Read Royal Pain in the Ass Online

Authors: Heather Trudy

Royal Pain in the Ass (46 page)

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Something like that.

Angelica blushed.

Duly noted.
By the way, we have to go to a show tonight.

What do you mean?

Chase has a stupid show for his crappy band.
Chase is a fucking sell out, but he

s going to tip off the press and they

re going to get pictures of us

Thus he

ll leave me alone for a
few days.


Angelica and I spent the day lounging on the beach with Loki then we got home, had some food showered and got ready for the shit hole show Chase would play tonight.
I put on a pair of fitted jeans, a G
N Roses tank top and my usual converse.
People would recognize me, that was the point, it was Angelica I was worried about.

I don’
t feel right dressed like this.

Angelica whined.

I don’
t want you to be recognized.
If they do, it

ll be a scandal.
Let me do your make up and trust me.

What if Mum and Dad find out?

Angelica, you ran to the states without them knowing and you

re worried what they

ll think of your outfit tonight?

I laughed.


s not funny.
They can explain me being here as me being on holiday, but if I

m dressed poorly that

s well, I just don

t want to get into any more trouble than I already am.

I couldn

t help it, I burst out laughing.


s not funny.

But it really is,

I managed between laughs.
Because you

re such a good kid.

I, I am not!


s okay. 
I was for the most part considered a good kid.
I mean I drank and smoked pot every now and then, but I was an angel next to some of my friends.

m a bit of a rebel at heart, and you just want to make your parents happy.

s really cool actually.

Angelica sighed.
  “Fine.  I

ll wear something you pick out.

“Okay, I

m going to suggest jeans to you and wear whatever shoes you want and I

ll pick a top based on that.

Angelica ended up looking hot with her long hair tousled, dark make up, a crimson baby doll top, tight jeans and a pair of black strappy gladiator sandals.
I pulled on my signature fedora that the press always seemed to spot and we were out.

I met up with Chase

s crappy band and was chatting with the other girls.
I hated this part.
I don’
t actually like the girls of the week.
I think it

s a stupid game.
Everyone picks the hottest girl they can pick up and whoever has the hottest or the girl who is the sluttiest wins.
Good luck with that gonorrhea .
Seriously, who plays this game?
Oh right, Chase and his idiot friends.

I have a question.

One with curly brown hair.
She had a shirt that was smaller than some bras I

ve seen and painted on pants.


s that?

I asked trying not to be a bitch to her.
It wasn

t her fault I was here.

How did you get to be a permanent?



ve been here more than three weeks now. That makes you a permanent.
How did you manage that?

Yeah, with Chase of all people.

Another one, this one blonde,

What in the world are you talking about?


ve showed up here and been invited for more than three weeks now.
What did you do to get to be Chase

s favorite?”

You seriously like Chase?

the blonde nodded, way too eagerly in my opinion.

Then y

re fucking stupid.”


I said, you

re fucking stupid. 
Chase is a piss poor excuse of a human being.

But you like him.

I shook my head.
Actually I don


Oh, you love him.

No, not even close.


m confused.

That doesn

t seem like it

s a new feeling to you.

I rolled my eyes.


Then why are you dating him?

That is a long and annoying story that I will not be explaining to you.

I dismissed.

“You don

t have to be so mean to her.

Another girl, this one a ginger, snapped.

Fun fact, this isn

t me being mean.

’s your little friend?

ginger asked, indicating Angelica.

None of your god damn business, but you don

t have to worry, she has no intention of trying to sleep with the band.
So relax and if you fuck with her, you fuck with me.
Do I make myself clear?

I don’
t even get why Chase likes you.

Blondie huffed.

That’s fine by me, because
I don’
t give a flying fuck what you think.


m sure given other circumstances, I could have liked these girls.
But give
n the fact that I was somewhere I didn

t want to be, surrounded by people who were catty bitches and sluts just queuing up to sleep with band members, and they hadn

t uttered anything intelligent all night, I was running low on patience.
It didn

t help when I felt arms wrap around my waist.

Let go of me Chase.

I growled.


m not Chase.

I heard an oily voice in my ear as a stubbly chin brushed against me.
I immediately elbowed him in the gut and shoved whoever it was away.


t you ever fucking touch me again.

I growled whirling around.

Oooh, getting all riled up?
I like that.

It was Felix.
The band

s bassist. 
I hated this kid with a passion.

Touch me again and I will cut off your genitals with construction paper.

So you do want my dick.

Felix winked.
He had icy blue eyes and black hair he kept slicked back.

Felix, you are vile and disgusting.


s your friend?

Touch her and I will kick your ass into next Thursday.

I think she has a voice of her own,

Felix purred, trying to reach across Angelica

s shoulders.
I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.

Touch her again and I will press charges.

s fifteen dickwad.

I hissed into his ear and threw him to the ground.

What the fuck?
Why is there a minor here?

Why do you have to be such a bitch?

I like this side of you.

Felix smirked.

d like to see a whole lot more of you.

In your dreams.

“Oh, I

ve seen a whole hell of a lot already.
I just want to see it in real time this time.

My eyes narrowed.
What did you just say?

Chase is a good friend.

I felt the heat creep up my neck.
Embarrassment and blatant rage were boiling up.
You better forget what you saw because you will never see it in real life.
Do you hear me?

I spun on my heel and turned to find Chase.
I caught him with a line of white powder.
I smacked the back on his head as he was doing a line and his face smashed into the table.

What the fuck?

I looked into his bloodshot, dilated eyes.
Really fuck face?

What the fuck is your problem?

Chase asked as he leaned back.
Why are you yelling?


re on the powder?
Pot was one thing, but this.
Chase you better give me the fucking tape right fucking now.

“Jules, I

m the one in control here.
I make the rules, not you.

You broke our agreement.
Why has Felix seen that tape?

A wide smile spread across his face.
That was an interesting night.

I have some news for you, Chase.
Do you want to know why your band isn

t taking off?
It isn

t because you just aren

t famous enough.

s because you guys suck, you

re hooked on drugs, and you have no talent!

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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