickly, nestling his hips between my thighs, his face hovering above mine. I hold my breath when his hand comes up and he starts to touch my face where his climax landed.

“I want to watch you lick my cum from my fingers, will you do that for me?” he asks.

I nod, unable to speak as his eyes search mine. I open my mouth and stick my tongue out. Johnny’s finger slides across my tongue, and I close my lips around it, sucking on his finger before I release it. Wordlessly, we repeat the move again, and then again, until my face is pretty much cleaned of his cum.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever had, Hattie. I don’t deserve you, not one fuckin’ bit,” he murmurs. He slowly strips me of my clothes and then finishes undressing himself before he fits his hips between my thighs once again.

I close my eyes, waiting for more, but he doesn’t say anything else. His nose runs along my hairline as his cock slowly slides inside of me. I widen my legs and tip my hips to accept him deeper as my eyes slowly reopen.

BOOK: Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)
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