Read Royal Pain in the Ass Online

Authors: Heather Trudy

Royal Pain in the Ass (57 page)

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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Xavier let out a snort.

Aww, come here.
Xavier glanced out the corner of his eye at me.

Come here.

I whispered and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Xavier rolled his eyes and was about to say something when we were once again interrupted.

Aunt Juliet!
Are you coming?

Maverick asked, he was standing at the door, his arms crossed.

Coming Maverick.

I laughed.
Come on,

I pulled Xavier out with me.

I made Maverick a grilled cheese and he was happy.
I just sat on the couch with Xavier and turned on the tv.
It was nice just cuddling.
It wasn

t long before Amanda was finished.
After we told her what Maverick decided to do, she decided it was a Mommy mental health day, so she took Maverick to her parents house, leaving the house to Xavier and myself.
We just spent the day together.
We snuggled on the couch watching old movies.
Xavier thought my love of outdated classics was hilarious.

Stop laughing, they

re scary not funny.

I pouted.

That is supposed to be realistic?

It was when it was made.
It was downright terrifying.

Xavier burst out in another spurt of laughter.
That is terrifying?

s about as scary as a bad haircut.

Hey, those can be terrifying, too.

Juliet, you

re ridiculous.”

We laughed and joked, made out, and tickled one another and it all just felt natural.
I wasn

t sure what I was feeling, but I wasn
’t questioning it.
It felt natural and I felt happy.
That evening I called England.
I called Angelica

s cell phone first.


Hey Angie, how

s it going?


m alright, are you?
Dad wouldn

t tell me what happened exactly and Mum wants to pretend you don

t even exist anymore.

Yeah, that sounded like Millie to me.
Well, I

m alive and well.

t worry about me.


t worry about you?
Last time I saw you, you were lying unconscious in a hospital bed fighting for your life!
Of course I

m going to worry about you.
I told the police what Chase did.
How could you have ever been with someone like him?

“Angie, I

m not having this conversation, least of all over the phone.

Juliet, I

m worried about you.


t be. 
Do you know if James is working?


s in the study, but I

m pretty sure he

s just hiding from Mum.

Would you mind going and getting him?

Only if you promise to be careful.

Sure thing.

I mean it.

Yeah, yeah.

Juliet, if I ever have to watch what happened to you again, I will kill you myself.

Oooh, us crazy Americans have tainted you a little bit.

I teased.


I understand.

I replied, my tone sobered.
I am being more careful.
  I promise.”

You better, here

s Dad.”


“Hey James.”


The one and only.

How are you?

Well enough.
How about you?


m fine, when are you coming home?

I am home, James.

Juliet, Angelica told me what happened.
You need to come home.

James, I appreciate it, but I am home.

Juliet, you need to be around people who care about you.

There are people here who care about me.
I have a life here.

James sighed.

re your mother

s daughter; you

re going to do whatever you want anyway.

Pretty much,


m worried for your safety.


m fine, I just wanted to call and tell you I was fine.

James sighed.
Juliet, I

ve only just found you, I don

t want to lose you.
I regret losing your mother every day.
I won

t lose you too.

James, I don’
t feel like having this conversation.


No James, either we talk about something else or this conversation is over.

I heard James sigh and knew that was over.
Very well, what are you planning to do?

What do you mean?

What are you planning to do then?
If you don

t intend to come back you must have some idea what you are going to be doing over there.

James, I have to go.

I hung up and shook my head.


I turned and saw Xavier, looking concerned.

s wrong?


s nothing important.
Xavier pulled me into a hug and I pulled away.
He didn

t stop me.

s nothing. Really.

If you say so.

Xavier sighed.
Well, what would you like to do?

I think that I want to have some fun.

Xavier raised an eyebrow.
Oh really?
And how do you want to do that?


re going to catch your death out here!

Xavier shouted chasing me down to the beach, the bottle of schnapps still in my hand.

I smiled.

s an old wives tale!
You can

t get sick from the cold.
The only thing you can really get is hypothermia or frostbite and it

s not cold enough for that.

I shouted back as I ran across the dock.
  “Hurry Xavier!”
I ran to the lifeguard stand and climbed up.


t fall.  Be careful.” 
He called chasing after me.


I asked as I looked back.
Oh shit!

I lost my grip and landed in the sand.
I started laughing hysterically.

Juliet, are you alright?

Xavier asked, his voice slightly slurred but concern etched in it.

“Yeah!  I

m as peachy as my schnapps.

I smiled up at him and took another swig.

I think you

ve had enough.

I took another long swig.

m not sure I know what that word means.

You are drunk.

I know!

I burst out laughing.

The stars are so pretty.

Yes, yes, they are.

Xavier, come down to my level.

Excuse me?

Give me your hand.

Xavier extended his hand and I yanked him down and started laughing as he landed beside me.
  “Ow,” Xavier groaned.

Aww, I didn

t mean to hurt you.
I rolled over on top of him and kissed him.
I just wanted to do that.

You can do that any time.

Xavier smiled as he kissed me back.
I rolled off of him and cuddled next to him staring at the clear night sky for I don

t know how long.
It was awesome.
Then I had a fantastic idea.

“Oh my god!”


I have a great idea.


s that?


s go swimming!”

Juliet, it

s too cold to go swimming.

I jumped to my feet and pulled my shirt over my head.

s go.” 
I called as I started pulling off my jeans.


Xavier hissed.
Put your clothes back on.
I pulled off the rest and ran into the water.

Come and get me!

I laughed as I crashed into the waves.
It wasn

t long before Xavier joined me.

BOOK: Royal Pain in the Ass
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