Read Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) Online

Authors: Hayley Faiman

Tags: #Notorious Devils MC #3

Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3) (25 page)

BOOK: Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)
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“How’s she?” he asks me before he takes a drag. I inhale my own smoke and nod.

“She’s good, so far. Won’t know for sure, only time will tell,” I say. I watch as Fury nods.

“Could have been Kentlee again.”

“It wasn’t, and she’s safe now. It won’t be her,” I assure him.

“I’m getting too old for this shit,” he grumbles.

“Too old? No, I don’t think you’re getting too old. I think you’re in love with your wife and you’re a father now, so you got somethin’ worth losin’. I feel the same with Hattie,” I shrug, taking a drag from my smoke.

“Yeah, fuckin’ eats me up that they could be used against me.”

“It’s why we got them all locked up in this building. We’re doin’ all we can to keep them safe. I was a smarter man, I woulda had her here to begin with,” I mumble, looking off into the dark.

“Woulda coulda shoulda’s will do nothin’ but eat you up inside, brother. Look forward, not behind. Do shit different and just live,” Fury says before he stands and leaves me alone on the picnic table.

I think about his words.

Look forward, not behind. Do shit different and just live.

That’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to look forward, look forward to the life Hattie and I are going to have together. I’m not going to even think about the past ever again, about my childhood or my parents.

I’m going to be a different kind of man than my father is, and I’m going to do right by Hattie. I snub out my own smoke and walk back inside of the clubhouse, making sure to lock the door behind me as I go.

I open my bedroom door and see Hattie’s legs spread and her swollen pussy on display. This,
right here is looking forward. I want her in my bed from now on, her pink pussy waiting for
. Her soft body pressed against mine, and her sweet voice filling my space.

Hattie’s what I’ve been waiting for. Everything about her is like a fuckin’ dream come true. I only hope that I can deliver everything I’ve promised her.


suck in a breath and my heart starts to race when I feel a heavy body slide into bed beside me. I open my eyes and look around for a minute before I realize exactly where I am.
I’m in Johnny’s bed
. I let out a sigh of relief when I hear him murmur behind me.

“It’s just me, princess,” he says as he wraps his arms around me, shifting so that his thigh is between my legs and pressed against my bare core.

“I fell asleep,” I mumble.

“Did I tire my girl out?” he chuckles from behind me.

I grumble as my response, unable to actually form a complete thought, let alone a complete sentence with his close proximity to me.

“Get some rest,” he murmurs and places a sweet kiss to my shoulder before I fall back asleep.

I sleep the best I’ve ever slept in
my life
, wrapped in Johnny’s arms.

The next morning, I crack my eye open and see that it’s well past noon. Johnny’s still pressed close to my body, the heat of his thigh pushing against my center.

My breath hitches when I feel his thigh press even harder against my pussy.

“Johnny,” I whisper.

“Put your arms behind your back, Hattie,” he murmurs huskily.

I press my cheek into the pillow and I do as I’m told. Putting my arms behind my back. I grab onto my forearms and earn a hum of approval from him.

His big hands wrap around my arms as he shifts me onto my stomach. There’s rustling behind me until I feel his chest press against my back and his cock cradling between the cheeks of my ass. My body tenses but he kisses my shoulder and then right behind my ear before he whispers.

“I’m not going to take your ass anytime soon. I need to prep it first, princess. Right now, I’m just going to fuck this needy and very
pussy of yours.”

I relax slightly and close my eyes as he shifts again. I feel his cock slide through my core, rubbing against my clit with each stroke.

“Move, princess, rub against me,” he whispers.

My face heats in embarrassment, but he feels so good against my clit that I can’t seem to care enough to stop myself.

“Stop,” he commands. My body freezes as my chest heaves.

I feel his hand on my hips and he tips them up slightly as he pushes my legs together and straddles my thighs. Then, his free hand gently massages one of my ass cheeks before he glides it up my spine and twists it in my hair. I let out a whimper when he wrenches my head back.

“I’m going to fuck you just like this, Hattie. You’ll be completely immobile and at my mercy,” he says. Though it sounds like a warning, I can’t help the surge of excitement that rolls through me.

I pinch my eyes tight when he enters me, stretching my sore center agonizingly slow. With my legs together, he feels even bigger than usual, and I have to take deep and even breaths so that I don’t cry out.

“Open your eyes, look at me,” he orders.

With my head still tipped back and Johnny’s cock seated deep inside of me—I open my eyes. His face is above me and his eyes focused completely on mine. He’s looming over me, holding me completely immobile, but I have never felt so incredibly desired in my entire life.

The look in his eyes as he slowly pulls out of me and slides back inside, that is what is making me feel this way. He dips his head down and presses a kiss to my lips.

The hand not tangled in my hair slides between my breasts and wraps around my throat as he continues to slowly glide in and out of my center, his eyes still unwavering and focused on mine. Johnny’s all around me, consuming me, imprinting himself in me, and becoming a part of me.

“Next time I take you like this, Hattie, it’s going to be hard and unrelenting. But right now, my princess needs slow, and I always aim to give you what you need,” he murmurs before his lips touch mine again.

I moan as I dig my nails into the skin of my forearms, wanting to release them, grab the sheets, and push back against him. I feel like I’m on the edge, like I need to claw my way toward my release. I feel my body building, but I need more. I need Johnny’s hands on me, I need him to bring me toppling over the edge.

“Please,” I whisper against his lips as he continues to take me slow and steady.

