Read Royal Pain in the Ass Online

Authors: Heather Trudy

Royal Pain in the Ass (56 page)

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Mind you, I

m not complaining, just surprised.



What does this mean?


s worry about that later.

Xavier drove us to the police station. Several hours later I was allowed to go home.

I got a shower and then I knew Xavier and I had to talk.































Chapter XXIX


Xavier was waiting on my porch swing for me with coffee.
How are you?


m alright.

Does that hurt?

he asked as he gingerly traced the bruise on my face.

“Not bad.”


We sat in awkward silence for a long moment, then both started at the same moment.
Both insisting the other start.

Juliet, ladies first.

I sighed.
  “Xavier, I

m confused.


Me and you.

Xavier nodded.
What part confuses you?


re my advisor, but you

re more than that, and we both know it.

Xavier nodded waiting for me to go on.

What exactly more is, is what I don
’t quite understand.

What do you want more to be?

I don’
t know.

Well, you have to figure that part out.
I will abide by your decision, whatever it may be.

Why are you so understanding?
” I groaned.  “
I don’
t know what to do, you

re my advisor, tell me!

I huffed.

Would you like me to tell you what I would like to do right now?

Yes, yes, actually I would.

Xavier took the coffee from my hands and put both of our mugs on the ground.
He leaned over and whispered


before his lips met mine.
After a moment he pulled away.
Now what do you want to do?

I want to do that again.

I smiled and pulled him back to me.
Our mouths met and there was a hunger to it.
My hands tangled themselves in his hair and I pressed my lips harder against his.
I wanted more.

s arms slid around my waist and he managed to lower us down without our lips separating.
My lips trailed away from his lips to his neck and he moaned softly.
His lips trailed down my neck to my collar bone, nibbling here and there and it sent chills through my body.
He made his way back up my neck teasingly slow.
I couldn

t help but squirm.
I wanted so much more in that moment.
My hands slid up his shirt and traced his abs, up to his sculpted chest.
I was pulling his shirt off when someone cleared their throat behind us.
I jumped and knocked Xavier off the swing, and then proceeded to fall off myself.
I felt the color rush to my face, I was at least beet red.

“Good morning, lovebirds.”
Amanda smirked from the doorway, a cigarette hanging between her lips.
I hate to interrupt but I have an impressionable three-year-old, and I really don

t want his earliest memory of Juliet to be her having sex on the porch swing.

I didn

t think my face could get any hotter, but after that statement it certainly did.
We weren


“Not yet.  It

s about time you did that though.
I was going to intervene soon if you didn

t kiss that boy already.


s complicated.


m going to quote a very stupid girl who says very smart things,

s only as complicated as you make it.
Do we remember who said this?

I nodded.

Right, it was you when I was making excuses not to leave my abusive husband.
Now stop making excuses and do what you want, just please, do it in the bedroom.

Amanda winked, put her cigarette out and went back inside.
I looked over at Xavier who was picking himself up.

Are you alright?

Yeah, you?


m fine.
I stretched and Xavier pulled me to my feet.
Well, that wasn

t awkward or anything,

I laughed, hoping the embarrassment wasn

t as blatantly obvious as it felt to me.

Perhaps it

s for the best.

Xavier smiled down at me.



s right you know.
She does have an impressionable child.

I crossed my arms and turned away from him looking out in the direction of the beach.

Come here.

Xavier whispered as his arms wrapped around me.
I let him pull me against him.
He murmured against my ear and I shuddered.
He turned me in his arms.
Look at me.

He whispered.
I looked up into those chocolaty brown eyes and saw something that both exhilarated and terrified me.
Xavier smiled down at me from those last inches away.
His lips met mine and his lips were soft.
He pulled away before I was ready.

s go inside.

Xavier and I ended up snuggling in my bed watching movies.
Well, sort of watching.
Every few minutes we

d get distracted by each other.
I wasn

t sure about what I was feeling.
  I hadn

t felt anything like this before.

d cared about people before, there was even a time where I had been in love with Chase.
But this didn

t feel anything like that.
It was with a start that I realized how much I really wanted Xavier.
I was physically attracted to him, yes, but it was more than that.
I wanted more than that.
And I wanted more than this.
We were once again distracted from the movie and I started to kiss down his neck and he moaned softly.
My hands wandered and it didn

t take them long to find their way under his shirt.
I tugged at it and without hesitation Xavier pulled it off.
I marveled at his well sculpted chest and abs.


Xavier asked, sounding off guard.


ve never seen you without a shirt.

A very masculine smile crossed Xavier
’s lips.

And what?

What do you think?

I rolled my eyes and couldn

t help but laugh.
Xavier chose this moment to flip me over and kissed me.
His lips trailed kisses down my neck and across my collar bone and back up my neck to nibble on my ear.
I couldn

t help but squirm.
Eventually he made his way back to my lips.
I wrapped my fingers in his hair and pulled him against me.
It was right about this time Maverick decided to throw open my door.

Hey you!

Maverick shouted wearing only his Spiderman underpants, a cowboy hat and a cape.
Get off my Aunt Juliet!

he then proceeded to whap Xavier as hard as he could with his light saber and didn

t stop until Xavier moved away from me.
I couldn

t help it, I burst out laughing.
Aunt Juliet, are you okay?

ll save you from this bad guy!


m okay, Maverick.  I promise.”
I laughed.
Xavier seemed rather put out and the look on his face was priceless.
Where is your mu

In the shower.
She told me not to come in here, but I heard noises and I had to make sure he wasn

t hurting you.

Aww, that

s so sweet.

t it Xavier?


s eyes narrowed.

m watching you.

He warned and sat himself in my lap.
Aunt Juliet, what do you want for lunch?

Is this your way of saying you

re hungry?

Maverick nodded with a toothy grin on his face.

Tell you what, you go figure out what you want and I

ll be there in just a minute.

Maverick hopped down and was out of the room a moment later.

You alright?

I asked as I turned to Xavier.


I know how hard he can hit.


m fine.

Are you sure?

Xavier grumbled.

Aww, you
’re pouting.

I am not.

Xavier snapped.

Aww, it

s cute.

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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