Royal Pain in the Ass (19 page)

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Authors: Heather Trudy

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Can I get that from you?

Xavier pulled out his phone.

s ringing.”

Hello Xavier, oh my god what happened?
Did she do something?


s Juliet actually,

“Oh, sorry,”

I haven

t done anything bad yet, well again.


s a good sign.

I want to start by apologizing.
I really had no idea what I was doing or how it would affect everyone else.
I don’
t want that to happen again, and I

m really truly sorry.
So, in order to prevent something bad from happening, I have a really unfair thing to ask of you.


I have a favor to ask of you . . . I know it

s not fair but I think you

re one of the few people I can trust with this.


s that?

Because you don

t like me.”

Lana let out an irritated sigh.
What is it?

Will you take me shopping?

Why in the world would I do that?
Do you remember what happened last time?

I understand if you say no, the only reason I asked you is you seem to know what you
’re doing.
You know what to say, what to do, what to wear, and you

d be honest with me. I don

t want to make everyone

s lives harder, but I don

t want to lose myself either . . . forget I said it.
It was a stupid idea.

Lana grumbled something under her breath and sighed.
Fine, but the second you do something ridiculous I have permission to smack you.

I understand, I know you don

t like me, and wait?

I asked.
  I hadn

t expected her to agree.
Lana, you

re amazing!
  Truly amazing!”

Yeah, yeah,

Can you take me shopping tomorrow?
Apparently there

s some ball in two days?

“You don

t have a dress?

No, why would I have a dress?
I didn

t even know about this thing until about ten minutes

“Oh god, I

ll be there first thing in the morning.
Be presentable, please.

You are the absolute bestest!
I hope you know that!
I owe you so much!

You have no idea,


s Xavier, thank you so much!

I handed Xavier the phone and was ecstatic.
Thanks Xavier!

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran inside, toppling Angelica over.

Would you watch where you

re going?”

Sorry Angelica, how are you?


she sneered.

Me too!
Angelica, are you going to the ball?


re going?”

James just said I could!

I thought you were under house arrest,

The king said I can go if I can behave myself!

He really thinks that
’s possible?

Yeah, and if I

m good, I

m off for good!

m so excited!
Are you going?


I have to go and get my dress tomorrow, do you have yours yet?

Of course, I

ve had mine for weeks.

re getting it tomorrow?
The day before?


This is going to be rich,

Oh, what color is your dress?
Oh, and Millie



I don’
t want to accidentally show up wearing the same color as you two.
I know you two don

t like me and I don

t want you guys to get mad that I

m wearing the same color as you guys or something.
I really just want everyone to be able to have a good time.

Angelica sighed.
Would you like to see mine?

  Yeah!  Sure,”

Angelica rolled her eyes and led me to her room and pulled out a gorgeous crimson form fitting backless dress.
You are going to look stunning in that.

Yes, thank you.

Well, I guess I

ll let you get back to whatever you were doing.
Good night, Angelica.
I walked out and to my room.
I threw myself on the bed and smiled.
I was going to get out of the house, legally.
I was floating on air.
Tomorrow will be interesting.







Chapter XIII


I was up bright and early.
Laurel was surprised when I was awake when she came to wake me.
My, this is new.

She smiled.


m excited!

I beamed.
I might be off of house arrest.
Who knows maybe soon they

ll let me out on my own.

I laughed.

Are you going shopping today?


Xavier suggested an outfit for you that he deemed appropriate.

Of course he did,
” I felt my mood flatten.  “Show me,”
I sighed.

The outfit consisted of a pair of flattering dark blue designer jeans, a neutral grey tank top and a black cardigan.
Okay, it wasn

t me, but I didn

t hate it.
To my delight there was a pair of brand new black converse.
I got dressed and was the first down to breakfast for a change.

m pretty sure this was the first time this had happened ever.
Eleanor asked what I wanted for breakfast and I told her whatever sounded like a good idea as long as there was bacon.
She laughed and told me she

s bring me something delicious.
I was sitting at the table when James came in wearing a suit and looking concerned.

Good morning,

Oh, my, good morning, Juliet.

re up early.


m excited.
Not to mention Lana said she

d be here first thing in the morning and I don

t want to make her wait.


m glad you

re taking this seriously.

I shrugged.

m excited I might be able to do things on my own again.
I haven

t had this many restrictions since I was twelve.

Well, I don

t have much time to talk right now, but I

d like to speak with you tonight.

Sure thing.

James asked Eleanor to get him some dry toast to go and he was gone.
Millie and Angelica were next in and they were starting to be less cold to me.
I wouldn

t say they were friendly, but they seemed to hate me less.

Good morning,

Good morning,

Millie replied stiffly.
Angie, I think today we should go and get our nails done for tomorrow.

Okay, I have an appointment at noon, want to go get lunch then go after?

That sounds great, I

ll meet you at,

Millie gave me a strange look.

ll text you when I make reservations.

God forbid I hear where you

re going to eat,

I laughed.
I might come there too.

t that be a shame?

I smiled sweetly as Eleanor came in with my breakfast.
It was a sandwich of epic proportions.
The bread was French toast with the sugar on the inside, bacon, sausage, fried egg, and cheese.
It was delicious!
I attempted polite conversation with Millie and Angelica.
Angelica was at least polite enough to respond, Millie still hated me.
Not long after that Xavier came in looking quite spiffy.
He was wearing a charcoal grey shirt with a black tie and a pinstripe suit jacket with black slacks and polished black loafers.
Good morning,

I see you actually listened to a suggestion.
”  Xavier smiled.  “
I do like that on you.


t get used to it,

I growled.

Lana just rang me and said she

ll be arriving within the hour.

Xavier and I were able to hold a conversation and I let Millie and Angelica have their secrets.
What did I care?

Today will be a challenge with you and Christine in the same place so Lana and I have already made a plan.
If we run into paparazzi we

ll split up and hopefully they

ll leave one of us alone.
Honestly, they

ll probably follow you, so in that event we

ve already prearranged a few meeting places where we can meet back up again.

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