“You need to be closer, Hattie.”

I bite my bottom lip, confused at his words and his meaning. I close my eyes and just accept what he’s giving me. I feel his knees pressing against my thighs, his calloused hand lightly wrapped around my throat, his fingers wrapped in my hair, and his cock gliding in and out of me, filling me so full that if I don’t combust, I’ll be surprised.

“Fuck, you feel so good, so right,” he murmurs. The room is quiet, nothing but our labored breaths filling the silence as he takes me.

I don’t respond with words, I can’t speak. I cry out as his thrusts start to become more forceful. My eyes pinch tighter and then tears start to leak out of the corners.

“Open your eyes, Hattie. Cry, baby, let it all out,” he urges.

I do.

I cry.

I’m frustrated, and my body feels like it’s going to burst into flames at any second.

Then, without a word, his hand leaves my throat and slides between my hips and the mattress. I sob when I feel his fingers against my clit; and when he starts to stroke me, I groan.

“Come now, Hattie, come all over me,” he mutters as his hips begin to slam, forcing his cock inside of me, harder and faster than before.

My body starts to tremble, and when he pinches my clit, I do as he’s asked, I come. It’s long and I can’t hold back my loud sobs as my body shakes beneath his. Then, as if he’s been waiting for me, Johnny stills above me. His cock begins to twitch inside of me, filling me with his release as his voice fills the room with a long, sexy groan.

, Hattie,” he grunts.

I suck in a breath as he slides out of me and lies down next to me. Without missing a beat, he pulls me onto his chest and drapes me over his body. His fingers start to run through my hair, and I almost purr at the sensation; but instead, I exhale and get closer to his warmth.

“You okay?” he asks after a few minutes.

“Yeah,” I sigh as I use my fingers to trace his tattoos, not paying attention to the designs.

“We’re going to make all of this work. You and me,” he murmurs.

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” I ask knitting my brows together and lifting my head to look into his dark eyes.

“Me, I think. Never done nothin’ like this before, princess,” he admits. It makes me smile.

“Then we’ll learn together.”

“Yeah.” He shrugs before he kisses my forehead, then slides out from beneath me.

“Smoke?” I ask as I watch him put his pants on.

“Yeah. Can’t wait ‘til we get our own place. Day one and this shit’s already annoying as fuck,” he mutters, shoving his feet into his boots.

“What is?” I ask.

“Leaving you alone and naked in bed, not being able to shove my t-shirt over your naked body and hold you while I get my fix,” he chuckles.

“Maybe you should quit then?” I ask.

“Been smokin’ since I was nine years old, Hattie. Don’t think I’d be able to quit at this point,” he says with a smirk before he winks and walks out of the bedroom door.

I stare at the closed door and close my eyes. Nine years old.
Holy crap
. At nine, I was still playing house and going to girl scout meetings. No way would smoking a cigarette have ever crossed my mind. I can’t stop the overwhelming sadness that consumes me at the thought of nine-year-old Johnny lighting up a cigarette.

A knock on the door startles me out of my day-mare and I call out for them to hold on a moment while I grab Johnny’s shirt off of the floor and cover up my body. I open the door and find Kentlee and Brentlee standing in front of me, two of the wives I met a few weeks ago. Sisters, incredibly beautiful each in their own way, and also incredibly intimidating.

“We’re going to make lunch for everyone and wanted to know if you would like to join us?” Brentlee, the dark haired sister, asks.

“You don’t have to make anything, we just thought you might want to get out of this room,” Kentlee says as she fiddles with her long blonde braid.

“She may not want to get out of that room. From the looks of things, and the smell, I think Dirty Johnny’s been keeping her plenty entertained,” Brentlee points out with a big grin on her face.

I can feel the heat rise in my cheeks as I blush. I’m so embarrassed.

“Brent, you’re embarrassing her. Stop it. You know what it’s like when a relationship is new,” Kentlee says, giving me a pitiful apologetic smile.

“New? You and Fury have been together for, like, nine years and you still hump like teenagers,” Brentlee points out.

“We’re making up for those years he went to prison,” Kentlee grins. My eyes widen at her words—

“He got out, like, six years ago,” Brentlee says.

“My man knows how to give it, and I like what he gives so I take it,
,” Kentlee shrugs and then she turns to me. “I have a feeling, based off of the rat’s nest that is your hair, your nakedness at two in the afternoon, and the fact that you look completely well-fucked and exhausted, Johnny knows how to give it, too. Don’t be embarrassed. These guys know how to use their gifts for good, and we’re the lucky bitches that reap the rewards,” Kentlee grins.

“I—I…” I stutter, unsure of what to say.

“What bullshit are you two trying to sell my woman?” Johnny’s voice cuts through from behind both Brentlee and Kentlee. They turn and watch him as he walks between them to get to me.

“We just wanted to see if she needed some time out of your sex pad, maybe keep us company while we made food to feed all these damn people,” Brentlee says with a grin on her face.

“You don’t have to go with these two trouble makers,” Johnny grins.

“I think I will. I can help, but I need a shower first,” I say wrinkling my nose, remembering how Brentlee mentioned the smell of Johnny’s room.

“Okay, sounds great. See you in the kitchen in a few,” Kentlee calls out as she turns to leave, Brentlee quickly following behind her.

“You don’t have to go with them,” Johnny repeats.

BOOK: Rough & Rugged (Notorious Devils Book 3)
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